1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 *
7 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 * limitations under the License.
14 */
15 #include <map>
17 #include "ecmascript/stackmap/ark_stackmap_builder.h"
18 #include "ecmascript/compiler/aot_file/aot_file_manager.h"
19 #include "ecmascript/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
20 #include "ecmascript/stackmap/ark_stackmap_parser.h"
21 #include "ecmascript/stackmap/llvm_stackmap_parser.h"
22 #include "ecmascript/stackmap/litecg_stackmap_type.h"
24 namespace panda::ecmascript::kungfu {
WriteBuffer(const uint8_t * src,uint32_t count,bool flag)25 void BinaryBufferWriter::WriteBuffer(const uint8_t *src, uint32_t count, bool flag)
26 {
27 uint8_t *dst = buffer_ + offset_;
28 if (flag) {
29 std::cout << "buffer_:0x" << std::hex << buffer_ << " offset_:0x" << offset_ << std::endl;
30 }
31 if (dst >= buffer_ && dst + count <= buffer_ + length_) {
32 if (memcpy_s(dst, buffer_ + length_ - dst, src, count) != EOK) {
33 LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "memcpy_s failed";
34 return;
35 };
36 offset_ = offset_ + count;
37 } else {
38 LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "parse buffer error, length is 0 or overflow";
39 }
40 }
Dump(const StackMapDumper & dumpInfo) const42 void ArkStackMapBuilder::Dump(const StackMapDumper& dumpInfo) const
43 {
44 LOG_COMPILER(INFO) << "total callsite num: " << dumpInfo.callsiteNum
45 << ", total ark stack map num: " << dumpInfo.stackmapNum
46 << ", total deopt num: " << dumpInfo.deoptNum;
47 double callsiteHeadsSize = static_cast<double>(dumpInfo.callsiteHeadSize);
48 double stackMapsSize = static_cast<double>(dumpInfo.arkStackMapSize);
49 double deoptsSize = static_cast<double>(dumpInfo.deoptSize);
50 LOG_COMPILER(INFO) << "total callsite head size: "
51 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(DECIMAL_LENS)
52 << (callsiteHeadsSize / 1_KB) << "KB, total stackmap size: "
53 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(DECIMAL_LENS)
54 << (stackMapsSize / 1_KB) << "KB, total deopt size: "
55 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(DECIMAL_LENS)
56 << (deoptsSize / 1_KB) << "KB";
57 }
Run(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> stackMapAddr,uintptr_t hostCodeSectionAddr,Triple triple)59 std::pair<std::shared_ptr<uint8_t>, uint32_t> ArkStackMapBuilder::Run(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t []> stackMapAddr,
60 uintptr_t hostCodeSectionAddr, Triple triple)
61 {
62 LLVMStackMapInfo stackMapInfo;
63 LLVMStackMapParser parser(stackMapInfo);
64 auto result = parser.CalculateStackMap(std::move(stackMapAddr), hostCodeSectionAddr, 0);
65 if (!result) {
66 LOG_ECMA(FATAL) << "this branch is unreachable";
68 }
69 std::pair<std::shared_ptr<uint8_t>, uint32_t> info = GenerateArkStackMap(stackMapInfo, triple);
70 return info;
71 }
Collect(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> stackMapAddr,uintptr_t hostCodeSectionAddr,uintptr_t hostCodeSectionOffset,CGStackMapInfo & stackMapInfo)73 void ArkStackMapBuilder::Collect(
74 std::unique_ptr<uint8_t []> stackMapAddr,
75 uintptr_t hostCodeSectionAddr,
76 uintptr_t hostCodeSectionOffset,
77 CGStackMapInfo &stackMapInfo)
78 {
79 LLVMStackMapInfo &llvmStackMapInfo = static_cast<LLVMStackMapInfo&>(stackMapInfo);
80 LLVMStackMapParser parser(llvmStackMapInfo);
81 auto result = parser.CalculateStackMap(std::move(stackMapAddr), hostCodeSectionAddr, hostCodeSectionOffset);
82 if (!result) {
83 LOG_ECMA(FATAL) << "this branch is unreachable";
85 }
86 }
GenerateArkStackMap(CGStackMapInfo & stackMapInfo,Triple triple)88 std::pair<std::shared_ptr<uint8_t>, uint32_t> ArkStackMapBuilder::GenerateArkStackMap(
89 CGStackMapInfo &stackMapInfo, Triple triple)
90 {
91 ARKCallsiteAOTFileInfo AOTFileInfo;
92 GenArkCallsiteAOTFileInfo(stackMapInfo, AOTFileInfo, triple);
93 uint32_t secSize = AOTFileInfo.secHead.secSize;
94 uint8_t *p = new(std::nothrow) uint8_t[secSize];
95 if (p == nullptr) {
96 LOG_FULL(FATAL) << "new secSize:0x" << std::hex << secSize << " failed";
97 }
98 std::shared_ptr<uint8_t> ptr(p, [](uint8_t *p) { delete []p;});
99 SaveArkCallsiteAOTFileInfo(ptr.get(), secSize, AOTFileInfo, triple);
100 if (traceStackMap_) {
101 Dump(dumper_);
102 }
103 return std::make_pair(ptr, secSize);
104 }
SaveArkStackMap(const ARKCallsiteAOTFileInfo & info,BinaryBufferWriter & writer,Triple triple)106 void ArkStackMapBuilder::SaveArkStackMap(const ARKCallsiteAOTFileInfo& info, BinaryBufferWriter& writer, Triple triple)
107 {
108 size_t n = info.callsites.size();
109 for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
110 auto &callSite = info.callsites.at(i);
111 LLVMStackMapType::CallSiteInfo stackmaps = callSite.stackmaps;
112 size_t m = stackmaps.size();
113 for (size_t j = 0; j < m; j++) {
114 auto &stackmap = stackmaps.at(j);
115 LLVMStackMapType::DwarfRegType reg = stackmap.first;
116 LLVMStackMapType::OffsetType offset = stackmap.second;
117 if (j == 0) {
118 ASSERT(callSite.head.stackmapOffsetInSMSec == writer.GetOffset());
119 }
120 std::vector<uint8_t> regOffset;
121 size_t regOffsetSize = 0;
122 LLVMStackMapType::EncodeRegAndOffset(regOffset, regOffsetSize, reg, offset, triple);
123 writer.WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(regOffset.data()), regOffset.size());
124 dumper_.arkStackMapSize += regOffsetSize;
125 if (j == m - 1) {
126 ASSERT((callSite.head.stackmapOffsetInSMSec + callSite.CalStackMapSize(triple)) == writer.GetOffset());
127 }
128 }
129 }
130 writer.AlignOffset();
131 }
SaveArkDeopt(const ARKCallsiteAOTFileInfo & info,BinaryBufferWriter & writer,Triple triple)133 void ArkStackMapBuilder::SaveArkDeopt(const ARKCallsiteAOTFileInfo& info, BinaryBufferWriter& writer, Triple triple)
134 {
135 for (auto &it: info.callsites) {
136 auto& callsite2Deopt = it.callsite2Deopt;
137 size_t m = callsite2Deopt.size();
138 for (size_t j = 0; j < m; j++) {
139 auto &deopt = callsite2Deopt.at(j);
140 if (j == 0) {
141 ASSERT(it.head.deoptOffset == writer.GetOffset());
142 }
143 std::vector<uint8_t> vregsInfo;
144 size_t vregsInfoSize = 0;
145 LLVMStackMapType::EncodeVRegsInfo(vregsInfo, vregsInfoSize, deopt.id, deopt.kind);
146 writer.WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(vregsInfo.data()), vregsInfoSize);
147 dumper_.deoptSize += vregsInfoSize;
148 auto& value = deopt.value;
149 if (std::holds_alternative<LLVMStackMapType::IntType>(value)) {
150 LLVMStackMapType::IntType v = std::get<LLVMStackMapType::IntType>(value);
151 std::vector<uint8_t> num;
152 size_t numSize = 0;
153 LLVMStackMapType::EncodeData(num, numSize, v);
154 writer.WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(num.data()), numSize);
155 dumper_.deoptSize += numSize;
156 } else if (std::holds_alternative<LLVMStackMapType::LargeInt>(value)) {
157 LLVMStackMapType::LargeInt v = std::get<LLVMStackMapType::LargeInt>(value);
158 std::vector<uint8_t> num;
159 size_t numSize = 0;
160 LLVMStackMapType::EncodeData(num, numSize, v);
161 writer.WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(num.data()), numSize);
162 dumper_.deoptSize += numSize;
163 } else if (std::holds_alternative<LLVMStackMapType::DwarfRegAndOffsetType>(value)) {
164 LLVMStackMapType::DwarfRegAndOffsetType v = std::get<LLVMStackMapType::DwarfRegAndOffsetType>(value);
165 std::vector<uint8_t> regOffset;
166 size_t regOffsetSize = 0;
167 LLVMStackMapType::EncodeRegAndOffset(regOffset, regOffsetSize, v.first, v.second, triple);
168 writer.WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(regOffset.data()), regOffset.size());
169 dumper_.arkStackMapSize += regOffsetSize;
170 } else {
171 LOG_ECMA(FATAL) << "this branch is unreachable";
173 }
174 }
175 }
176 }
SaveArkCallsiteAOTFileInfo(uint8_t * ptr,uint32_t length,const ARKCallsiteAOTFileInfo & info,Triple triple)178 void ArkStackMapBuilder::SaveArkCallsiteAOTFileInfo(uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t length,
179 const ARKCallsiteAOTFileInfo& info, Triple triple)
180 {
181 BinaryBufferWriter writer(ptr, length);
182 ASSERT(length >= info.secHead.secSize);
183 writer.WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&(info.secHead)), sizeof(ArkStackMapHeader));
184 dumper_.callsiteHeadSize += sizeof(ArkStackMapHeader);
185 for (auto &it: info.callsites) {
186 writer.WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&(it.head)), sizeof(CallsiteHeader));
187 dumper_.callsiteHeadSize += sizeof(CallsiteHeader);
188 }
189 SaveArkStackMap(info, writer, triple);
190 SaveArkDeopt(info, writer, triple);
191 #ifndef NDEBUG
192 ArkStackMapParser parser;
193 parser.ParseArkStackMapAndDeopt(ptr, length);
194 #endif
195 }
197 template <class Vec>
SortCallSite(const std::vector<std::unordered_map<uintptr_t,Vec>> & infos,std::vector<std::pair<uintptr_t,Vec>> & result)198 void ArkStackMapBuilder::SortCallSite(
199 const std::vector<std::unordered_map<uintptr_t, Vec>> &infos,
200 std::vector<std::pair<uintptr_t, Vec>>& result)
201 {
202 for (auto &info: infos) {
203 for (auto &it: info) {
204 result.emplace_back(it);
205 }
206 }
207 std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(),
208 [](const std::pair<uintptr_t, Vec> &x, const std::pair<uintptr_t, Vec> &y) {
209 return x.first < y.first;
210 });
211 }
CalcCallsitePc(std::vector<std::pair<uintptr_t,LLVMStackMapType::DeoptInfoType>> & pc2Deopt,std::vector<std::pair<uintptr_t,LLVMStackMapType::CallSiteInfo>> & pc2StackMap,std::vector<intptr_t> & callsitePcs)213 void ArkStackMapBuilder::CalcCallsitePc(std::vector<std::pair<uintptr_t, LLVMStackMapType::DeoptInfoType>> &pc2Deopt,
214 std::vector<std::pair<uintptr_t, LLVMStackMapType::CallSiteInfo>> &pc2StackMap, std::vector<intptr_t> &callsitePcs)
215 {
216 std::set<uintptr_t> pcSet;
217 for (auto &it: pc2Deopt) {
218 pcSet.insert(it.first);
219 }
220 for (auto &it: pc2StackMap) {
221 pcSet.insert(it.first);
222 }
223 callsitePcs.assign(pcSet.begin(), pcSet.end());
224 }
FindLoc(std::vector<intptr_t> & CallsitePcs,intptr_t pc)226 int ArkStackMapBuilder::FindLoc(std::vector<intptr_t> &CallsitePcs, intptr_t pc)
227 {
228 for (size_t i = 0; i < CallsitePcs.size(); i++) {
229 if (CallsitePcs[i] == pc) {
230 return i;
231 }
232 }
233 return -1;
234 }
GenARKDeopt(const LLVMStackMapType::DeoptInfoType & deopt,std::pair<uint32_t,std::vector<ARKDeopt>> & sizeAndArkDeopt,Triple triple)236 void ArkStackMapBuilder::GenARKDeopt(const LLVMStackMapType::DeoptInfoType& deopt, std::pair<uint32_t,
237 std::vector<ARKDeopt>> &sizeAndArkDeopt, Triple triple)
238 {
239 ASSERT(deopt.size() % DEOPT_ENTRY_SIZE == 0); // 2:<id, value>
240 uint32_t total = 0;
241 ARKDeopt v;
242 for (size_t i = 0; i < deopt.size(); i += 2) { // 2:<id, value>
243 ASSERT(std::holds_alternative<LLVMStackMapType::IntType>(deopt[i]));
244 LLVMStackMapType::VRegId id = static_cast<LLVMStackMapType::VRegId>(
245 std::get<LLVMStackMapType::IntType>(deopt[i]));
246 v.id = id;
247 auto value = deopt[i + 1];
248 if (std::holds_alternative<LLVMStackMapType::IntType>(value)) {
249 v.kind = LocationTy::Kind::CONSTANT;
250 v.value = std::get<LLVMStackMapType::IntType>(value);
251 std::vector<uint8_t> vregsInfo;
252 size_t vregsInfoSize = 0;
253 LLVMStackMapType::EncodeVRegsInfo(vregsInfo, vregsInfoSize, v.id, v.kind);
254 size_t valueSize = panda::leb128::SignedEncodingSize(std::get<LLVMStackMapType::IntType>(value));
255 total += (vregsInfoSize + valueSize);
256 } else if (std::holds_alternative<LLVMStackMapType::LargeInt>(value)) {
257 v.kind = LocationTy::Kind::CONSTANTNDEX;
258 v.value = std::get<LLVMStackMapType::LargeInt>(value);
259 std::vector<uint8_t> vregsInfo;
260 size_t vregsInfoSize = 0;
261 LLVMStackMapType::EncodeVRegsInfo(vregsInfo, vregsInfoSize, v.id, v.kind);
262 size_t valueSize = panda::leb128::SignedEncodingSize(std::get<LLVMStackMapType::LargeInt>(value));
263 total += (vregsInfoSize + valueSize);
264 } else if (std::holds_alternative<LLVMStackMapType::DwarfRegAndOffsetType>(value)) {
265 v.kind = LocationTy::Kind::INDIRECT;
266 v.value = std::get<LLVMStackMapType::DwarfRegAndOffsetType>(value);
267 std::vector<uint8_t> vregsInfo;
268 size_t vregsInfoSize = 0;
269 LLVMStackMapType::EncodeVRegsInfo(vregsInfo, vregsInfoSize, v.id, v.kind);
270 LLVMStackMapType::DwarfRegType reg = std::get<LLVMStackMapType::DwarfRegAndOffsetType>(value).first;
271 LLVMStackMapType::OffsetType offset = std::get<LLVMStackMapType::DwarfRegAndOffsetType>(value).second;
272 std::vector<uint8_t> regOffset;
273 size_t regOffsetSize = 0;
274 LLVMStackMapType::EncodeRegAndOffset(regOffset, regOffsetSize, reg, offset, triple);
275 total += (vregsInfoSize + regOffsetSize);
276 } else {
277 LOG_ECMA(FATAL) << "this branch is unreachable";
279 }
280 sizeAndArkDeopt.second.emplace_back(v);
281 }
282 std::sort(sizeAndArkDeopt.second.begin(), sizeAndArkDeopt.second.end(),
283 [](const ARKDeopt &a, const ARKDeopt &b) {
284 return a.id < b.id;
285 });
286 sizeAndArkDeopt.first = total;
287 }
GenArkCallsiteAOTFileInfo(const CGStackMapInfo & stackMapInfo,ARKCallsiteAOTFileInfo & result,Triple triple)289 void ArkStackMapBuilder::GenArkCallsiteAOTFileInfo(const CGStackMapInfo &stackMapInfo,
290 ARKCallsiteAOTFileInfo &result, Triple triple)
291 {
292 std::vector<std::pair<uintptr_t, LLVMStackMapType::CallSiteInfo>> pc2StackMaps;
293 std::vector<std::pair<uintptr_t, LLVMStackMapType::DeoptInfoType>> pc2Deopts;
294 if (stackMapInfo.GetStackMapKind() == CGStackMapInfo::kLiteCGStackMapInfo) {
295 std::vector<LLVMStackMapType::Pc2CallSiteInfo> pc2StackMapsVec;
296 std::vector<LLVMStackMapType::Pc2Deopt> pc2DeoptInfoVec;
297 const auto &liteCGStackMapInfo = static_cast<const LiteCGStackMapInfo&>(stackMapInfo);
298 liteCGStackMapInfo.ConvertToLLVMStackMapInfo(pc2StackMapsVec, pc2DeoptInfoVec, triple);
299 SortCallSite(pc2StackMapsVec, pc2StackMaps);
300 SortCallSite(pc2DeoptInfoVec, pc2Deopts);
301 } else {
302 const auto &llvmStackMapInfo = static_cast<const LLVMStackMapInfo&>(stackMapInfo);
303 SortCallSite(llvmStackMapInfo.GetCallSiteInfoVec(), pc2StackMaps);
304 SortCallSite(llvmStackMapInfo.GetDeoptInfoVec(), pc2Deopts);
305 }
306 ARKCallsite callsite;
307 uint32_t secSize = 0;
309 std::vector<intptr_t> CallsitePcs;
311 CalcCallsitePc(pc2Deopts, pc2StackMaps, CallsitePcs);
312 uint32_t callsiteNum = CallsitePcs.size();
313 dumper_.callsiteNum = callsiteNum;
314 result.callsites.resize(callsiteNum);
315 uint32_t stackmapOffset = sizeof(ArkStackMapHeader) + sizeof(CallsiteHeader) * callsiteNum;
316 for (auto &x: pc2StackMaps) {
317 LLVMStackMapType::CallSiteInfo i = x.second;
318 callsite.head.calliteOffsetInTxtSec = x.first;
319 ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::min() <= i.size() && i.size() <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max());
320 callsite.head.stackmapNum = i.size();
321 callsite.head.stackmapOffsetInSMSec = stackmapOffset;
322 callsite.head.deoptOffset = 0;
323 callsite.head.deoptNum = 0;
324 callsite.stackmaps = i;
325 stackmapOffset += callsite.CalStackMapSize(triple);
326 int loc = FindLoc(CallsitePcs, x.first);
327 ASSERT(loc >= 0 && loc < static_cast<int>(callsiteNum));
328 result.callsites[static_cast<uint32_t>(loc)] = callsite;
329 dumper_.stackmapNum += i.size();
330 }
331 stackmapOffset = AlignUp(stackmapOffset, LLVMStackMapType::STACKMAP_ALIGN_BYTES);
332 secSize = stackmapOffset;
333 for (auto &x: pc2Deopts) {
334 int loc = FindLoc(CallsitePcs, x.first);
335 ASSERT(loc >= 0 && loc < static_cast<int>(callsiteNum));
336 LLVMStackMapType::DeoptInfoType deopt = x.second;
337 result.callsites[static_cast<uint32_t>(loc)].head.calliteOffsetInTxtSec = x.first;
338 ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::min() <= deopt.size()
339 && deopt.size() <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max());
340 result.callsites[static_cast<uint32_t>(loc)].head.deoptNum = deopt.size();
341 result.callsites[static_cast<uint32_t>(loc)].head.deoptOffset = secSize;
342 std::pair<uint32_t, std::vector<ARKDeopt>> sizeAndArkDeopt;
343 GenARKDeopt(deopt, sizeAndArkDeopt, triple);
344 secSize += sizeAndArkDeopt.first;
345 result.callsites[static_cast<uint32_t>(loc)].callsite2Deopt = sizeAndArkDeopt.second;
346 dumper_.deoptNum += deopt.size();
347 }
348 result.secHead.callsiteNum = callsiteNum;
349 result.secHead.secSize = secSize;
350 }
351 } // namespace panda::ecmascript::kungfu