1# Chromium 2## Introduction 31. Chromium is an open-source web browser principally developed by Google and from which Google Chrome draws its source code. It is released under the BSD license and other permissive open-source licenses, aiming to build a safer, faster and more stable way to experience the Internet. 42. OpenHarmony nweb is built on Chromium. 5## Software Architecture 6Below is the software architecture. 7![](figures/Web-architecture.png "web-architecture") 8* Webview component: UI component in OpenHarmony. 9* nweb: native engine of the OpenHarmony web component, which is built based on the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF). 10* CEF: stands for Chromium Embedded Framework. It is an open-source project based on Google Chromium. 11* Chromium: an open-source web browser principally developed by Google and released under the BSD license and other permissive open-source licenses. 12## Directory Structure 13``` 14. 15└── patch # patch directory customized for Chromium and used to build nwebview 16``` 17## Usage 181. Run **./init_chromium.sh** to initialize the source code. 19* Download the Google tool set depot_tools. 20* Obtain the Chromium source code and download the third-party libraries on which Chromium depends. 21* Based on the source code, add nweb build modifications, including adding CEF code, adapting OpenHarmony compilation and build, nweb build source code, Chromium vulnerability patching, and nweb bug fixes. 22* *Note 1: For details about the CEF, visit [third_party_cef](https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_cef)*. 232. Compile the OpenHarmony image of the RK3568 platform in full mode. When the compilation is successful, perform step 3 to compile the nweb component in OpenHarmony. 24* *Note 2: For details about how to build the OpenHarmony image of the RK3568 platform, see [RK3568 Build Guidelines](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/zh-cn/device-dev/quick-start/quickstart-standard-running-rk3568-build.md).* 253. Run **./build.sh rk3568** to build the source code. 264. Use DevEco Studio to package the build target into **NWeb.hap**, and run **hdc_std install NWeb.hap** to install **NWeb.hap** on RK3568. To download DevEco Studio, visit https://hmxt.org/deveco-studio. 27## Repositories Involved 28[ace_ace_engine](https://gitee.com/openharmony/ace_ace_engine) 29 30[third_party_cef](https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_cef) 31 32[web_webview](https://gitee.com/openharmony/web_webview) 33 34**[third_party_chromium](https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_chromium)** 35