1# - Try to find libnghttp3 2# Once done this will define 3# LIBNGHTTP3_FOUND - System has libnghttp3 4# LIBNGHTTP3_INCLUDE_DIRS - The libnghttp3 include directories 5# LIBNGHTTP3_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use libnghttp3 6 7find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) 8pkg_check_modules(PC_LIBNGHTTP3 QUIET libnghttp3) 9 10find_path(LIBNGHTTP3_INCLUDE_DIR 11 NAMES nghttp3/nghttp3.h 12 HINTS ${PC_LIBNGHTTP3_INCLUDE_DIRS} 13) 14find_library(LIBNGHTTP3_LIBRARY 15 NAMES nghttp3 16 HINTS ${PC_LIBNGHTTP3_LIBRARY_DIRS} 17) 18 19if(LIBNGHTTP3_INCLUDE_DIR) 20 set(_version_regex "^#define[ \t]+NGHTTP3_VERSION[ \t]+\"([^\"]+)\".*") 21 file(STRINGS "${LIBNGHTTP3_INCLUDE_DIR}/nghttp3/version.h" 22 LIBNGHTTP3_VERSION REGEX "${_version_regex}") 23 string(REGEX REPLACE "${_version_regex}" "\\1" 24 LIBNGHTTP3_VERSION "${LIBNGHTTP3_VERSION}") 25 unset(_version_regex) 26endif() 27 28include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) 29# handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set LIBNGHTTP3_FOUND 30# to TRUE if all listed variables are TRUE and the requested version 31# matches. 32find_package_handle_standard_args(Libnghttp3 REQUIRED_VARS 33 LIBNGHTTP3_LIBRARY LIBNGHTTP3_INCLUDE_DIR 34 VERSION_VAR LIBNGHTTP3_VERSION) 35 36if(LIBNGHTTP3_FOUND) 37 set(LIBNGHTTP3_LIBRARIES ${LIBNGHTTP3_LIBRARY}) 38 set(LIBNGHTTP3_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBNGHTTP3_INCLUDE_DIR}) 39endif() 40 41mark_as_advanced(LIBNGHTTP3_INCLUDE_DIR LIBNGHTTP3_LIBRARY) 42