1@if not defined DEBUG_HELPER @ECHO OFF 2 3:: Other scripts rely on the environment variables set in this script, so we 4:: explicitly allow them to persist in the calling shell. 5endlocal 6 7if /i "%1"=="help" goto help 8if /i "%1"=="--help" goto help 9if /i "%1"=="-help" goto help 10if /i "%1"=="/help" goto help 11if /i "%1"=="?" goto help 12if /i "%1"=="-?" goto help 13if /i "%1"=="--?" goto help 14if /i "%1"=="/?" goto help 15 16cd %~dp0 17 18set JS_SUITES=default 19set NATIVE_SUITES=addons js-native-api node-api 20@rem CI_* variables should be kept synchronized with the ones in Makefile 21set "CI_NATIVE_SUITES=%NATIVE_SUITES% benchmark" 22set "CI_JS_SUITES=%JS_SUITES% pummel" 23set CI_DOC=doctool 24@rem Same as the test-ci target in Makefile 25set "common_test_suites=%JS_SUITES% %NATIVE_SUITES%&set build_addons=1&set build_js_native_api_tests=1&set build_node_api_tests=1" 26 27@rem Process arguments. 28set config=Release 29set target=Build 30set target_arch=x64 31set ltcg= 32set target_env= 33set noprojgen= 34set projgen= 35set nobuild= 36set sign= 37set nosnapshot= 38set nonpm= 39set nocorepack= 40set cctest_args= 41set test_args= 42set stage_package= 43set package= 44set msi= 45set upload= 46set licensertf= 47set lint_js= 48set lint_cpp= 49set lint_md= 50set lint_md_build= 51set noetw= 52set noetw_msi_arg= 53set i18n_arg= 54set download_arg= 55set build_release= 56set configure_flags= 57set enable_vtune_arg= 58set build_addons= 59set dll= 60set enable_static= 61set build_js_native_api_tests= 62set build_node_api_tests= 63set test_node_inspect= 64set test_check_deopts= 65set v8_test_options= 66set v8_build_options= 67set http2_debug= 68set nghttp2_debug= 69set link_module= 70set no_cctest= 71set cctest= 72set openssl_no_asm= 73set no_shared_roheap= 74set doc= 75set extra_msbuild_args= 76set exit_code=0 77 78:next-arg 79if "%1"=="" goto args-done 80if /i "%1"=="debug" set config=Debug&goto arg-ok 81if /i "%1"=="release" set config=Release&set ltcg=1&set cctest=1&goto arg-ok 82if /i "%1"=="clean" set target=Clean&goto arg-ok 83if /i "%1"=="testclean" set target=TestClean&goto arg-ok 84if /i "%1"=="ia32" set target_arch=x86&goto arg-ok 85if /i "%1"=="x86" set target_arch=x86&goto arg-ok 86if /i "%1"=="x64" set target_arch=x64&goto arg-ok 87if /i "%1"=="arm64" set target_arch=arm64&goto arg-ok 88if /i "%1"=="vs2019" set target_env=vs2019&goto arg-ok 89if /i "%1"=="vs2022" set target_env=vs2022&goto arg-ok 90if /i "%1"=="noprojgen" set noprojgen=1&goto arg-ok 91if /i "%1"=="projgen" set projgen=1&goto arg-ok 92if /i "%1"=="nobuild" set nobuild=1&goto arg-ok 93if /i "%1"=="nosign" set "sign="&echo Note: vcbuild no longer signs by default. "nosign" is redundant.&goto arg-ok 94if /i "%1"=="sign" set sign=1&goto arg-ok 95if /i "%1"=="nosnapshot" set nosnapshot=1&goto arg-ok 96if /i "%1"=="nonpm" set nonpm=1&goto arg-ok 97if /i "%1"=="nocorepack" set nocorepack=1&goto arg-ok 98if /i "%1"=="noetw" set noetw=1&goto arg-ok 99if /i "%1"=="ltcg" set ltcg=1&goto arg-ok 100if /i "%1"=="licensertf" set licensertf=1&goto arg-ok 101if /i "%1"=="test" set test_args=%test_args% %common_test_suites%&set lint_cpp=1&set lint_js=1&set lint_md=1&goto arg-ok 102if /i "%1"=="test-ci-native" set test_args=%test_args% %test_ci_args% -p tap --logfile test.tap %CI_NATIVE_SUITES% %CI_DOC%&set build_addons=1&set build_js_native_api_tests=1&set build_node_api_tests=1&set cctest_args=%cctest_args% --gtest_output=xml:cctest.junit.xml&goto arg-ok 103if /i "%1"=="test-ci-js" set test_args=%test_args% %test_ci_args% -p tap --logfile test.tap %CI_JS_SUITES%&set no_cctest=1&goto arg-ok 104if /i "%1"=="build-addons" set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok 105if /i "%1"=="build-js-native-api-tests" set build_js_native_api_tests=1&goto arg-ok 106if /i "%1"=="build-node-api-tests" set build_node_api_tests=1&goto arg-ok 107if /i "%1"=="test-addons" set test_args=%test_args% addons&set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok 108if /i "%1"=="test-doc" set test_args=%test_args% %CI_DOC%&set doc=1&&set lint_js=1&set lint_md=1&goto arg-ok 109if /i "%1"=="test-js-native-api" set test_args=%test_args% js-native-api&set build_js_native_api_tests=1&goto arg-ok 110if /i "%1"=="test-node-api" set test_args=%test_args% node-api&set build_node_api_tests=1&goto arg-ok 111if /i "%1"=="test-benchmark" set test_args=%test_args% benchmark&goto arg-ok 112if /i "%1"=="test-simple" set test_args=%test_args% sequential parallel&goto arg-ok 113if /i "%1"=="test-message" set test_args=%test_args% message&goto arg-ok 114if /i "%1"=="test-tick-processor" set test_args=%test_args% tick-processor&goto arg-ok 115if /i "%1"=="test-internet" set test_args=%test_args% internet&goto arg-ok 116if /i "%1"=="test-pummel" set test_args=%test_args% pummel&goto arg-ok 117if /i "%1"=="test-known-issues" set test_args=%test_args% known_issues&goto arg-ok 118if /i "%1"=="test-async-hooks" set test_args=%test_args% async-hooks&goto arg-ok 119if /i "%1"=="test-all" set test_args=%test_args% gc internet pummel %common_test_suites%&set lint_cpp=1&set lint_js=1&goto arg-ok 120if /i "%1"=="test-node-inspect" set test_node_inspect=1&goto arg-ok 121if /i "%1"=="test-check-deopts" set test_check_deopts=1&goto arg-ok 122if /i "%1"=="test-npm" set test_npm=1&goto arg-ok 123if /i "%1"=="test-v8" set test_v8=1&set custom_v8_test=1&goto arg-ok 124if /i "%1"=="test-v8-intl" set test_v8_intl=1&set custom_v8_test=1&goto arg-ok 125if /i "%1"=="test-v8-benchmarks" set test_v8_benchmarks=1&set custom_v8_test=1&goto arg-ok 126if /i "%1"=="test-v8-all" set test_v8=1&set test_v8_intl=1&set test_v8_benchmarks=1&set custom_v8_test=1&goto arg-ok 127if /i "%1"=="lint-cpp" set lint_cpp=1&goto arg-ok 128if /i "%1"=="lint-js" set lint_js=1&goto arg-ok 129if /i "%1"=="jslint" set lint_js=1&echo Please use lint-js instead of jslint&goto arg-ok 130if /i "%1"=="lint-md" set lint_md=1&goto arg-ok 131if /i "%1"=="lint-md-build" set lint_md_build=1&goto arg-ok 132if /i "%1"=="lint" set lint_cpp=1&set lint_js=1&set lint_md=1&goto arg-ok 133if /i "%1"=="lint-ci" set lint_cpp=1&set lint_js_ci=1&goto arg-ok 134if /i "%1"=="package" set package=1&goto arg-ok 135if /i "%1"=="msi" set msi=1&set licensertf=1&set download_arg="--download=all"&set i18n_arg=full-icu&goto arg-ok 136if /i "%1"=="build-release" set build_release=1&set sign=1&goto arg-ok 137if /i "%1"=="upload" set upload=1&goto arg-ok 138if /i "%1"=="small-icu" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok 139if /i "%1"=="full-icu" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok 140if /i "%1"=="intl-none" set i18n_arg=none&goto arg-ok 141if /i "%1"=="without-intl" set i18n_arg=none&goto arg-ok 142if /i "%1"=="download-all" set download_arg="--download=all"&goto arg-ok 143if /i "%1"=="ignore-flaky" set test_args=%test_args% --flaky-tests=dontcare&goto arg-ok 144if /i "%1"=="dll" set dll=1&goto arg-ok 145if /i "%1"=="enable-vtune" set enable_vtune_arg=1&goto arg-ok 146if /i "%1"=="static" set enable_static=1&goto arg-ok 147if /i "%1"=="no-NODE-OPTIONS" set no_NODE_OPTIONS=1&goto arg-ok 148if /i "%1"=="debug-nghttp2" set debug_nghttp2=1&goto arg-ok 149if /i "%1"=="link-module" set "link_module= --link-module=%2%link_module%"&goto arg-ok-2 150if /i "%1"=="no-cctest" set no_cctest=1&goto arg-ok 151if /i "%1"=="cctest" set cctest=1&goto arg-ok 152if /i "%1"=="openssl-no-asm" set openssl_no_asm=1&goto arg-ok 153if /i "%1"=="no-shared-roheap" set no_shared_roheap=1&goto arg-ok 154if /i "%1"=="doc" set doc=1&goto arg-ok 155if /i "%1"=="binlog" set extra_msbuild_args=/binaryLogger:%config%\node.binlog&goto arg-ok 156 157echo Error: invalid command line option `%1`. 158exit /b 1 159 160:arg-ok-2 161shift 162:arg-ok 163shift 164goto next-arg 165 166:args-done 167 168if defined build_release ( 169 set config=Release 170 set package=1 171 set msi=1 172 set licensertf=1 173 set download_arg="--download=all" 174 set i18n_arg=full-icu 175 set projgen=1 176 set cctest=1 177 set ltcg=1 178) 179 180if defined msi set stage_package=1 181if defined package set stage_package=1 182 183:: assign path to node_exe 184set "node_exe=%config%\node.exe" 185set "node_gyp_exe="%node_exe%" deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp" 186set "npm_exe="%~dp0%node_exe%" %~dp0deps\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" 187if "%target_env%"=="vs2019" set "node_gyp_exe=%node_gyp_exe% --msvs_version=2019" 188if "%target_env%"=="vs2022" set "node_gyp_exe=%node_gyp_exe% --msvs_version=2022" 189 190:: skip building if the only argument received was lint 191if "%*"=="lint" if exist "%node_exe%" goto lint-cpp 192 193if "%config%"=="Debug" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --debug 194if defined nosnapshot set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-snapshot 195if defined nonpm set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-npm 196if defined nocorepack set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-corepack 197if defined noetw set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-etw& set noetw_msi_arg=/p:NoETW=1 198if defined ltcg set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --with-ltcg 199if defined release_urlbase set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --release-urlbase=%release_urlbase% 200if defined download_arg set configure_flags=%configure_flags% %download_arg% 201if defined enable_vtune_arg set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --enable-vtune-profiling 202if defined dll set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --shared 203if defined enable_static set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --enable-static 204if defined no_NODE_OPTIONS set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --without-node-options 205if defined link_module set configure_flags=%configure_flags% %link_module% 206if defined i18n_arg set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --with-intl=%i18n_arg% 207if defined config_flags set configure_flags=%configure_flags% %config_flags% 208if defined target_arch set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --dest-cpu=%target_arch% 209if defined debug_nghttp2 set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --debug-nghttp2 210if defined openssl_no_asm set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --openssl-no-asm 211if defined no_shared_roheap set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --disable-shared-readonly-heap 212if defined DEBUG_HELPER set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --verbose 213if "%target_arch%"=="x86" if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --no-cross-compiling 214 215if not exist "%~dp0deps\icu" goto no-depsicu 216if "%target%"=="Clean" echo deleting %~dp0deps\icu 217if "%target%"=="Clean" rmdir /S /Q %~dp0deps\icu 218:no-depsicu 219 220if "%target%"=="TestClean" ( 221 echo deleting test/.tmp* 222 if exist "test\.tmp*" for /f %%i in ('dir /a:d /s /b test\.tmp*') do rmdir /S /Q "%%i" 223 goto exit 224) 225 226 227call tools\msvs\find_python.cmd 228if errorlevel 1 goto :exit 229 230REM NASM is only needed on IA32 and x86_64. 231if not defined openssl_no_asm if "%target_arch%" NEQ "arm64" call tools\msvs\find_nasm.cmd 232if errorlevel 1 echo Could not find NASM, install it or build with openssl-no-asm. See BUILDING.md. 233 234call :getnodeversion || exit /b 1 235 236if defined TAG set configure_flags=%configure_flags% --tag=%TAG% 237 238if not "%target%"=="Clean" goto skip-clean 239rmdir /Q /S "%~dp0%config%\%TARGET_NAME%" > nul 2> nul 240:skip-clean 241 242if defined noprojgen if defined nobuild goto :after-build 243 244@rem Set environment for msbuild 245 246set msvs_host_arch=x86 247if _%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%_==_AMD64_ set msvs_host_arch=amd64 248if _%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%_==_AMD64_ set msvs_host_arch=amd64 249if _%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%_==_ARM64_ set msvs_host_arch=arm64 250@rem usually vcvarsall takes an argument: host + '_' + target 251set vcvarsall_arg=%msvs_host_arch%_%target_arch% 252@rem unless both the host and the target are the same 253if %target_arch%==x64 if %msvs_host_arch%==amd64 set vcvarsall_arg=amd64 254if %target_arch%==%msvs_host_arch% set vcvarsall_arg=%target_arch% 255 256@rem Look for Visual Studio 2022 257:vs-set-2022 258if defined target_env if "%target_env%" NEQ "vs2022" goto vs-set-2019 259echo Looking for Visual Studio 2022 260@rem VCINSTALLDIR may be set if run from a VS Command Prompt and needs to be 261@rem cleared first as vswhere_usability_wrapper.cmd doesn't when it fails to 262@rem detect the version searched for 263if not defined target_env set "VCINSTALLDIR=" 264call tools\msvs\vswhere_usability_wrapper.cmd "[17.0,18.0)" %target_arch% "prerelease" 265if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" goto vs-set-2019 266set "WIXSDKDIR=%WIX%\SDK\VS2017" 267if defined msi ( 268 echo Looking for WiX installation for Visual Studio 2022... 269 if not exist "%WIXSDKDIR%" ( 270 echo Failed to find WiX install for Visual Studio 2022 271 echo VS2022 support for WiX is only present starting at version 3.XX 272 goto vs-set-2019 273 ) 274 if not exist "%VCINSTALLDIR%\..\MSBuild\Microsoft\WiX" ( 275 echo Failed to find the WiX Toolset Visual Studio 2022 Extension 276 goto vs-set-2019 277 ) 278) 279@rem check if VS2022 is already setup, and for the requested arch 280if "_%VisualStudioVersion%_" == "_17.0_" if "_%VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH%_"=="_%target_arch%_" goto found_vs2022 281@rem need to clear VSINSTALLDIR for vcvarsall to work as expected 282set "VSINSTALLDIR=" 283@rem prevent VsDevCmd.bat from changing the current working directory 284set "VSCMD_START_DIR=%CD%" 285set vcvars_call="%VCINSTALLDIR%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" %vcvarsall_arg% 286echo calling: %vcvars_call% 287call %vcvars_call% 288if errorlevel 1 goto vs-set-2019 289if defined DEBUG_HELPER @ECHO ON 290:found_vs2022 291echo Found MSVS version %VisualStudioVersion% 292set GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2022 293set PLATFORM_TOOLSET=v143 294goto msbuild-found 295 296@rem Look for Visual Studio 2019 297:vs-set-2019 298if defined target_env if "%target_env%" NEQ "vs2019" goto msbuild-not-found 299echo Looking for Visual Studio 2019 300@rem VCINSTALLDIR may be set if run from a VS Command Prompt and needs to be 301@rem cleared first as vswhere_usability_wrapper.cmd doesn't when it fails to 302@rem detect the version searched for 303if not defined target_env set "VCINSTALLDIR=" 304call tools\msvs\vswhere_usability_wrapper.cmd "[16.0,17.0)" %target_arch% "prerelease" 305if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" goto msbuild-not-found 306set "WIXSDKDIR=%WIX%\SDK\VS2017" 307if defined msi ( 308 echo Looking for WiX installation for Visual Studio 2019... 309 if not exist "%WIXSDKDIR%" ( 310 echo Failed to find WiX install for Visual Studio 2019 311 echo VS2019 support for WiX is only present starting at version 3.11 312 goto msbuild-not-found 313 ) 314 if not exist "%VCINSTALLDIR%\..\MSBuild\Microsoft\WiX" ( 315 echo Failed to find the WiX Toolset Visual Studio 2019 Extension 316 goto msbuild-not-found 317 ) 318) 319@rem check if VS2019 is already setup, and for the requested arch 320if "_%VisualStudioVersion%_" == "_16.0_" if "_%VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH%_"=="_%target_arch%_" goto found_vs2019 321@rem need to clear VSINSTALLDIR for vcvarsall to work as expected 322set "VSINSTALLDIR=" 323@rem prevent VsDevCmd.bat from changing the current working directory 324set "VSCMD_START_DIR=%CD%" 325set vcvars_call="%VCINSTALLDIR%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" %vcvarsall_arg% 326echo calling: %vcvars_call% 327call %vcvars_call% 328if errorlevel 1 goto msbuild-not-found 329if defined DEBUG_HELPER @ECHO ON 330:found_vs2019 331echo Found MSVS version %VisualStudioVersion% 332set GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2019 333set PLATFORM_TOOLSET=v142 334goto msbuild-found 335 336:msbuild-not-found 337echo Failed to find a suitable Visual Studio installation. 338echo Try to run in a "Developer Command Prompt" or consult 339echo https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/HEAD/BUILDING.md#windows 340goto exit 341 342:msbuild-found 343 344set project_generated= 345:project-gen 346@rem Skip project generation if requested. 347if defined noprojgen goto msbuild 348if defined projgen goto run-configure 349if not exist node.sln goto run-configure 350if not exist .gyp_configure_stamp goto run-configure 351echo %configure_flags% > .tmp_gyp_configure_stamp 352where /R . /T *.gyp* >> .tmp_gyp_configure_stamp 353fc .gyp_configure_stamp .tmp_gyp_configure_stamp >NUL 2>&1 354if errorlevel 1 goto run-configure 355 356:skip-configure 357del .tmp_gyp_configure_stamp 2> NUL 358echo Reusing solution generated with %configure_flags% 359goto msbuild 360 361:run-configure 362del .tmp_gyp_configure_stamp 2> NUL 363del .gyp_configure_stamp 2> NUL 364@rem Generate the VS project. 365echo configure %configure_flags% 366echo %configure_flags%> .used_configure_flags 367python configure %configure_flags% 368if errorlevel 1 goto create-msvs-files-failed 369if not exist node.sln goto create-msvs-files-failed 370set project_generated=1 371echo Project files generated. 372echo %configure_flags% > .gyp_configure_stamp 373where /R . /T *.gyp* >> .gyp_configure_stamp 374 375:msbuild 376@rem Skip build if requested. 377if defined nobuild goto :after-build 378 379@rem Build the sln with msbuild. 380set "msbcpu=/m:2" 381if "%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%"=="1" set "msbcpu=/m:1" 382set "msbplatform=Win32" 383if "%target_arch%"=="x64" set "msbplatform=x64" 384if "%target_arch%"=="arm64" set "msbplatform=ARM64" 385if "%target%"=="Build" ( 386 if defined no_cctest set target=node 387 if "%test_args%"=="" set target=node 388 if defined cctest set target="Build" 389) 390if "%target%"=="node" if exist "%config%\cctest.exe" del "%config%\cctest.exe" 391if defined msbuild_args set "extra_msbuild_args=%extra_msbuild_args% %msbuild_args%" 392@rem Setup env variables to use multiprocessor build 393set UseMultiToolTask=True 394set EnforceProcessCountAcrossBuilds=True 395set MultiProcMaxCount=%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% 396msbuild node.sln %msbcpu% /t:%target% /p:Configuration=%config% /p:Platform=%msbplatform% /clp:NoItemAndPropertyList;Verbosity=minimal /nologo %extra_msbuild_args% 397if errorlevel 1 ( 398 if not defined project_generated echo Building Node with reused solution failed. To regenerate project files use "vcbuild projgen" 399 exit /B 1 400) 401if "%target%" == "Clean" goto exit 402 403:after-build 404rd %config% 405if errorlevel 1 echo "Old build output exists at 'out\%config%'. Please remove." & exit /B 406:: Use /J because /D (symlink) requires special permissions. 407if EXIST out\%config% mklink /J %config% out\%config% 408if errorlevel 1 echo "Could not create junction to 'out\%config%'." & exit /B 409 410:sign 411@rem Skip signing unless the `sign` option was specified. 412if not defined sign goto licensertf 413 414call tools\sign.bat Release\node.exe 415if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign exe, got error code %errorlevel%&goto exit 416 417:licensertf 418@rem Skip license.rtf generation if not requested. 419if not defined licensertf goto stage_package 420 421set "use_x64_node_exe=false" 422if "%target_arch%"=="arm64" if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" set "use_x64_node_exe=true" 423set "x64_node_exe=temp-vcbuild\node-x64-cross-compiling.exe" 424if "%use_x64_node_exe%"=="true" ( 425 echo Cross-compilation to ARM64 detected. We'll use the x64 Node executable for license2rtf. 426 if not exist "%x64_node_exe%" ( 427 echo Downloading x64 node.exe... 428 if not exist "temp-vcbuild" mkdir temp-vcbuild 429 powershell -c "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/win-x64/node.exe' -OutFile '%x64_node_exe%'" 430 ) 431 if not exist "%x64_node_exe%" ( 432 echo Could not find the Node executable at the given x64_node_exe path. Aborting. 433 set exit_code=1 434 goto exit 435 ) 436 %x64_node_exe% tools\license2rtf.mjs < LICENSE > %config%\license.rtf 437) else ( 438 %node_exe% tools\license2rtf.mjs < LICENSE > %config%\license.rtf 439) 440 441if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to generate license.rtf, got error code %errorlevel%&goto exit 442 443:stage_package 444if not defined stage_package goto install-doctools 445 446echo Creating package... 447cd Release 448rmdir /S /Q %TARGET_NAME% > nul 2> nul 449mkdir %TARGET_NAME% > nul 2> nul 450mkdir %TARGET_NAME%\node_modules > nul 2>nul 451 452copy /Y node.exe %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 453if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy node.exe && goto package_error 454copy /Y ..\LICENSE %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 455if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy LICENSE && goto package_error 456copy /Y ..\README.md %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 457if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy README.md && goto package_error 458copy /Y ..\CHANGELOG.md %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 459if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy CHANGELOG.md && goto package_error 460 461if not defined nonpm ( 462 robocopy ..\deps\npm %TARGET_NAME%\node_modules\npm /e /xd test > nul 463 if errorlevel 8 echo Cannot copy npm package && goto package_error 464 copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npm %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 465 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npm && goto package_error 466 copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npm.cmd %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 467 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npm.cmd && goto package_error 468 copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npx %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 469 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npx && goto package_error 470 copy /Y ..\deps\npm\bin\npx.cmd %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 471 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy npx.cmd && goto package_error 472) 473 474if not defined nocorepack ( 475 robocopy ..\deps\corepack %TARGET_NAME%\node_modules\corepack /e /xd test > nul 476 if errorlevel 8 echo Cannot copy corepack package && goto package_error 477 copy /Y ..\deps\corepack\shims\nodewin\corepack %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 478 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy corepack && goto package_error 479 copy /Y ..\deps\corepack\shims\nodewin\corepack.cmd %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 480 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy corepack.cmd && goto package_error 481) 482 483copy /Y ..\tools\msvs\nodevars.bat %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 484if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy nodevars.bat && goto package_error 485copy /Y ..\tools\msvs\install_tools\*.* %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 486if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy install_tools scripts && goto package_error 487if not defined noetw ( 488 copy /Y ..\src\res\node_etw_provider.man %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 489 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy node_etw_provider.man && goto package_error 490) 491if defined dll ( 492 copy /Y libnode.dll %TARGET_NAME%\ > nul 493 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy libnode.dll && goto package_error 494 495 mkdir %TARGET_NAME%\Release > nul 496 copy /Y node.def %TARGET_NAME%\Release\ > nul 497 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot copy node.def && goto package_error 498 499 set HEADERS_ONLY=1 500 python ..\tools\install.py install %CD%\%TARGET_NAME% \ > nul 501 if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot install headers && goto package_error 502 set HEADERS_ONLY= 503) 504cd .. 505 506:package 507if not defined package goto msi 508cd Release 509echo Creating %TARGET_NAME%.7z 510del %TARGET_NAME%.7z > nul 2> nul 5117z a -r -mx9 -t7z %TARGET_NAME%.7z %TARGET_NAME% > nul 512if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot create %TARGET_NAME%.7z && goto package_error 513 514echo Creating %TARGET_NAME%.zip 515del %TARGET_NAME%.zip > nul 2> nul 5167z a -r -mx9 -tzip %TARGET_NAME%.zip %TARGET_NAME% > nul 517if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot create %TARGET_NAME%.zip && goto package_error 518 519echo Creating node_pdb.7z 520del node_pdb.7z > nul 2> nul 5217z a -mx9 -t7z node_pdb.7z node.pdb > nul 522 523echo Creating node_pdb.zip 524del node_pdb.zip > nul 2> nul 5257z a -mx9 -tzip node_pdb.zip node.pdb > nul 526 527cd .. 528echo Package created! 529goto package_done 530:package_error 531cd .. 532exit /b 1 533:package_done 534 535:msi 536@rem Skip msi generation if not requested 537if not defined msi goto install-doctools 538 539:msibuild 540echo Building node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi 541set "msbsdk=" 542if defined WindowsSDKVersion set "msbsdk=/p:WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=%WindowsSDKVersion:~0,-1%" 543msbuild "%~dp0tools\msvs\msi\nodemsi.sln" /m /t:Clean,Build %msbsdk% /p:PlatformToolset=%PLATFORM_TOOLSET% /p:WixSdkDir="%WIXSDKDIR%" /p:Configuration=%config% /p:Platform=%target_arch% /p:NodeVersion=%NODE_VERSION% /p:FullVersion=%FULLVERSION% /p:DistTypeDir=%DISTTYPEDIR% %noetw_msi_arg% /clp:NoSummary;NoItemAndPropertyList;Verbosity=minimal /nologo 544if errorlevel 1 goto exit 545 546if not defined sign goto upload 547call tools\sign.bat node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi 548if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign msi, got error code %errorlevel%&goto exit 549 550:upload 551@rem Skip upload if not requested 552if not defined upload goto install-doctools 553 554if not defined SSHCONFIG ( 555 echo SSHCONFIG is not set for upload 556 exit /b 1 557) 558 559if not defined STAGINGSERVER set STAGINGSERVER=node-www 560ssh -F %SSHCONFIG% %STAGINGSERVER% "mkdir -p nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%" 561if errorlevel 1 goto exit 562scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node.exe %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node.exe 563if errorlevel 1 goto exit 564scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node.lib %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node.lib 565if errorlevel 1 goto exit 566scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node_pdb.zip %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node_pdb.zip 567if errorlevel 1 goto exit 568scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\node_pdb.7z %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%/node_pdb.7z 569if errorlevel 1 goto exit 570scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\%TARGET_NAME%.7z %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/%TARGET_NAME%.7z 571if errorlevel 1 goto exit 572scp -F %SSHCONFIG% Release\%TARGET_NAME%.zip %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/%TARGET_NAME%.zip 573if errorlevel 1 goto exit 574scp -F %SSHCONFIG% node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi %STAGINGSERVER%:nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/ 575if errorlevel 1 goto exit 576ssh -F %SSHCONFIG% %STAGINGSERVER% "touch nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi.done nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/%TARGET_NAME%.zip.done nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/%TARGET_NAME%.7z.done nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%.done && chmod -R ug=rw-x+X,o=r+X nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.* nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/win-%target_arch%*" 577if errorlevel 1 goto exit 578 579 580:install-doctools 581REM only install if building doc OR testing doctool OR building addons 582if not defined doc if not defined build_addons ( 583 echo.%test_args% | findstr doctool 1>nul 584 if errorlevel 1 goto :skip-install-doctools 585) 586if exist "tools\doc\node_modules\unified\package.json" goto skip-install-doctools 587SETLOCAL 588cd tools\doc 589%npm_exe% ci 590cd ..\.. 591if errorlevel 1 goto exit 592ENDLOCAL 593:skip-install-doctools 594@rem Clear errorlevel from echo.%test_args% | findstr doctool 1>nul 595cd . 596 597:build-doc 598@rem Build documentation if requested 599if not defined doc goto run 600if not exist %node_exe% ( 601 echo Failed to find node.exe 602 goto run 603) 604mkdir %config%\doc 605robocopy /e doc\api %config%\doc\api 606robocopy /e doc\api_assets %config%\doc\api\assets 607 608for %%F in (%config%\doc\api\*.md) do ( 609 %node_exe% tools\doc\generate.mjs --node-version=v%FULLVERSION% %%F --output-directory=%%~dF%%~pF 610) 611 612:run 613@rem Run tests if requested. 614 615if not defined build_addons goto build-js-native-api-tests 616if not exist "%node_exe%" ( 617 echo Failed to find node.exe 618 goto build-js-native-api-tests 619) 620echo Building addons 621:: clear 622for /d %%F in (test\addons\??_*) do ( 623 rd /s /q %%F 624) 625:: generate 626"%node_exe%" tools\doc\addon-verify.mjs 627if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% 628:: building addons 629setlocal 630set npm_config_nodedir=%~dp0 631"%node_exe%" "%~dp0tools\build-addons.mjs" "%~dp0deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "%~dp0test\addons" 632if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 633endlocal 634 635:build-js-native-api-tests 636if not defined build_js_native_api_tests goto build-node-api-tests 637if not exist "%node_exe%" ( 638 echo Failed to find node.exe 639 goto build-node-api-tests 640) 641echo Building js-native-api 642:: clear 643for /d %%F in (test\js-native-api\??_*) do ( 644 rd /s /q %%F 645) 646:: building js-native-api 647setlocal 648set npm_config_nodedir=%~dp0 649"%node_exe%" "%~dp0tools\build-addons.mjs" "%~dp0deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "%~dp0test\js-native-api" 650if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 651endlocal 652goto build-node-api-tests 653 654:build-node-api-tests 655if not defined build_node_api_tests goto run-tests 656if not exist "%node_exe%" ( 657 echo Failed to find node.exe 658 goto run-tests 659) 660echo Building node-api 661:: clear 662for /d %%F in (test\node-api\??_*) do ( 663 rd /s /q %%F 664) 665:: building node-api 666setlocal 667set npm_config_nodedir=%~dp0 668"%node_exe%" "%~dp0tools\build-addons.mjs" "%~dp0deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "%~dp0test\node-api" 669if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 670endlocal 671goto run-tests 672 673:run-tests 674if defined test_check_deopts goto node-check-deopts 675if defined test_node_inspect goto node-test-inspect 676goto node-tests 677 678:node-check-deopts 679python tools\test.py --mode=release --check-deopts parallel sequential 680if defined test_node_inspect goto node-test-inspect 681goto node-tests 682 683:node-test-inspect 684set USE_EMBEDDED_NODE_INSPECT=1 685%node_exe% tools\test-npm-package.js --install deps\node-inspect test 686goto node-tests 687 688:node-tests 689if not defined test_npm goto no-test-npm 690set npm_test_cmd="%node_exe%" tools\test-npm-package.js --install --logfile=test-npm.tap deps\npm test-node 691echo %npm_test_cmd% 692%npm_test_cmd% 693if errorlevel 1 goto exit 694:no-test-npm 695 696if "%test_args%"=="" goto test-v8 697if "%config%"=="Debug" set test_args=--mode=debug %test_args% 698if "%config%"=="Release" set test_args=--mode=release %test_args% 699if defined no_cctest echo Skipping cctest because no-cctest was specified && goto run-test-py 700if not exist "%config%\cctest.exe" echo cctest.exe not found. Run "vcbuild test" or "vcbuild cctest" to build it. && goto run-test-py 701echo running 'cctest %cctest_args%' 702"%config%\cctest" %cctest_args% 703if %errorlevel% neq 0 set exit_code=%errorlevel% 704:run-test-py 705echo running 'python tools\test.py %test_args%' 706python tools\test.py %test_args% 707if %errorlevel% neq 0 set exit_code=%errorlevel% 708goto test-v8 709 710:test-v8 711if not defined custom_v8_test goto lint-cpp 712call tools/test-v8.bat 713if errorlevel 1 goto exit 714goto lint-cpp 715 716:lint-cpp 717if not defined lint_cpp goto lint-js 718if defined NODEJS_MAKE goto run-make-lint 719where make > NUL 2>&1 && make -v | findstr /C:"GNU Make" 1> NUL 720if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" set "NODEJS_MAKE=make PYTHON=python" & goto run-make-lint 721where wsl > NUL 2>&1 722if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" set "NODEJS_MAKE=wsl make" & goto run-make-lint 723echo Could not find GNU Make, needed for linting C/C++ 724goto lint-js 725 726:run-make-lint 727%NODEJS_MAKE% lint-cpp 728goto lint-js 729 730:lint-js 731if not defined lint_js goto lint-md-build 732if not exist tools\node_modules\eslint goto no-lint 733echo running lint-js 734%node_exe% tools\node_modules\eslint\bin\eslint.js --cache --max-warnings=0 --report-unused-disable-directives --rule "linebreak-style: 0" .eslintrc.js benchmark doc lib test tools 735goto lint-md-build 736 737:no-lint 738echo Linting is not available through the source tarball. 739echo Use the git repo instead: $ git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git 740goto lint-md-build 741 742:lint-md-build 743if not defined lint_md_build goto lint-md 744echo "Deprecated no-op target 'lint_md_build'" 745goto lint-md 746 747:lint-md 748if not defined lint_md goto exit 749echo Running Markdown linter on docs... 750SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION 751set lint_md_files= 752for /D %%D IN (doc\*) do ( 753 for %%F IN (%%D\*.md) do ( 754 set "lint_md_files="%%F" !lint_md_files!" 755 ) 756) 757%node_exe% tools\lint-md\lint-md.mjs %lint_md_files% 758ENDLOCAL 759goto exit 760 761:format-md 762if not defined lint_md goto exit 763echo Running Markdown formatter on docs... 764SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION 765set lint_md_files= 766for /D %%D IN (doc\*) do ( 767 for %%F IN (%%D\*.md) do ( 768 set "lint_md_files="%%F" !lint_md_files!" 769 ) 770) 771%node_exe% tools\lint-md\lint-md.mjs --format %lint_md_files% 772ENDLOCAL 773goto exit 774 775:create-msvs-files-failed 776echo Failed to create vc project files. 777del .used_configure_flags 778set exit_code=1 779goto exit 780 781:help 782echo vcbuild.bat [debug/release] [msi] [doc] [test/test-all/test-addons/test-doc/test-js-native-api/test-node-api/test-benchmark/test-internet/test-pummel/test-simple/test-message/test-tick-processor/test-known-issues/test-node-inspect/test-check-deopts/test-npm/test-async-hooks/test-v8/test-v8-intl/test-v8-benchmarks/test-v8-all] [ignore-flaky] [static/dll] [noprojgen] [projgen] [small-icu/full-icu/without-intl] [nobuild] [nosnapshot] [nonpm] [nocorepack] [noetw] [ltcg] [licensetf] [sign] [ia32/x86/x64/arm64] [vs2019/vs2022] [download-all] [enable-vtune] [lint/lint-ci/lint-js/lint-md] [lint-md-build] [package] [build-release] [upload] [no-NODE-OPTIONS] [link-module path-to-module] [debug-http2] [debug-nghttp2] [clean] [cctest] [no-cctest] [openssl-no-asm] 783echo Examples: 784echo vcbuild.bat : builds release build 785echo vcbuild.bat debug : builds debug build 786echo vcbuild.bat release msi : builds release build and MSI installer package 787echo vcbuild.bat test : builds debug build and runs tests 788echo vcbuild.bat build-release : builds the release distribution as used by nodejs.org 789echo vcbuild.bat enable-vtune : builds Node.js with Intel VTune profiling support to profile JavaScript 790echo vcbuild.bat link-module my_module.js : bundles my_module as built-in module 791echo vcbuild.bat lint : runs the C++, documentation and JavaScript linter 792echo vcbuild.bat no-cctest : skip building cctest.exe 793goto exit 794 795:exit 796if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% 797exit /b %exit_code% 798 799 800rem *************** 801rem Subroutines 802rem *************** 803 804:getnodeversion 805set NODE_VERSION= 806set TAG= 807set FULLVERSION= 808 809for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`python "%~dp0tools\getnodeversion.py"`) do set NODE_VERSION=%%i 810if not defined NODE_VERSION ( 811 echo Cannot determine current version of Node.js 812 exit /b 1 813) 814 815if not defined DISTTYPE set DISTTYPE=release 816if "%DISTTYPE%"=="release" ( 817 set FULLVERSION=%NODE_VERSION% 818 goto distexit 819) 820if "%DISTTYPE%"=="custom" ( 821 if not defined CUSTOMTAG ( 822 echo "CUSTOMTAG is not set for DISTTYPE=custom" 823 exit /b 1 824 ) 825 set TAG=%CUSTOMTAG% 826) 827if not "%DISTTYPE%"=="custom" ( 828 if not defined DATESTRING ( 829 echo "DATESTRING is not set for nightly" 830 exit /b 1 831 ) 832 if not defined COMMIT ( 833 echo "COMMIT is not set for nightly" 834 exit /b 1 835 ) 836 if not "%DISTTYPE%"=="nightly" ( 837 if not "%DISTTYPE%"=="next-nightly" ( 838 echo "DISTTYPE is not release, custom, nightly or next-nightly" 839 exit /b 1 840 ) 841 ) 842 set TAG=%DISTTYPE%%DATESTRING%%COMMIT% 843) 844set FULLVERSION=%NODE_VERSION%-%TAG% 845 846:distexit 847if not defined DISTTYPEDIR set DISTTYPEDIR=%DISTTYPE% 848set TARGET_NAME=node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch% 849goto :EOF 850