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2 * Test harness compiler functionality.
3 */
4namespace compiler {
5    export interface Project {
6        file: string;
7        config?: ts.ParsedCommandLine;
8        errors?: ts.Diagnostic[];
9    }
11    export function readProject(host: fakes.ParseConfigHost, project: string | undefined, existingOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions): Project | undefined {
12        if (project) {
13            project = vpath.isTsConfigFile(project) ? project : vpath.combine(project, "tsconfig.json");
14        }
15        else {
16            [project] = host.vfs.scanSync(".", "ancestors-or-self", {
17                accept: (path, stats) => stats.isFile() && host.vfs.stringComparer(vpath.basename(path), "tsconfig.json") === 0
18            });
19        }
21        if (project) {
22            // TODO(rbuckton): Do we need to resolve this? Resolving breaks projects tests.
23            // project = vpath.resolve(host.vfs.currentDirectory, project);
25            // read the config file
26            const readResult = ts.readConfigFile(project, path => host.readFile(path));
27            if (readResult.error) {
28                return { file: project, errors: [readResult.error] };
29            }
31            // parse the config file
32            const config = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(readResult.config, host, vpath.dirname(project), existingOptions);
33            return { file: project, errors: config.errors, config };
34        }
35    }
37    /**
38     * Correlates compilation inputs and outputs
39     */
40    export interface CompilationOutput {
41        readonly inputs: readonly documents.TextDocument[];
42        readonly js: documents.TextDocument | undefined;
43        readonly dts: documents.TextDocument | undefined;
44        readonly map: documents.TextDocument | undefined;
45    }
47    export class CompilationResult {
48        public readonly host: fakes.CompilerHost;
49        public readonly program: ts.Program | undefined;
50        public readonly result: ts.EmitResult | undefined;
51        public readonly options: ts.CompilerOptions;
52        public readonly diagnostics: readonly ts.Diagnostic[];
53        public readonly js: ReadonlyMap<string, documents.TextDocument>;
54        public readonly dts: ReadonlyMap<string, documents.TextDocument>;
55        public readonly maps: ReadonlyMap<string, documents.TextDocument>;
56        public symlinks?: vfs.FileSet; // Location to store original symlinks so they may be used in both original and declaration file compilations
58        private _inputs: documents.TextDocument[] = [];
59        private _inputsAndOutputs: collections.SortedMap<string, CompilationOutput>;
61        constructor(host: fakes.CompilerHost, options: ts.CompilerOptions, program: ts.Program | undefined, result: ts.EmitResult | undefined, diagnostics: readonly ts.Diagnostic[]) {
62            this.host = host;
63            this.program = program;
64            this.result = result;
65            this.diagnostics = diagnostics;
66            this.options = program ? program.getCompilerOptions() : options;
68            // collect outputs
69            const js = this.js = new collections.SortedMap<string, documents.TextDocument>({ comparer: this.vfs.stringComparer, sort: "insertion" });
70            const dts = this.dts = new collections.SortedMap<string, documents.TextDocument>({ comparer: this.vfs.stringComparer, sort: "insertion" });
71            const maps = this.maps = new collections.SortedMap<string, documents.TextDocument>({ comparer: this.vfs.stringComparer, sort: "insertion" });
72            for (const document of this.host.outputs) {
73                if (vpath.isJavaScript(document.file) || ts.fileExtensionIs(document.file, ts.Extension.Json)) {
74                    js.set(document.file, document);
75                }
76                else if (vpath.isDeclaration(document.file)) {
77                    dts.set(document.file, document);
78                }
79                else if (vpath.isSourceMap(document.file)) {
80                    maps.set(document.file, document);
81                }
82            }
84            // correlate inputs and outputs
85            this._inputsAndOutputs = new collections.SortedMap<string, CompilationOutput>({ comparer: this.vfs.stringComparer, sort: "insertion" });
86            if (program) {
87                if (this.options.out || this.options.outFile) {
88                    const outFile = vpath.resolve(this.vfs.cwd(), this.options.outFile || this.options.out);
89                    const inputs: documents.TextDocument[] = [];
90                    for (const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
91                        if (sourceFile) {
92                            const input = new documents.TextDocument(sourceFile.fileName, sourceFile.text);
93                            this._inputs.push(input);
94                            if (!vpath.isDeclaration(sourceFile.fileName)) {
95                                inputs.push(input);
96                            }
97                        }
98                    }
100                    const outputs: CompilationOutput = {
101                        inputs,
102                        js: js.get(outFile),
103                        dts: dts.get(vpath.changeExtension(outFile, ".d.ts")),
104                        map: maps.get(outFile + ".map")
105                    };
107                    if (outputs.js) this._inputsAndOutputs.set(outputs.js.file, outputs);
108                    if (outputs.dts) this._inputsAndOutputs.set(outputs.dts.file, outputs);
109                    if (outputs.map) this._inputsAndOutputs.set(outputs.map.file, outputs);
111                    for (const input of inputs) {
112                        this._inputsAndOutputs.set(input.file, outputs);
113                    }
114                }
115                else {
116                    for (const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
117                        if (sourceFile) {
118                            const input = new documents.TextDocument(sourceFile.fileName, sourceFile.text);
119                            this._inputs.push(input);
120                            if (!vpath.isDeclaration(sourceFile.fileName)) {
121                                const extname = ts.getOutputExtension(sourceFile.fileName, this.options);
122                                const outputs: CompilationOutput = {
123                                    inputs: [input],
124                                    js: js.get(this.getOutputPath(sourceFile.fileName, extname)),
125                                    dts: dts.get(this.getOutputPath(sourceFile.fileName, ts.getDeclarationEmitExtensionForPath(sourceFile.fileName))),
126                                    map: maps.get(this.getOutputPath(sourceFile.fileName, extname + ".map"))
127                                };
129                                this._inputsAndOutputs.set(sourceFile.fileName, outputs);
130                                if (outputs.js) this._inputsAndOutputs.set(outputs.js.file, outputs);
131                                if (outputs.dts) this._inputsAndOutputs.set(outputs.dts.file, outputs);
132                                if (outputs.map) this._inputsAndOutputs.set(outputs.map.file, outputs);
133                            }
134                        }
135                    }
136                }
137            }
138        }
140        public get vfs(): vfs.FileSystem {
141            return this.host.vfs;
142        }
144        public get inputs(): readonly documents.TextDocument[] {
145            return this._inputs;
146        }
148        public get outputs(): readonly documents.TextDocument[] {
149            return this.host.outputs;
150        }
152        public get traces(): readonly string[] {
153            return this.host.traces;
154        }
156        public get emitSkipped(): boolean {
157            return this.result && this.result.emitSkipped || false;
158        }
160        public get singleFile(): boolean {
161            return !!this.options.outFile || !!this.options.out;
162        }
164        public get commonSourceDirectory(): string {
165            const common = this.program && this.program.getCommonSourceDirectory() || "";
166            return common && vpath.combine(this.vfs.cwd(), common);
167        }
169        public getInputsAndOutputs(path: string): CompilationOutput | undefined {
170            return this._inputsAndOutputs.get(vpath.resolve(this.vfs.cwd(), path));
171        }
173        public getInputs(path: string): readonly documents.TextDocument[] | undefined {
174            const outputs = this.getInputsAndOutputs(path);
175            return outputs && outputs.inputs;
176        }
178        public getOutput(path: string, kind: "js" | "dts" | "map"): documents.TextDocument | undefined {
179            const outputs = this.getInputsAndOutputs(path);
180            return outputs && outputs[kind];
181        }
183        public getSourceMapRecord(): string | undefined {
184            const maps = this.result!.sourceMaps;
185            if (maps && maps.length > 0) {
186                return Harness.SourceMapRecorder.getSourceMapRecord(maps, this.program!, Array.from(this.js.values()).filter(d => !ts.fileExtensionIs(d.file, ts.Extension.Json)), Array.from(this.dts.values()));
187            }
188        }
190        public getSourceMap(path: string): documents.SourceMap | undefined {
191            if (this.options.noEmit || vpath.isDeclaration(path)) return undefined;
192            if (this.options.inlineSourceMap) {
193                const document = this.getOutput(path, "js");
194                return document && documents.SourceMap.fromSource(document.text);
195            }
196            if (this.options.sourceMap) {
197                const document = this.getOutput(path, "map");
198                return document && new documents.SourceMap(document.file, document.text);
199            }
200        }
202        public getOutputPath(path: string, ext: string): string {
203            if (this.options.outFile || this.options.out) {
204                path = vpath.resolve(this.vfs.cwd(), this.options.outFile || this.options.out);
205            }
206            else {
207                path = vpath.resolve(this.vfs.cwd(), path);
208                const outDir = ext === ".d.ts" || ext === ".json.d.ts" || ext === ".d.mts" || ext === ".d.cts" ? this.options.declarationDir || this.options.outDir : this.options.outDir;
209                if (outDir) {
210                    const common = this.commonSourceDirectory;
211                    if (common) {
212                        path = vpath.relative(common, path, this.vfs.ignoreCase);
213                        path = vpath.combine(vpath.resolve(this.vfs.cwd(), this.options.outDir), path);
214                    }
215                }
216            }
217            return vpath.changeExtension(path, ext);
218        }
220        public getNumberOfJsFiles(includeJson: boolean) {
221            if (includeJson) {
222                return this.js.size;
223            }
224            else {
225                let count = this.js.size;
226                this.js.forEach(document => {
227                    if (ts.fileExtensionIs(document.file, ts.Extension.Json)) {
228                        count--;
229                    }
230                });
231                return count;
232            }
233        }
234    }
236    export function compileFiles(host: fakes.CompilerHost, rootFiles: string[] | undefined, compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions): CompilationResult {
237        if (compilerOptions.project || !rootFiles || rootFiles.length === 0) {
238            const project = readProject(host.parseConfigHost, compilerOptions.project, compilerOptions);
239            if (project) {
240                if (project.errors && project.errors.length > 0) {
241                    return new CompilationResult(host, compilerOptions, /*program*/ undefined, /*result*/ undefined, project.errors);
242                }
243                if (project.config) {
244                    rootFiles = project.config.fileNames;
245                    compilerOptions = project.config.options;
246                }
247            }
248            delete compilerOptions.project;
249        }
251        // establish defaults (aligns with old harness)
252        if (compilerOptions.target === undefined && compilerOptions.module !== ts.ModuleKind.Node16 && compilerOptions.module !== ts.ModuleKind.NodeNext) compilerOptions.target = ts.ScriptTarget.ES3;
253        if (compilerOptions.newLine === undefined) compilerOptions.newLine = ts.NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed;
254        if (compilerOptions.skipDefaultLibCheck === undefined) compilerOptions.skipDefaultLibCheck = true;
255        if (compilerOptions.noErrorTruncation === undefined) compilerOptions.noErrorTruncation = true;
257        // pre-emit/post-emit error comparison requires declaration emit twice, which can be slow. If it's unlikely to flag any error consistency issues
258        // and if the test is running `skipLibCheck` - an indicator that we want the tets to run quickly - skip the before/after error comparison, too
259        const skipErrorComparison = ts.length(rootFiles) >= 100 || (!!compilerOptions.skipLibCheck && !!compilerOptions.declaration);
261        const preProgram = !skipErrorComparison ? ts.createProgram(rootFiles || [], { ...compilerOptions, configFile: compilerOptions.configFile, traceResolution: false }, host) : undefined;
262        const preErrors = preProgram && ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(preProgram);
264        const program = ts.createProgram(rootFiles || [], compilerOptions, host);
265        const emitResult = program.emit();
266        const postErrors = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program);
267        const longerErrors = ts.length(preErrors) > postErrors.length ? preErrors : postErrors;
268        const shorterErrors = longerErrors === preErrors ? postErrors : preErrors;
269        const errors = preErrors && (preErrors.length !== postErrors.length) ? [...shorterErrors!,
270            ts.addRelatedInfo(
271                ts.createCompilerDiagnostic({
272                    category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
273                    code: -1,
274                    key: "-1",
275                    message: `Pre-emit (${preErrors.length}) and post-emit (${postErrors.length}) diagnostic counts do not match! This can indicate that a semantic _error_ was added by the emit resolver - such an error may not be reflected on the command line or in the editor, but may be captured in a baseline here!`
276                }),
277                ts.createCompilerDiagnostic({
278                    category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
279                    code: -1,
280                    key: "-1",
281                    message: `The excess diagnostics are:`
282                }),
283                ...ts.filter(longerErrors!, p => !ts.some(shorterErrors, p2 => ts.compareDiagnostics(p, p2) === ts.Comparison.EqualTo))
284            )
285        ] : postErrors;
286        return new CompilationResult(host, compilerOptions, program, emitResult, errors);
287    }