1# OpenHarmony resource compile tool 2 3## Description 4resource tool is used in computer.In OpenHarmony SDK toolchain.Provide to IDE.Support Windows, Linux, MacOS platform. 5 6## Directory Structure 7 8``` 9/developtools 10|----global_resource_tool 11| |----include #Header file 12| |----src #source code file 13| |----test #Test case 14| |----build #Depending on the third-party library compilation script 15| |----BUILD.gn #Compile script 16| |----CMakeLists.txt #CMake file 17| |----win32.cmake #Windows cross compilation script 18``` 19 20## Instructions 21 22### Test 23 24In PC, run `python test.py ./restool ./out` 25 26### Help 27 28resource tool usually integrate to IDE, OpenHarmony compile system. 29 30resource tool command e.g: 31 32-v version 33-i input resource path 34-o output resource path 35-r resource ID header file path 36-p package name 37-f if output path exists,force override it 38-m module name, can add more, split by ','(like entry1,entry2,...) 39-j config.json path 40-e start id mask, e.g 0x01000000, in [0x01000000, 0x06FFFFFF),[0x08000000, 0x41FFFFFF) 41 42``` 43entry Directory Structure 44| |----resource 45| |----config.json or module.json 46``` 47`./restool -i entry1 -i entry2 -j xxx/module.json -p ohos.demo.xxx -o out -r out/ResourceTable.h ` 48 49## Related to the storehouse 50 51**global_resource_tool** 52 53[third_party_cJSON](https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_cJSON/blob/master/README.md) 54 55[third_party_libpng](https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_libpng/blob/master/README.md) 56 57[third_party_bounds_checking_function](https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_bounds_checking_function/blob/master/README.en.md) 58 59