1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved.
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 *
7 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 * limitations under the License.
14 */
16 #include "unix_socket_server.h"
18 #include <cstdio>
19 #include <pthread.h>
20 #include <sys/epoll.h>
21 #include <sys/socket.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <linux/un.h>
25 #include "init_socket.h"
26 #include "logging.h"
27 #include "securec.h"
29 namespace {
30 constexpr int UNIX_SOCKET_LISTEN_COUNT = 5;
31 constexpr int EPOLL_MAX_TASK_COUNT = 10;
32 constexpr int EPOLL_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 1000;
33 }
UnixSocketServer()35 UnixSocketServer::UnixSocketServer()
36 {
37 sAddrName_ = "";
38 socketHandle_ = -1;
39 serviceEntry_ = nullptr;
40 }
~UnixSocketServer()42 UnixSocketServer::~UnixSocketServer()
43 {
44 if (getuid() == 0) {
45 if (socketHandle_ != -1) {
46 PROFILER_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "close UnixSocketServer");
47 close(socketHandle_);
48 unlink(sAddrName_.c_str());
49 }
50 }
51 socketHandle_ = -1;
53 if (acceptThread_.joinable()) {
54 acceptThread_.join();
55 }
56 PROFILER_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "acceptThread finish");
57 if (socketClients_.size() > 0) {
58 PROFILER_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "socketClients_.size() = %zu delete map", socketClients_.size());
59 socketClients_.clear();
60 }
61 }
UnixSocketAccept()63 void UnixSocketServer::UnixSocketAccept()
64 {
65 pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "UnixSocketAccept");
66 CHECK_TRUE(socketHandle_ != -1, NO_RETVAL, "Unix Socket Accept socketHandle_ == -1");
67 int epfd = epoll_create(1);
68 struct epoll_event evt;
69 evt.data.fd = socketHandle_;
70 evt.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLHUP;
71 CHECK_TRUE(epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, socketHandle_, &evt) != -1, NO_RETVAL, "Unix Socket Server Exit");
72 struct epoll_event events[EPOLL_MAX_TASK_COUNT];
73 while (socketHandle_ != -1) {
74 int nfds = epoll_wait(epfd, events, EPOLL_MAX_TASK_COUNT, EPOLL_WAIT_TIMEOUT); // timeout value set 1000.
75 if (nfds == -1) {
76 PROFILER_LOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "UnixSocketServer epoll_wait failed, errno: %s", strerror(errno));
77 return;
78 }
79 for (int32_t i = 0; i < nfds; ++i) {
80 if (events[i].events & EPOLLIN) {
81 int clientSocket = accept(socketHandle_, nullptr, nullptr);
82 PROFILER_LOG_INFO(LOG_CORE, "Accept A Client %d", clientSocket);
84 struct epoll_event clientEvt;
85 clientEvt.data.fd = clientSocket;
86 clientEvt.events = EPOLLHUP;
87 epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, clientSocket, &clientEvt);
89 if (socketClients_.find(clientSocket) == socketClients_.end()) {
90 PROFILER_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "new socketClients_ socketClients_.size() = %zu",
91 socketClients_.size());
92 socketClients_[clientSocket] = std::make_shared<ClientConnection>(clientSocket, *serviceEntry_);
93 } else {
94 PROFILER_LOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "Client %d exist", clientSocket);
95 }
96 } else if (events[i].events & EPOLLHUP) {
97 struct epoll_event delEvt;
98 delEvt.data.fd = events[i].data.fd;
99 delEvt.events = EPOLLHUP;
100 epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, events[i].data.fd, &delEvt);
101 if (socketClients_.find(events[i].data.fd) != socketClients_.end()) {
102 PROFILER_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "socketClients disconnect socketClients_.size() = %zu",
103 socketClients_.size());
104 socketClients_.erase(events[i].data.fd);
105 } else {
106 PROFILER_LOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "Client %d not exist", events[i].data.fd);
107 }
108 }
109 }
110 }
111 close(epfd);
112 }
StartServer(const std::string & addrname,ServiceEntry & p)114 bool UnixSocketServer::StartServer(const std::string& addrname, ServiceEntry& p)
115 {
116 CHECK_TRUE(socketHandle_ == -1, false, "StartServer FAIL socketHandle_ != -1");
117 int sock = -1;
118 if (getuid() == 0) {
119 struct sockaddr_un addr;
120 sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
121 CHECK_TRUE(sock != -1, false, "StartServer FAIL create socket ERR : %d", errno);
123 if (memset_s(&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un), 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)) != EOK) {
124 PROFILER_LOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "memset_s error!");
125 }
126 addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
127 if (strncpy_s(addr.sun_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path), addrname.c_str(), sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1) != EOK) {
128 PROFILER_LOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "strncpy_s error!");
129 }
130 unlink(addrname.c_str());
131 CHECK_TRUE(bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)) == 0, close(sock) != 0,
132 "StartServer FAIL bind ERR : %d", errno);
134 std::string chmodCmd = "chmod 666 " + addrname;
135 PROFILER_LOG_INFO(LOG_CORE, "chmod command : %s", chmodCmd.c_str());
136 std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(chmodCmd.c_str(), "r"), pclose);
137 } else {
138 sock = GetControlSocket(addrname.c_str());
139 CHECK_TRUE(sock != -1, false, "StartServer FAIL GetControlSocket return : %d", sock);
140 }
142 CHECK_TRUE(listen(sock, UNIX_SOCKET_LISTEN_COUNT) != -1, close(sock) != 0 && unlink(addrname.c_str()) == 0,
143 "StartServer FAIL listen ERR : %d", errno);
145 socketHandle_ = sock;
146 acceptThread_ = std::thread(&UnixSocketServer::UnixSocketAccept, this);
147 if (acceptThread_.get_id() == std::thread::id()) {
148 close(socketHandle_);
149 unlink(addrname.c_str());
150 const int bufSize = 256;
151 char buf[bufSize] = { 0 };
152 strerror_r(errno, buf, bufSize);
153 PROFILER_LOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "StartServer FAIL pthread_create ERR : %s", buf);
154 socketHandle_ = -1;
155 return false;
156 }
158 serviceEntry_ = &p;
159 sAddrName_ = addrname;
160 return true;
161 }