1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 *
7 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 * limitations under the License.
14 */
15 #include "open.h"
17 #include <cstdio>
18 #include <cstdlib>
19 #include <cstring>
20 #include <memory>
22 #include "class_file/file_entity.h"
23 #include "class_file/file_n_exporter.h"
24 #include "common_func.h"
25 #include "filemgmt_libhilog.h"
26 #include "file_utils.h"
27 #if !defined(WIN_PLATFORM) && !defined(IOS_PLATFORM)
28 #include "ability.h"
29 #include "ability_manager_client.h"
30 #include "bundle_info.h"
31 #include "bundle_mgr_proxy.h"
32 #include "datashare_helper.h"
33 #include "ipc_skeleton.h"
34 #include "iservice_registry.h"
35 #include "remote_uri.h"
36 #include "status_receiver_host.h"
37 #include "system_ability_definition.h"
38 #include "file_uri.h"
39 #endif
41 namespace OHOS {
42 namespace FileManagement {
43 namespace ModuleFileIO {
44 using namespace std;
45 using namespace OHOS::FileManagement::LibN;
46 #if !defined(WIN_PLATFORM) && !defined(IOS_PLATFORM)
47 using namespace OHOS::DistributedFS::ModuleRemoteUri;
48 using namespace OHOS::AppExecFwk;
49 #endif
51 const std::string PROCEDURE_OPEN_NAME = "FileIOOpen";
52 const std::string MEDIALIBRARY_DATA_URI = "datashare:///media";
53 const std::string FILE_DATA_URI = "file://";
54 const std::string PATH_SHARE = "/data/storage/el2/share";
55 const std::string MODE_RW = "/rw/";
56 const std::string MODE_R = "/r/";
57 const std::string MEDIA = "media";
58 const std::string DOCS = "docs";
59 const std::string DATASHARE = "datashare";
60 const std::string SCHEME_BROKER = "content";
61 #if !defined(WIN_PLATFORM) && !defined(IOS_PLATFORM)
62 constexpr uint32_t MAX_WANT_FLAG = 4;
63 #endif
GetJsFlags(napi_env env,const NFuncArg & funcArg)65 static tuple<bool, unsigned int> GetJsFlags(napi_env env, const NFuncArg &funcArg)
66 {
67 unsigned int flags = O_RDONLY;
68 if (funcArg.GetArgc() >= NARG_CNT::TWO) {
69 auto [succ, mode] = NVal(env, funcArg[NARG_POS::SECOND]).ToInt32(O_RDONLY);
70 int32_t invalidMode = (O_WRONLY | O_RDWR);
71 if (!succ || mode < 0 || ((mode & invalidMode) == invalidMode)) {
72 HILOGE("Invalid mode");
73 NError(EINVAL).ThrowErr(env);
74 return { false, flags };
75 }
76 flags = static_cast<unsigned int>(mode);
77 (void)CommonFunc::ConvertJsFlags(flags);
78 }
79 return { true, flags };
80 }
InstantiateFile(napi_env env,int fd,string pathOrUri,bool isUri)82 static NVal InstantiateFile(napi_env env, int fd, string pathOrUri, bool isUri)
83 {
84 napi_value objFile = NClass::InstantiateClass(env, FileNExporter::className_, {});
85 if (!objFile) {
86 HILOGE("Failed to instantiate class");
87 NError(EIO).ThrowErr(env);
88 int ret = close(fd);
89 if (ret < 0) {
90 HILOGE("Failed to close fd");
91 }
92 return NVal();
93 }
95 auto fileEntity = NClass::GetEntityOf<FileEntity>(env, objFile);
96 if (!fileEntity) {
97 HILOGE("Failed to get fileEntity");
98 NError(EIO).ThrowErr(env);
99 int ret = close(fd);
100 if (ret < 0) {
101 HILOGE("Failed to close fd");
102 }
103 return NVal();
104 }
105 auto fdg = CreateUniquePtr<DistributedFS::FDGuard>(fd, false);
106 if (fdg == nullptr) {
107 HILOGE("Failed to request heap memory.");
108 NError(ENOMEM).ThrowErr(env);
109 return NVal();
110 }
111 fileEntity->fd_.swap(fdg);
112 if (isUri) {
113 fileEntity->path_ = "";
114 fileEntity->uri_ = pathOrUri;
115 } else {
116 fileEntity->path_ = pathOrUri;
117 fileEntity->uri_ = "";
118 }
119 return { env, objFile };
120 }
OpenFileByPath(const string & path,unsigned int mode)122 static int OpenFileByPath(const string &path, unsigned int mode)
123 {
124 unique_ptr<uv_fs_t, decltype(CommonFunc::fs_req_cleanup)*> open_req = {
125 new uv_fs_t, CommonFunc::fs_req_cleanup };
126 if (!open_req) {
127 HILOGE("Failed to request heap memory.");
128 return -ENOMEM;
129 }
130 int ret = uv_fs_open(nullptr, open_req.get(), path.c_str(), mode, S_IRUSR |
131 S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP, nullptr);
132 return ret;
133 }
135 #if !defined(WIN_PLATFORM) && !defined(IOS_PLATFORM)
OpenFileByDatashare(const string & path,unsigned int flags)137 static int OpenFileByDatashare(const string &path, unsigned int flags)
138 {
139 std::shared_ptr<DataShare::DataShareHelper> dataShareHelper = nullptr;
140 sptr<FileIoToken> remote = new (std::nothrow) IRemoteStub<FileIoToken>();
141 if (!remote) {
142 HILOGE("Failed to get remote object");
143 return -ENOMEM;
144 }
146 dataShareHelper = DataShare::DataShareHelper::Creator(remote->AsObject(), MEDIALIBRARY_DATA_URI);
147 if (!dataShareHelper) {
148 HILOGE("Failed to connect to datashare");
149 return -E_PERMISSION;
150 }
151 Uri uri(path);
152 int fd = dataShareHelper->OpenFile(uri, CommonFunc::GetModeFromFlags(flags));
153 return fd;
154 }
OpenByFileDataUri(Uri & uri,const string & uriStr,unsigned int mode)156 static tuple<int, string> OpenByFileDataUri(Uri &uri, const string &uriStr, unsigned int mode)
157 {
158 string bundleName = uri.GetAuthority();
159 AppFileService::ModuleFileUri::FileUri fileUri(uriStr);
160 string realPath = fileUri.GetRealPath();
161 if ((bundleName == MEDIA || bundleName == DOCS) && access(realPath.c_str(), F_OK) != 0) {
162 int res = OpenFileByDatashare(uri.ToString(), mode);
163 if (res < 0) {
164 HILOGE("Failed to open file by Datashare error %{public}d", res);
165 }
166 return { res, uri.ToString() };
167 }
168 int ret = OpenFileByPath(realPath, mode);
169 if (ret < 0) {
170 if (bundleName == MEDIA) {
171 ret = OpenFileByDatashare(uriStr, mode);
172 if (ret < 0) {
173 HILOGE("Failed to open file by Datashare error %{public}d", ret);
174 }
175 } else {
176 HILOGE("Failed to open file for libuv error %{public}d", ret);
177 }
178 }
179 return { ret, uriStr };
180 }
OpenFileByBroker(const Uri & uri,uint32_t mode)182 static tuple<int, string> OpenFileByBroker(const Uri &uri, uint32_t mode)
183 {
184 uint32_t flag = (mode % MAX_WANT_FLAG) > 0 ?
187 int ret = AAFwk::AbilityManagerClient::GetInstance()->OpenFile(uri, flag);
188 if (ret < 0) {
189 HILOGE("Failed to open file by Broker error %{public}d", ret);
190 }
191 return { ret, uri.ToString() };
192 }
OpenFileByUri(const string & path,unsigned int mode)194 static tuple<int, string> OpenFileByUri(const string &path, unsigned int mode)
195 {
196 Uri uri(path);
197 string uriType = uri.GetScheme();
198 if (uriType == SCHEME_FILE) {
199 return OpenByFileDataUri(uri, path, mode);
200 } else if (uriType == SCHEME_BROKER) {
201 return OpenFileByBroker(uri, mode);
202 } else if (uriType == DATASHARE) {
203 // datashare:////#fdFromBinder=xx
204 int fd = -1;
205 if (RemoteUri::IsRemoteUri(path, fd, mode)) {
206 if (fd >= 0) {
207 return { fd, path };
208 }
209 HILOGE("Failed to open file by RemoteUri");
210 }
211 }
212 HILOGE("Failed to open file by invalid uri");
213 return { -EINVAL, path };
214 }
215 #endif
Sync(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)217 napi_value Open::Sync(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
218 {
219 NFuncArg funcArg(env, info);
220 if (!funcArg.InitArgs(NARG_CNT::ONE, NARG_CNT::TWO)) {
221 HILOGE("Number of arguments unmatched");
222 NError(EINVAL).ThrowErr(env);
223 return nullptr;
224 }
225 auto [succPath, path, ignore] = NVal(env, funcArg[NARG_POS::FIRST]).ToUTF8String();
226 if (!succPath) {
227 HILOGE("Invalid path");
228 NError(EINVAL).ThrowErr(env);
229 return nullptr;
230 }
231 auto [succMode, mode] = GetJsFlags(env, funcArg);
232 if (!succMode) {
233 return nullptr;
234 }
235 string pathStr(path.get());
236 #if !defined(WIN_PLATFORM) && !defined(IOS_PLATFORM)
237 if (pathStr.find("://") != string::npos) {
238 auto [res, uriStr] = OpenFileByUri(pathStr, mode);
239 if (res < 0) {
240 NError(res).ThrowErr(env);
241 return nullptr;
242 }
243 return InstantiateFile(env, res, uriStr, true).val_;
244 }
245 #endif
246 int ret = OpenFileByPath(pathStr, mode);
247 if (ret < 0) {
248 HILOGE("Failed to open file for libuv error %{public}d", ret);
249 NError(ret).ThrowErr(env);
250 return nullptr;
251 }
252 return InstantiateFile(env, ret, pathStr, false).val_;
253 }
255 struct AsyncOpenFileArg {
256 int fd;
257 string path;
258 string uri;
259 };
AsyncCbExec(shared_ptr<AsyncOpenFileArg> arg,const string & path,unsigned int mode)261 static NError AsyncCbExec(shared_ptr<AsyncOpenFileArg> arg, const string &path, unsigned int mode)
262 {
263 string pathStr(path);
264 #if !defined(WIN_PLATFORM) && !defined(IOS_PLATFORM)
265 if (pathStr.find("://") != string::npos) {
266 auto [res, uriStr] = OpenFileByUri(pathStr, mode);
267 if (res < 0) {
268 return NError(res);
269 }
270 arg->fd = res;
271 arg->path = "";
272 arg->uri = uriStr;
273 return NError(ERRNO_NOERR);
274 }
275 #endif
276 int ret = OpenFileByPath(pathStr, mode);
277 if (ret < 0) {
278 HILOGD("Failed to open file for libuv error %{public}d", ret);
279 return NError(ret);
280 }
281 arg->fd = ret;
282 arg->path = pathStr;
283 arg->uri = "";
284 return NError(ERRNO_NOERR);
285 }
Async(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)287 napi_value Open::Async(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
288 {
289 NFuncArg funcArg(env, info);
290 if (!funcArg.InitArgs(NARG_CNT::ONE, NARG_CNT::THREE)) {
291 HILOGE("Number of arguments unmatched");
292 NError(EINVAL).ThrowErr(env);
293 return nullptr;
294 }
295 auto [succPath, path, ignore] = NVal(env, funcArg[NARG_POS::FIRST]).ToUTF8String();
296 if (!succPath) {
297 HILOGE("Invalid path");
298 NError(EINVAL).ThrowErr(env);
299 return nullptr;
300 }
301 auto [succMode, mode] = GetJsFlags(env, funcArg);
302 if (!succMode) {
303 return nullptr;
304 }
305 auto arg = CreateSharedPtr<AsyncOpenFileArg>();
306 if (arg == nullptr) {
307 HILOGE("Failed to request heap memory.");
308 NError(ENOMEM).ThrowErr(env);
309 return nullptr;
310 }
311 auto cbExec = [arg, path = string(path.get()), mode = mode]() -> NError {
312 return AsyncCbExec(arg, path, mode);
313 };
314 auto cbCompl = [arg](napi_env env, NError err) -> NVal {
315 if (err) {
316 return { env, err.GetNapiErr(env) };
317 }
318 if (arg->path.empty() && arg->uri.size()) {
319 return InstantiateFile(env, arg->fd, arg->uri, true);
320 }
321 return InstantiateFile(env, arg->fd, arg->path, false);
322 };
323 NVal thisVar(env, funcArg.GetThisVar());
324 if (funcArg.GetArgc() == NARG_CNT::ONE || (funcArg.GetArgc() == NARG_CNT::TWO &&
325 !NVal(env, funcArg[NARG_POS::SECOND]).TypeIs(napi_function))) {
326 return NAsyncWorkPromise(env, thisVar).Schedule(PROCEDURE_OPEN_NAME, cbExec, cbCompl).val_;
327 } else {
328 int cbIdx = ((funcArg.GetArgc() == NARG_CNT::THREE) ? NARG_POS::THIRD : NARG_POS::SECOND);
329 NVal cb(env, funcArg[cbIdx]);
330 return NAsyncWorkCallback(env, thisVar, cb).Schedule(PROCEDURE_OPEN_NAME, cbExec, cbCompl).val_;
331 }
332 }
333 } // namespace ModuleFileIO
334 } // namespace FileManagement
335 } // namespace OHOS