1# @file RBManager 2# @fileEncoding sv 3# @fileLanguage Swedish 4# @fileCountry 5# @fileVariant 6# @fileManager Stefan Edlund 7# @fileComment 8 9 10# 11# @group Base Class Groups Pane 12# 13# @groupComment Translation Items for the Base Class Group tabbed pane 14 15# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 16# @comment 17basegroup_group_comment=Grupp\ kommentar 18# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 19# @comment 20basegroup_group_name=Grupp\ namn 21# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 22# @comment 23basegroup_group_options=Resursgrupp\ alternativ 24# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 25# @comment 26basegroup_item_options=Resurs\ sak\ alternativ 27 28# 29# @group Base Class Statistics Pane 30# 31# @groupComment All translations for strings appearing on the statistics pane for the base class 32 33# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 34# @comment 35basestats_duplicates_count=Antal\ kopierade\ resursnycklar 36# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 37# @comment 38basestats_file_count=Antal\ resursfiler 39# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 40# @comment 41basestats_group_count=Antal\ resursgrupper 42# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 43# @comment 44basestats_group_group=Resurs\ grupper 45# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 46# @comment 47basestats_item_count=Antal\ resurs\ saker 48# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 49# @comment 50basestats_item_group=Resurssak 51 52# 53# @group Base Class Untranslated Items Pane 54# 55# @groupComment Translations appearing on the Base Class Untranslated Items pane 56 57# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 58# @comment Indication of the file being viewed 59baseuntrans_file=Fil\: 60# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 61# @comment Indication of the number of resource items not translated in the file 62baseuntrans_untrans_count=Antal\ ooversatta\ saker 63 64# 65# @group Button Names 66# 67# @groupComment The names displayed on the various buttons 68 69# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 70# @comment 71basestats_file_group=Resurs\ filer 72# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 73# @comment Button for creating a new resource language file 74button_add_file=Lagg\ till\ ny\ resursfil 75# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-01-23 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 76# @comment 77button_add_file_trigger=n 78# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 79# @comment Button for creating a new resource group 80button_add_group=Lagg\ till\ resurs\ grupp 81# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-01-23 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 82# @comment 83button_add_group_trigger=g 84# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 85# @comment Button for creating a new resource translation item 86button_add_resource=Lagg\ till\ resurssak 87# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-01-23 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 88# @comment 89button_add_resource_trigger=r 90# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator a @modifier Stefan Edlund 91# @comment Generic button for canceling actions 92button_cancel=Avbryt 93# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 94# @comment Generic button for a choice or selection option 95button_choose=V\u00E4lj 96# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-01-26 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 97# @comment 98button_choose_trigger=c 99# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 100# @comment Button for generic creation of groups, items, files, etc. 101button_create=Skapa 102# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator a @modifier Stefan Edlund 103# @comment For creation of a resource group 104button_create_group=Skapa\ grupp 105# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-01-23 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 106# @comment 107button_create_group_trigger=g 108# @translated true @created 2001-02-02 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 109# @comment Button title for creating an item then continuing creating more items 110button_create_more=Skapa\ och\ Forts\u00E4tt 111# @translated true @created 2001-02-02 @modified 2001-02-02 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 112# @comment 113button_create_more_trigger=r 114# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator a @modifier Stefan Edlund 115# @comment Button for creating a resource translation item 116button_create_resource=Skapa\ resurs 117# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-01-23 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 118# @comment 119button_create_resource_trigger=c 120# @translated true @created 2001-02-02 @modified 2001-02-02 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 121# @comment 122button_create_trigger=c 123# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator a @modifier Stefan Edlund 124# @comment Button for removing a group and its contents 125button_delete_group=Ta\ bort\ grupp 126# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator a @modifier Stefan Edlund 127# @comment Button for permanently removing a resource from the bundle 128button_delete_resource=Ta\ bort\ resurs 129# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-01-23 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 130# @comment 131button_delete_resource_trigger=d 132# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 133# @comment Generic edit button 134button_edit=Editera 135# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator a @modifier Stefan Edlund 136# @comment Button for editing group name and comment 137button_edit_group=Editera\ grupp 138# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator a @modifier Stefan Edlund 139# @comment Button for editing resource information, including key and translation 140button_edit_resource=Editera\ resurs 141# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-01-23 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 142# @comment 143button_edit_resource_trigger=e 144# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 145# @comment Button title for initiating an import of resources from an alternate source 146button_import=Importera 147# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-01-26 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 148# @comment 149button_import_trigger=i 150# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 151# @comment Button allows a selected resource to be marked as translated without further editing 152button_mark_translated=Markera\ som\ \u00F6versatt 153# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-01-23 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 154# @comment 155button_mark_translated_trigger=t 156# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 157# @comment Button for adding the current resource bundle in the main application to the project 158button_project_add=Add\ Current\ Bundle 159# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 160# @comment 161button_project_add_trigger=a 162# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 163# @comment Button for closing the project window 164button_project_close=Close\ Project 165# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 166# @comment 167button_project_close_trigger=c 168# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 169# @comment Button for creating a new resource bundle project 170button_project_new=New\ Project 171# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 172# @comment 173button_project_new_trigger=n 174# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 175# @comment Button for opening a project file 176button_project_open=Open\ Project 177# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 178# @comment 179button_project_open_trigger=o 180# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 181# @comment Button for removing the currently selected resource bundle from the project 182button_project_remove=Remove\ Selection 183# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 184# @comment 185button_project_remove_trigger=r 186# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 187# @comment Button for causing the selected resource bundle to be the one being edited in the main application 188button_project_select=Edit\ Selected 189# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 190# @comment 191button_project_select_trigger=e 192# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 193# @comment Title for performing a complete search 194button_search_find_all=Hitta\ alla 195# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-06 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 196# @comment 197button_search_find_all_trigger=f 198# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 199# @comment Title for performing complete search and replace 200button_search_replace_all=Ers\u00E4tt\ alla 201# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-06 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 202# @comment 203button_search_replace_all_trigger=r 204# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 205# @comment Generic button for updating information 206button_update=Updatera 207# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-01-23 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 208# @comment 209button_update_trigger=u 210 211# 212# @group Dialogs 213# 214# @groupComment Translations associated with the applications various dialog boxes 215 216# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 217# @comment 218dailog_title_preferences=Installningar 219# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 220# @comment Indication of wether or not a new file will be populated from the elements in the base class 221dialog_checkbox_copy_elements=Kopiera\ saker\ fran\ basklass\ till\ ny\ fil 222# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 223# @comment Indicator of wether an item is translated or not 224dialog_checkbox_translated=Oversatt 225# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 226# @comment 227dialog_comment=Komentar\: 228# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 229# @comment 230dialog_country=Land 231# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 232# @comment 233dialog_created=Skapad\: 234# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 235# @comment 236dialog_creator=Skapare\: 237# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 238# @{1} The date 239# @{0} The name of the person involved 240# @comment The date and person associated with a creation or modification of an item 241dialog_date_person={0}\ av\ {1} 242# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 243# @comment 244dialog_default_comment=Skonsvarde\ for\ kommentar\: 245# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 246# @comment 247dialog_default_translation=Skonsvarde\ for\ oversattning 248# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 249# @comment 250dialog_delete_file=Ta\ bort\ resursfil 251# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 252# @comment 253dialog_delete_group=Ta\ bort\ resurs\ grupp 254# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 255# @comment 256dialog_delete_item=Ta\ bort\ resurssak 257# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 258# @comment Warning displayed when a user asks for a deletion of a file. Prompts for 'Yes' or 'No' 259dialog_delete_warning=Varning\!\ Raderingen\ kan\ inte\ \u00E5ngras.\n\u00C4r\ du\ s\u00E4ker\ att\ du\ vill\ forts\u00E4tta? 260# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 261# @comment 262dialog_encoding=Kodning\: 263# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 264# @comment 265dialog_file_comment=Kommentar\ for\ resursfil\: 266# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 267# @comment 268dialog_file_filter_description=Basklass\ egenskapsfil 269# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 270# @comment Description of File Filter for RBReporter XML scan configuration files 271dialog_file_filter_description_scan=XML\ RBReporter\ l\u00E4s\ filer 272# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 273# @comment 274dialog_file_info=Fil\ information 275# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 276# @comment 277dialog_file_manager=Namn\ for\ resursagare\: 278# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 279# @comment 280dialog_file_title=Titel\ for\ resursfil\: 281# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 282# @comment 283dialog_group=Grupp\ namn\: 284# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 285# @comment 286dialog_group_comment=Grupp\ kommentar\: 287# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 288# @comment 289dialog_key=Nyckel\: 290# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 291# @comment 292dialog_language=Sprak 293# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 294# @comment 295dialog_lookups=Uppletningar\: 296# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 297# @comment 298dialog_modified=Senast\ modifierad\: 299# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 300# @comment 301dialog_modifier=Senast\ modifierad\ av\: 302# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 303# @comment The name of a language, country, or variant of a language file 304dialog_name=Namn\: 305# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 306# @comment Prompts the user to enter a name for the resource bundle, before creating that bundle 307dialog_new_baseclass=Mata\ in\ en\ ny\ basklassnamn\ for\ resursfilen. 308# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 309# @comment Dialog popup window text prompting the user for the name of a resource bundle project 310dialog_new_project=Please\ enter\ a\ title\ for\ your\ new\ Resource\ Bundle\ Project. 311# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 312# @comment A description of the files making it through the filter upon opening a resource bundle 313dialog_open_file_filter=Basklass\ egenskapsfil 314# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 315# @comment This is a section heading for setting the locale 316dialog_preferences_locale=Lokal 317# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 318# @comment Locales currently defined in the properties files for the application 319dialog_preferences_locale_defined=Definierad\ for\ RBManager 320# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Stefan Edlund 321# @comment 322dialog_preferences_locale_iso=ISO\ Standarder\: 323# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 324# @comment Locales that are supported by the host Java Virtual Machine 325dialog_preferences_locale_machine=Kompatibel\ utrustning\: 326# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Stefan Edlund 327# @comment 328dialog_preferences_locale_warning=OBS.\ Andringar\ till\ lokalen\ ar\ inte\ aktiva\ tills\ applikatoinen\ aterstartas 329# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 330# @comment 331dialog_preferences_lookandfeel='Look\ and\ Feel' 332# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 333# @comment 334dialog_preferences_username=Anvandarnamn\: 335# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 336# @comment Descriptor that goes into GUI file chooser 337dialog_project_file_filter_description=RBManager\ Project\ Files 338# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 339# @comment File Filter description for resource bundle project files 340dialog_project_filter_description=Resource\ Bundle\ Projects 341# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 342# @comment An indication that no project is open, placed in the title of the dialog where the project name would normally go 343dialog_project_none_selected=No\ Active\ Project 344# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 345# @{0} The name of the project 346# @comment Title for the window showing all the resource bundles in a project 347dialog_project_title=Resource\ Bundle\ Project\:\ {0} 348# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 349# @comment Prompts the user if they would like to save changes before exiting 350dialog_quit_save=Vill\ du\ spara\ innan\ du\ avslutar\ RBManager? 351# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 352# @comment A generic propmpt to ask the user if they wish to save changes 353dialog_save=Vill\ du\ spara\ andringar\ till\ resursgrupen? 354# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 355# @comment 356dialog_search_options=Sokningsalternativ 357# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 358# @comment 359dialog_search_param=Leta\ efter\: 360# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 361# @comment The title of the about dialog box 362dialog_title_about_rbmanager=Om\ RBManager 363# @translated true @created 2001-01-22 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 364# @comment Title for dialog prompting for deletion of an entire resource group 365dialog_title_delete_group=Ta\ bort\ resurs\ grupp 366# @translated true @created 2001-01-22 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 367# @comment Title when prompting to delete a resource 368dialog_title_delete_item=Ta\ bort\ resurs 369# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 370# @comment 371dialog_title_edit_group=Editera\ Resursgrupp 372# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 373# @comment 374dialog_title_edit_item=Editera\ resurssak 375# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 376# @comment 377dialog_title_error=Error 378# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 379# @comment 380dialog_title_error_creating_bundle=Fel\ vid\ skapande\ av\ resursfil 381# @translated true @created 2001-01-22 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 382# @comment Dialog title when opening a resource bundle not created by RBManager 383dialog_title_error_not_rbmanager_format=Fel\:\ Ol\u00E4sbar\ resursgrupp 384# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 385# @comment Title on a warning dialog that I/O malfunctioned opening a file 386dialog_title_error_opening_file=Fel\ vid\ \u00F6ppnande\ av\ fil 387# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 388# @comment Dialog title for a dialog box for entering special parameters needed to export a resource bundle to java class code 389dialog_title_export_java_options=Export\ parametrar\:\ Java\ klass 390# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 391# @comment Title for a dialog with a progress bar governing import status 392dialog_title_import_progress=Importeringsframg\u00E5ng 393# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 394# @comment Title for creating new bundle 395dialog_title_new_bundle=Skapa\ ny\ resursfil 396# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 397# @comment Title for creating a new resource file 398dialog_title_new_file=Skapa\ ny\ resursfil 399# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 400# @comment Title for creating a new resource group 401dialog_title_new_group=Skapa\ ny\ resursgrupp 402# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 403# @comment Title for creating resource 404dialog_title_new_item=Skapa\ ny\ resurssak 405# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 406# @comment Title of the dialog box showing when creating a new project 407dialog_title_new_project=New\ Resource\ Bundle\ Project 408# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 409# @comment 410dialog_title_preferences=Installningar 411# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 412# @comment Title for confirming exit from application 413dialog_title_quit=Avsluta\ RBManager 414# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 415# @comment 416dialog_title_search=Sok 417# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 418# @comment 419dialog_title_user_name=Mata\ in\ anvandarnamn 420# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 421# @comment 422dialog_translation=Oversattning\: 423# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 424# @comment 425dialog_user_name=Mata\ in\ namn. 426# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 427# @comment 428dialog_variant=Variant\: 429# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 430# @comment 431dialog_warning_delete_group=Om\ du\ tar\ bort\ den\ ar\ gruppen\ sa\ forsvinner\ alla\ saker\ i\ gruppen.\ Vill\ du\ forsatta? 432# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 433# @comment 434dialog_warning_delete_item=Resurssaken\ kommer\ att\ forsvinna.\ Vill\ du\ forsatta? 435 436# 437# @group Error Messages 438# 439# @groupComment 440 441# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 442# @comment 443error=Fel 444# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 445# @comment General error message when trying to add a resource bundle to a project. 446error_adding_project_bundle=An\ error\ occurred\ trying\ to\ add\ the\ Resource\ Bundle\ you\ selected. 447# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 448# @comment 449error_baseclass_whitespace=Resursnamn\ kan\ inte\ ha\ space\ i\ dem. 450# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 451# @comment 452error_bundle_not_created=Ingen\ resursfil\ var\ skapad 453# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 454# @comment 455error_create_file=Ett\ fel\ uppstod\ nar\ vi\ forsokte\ skapa\ resursfil 456# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 457# @comment 458error_create_group=Ett\ problem\ uppstod\ nar\ gruppen\ forsokte\ skapas 459# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 460# @comment 461error_create_item=Ett\ fel\ uppstod\ vid\ skapande\ av\ ny\ oversattning 462# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 463# @comment General error message when creating a project 464error_creating_project=An\ error\ was\ encountered\ trying\ to\ create\ a\ Resource\ Bundle\ Project. 465# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 466# @{0} The message from an IOException that is thrown 467# @comment Error message when trying to delete a file 468error_deleting=Ett\ fel\ uppstod\ n\u00E4r\ jag\ f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte\ ta\ bort\ fil\:\ {0} 469# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 470# @comment An error that occurs when an attempt is made to delete a file, but the virtual machine can not do so 471error_deletion_not_possible=RBManager\ kunde\ ej\ ta\ bort\ fil.\ Tillst\u00E5nd\ f\u00F6rbjuden. 472# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 473# @comment General error message for exporting resource bundles 474error_export=Ett\ fel\ uppstod\ vid\ exportering\ av\ resursgrupp 475# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 476# @comment 477error_internal=Internt\ fel 478# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 479# @comment 480error_modify_file=Ett\ fel\ uppstod\ vid\ modifiering\ av\ resursfil 481# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 482# @comment 483error_modify_group=Ett\ fel\ uppstod\ nar\ grupp\ modifierades. 484# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 485# @comment 486error_modify_item=Ett\ fel\ uppstod\ nar\ oversattning\ andrades 487# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 488# @comment 489error_no_bundle_for_file=For\ att\ skapa\ en\ resursfil\ sa\ maste\ du\ forst\ skapa\ en\ resursgrupp 490# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 491# @comment 492error_no_bundle_for_group=For\ att\ skapa\ en\ grupp\ sa\ maste\ du\ forst\ skapa\ en\ resursgrupp. 493# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 494# @comment Error message displayed when the user tries to create a resource, without an open resource bundle 495error_no_bundle_for_item=Oppna\ en\ resursgrupp\ innan\ du\ forsoker\ skapa\ en\ ny\ oversattning 496# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 497# @comment 498error_no_key_replace=Ers\u00E4tt\ fungerar\ ej\ f\u00F6r\ resurs\ nycklar.\ Alla\ andra\ ers\u00E4ttningar\ kommer\ att\ utf\u00F6ras. 499# @translated true @created 2001-01-22 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 500# @comment Indication that RBManager can not read the file as created by RBManager 501error_not_rbmanager_format=Den\ valda\ resurs\ gruppen\ var\ ej\ skapad\ av\ RBManager,\ eller\ filen\ \u00E4r\ skadad. 502# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 503# @{0} The name of the file that would not open 504# @comment Error message occuring on an I/O error trying to open a file 505error_opening_file=Kunde\ ej\ \u00F6ppna\ fil\ {0} 506# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 507# @comment Error message displayed when RBManager encounters an error writing preferences to the file system 508error_preferences_save=Ett\ fel\ uppstod\ n\u00E4r\ jag\ f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte\ spara\ dina\ inst\u00E4llingar. 509# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 510# @{0} The error message generated 511# @comment A message presented to the user when an error occurs in saving the resource bundle 512error_saving=Problem\ vid\ sparande\ av\ resursgruppen\:\ \ {0} 513# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 514# @comment General error message when saving a project 515error_saving_project=An\ error\ was\ encountered\ trying\ to\ save\ the\ Resource\ Bundle\ Project. 516# @translated true @created 2001-01-22 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 517# @comment Suggest trying to import the resource bundle instead of opening it. 518error_suggest_import_properties=F\u00F6rs\u00F6k\ importera\ resursgruppen\ ist\u00E4llet. 519# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 520# @comment 521error_try_again_file=Forsok\ igen\ med\ en\ annan\ kodning 522# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 523# @comment 524error_try_again_group=Forsok\ igen\ med\ en\ annan\ gruppnamn 525# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 526# @comment 527error_try_again_item=Forsok\ igen\ med\ en\ annan\ nyckel 528# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 529# @comment Value inserted into table cells when an error has occured 530table_cell_error=*Fel* 531 532# 533# @group Export 534# 535# @groupComment Resources dealing with export options 536 537# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 538# @comment Option for the parameter for created a protected class 539export_java_class_protected=Skapa\ en\ skyddad\ klass 540# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 541# @comment Option for parameter setting the created class as public 542export_java_class_public=Skapa\ en\ publik\ klass 543# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 544# @comment Option for parameter for creating protected methods in the java class 545export_java_methods_protected=Skapa\ en\ skyddad\ metod 546# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 547# @comment Option for parameter for creating public methods 548export_java_methods_public=Skapa\ publik\ metod 549# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 550# @comment Title of a check box followed by a text field for specifying whether or not to use a package in the generated java class and what the package should be called 551export_java_package=Specifiera\ Java\ package\: 552# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 553# @comment Text placed in a label at the top of the dialog box for specifying parameters concerning the export of resource bundles into a java class 554export_java_title=Var\ god\ specificera\ f\u00F6ljande\ parametrar\ f\u00F6r\ din\ Java\ klass\: 555 556# 557# @group General 558# 559# @groupComment Some items that are common across groups 560 561# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 562# @comment The file or class composed of the default translations for the bundle 563baseclass=Basklass 564# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2004-06-29 @creator Jared @modifier George 565# @comment This is the legal copyright notice 566copyright=(C)\ Kopieringsskyddad\ IBM\ Corp.\ 2000-2004\ -\ Alla\ rattigheter\ reserverade 567# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 568# @comment Gerneral use for file directories 569directory=Folder 570# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 571# @comment 572groups=Grupper 573# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 574# @comment The name of the image file in the 'Images' directory that represents the logo seen at the top of the application 575logo_filename=TitleLogo_transparent.gif 576# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 577# @comment Tree node title when viewing a resource bundle in the project view when there is no active project 578no_project=Default\ Project 579# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 580# @comment Tree node title defaulted to when no resource bundle or project has been opened by the user 581no_project_bundle=No\ Project\ or\ Resource\ Bundle\ Open 582# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 583# @comment The top tree node title, when no resource bundle has been opened or created 584no_resource_bundle=Ingen\ resursgrupp 585# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 586# @comment 587none=Ingen 588# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 589# @comment Project table column name - Location of a resource bundle 590project_table_file_location=File\ Location 591# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 592# @comment Table Column Name for resource bundle name 593project_table_resource_bundle=Resource\ Bundle 594# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 595# @comment An abbreviated name of this application 596rbmanager=RBManager 597# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2004-06-29 @creator Jared @modifier George 598# @comment 599rbmanager_contact=Skapare\:\ Jared\ Jackson\ &\ George\ Rhoten 600# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 601# @comment The full name of this application 602resource_bundle_manager=Resursgrupp\ Agare 603# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 604# @comment 605table_column_error=Fel\ i\ kolumn 606# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 607# @{0} 608# @comment Node title, under which all files of the same country, language reside 609tree_country_node=Landskod\:\ {0} 610# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 611# @{0} Language Encoding 612# @comment The node below which languages of one encoding are grouped 613tree_language_node=Sprakkod\:\ {0} 614# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 615# @comment 616tree_variant_node=Varianter\: 617# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 618# @comment The name assigned as a user name when the user name is not specified 619unknown_user=Okand 620# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 621# @comment 622untitled=Ingen\ titel 623# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 624# @comment 625untranslated_items=Ooversatta\ saker 626# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 627# @{0} The version number 628# @comment The version of this application 629version=Version\ {0} 630# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 631# @comment general use Warning 632warning=Varning 633 634# 635# @group Import 636# 637# @groupComment Resources dealing with import options 638 639# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 640# @comment Title for file chooser for choosing TMX files 641import_TMX_file_description=TMX\ filer 642# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 643# @comment Dialog title for importing from TMX XML files 644import_TMX_title=TMX\ filimport 645# @translated true @created 2004-07-01 @modified 2004-07-01 @creator George Rhoten @modifier George Rhoten 646# @comment Title for the file chooser for choosing XLIFF (.xlf) files 647import_XLF_file_description=XLIFF\ filer 648# @translated true @created 2004-07-01 @modified 2004-07-01 @creator George Rhoten @modifier George Rhoten 649# @comment Dialot title for importing from XLIFF (.xlf) files 650import_XLF_title=XLIFF\ filimport 651# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 652# @comment Option for resolving conflicts on a case by case basis 653import_conflict_prompt=Fr\u00E5ga\ vid\ varje\ konflikt 654# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 655# @comment Option specifying whether a group found in the target but not found in the active resource bundle should be created in the resource bundle or not 656import_default_group_creation=Skapa\ grupper\ som\ inte\ existerar\ i\ nuvarande\ bundle 657# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 658# @comment Optoin for marking the incoming values as translated or not 659import_default_translated=Markera\ som\ \u00F6versatt 660# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 661# @comment Title for options specifying the meta data to be applied to individual resources if it is not available in the import source 662import_default_values=Sk\u00F6nsv\u00E4rden 663# @translated true @created 2001-02-02 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 664# @{0} The locale encoding of the file in question 665# @comment Instructions for prompting the user to resolve a conflict when importing resources from a locale that does not exist in the current resource bundle 666import_file_conflict_choose=Kodningen\ {0}\ finns\ ej.\ V\u00E4lj\ ett\ val\ f\u00F6r\ att\ fixa\ konflikten,\ eller\ avbryt\ f\u00F6r\ att\ ignorera. 667# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 668# @comment Option for file conflicts in which a new file is generated, but not populated 669import_file_conflict_generate_empty=Skapa\ en\ ny,\ tom\ resursfil 670# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 671# @comment Option for resolving file conflicts in which a new file is generated and populated with all the existing resources 672import_file_conflict_generate_populate=Skapa\ en\ ny\ resursfil\ och\ fyll\ i\ med\ bas-klassens\ resurer 673# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 674# @comment Option for file conflicts in which the conflicts are ignored 675import_file_conflict_ignore=Skippa\ och\ ignorera\ alla\ resurser\ fr\u00E5n\ lokaler\ som\ inte\ existerar\ i\ nuvarande\ bunt. 676# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 677# @comment Title for section listing options for what to do when an imported value exists in a locale not defined in the existing resource bundle 678import_file_conflicts=Resursfil\ saknas 679# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 680# @comment Selection of the default group. A list of groups will appear to the right of this resource in a ComboBox 681import_insert_group=L\u00E4gg\ till\ grupp\: 682# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 683# @comment Title for the types of files accepted for this import type 684import_java_file_description=Java\ ListResourceBundle\ Bas\ klasser 685# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 686# @comment Title for dialog prompting for import from java classes 687import_java_title=Java\ ListResourceBundle\ Klass\ importering 688# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 689# @comment Title indicating section containing user options 690import_options=Importeringsinst\u00E4llningar 691# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 692# @comment Title for file chooser for selection of resource bundles stored in .properties files 693import_properties_file_description=Resursbunt\ basklasser 694# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 695# @comment Dialog title for importing from properties files (created or not by RBManager) 696import_properties_title=Resursbunt\ inst\u00E4llningsimportering 697# @translated true @created 2001-02-02 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 698# @{1} Encoding of the resource value with a conflict 699# @{0} The key value of the resource in conflict 700# @comment This is a warning and instruction for when a resource conflict occurs during an import 701import_resource_conflict_choose=Nyckeln\ {0}\ finns\ redan\ i\ {1}\ resursbunt.\ V\u00E4lj\ ett\ alternativ\ f\u00F6r\ att\ l\u00F6sa\ problemet. 702# @translated true @created 2001-02-02 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 703# @{0} The translation value associated with the resource item 704# @comment An indication of the value of the resource according to the import file 705import_resource_conflict_choose_source=Import\u00F6vers\u00E4ttning\:\ {0} 706# @translated true @created 2001-02-02 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 707# @{0} The translation value of the resource item 708# @comment An indication of the translation value held by the active resource bundle during a translation resource conflict 709import_resource_conflict_choose_target=Resursbunt\ \u00F6vers\u00E4ttning\:\ {0} 710# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 711# @comment Option for resolving resource conflicts by ignoring import value 712import_resource_conflict_ignore=Ignorera\ konfliten\ och\ l\u00E4mna\ originalresursen\ o\u00E4ndrad 713# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 714# @comment Option for resolving conflicts by using the import value 715import_resource_conflict_overwrite=Skriv\ \u00F6ver\ resursen\ med\ v\u00E4rden\ fr\u00E5n\ importerad\ fil 716# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 717# @comment Title listing options for resolving conflicts between resources 718import_resource_conflicts=Resurs\ konflikter 719# @translated true @created 2001-01-26 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 720# @{0} The path and name of the source file 721# @comment Indication of the source file for the import 722import_source_file=K\u00E4llfil\:\ {0} 723 724# 725# @group Menu Items 726# 727# @groupComment These resources represent all of the menu and menu item titles 728 729# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 730# @comment The menu title covering copying, pasting, deleting of items 731menu_edit=Editera 732# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 733# @comment 734menu_edit_copy=Kopiera 735# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-07 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 736# @comment 737menu_edit_copy_trigger=c 738# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 739# @comment 740menu_edit_cut=Ta\ bort 741# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-07 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 742# @comment 743menu_edit_cut_trigger=t 744# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 745# @comment 746menu_edit_delete=Radera 747# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-07 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 748# @comment 749menu_edit_delete_trigger=d 750# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 751# @comment 752menu_edit_paste=Klistra\ in 753# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-07 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 754# @comment 755menu_edit_paste_trigger=p 756# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 757# @comment The trigger is a letter from the translation of 'menu_edit' which provides a keyboard shortcut to the menu 758menu_edit_trigger=e 759# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 760# @comment Menu title for the opening, saving, etc. documents and exiting the program 761menu_file=Fil 762# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 763# @comment Ability to export resource bundles in a variety of formats 764menu_file_export=Exportera\ resursbunt 765# @translated true @created 2002-05-17 @modified 2002-05-17 @creator George Rhoten @modifier George Rhoten 766# @comment Ability to export to ICU Resource Bundle files 767menu_file_export_ICU=ICU\ Filer... 768# @translated true @created 2002-05-17 @modified 2002-05-17 @creator George Rhoten @modifier George Rhoten 769# @comment 770menu_file_export_ICU_trigger=i 771# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 772# @comment Ability to export to TMX XML files 773menu_file_export_TMX=TMX\ Filer... 774# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-01-15 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 775# @comment 776menu_file_export_TMX_trigger=t 777# @translated true @created 2004-07-01 @modified 2004-07-01 @creator George Rhoten @modifier George Rhoten 778# @comment x 779menu_file_export_XLF=XLIFF\ Filer... 780# @translated true @created 2004-07-01 @modified 2004-07-01 @creator George Rhoten @modifier George Rhoten 781# @comment 782menu_file_export_XLF_trigger=x 783# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 784# @comment Ability to export to java files that compile to be ListResourceBundle class extensions 785menu_file_export_java=Kompatibla\ Java\ filer... 786# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-01-15 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 787# @comment 788menu_file_export_java_trigger=j 789# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 790# @comment Export ability to properties files minus the metadata 791menu_file_export_properties=Minimal\ inst\u00E4llningsfil... 792# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 793# @comment 794menu_file_export_properties_trigger=s 795# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-01-15 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 796# @comment 797menu_file_export_trigger=x 798# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 799# @comment Menu item for import and merging another resource file with the bundle being worked with 800menu_file_import=Importera\ resursgrupp\ fran\ fil... 801# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 802# @comment Import ability from XML TMX documents 803menu_file_import_TMX=TMX\ document... 804# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-01-15 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 805# @comment 806menu_file_import_TMX_trigger=t 807# @translated true @created 2004-07-01 @modified 2004-07-01 @creator George Rhoten @modifier George Rhoten 808# @comment Import ability from XML XLIFF (.xlf) files 809menu_file_import_XLF=XLIFF\ document... 810# @translated true @created 2004-07-01 @modified 2004-07-01 @creator George Rhoten @modifier George Rhoten 811# @comment X 812menu_file_import_XLF_trigger=x 813# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 814# @comment Import ability from java classes (ListResourceBundle) 815menu_file_import_java=ListResourceBundle\ Java\ Klasser... 816# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-01-15 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 817# @comment 818menu_file_import_java_trigger=j 819# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 820# @comment Import ability from properties files not generated by RBManager 821menu_file_import_properties=Enkel\ resursbunt... 822# @translated true @created 2001-01-15 @modified 2001-01-15 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 823# @comment 824menu_file_import_properties_trigger=S 825# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 826# @comment 827menu_file_import_trigger=m 828# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 829# @comment Menu item for creating a new resource bundle 830menu_file_new=Ny\ resursgrupp 831# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 832# @comment 833menu_file_new_trigger=n 834# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 835# @comment Menu Item for opening a resource bundle 836menu_file_open=Oppna\ resursgrupp... 837# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 838# @comment 839menu_file_open_trigger=o 840# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 841# @comment Menu item for closing the application 842menu_file_quit=Avsluta 843# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 844# @comment 845menu_file_quit_trigger=a 846# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 847# @comment Menu item for saving the resource bundle being worked with 848menu_file_save=Spara\ resursgrupp 849# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 850# @comment 851menu_file_save_trigger=s 852# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 853# @comment Menu Item for saving a resource bundle to a particular location and file name 854menu_file_saveas=Spara\ resursgrupp\ som... 855# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 856# @comment 857menu_file_saveas_trigger=a 858# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 859# @comment The trigger is a letter from the translation of 'menu_file' which provides a keyboard shortcut to the menu 860menu_file_trigger=f 861# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 862# @comment Menu title for help information and general information about the program 863menu_help=Hjalp 864# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 865# @comment Menu item which brings up a dialog describing the application 866menu_help_about=Om\ RBManager... 867# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 868# @comment 869menu_help_about_trigger=a 870# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 871# @comment The trigger is a letter from the translation of 'menu_help' which provides a keyboard shortcut to the menu 872menu_help_trigger=h 873# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 874# @comment Menu title for options such as creating new resources, groups, and resource files 875menu_options=Installningar 876# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 877# @comment Menu Item for creating a new resource item 878menu_options_addentry=Skapa\ ny\ oversattning... 879# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 880# @comment 881menu_options_addentry_trigger=i 882# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 883# @comment Menu Item for creating a new resource file for a particular language/country/variant 884menu_options_addfile=Skapa\ ny\ resursfil 885# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 886# @comment 887menu_options_addfile_trigger=f 888# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 889# @comment Menu item for creating a new resource group 890menu_options_addgroup=Skapa\ ny\ grupp 891# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 892# @comment 893menu_options_addgroup_trigger=g 894# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 895# @comment Menu item for editing the user's preferences for the application 896menu_options_preferences=Personliga\ installningar... 897# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 898# @comment 899menu_options_preferences_trigger=p 900# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 901# @comment Menu item that makes visible the project viewer 902menu_options_project_viewer=Open\ Project\ Viewer 903# @translated false @created 2001-11-20 @modified 2001-11-20 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 904# @comment 905menu_options_project_viewer_trigger=v 906# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 907# @comment The trigger is a letter from the translation of 'menu_options' which provides a keyboard shortcut to the menu 908menu_options_trigger=i 909# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 910# @comment Popup menu item for adding a new resource bundle to the project 911menu_tree_add_project_bundle=Add\ Resource\ Bundle... 912# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 913# @comment Popup menu item for deleting permanently a resource file 914menu_tree_delete=Ta\ bort\ resurs\ fil 915# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 916# @comment Popup menu item for removing a specific resource file from the tree view of the resource bundle 917menu_tree_hide=G\u00F6m\ resurs\ fil 918# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 919# @comment Popup menu item for creating a new project 920menu_tree_new_project=New\ Resource\ Bundle\ Project... 921# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 922# @comment Popup menu item for opening a resource bundle project 923menu_tree_open_project=Open\ Resource\ Bundle\ Project... 924# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 925# @comment Popup menu associated with a resource bundle in the project tree 926menu_tree_remove_project_bundle=Remove\ from\ Project 927# @translated true @created 2001-06-27 @modified 2001-07-02 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 928# @comment Popup menu item for saving a specific resource bundle file 929menu_tree_save=Spara\ resurs\ fil 930# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 931# @comment Popup menu item for saving changes to the resource project file, not the resource bundles themselves within the project 932menu_tree_save_project=Save\ Resource\ Bundle\ Project\ File... 933# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 934# @comment Popup menu for selecting a resource bundle from the project tree to be edited in the resource bundle tree 935menu_tree_select_project_bundle=Work\ with\ this\ Resource\ Bundle 936# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 937# @comment Menu title for changing the display being seen by the user 938menu_view=Visa 939# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Unknown @modifier Stefan Edlund 940# @comment Menu item that takes you directly to the statistics panel for the entire bundle 941menu_view_statistics=Statistik\ for\ resursgrupp 942# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 943# @comment 944menu_view_statistics_trigger=s 945# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-10 @creator Unknown @modifier Jared Jackson 946# @comment The trigger is a letter from the translation of 'menu_view' which provides a keyboard shortcut to the menu 947menu_view_trigger=v 948 949# 950# @group Project Panel 951# 952# @groupComment Panel associated with Project editing 953 954# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 955# @{0} The name of the resource bundle 956# @comment Label indicator associating a text box containing a translation with the resource bundle the translation comes from 957project_panel_bundle=Resource\ Bundle\:\ {0} 958# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 959# @{0} Name of the resource bundle 960# @comment Special indicator of the resource item resource bundle when the item is untranslated 961project_panel_bundle_untranslated=Resource\ Bundle\:\ {0}\ (Untranslated) 962# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 963# @comment Label text marking the line above or to the left of a resource comment 964project_panel_comment=Base\ Class\ Resource\ Comment\: 965# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 966# @comment Label text for a comment when none is found for a resource 967project_panel_comment_none=No\ comment\ supplied 968# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 969# @comment Button title shown on the project panel for committing change to one resource only 970project_panel_commit_button=Commit\ Change 971# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 972# @comment Button title on the project panel for saving all of the resources displayed. This means multiple resource files get saved. 973project_panel_commit_button_all=Commit\ All\ Resource\ Changes 974# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 975# @comment Default title shown on the project panel when no particular resource has been selected 976project_panel_default_title=Project\ Resource\ Editing 977# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 978# @comment Text field marker for the translation of a resource when that resource does not exist for the encoding file it is associated with 979project_panel_item_inherits=<No\ Translation\:\ Resource\ Inherits\ from\ parent> 980# @translated false @created 2001-12-19 @modified 2001-12-19 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 981# @{0} The key of the selected resource 982# @comment Title on the project panel while a resource is selected 983project_panel_title=Project\ Resource\ Editing\:\ {0} 984 985# 986# @group RBReporter 987# 988# @groupComment Translations for the RBReporter application 989 990# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 991# @comment Button title for selecting file locations for input/output 992reporter_button_choose=V\u00E4lj... 993# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 994# @comment Button indicating the report generation should occur immediately 995reporter_button_now=Updatera\ nu... 996# @translated true @created 2000-11-29 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 997# @comment Button title for saving the current settings as default 998reporter_button_save_defaults=Spara\ inst\u00E4llningar\ som\ sk\u00F6nsv\u00E4rden 999# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1000# @comment Button to activate the reporter 1001reporter_button_start=Starta 1002# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1003# @comment Button to deactive the reporter 1004reporter_button_stop=Stoppa 1005# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1006# @comment Level of detail: most information available 1007reporter_detail_high=H\u00F6g 1008# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1009# @comment Indication of a selection option of the level of detail in reporting 1010reporter_detail_level=Detaljniv\u00E5\: 1011# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1012# @comment Level of detail: standard 1013reporter_detail_normal=Normal 1014# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1015# @comment An output format: HTML 1016reporter_format_html=HTML 1017# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2000-11-17 @creator Jared @modifier Jared 1018# @comment An output format type: plain text 1019reporter_format_text=Text 1020# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2000-11-17 @creator Jared @modifier Jared 1021# @comment An output format: XML 1022reporter_format_xml=XML 1023# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1024# @comment Indication of file location of the resource bundle to report on 1025reporter_input_bundle=Resursbunt\: 1026# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1027# @comment Indication that reporting will happen at a speciified time of day. Followed by a time and day option. 1028reporter_interval_defined=Rapportera\ vid 1029# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1030# @comment Text indication of sequential reporting paused for a defined interval between reporting. Immediately followed by a number and a unit of measure of time 1031reporter_interval_sequential=Raportera\ varje 1032# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1033# @{0} Date/Time of last report generation 1034# @comment Indication of the time of the last report 1035reporter_last_report=Senaste\ rapport\:\ {0 1036# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1037# @{0} Date/Time of next report 1038# @comment Indication of when the next report will be generated 1039reporter_next_report=N\u00E4sta\ rapport\:\ {0} 1040# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1041# @comment Indication of the output directory into which the reports are placed 1042reporter_output_directory=Utfolder\: 1043# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1044# @comment An indication of the name of the output file for a particular output format 1045reporter_output_file=Filnamn\: 1046# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1047# @comment Panel title for setting interval of reporting 1048reporter_panel_interval=Rapportintervall 1049# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1050# @comment Panel title for configurable options of the reporting 1051reporter_panel_options=Rapport\ inst\u00E4llningar 1052# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1053# @comment Subpanel title for choosing output formats for the reports 1054reporter_panel_output_format=Utformat 1055# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1056# @comment Panel title for indication of running status of the reporter 1057reporter_panel_status=Status 1058# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1059# @comment Short title for selecting a code scan configuration file 1060reporter_perform_scan=Koda\ filer 1061# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1062# @comment Quick indication that the reporter is active (perhaps waiting) 1063reporter_status_running=Startad 1064# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1065# @comment Quick status indication that the reporter is not active 1066reporter_status_stopped=Stoppad 1067# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1068# @comment days option 1069reporter_time_days=Dagar 1070# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1071# @comment every day option 1072reporter_time_everyday=Varje\ dag 1073# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1074# @comment friday option 1075reporter_time_friday=Fredag 1076# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1077# @comment hours option 1078reporter_time_hours=Timmar 1079# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1080# @comment minutes option 1081reporter_time_minutes=Minuter 1082# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1083# @comment monday option 1084reporter_time_monday=M\u00E5ndag 1085# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1086# @comment saturday option 1087reporter_time_saturday=L\u00F6rdag 1088# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1089# @comment sunday option 1090reporter_time_sunday=S\u00F6ndag 1091# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1092# @comment thursday option 1093reporter_time_thursday=Torsdag 1094# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1095# @comment tuesday option 1096reporter_time_tuesday=Tisdag 1097# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1098# @comment wednesday option 1099reporter_time_wednesday=Onsdag 1100# @translated true @created 2000-11-17 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared @modifier Jared Jackson 1101# @comment Title of the application 1102resource_bundle_reporter=RBReporter 1103 1104# 1105# @group Search and Replace 1106# 1107# @groupComment Resources found on the search tab pane 1108 1109# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1110# @comment General search title 1111search=Leta 1112# @translated true @created 2001-02-07 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1113# @comment Check box option for making the search case sensitive or not 1114search_case_sensitive=Bokstavsk\u00E4nslig\ s\u00F6kning\: 1115# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1116# @comment Check box option for searching through resource comments 1117search_comments=Kommentarer 1118# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1119# @comment Text indication of the field for entering text to search on 1120search_find=Hitta\: 1121# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1122# @comment Check box selection for searching option through resource keys 1123search_keys=Resursnycklar 1124# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1125# @comment Text indication of the field for entering text for replacing the found value 1126search_replace=Ers\u00E4tt\: 1127# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1128# @comment Check box option for searching through translation values 1129search_values=\u00D6vers\u00E4ttningar 1130 1131# 1132# @group Tabs 1133# 1134# @groupComment GUI Tabs in the main panel 1135 1136# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 1137# @comment GUI Tab for Tabbed Pane over the tree showing a single resource bundle and its various files 1138tab_bundle=Bundle 1139# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1140# @comment Tab for the display of the various groups in the bundle 1141tab_groups=Grupper 1142# @translated false @created 2001-12-17 @modified 2001-12-17 @creator Unknown @modifier Unknown 1143# @comment GUI Tab for tab over tree showing a resource bundle project 1144tab_project=Project 1145# @translated true @created 2001-02-06 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1146# @comment Title for pane allowing for search and replace functions 1147tab_search=Leta 1148# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1149# @comment Tab for statistics display for either the Resource Bundle as a whole or particular language files 1150tab_statistics=Statistik 1151# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1152# @comment Tab for display of untranslated items in the different language files 1153tab_untranslated=Ooversatt 1154 1155# 1156# @group Translation File Groups Pane 1157# 1158# @groupComment 1159 1160# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1161# @comment Column title for item comments 1162languagegroup_column_comment=Kommentar 1163# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1164# @comment Column title for item's resource key 1165languagegroup_column_key=Resursnyckel 1166# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1167# @comment 1168languagegroup_column_translation=Oversattning 1169 1170# 1171# @group Translation File Statistics Pane 1172# 1173# @groupComment Translations for strings in the language file statistics pane 1174 1175# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1176# @comment A comment given to the file 1177languagestats_comment=Kommentar\: 1178# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1179# @comment The country being described by the file 1180languagestats_country=Land\: 1181# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1182# @comment The number of resources in the file 1183languagestats_item_count=Antal\ resurser\ i\ den\ har\ filen\: 1184# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1185# @comment The language described by the file 1186languagestats_language=Sprak\: 1187# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1188# @comment The name of a person responsible for the translations in this language file 1189languagestats_manager=Resursfil\ agare\: 1190# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1191# @comment The name given to the language file 1192languagestats_title=Resurs\ titel\: 1193# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1194# @comment Number of resources needing translation in the file 1195languagestats_translation_count=Antal\ ooversatta\ resurssaker\ i\ den\ har\ filen\: 1196# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1197# @comment The language/region variant described by the file 1198languagestats_variant=Variant\ \: 1199 1200# 1201# @group Translation File Untranslated Items Pane 1202# 1203# @groupComment 1204 1205# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1206# @comment The column title for group names of items in the rows 1207languageuntrans_column_group=Grupp 1208# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1209# @comment The key of the item a row 1210languageuntrans_column_key=Resursnyckel 1211# @translated true @created 2000-11-10 @modified 2000-11-08 @creator Jared @modifier Stefan Edlund 1212# @comment The translated value of an item in a row 1213languageuntrans_column_translation=Oversattning 1214# @translated true @created 2001-01-23 @modified 2001-02-19 @creator Jared Jackson @modifier Jared Jackson 1215# @comment Panel title covering buttons that apply to a selected resource from a table of resources 1216languageuntrans_selected_resources_options=Inst\u00E4llningar\ f\u00F6r\ vald\ resurs 1217