1Name 2 3 ARB_direct_state_access 4 5Name Strings 6 7 GL_ARB_direct_state_access 8 9Contact 10 11 Graham Sellers (graham.sellers 'at' amd.com) 12 Christophe Riccio (christophe.riccio 'at' unity3d.com) 13 14Contributors 15 16 Graham Sellers, AMD 17 Piers Daniell, NVIDIA 18 Christophe Riccio, Unity 19 Daniel Rákos, AMD 20 Daniel Koch, NVIDIA 21 Pat Brown, NVIDIA 22 Jon Leech 23 Members of the OpenGL ARB working group 24 Contributors to GL_EXT_direct_state_access 25 26Notice 27 28 Copyright (c) 2014 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at 29 http://www.khronos.org/registry/speccopyright.html 30 31Specification Update Policy 32 33 Khronos-approved extension specifications are updated in response to 34 issues and bugs prioritized by the Khronos OpenGL Working Group. For 35 extensions which have been promoted to a core Specification, fixes will 36 first appear in the latest version of that core Specification, and will 37 eventually be backported to the extension document. This policy is 38 described in more detail at 39 https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/docs/update_policy.php 40 41Status 42 43 Complete. 44 Approved by the ARB on June 26, 2014. 45 Ratified by the Khronos Board of Promoters on August 7, 2014. 46 47Version 48 49 Last Modified Date: September 17, 2019 50 Author Revision: 51 51 52Number 53 54 ARB Extension #164 55 56Dependencies 57 58 OpenGL 2.0 is required. 59 60 This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.4 (core) specification. 61 62Overview 63 64 In unextended OpenGL, most mutation of state contained in objects is through 65 an indirection known as a binding. Objects are attached to a context (either 66 directly or indirectly via a container) and then commands to modify or 67 query their state are issued on that context, indirecting through its 68 attachments and into the underlying object. This is known as `bind-to-edit'. 69 70 This extension derives from the GL_EXT_direct_state_access extension, which 71 added accessors for most state on most objects, allowing it to be queried 72 and modified without the object needing to be bound to a context. In cases 73 where a single property of an object is to be modified, directly accessing 74 its state can be more efficient than binding the object to the context and 75 then indirecting through it. Further, directly accessing the state of 76 objects through their names rather than by bind-to-edit does not disturb 77 the bindings of the current context, which is useful for tools, middleware 78 and other applications that are unaware of the outer state but it can also 79 avoid cases of redundant state changes. 80 81 There are several subtle differences between this extension and the older 82 GL_EXT_direct_state_access extension. First, this extension only expands 83 functionality that still exists in core profile OpenGL. Second, any function 84 that only partially avoids bind-to-edit (for example, explicitly specifying 85 a texture unit, bypassing the active texture selector but still indirecting 86 through a texture binding) has been omitted. Finally, the original extension 87 effectively allowed any function to create new objects whereas in unextended 88 OpenGL, only binding functions created objects (bind-to-create), even if 89 their names were obtained through one of the glGen* functions. This 90 extension does not allow on-the-spot creation of objects. Rather than rely 91 on bind-to-create (which would defeat the purpose of the extension), we add 92 glCreate* functions that produce new names that represent state vectors 93 initialized to their default values. Due to this last change, several 94 functions no longer require their <target> parameters, and so where 95 applicable, this parameter is absent from this extension. 96 97New Procedures and Functions 98 99 /* Transform Feedback object functions */ 100 101 void CreateTransformFeedbacks(sizei n, uint *ids); 102 103 void TransformFeedbackBufferBase(uint xfb, uint index, 104 uint buffer); 105 106 void TransformFeedbackBufferRange(uint xfb, uint index, 107 uint buffer, intptr offset, sizeiptr size); 108 109 void GetTransformFeedbackiv(uint xfb, enum pname, int *param); 110 111 void GetTransformFeedbacki_v(uint xfb, enum pname, uint index, 112 int *param); 113 114 void GetTransformFeedbacki64_v(uint xfb, enum pname, uint index, 115 int64 *param); 116 117 118 /* Buffer object functions */ 119 120 void CreateBuffers(sizei n, uint *buffers); 121 122 void NamedBufferStorage(uint buffer, 123 sizeiptr size, 124 const void *data, 125 bitfield flags); 126 127 void NamedBufferData(uint buffer, 128 sizeiptr size, 129 const void *data, 130 enum usage); 131 132 void NamedBufferSubData(uint buffer, 133 intptr offset, sizeiptr size, 134 const void *data); 135 136 void CopyNamedBufferSubData(uint readBuffer, uint writeBuffer, 137 intptr readOffset, intptr writeOffset, 138 sizeiptr size); 139 140 void ClearNamedBufferData(uint buffer, 141 enum internalformat, 142 enum format, 143 enum type, 144 const void *data); 145 146 void ClearNamedBufferSubData(uint buffer, 147 enum internalformat, 148 intptr offset, 149 sizeiptr size, 150 enum format, 151 enum type, 152 const void *data); 153 154 void *MapNamedBuffer(uint buffer, enum access); 155 156 void *MapNamedBufferRange(uint buffer, 157 intptr offset, sizeiptr length, 158 bitfield access); 159 160 boolean UnmapNamedBuffer(uint buffer); 161 162 void FlushMappedNamedBufferRange(uint buffer, intptr offset, 163 sizeiptr length); 164 165 void GetNamedBufferParameteriv(uint buffer, 166 enum pname, int *params); 167 168 void GetNamedBufferParameteri64v(uint buffer, 169 enum pname, int64 *params); 170 171 void GetNamedBufferPointerv(uint buffer, 172 enum pname, void **params); 173 174 void GetNamedBufferSubData(uint buffer, 175 intptr offset, sizeiptr size, void *data); 176 177 178 /* Framebuffer object functions */ 179 180 void CreateFramebuffers(sizei n, uint *framebuffers); 181 182 void NamedFramebufferRenderbuffer(uint framebuffer, 183 enum attachment, 184 enum renderbuffertarget, 185 uint renderbuffer); 186 187 void NamedFramebufferParameteri(uint framebuffer, 188 enum pname, 189 int param); 190 191 void NamedFramebufferTexture(uint framebuffer, 192 enum attachment, 193 uint texture, int level); 194 195 void NamedFramebufferTextureLayer(uint framebuffer, 196 enum attachment, 197 uint texture, int level, int layer); 198 199 void NamedFramebufferDrawBuffer(uint framebuffer, enum mode); 200 201 void NamedFramebufferDrawBuffers(uint framebuffer, sizei n, 202 const enum *bufs); 203 204 void NamedFramebufferReadBuffer(uint framebuffer, enum mode); 205 206 void InvalidateNamedFramebufferData(uint framebuffer, 207 sizei numAttachments, 208 const enum *attachments); 209 210 void InvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData(uint framebuffer, 211 sizei numAttachments, 212 const enum *attachments, 213 int x, int y, 214 sizei width, sizei height); 215 216 void ClearNamedFramebufferiv(uint framebuffer, enum buffer, 217 int drawbuffer, const int *value); 218 219 void ClearNamedFramebufferuiv(uint framebuffer, enum buffer, 220 int drawbuffer, const uint *value); 221 222 void ClearNamedFramebufferfv(uint framebuffer, enum buffer, 223 int drawbuffer, const float *value); 224 225 void ClearNamedFramebufferfi(uint framebuffer, enum buffer, 226 int drawbuffer, float depth, int stencil); 227 228 void BlitNamedFramebuffer(uint readFramebuffer, 229 uint drawFramebuffer, 230 int srcX0, 231 int srcY0, 232 int srcX1, 233 int srcY1, 234 int dstX0, 235 int dstY0, 236 int dstX1, 237 int dstY1, 238 bitfield mask, 239 enum filter); 240 241 enum CheckNamedFramebufferStatus(uint framebuffer, enum target); 242 243 void GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv(uint framebuffer, 244 enum pname, 245 int *param); 246 247 void GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(uint framebuffer, 248 enum attachment, 249 enum pname, 250 int *params); 251 252 253 /* Renderbuffer object functions */ 254 255 void CreateRenderbuffers(sizei n, uint *renderbuffers); 256 257 void NamedRenderbufferStorage(uint renderbuffer, 258 enum internalformat, 259 sizei width, sizei height); 260 261 void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample(uint renderbuffer, 262 sizei samples, 263 enum internalformat, 264 sizei width, sizei height); 265 266 void GetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv(uint renderbuffer, 267 enum pname, int *params); 268 269 270 /* Texture object functions */ 271 272 void CreateTextures(enum target, sizei n, uint *textures); 273 274 void TextureBuffer(uint texture, 275 enum internalformat, uint buffer); 276 277 void TextureBufferRange(uint texture, 278 enum internalformat, uint buffer, 279 intptr offset, sizeiptr size); 280 281 void TextureStorage1D(uint texture, sizei levels, 282 enum internalformat, 283 sizei width); 284 285 void TextureStorage2D(uint texture, sizei levels, 286 enum internalformat, 287 sizei width, sizei height); 288 289 void TextureStorage3D(uint texture, sizei levels, 290 enum internalformat, 291 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth); 292 293 void TextureStorage2DMultisample(uint texture, sizei samples, 294 enum internalformat, sizei width, 295 sizei height, 296 boolean fixedsamplelocations); 297 298 void TextureStorage3DMultisample(uint texture, sizei samples, 299 enum internalformat, sizei width, 300 sizei height, sizei depth, 301 boolean fixedsamplelocations); 302 303 void TextureSubImage1D(uint texture, int level, 304 int xoffset, sizei width, 305 enum format, enum type, 306 const void *pixels); 307 308 void TextureSubImage2D(uint texture, int level, 309 int xoffset, int yoffset, 310 sizei width, sizei height, 311 enum format, enum type, 312 const void *pixels); 313 314 void TextureSubImage3D(uint texture, int level, 315 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 316 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, 317 enum format, enum type, 318 const void *pixels); 319 320 void CompressedTextureSubImage1D(uint texture, int level, 321 int xoffset, 322 sizei width, 323 enum format, 324 sizei imageSize, const void *data); 325 326 void CompressedTextureSubImage2D(uint texture, int level, 327 int xoffset, int yoffset, 328 sizei width, sizei height, 329 enum format, 330 sizei imageSize, const void *data); 331 332 void CompressedTextureSubImage3D(uint texture, int level, 333 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 334 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, 335 enum format, 336 sizei imageSize, const void *data); 337 338 void CopyTextureSubImage1D(uint texture, 339 int level, 340 int xoffset, 341 int x, int y, 342 sizei width); 343 344 void CopyTextureSubImage2D(uint texture, 345 int level, 346 int xoffset, int yoffset, 347 int x, int y, 348 sizei width, sizei height); 349 350 void CopyTextureSubImage3D(uint texture, 351 int level, 352 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 353 int x, int y, 354 sizei width, sizei height); 355 356 void TextureParameterf(uint texture, 357 enum pname, float param); 358 359 void TextureParameterfv(uint texture, 360 enum pname, const float *param); 361 362 void TextureParameteri(uint texture, 363 enum pname, int param); 364 365 void TextureParameterIiv(uint texture, 366 enum pname, const int *params); 367 368 void TextureParameterIuiv(uint texture, 369 enum pname, const uint *params); 370 371 void TextureParameteriv(uint texture, 372 enum pname, const int *param); 373 374 void GenerateTextureMipmap(uint texture); 375 376 void BindTextureUnit(uint unit, uint texture); 377 378 void GetTextureImage(uint texture, int level, 379 enum format, enum type, 380 sizei bufSize, 381 void *pixels); 382 383 void GetCompressedTextureImage(uint texture, int level, 384 sizei bufSize, 385 void *pixels); 386 387 void GetTextureLevelParameterfv(uint texture, 388 int level, 389 enum pname, float *params); 390 391 void GetTextureLevelParameteriv(uint texture, 392 int level, 393 enum pname, int *params); 394 395 void GetTextureParameterfv(uint texture, 396 enum pname, float *params); 397 398 void GetTextureParameterIiv(uint texture, 399 enum pname, int *params); 400 401 void GetTextureParameterIuiv(uint texture, 402 enum pname, uint *params); 403 404 void GetTextureParameteriv(uint texture, 405 enum pname, int *params); 406 407 408 /* Vertex Array object functions */ 409 410 void CreateVertexArrays(sizei n, uint *arrays); 411 412 void DisableVertexArrayAttrib(uint vaobj, uint index); 413 414 void EnableVertexArrayAttrib(uint vaobj, uint index); 415 416 void VertexArrayElementBuffer(uint vaobj, uint buffer); 417 418 void VertexArrayVertexBuffer(uint vaobj, uint bindingindex, uint buffer, 419 intptr offset, sizei stride); 420 421 void VertexArrayVertexBuffers(uint vaobj, uint first, sizei count, 422 const uint *buffers, 423 const intptr *offsets, 424 const sizei *strides); 425 426 void VertexArrayAttribFormat(uint vaobj, uint attribindex, int size, 427 enum type, boolean normalized, 428 uint relativeoffset); 429 430 void VertexArrayAttribIFormat(uint vaobj, uint attribindex, int size, 431 enum type, uint relativeoffset); 432 433 void VertexArrayAttribLFormat(uint vaobj, uint attribindex, int size, 434 enum type, uint relativeoffset); 435 436 void VertexArrayAttribBinding(uint vaobj, uint attribindex, 437 uint bindingindex); 438 439 void VertexArrayBindingDivisor(uint vaobj, uint bindingindex, 440 uint divisor); 441 442 void GetVertexArrayiv(uint vaobj, 443 enum pname, 444 int *param); 445 446 void GetVertexArrayIndexediv(uint vaobj, 447 uint index, 448 enum pname, 449 int *param); 450 451 void GetVertexArrayIndexed64iv(uint vaobj, 452 uint index, 453 enum pname, 454 int64 *param); 455 456 /* Sampler object functions */ 457 458 void CreateSamplers(sizei n, uint *samplers); 459 460 461 /* Program Pipeline object functions */ 462 463 void CreateProgramPipelines(sizei n, uint *pipelines); 464 465 466 /* Query object functions */ 467 468 void CreateQueries(enum target, sizei n, uint *ids); 469 void GetQueryBufferObjectiv(uint id, uint buffer, enum pname, 470 intptr offset); 471 void GetQueryBufferObjectuiv(uint id, uint buffer, enum pname, 472 intptr offset); 473 void GetQueryBufferObjecti64v(uint id, uint buffer, enum pname, 474 intptr offset); 475 void GetQueryBufferObjectui64v(uint id, uint buffer, enum pname, 476 intptr offset); 477 478 479New Tokens 480 481 Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetTextureParameter{if}v and 482 GetTextureParameterI{i ui}v: 483 484 TEXTURE_TARGET 0x1006 485 486 Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetQueryObjectiv: 487 488 QUERY_TARGET 0x82EA 489 490 Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetIntegeri_v: 491 492 TEXTURE_BINDING_1D <existing> 493 TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY <existing> 494 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D <existing> 495 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY <existing> 496 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE <existing> 497 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY <existing> 498 TEXTURE_BINDING_3D <existing> 499 TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER <existing> 500 TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP <existing> 501 TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY <existing> 502 TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE <existing> 503 504Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (OpenGL 505Fundamentals) 506 507 Replace the final paragraph of Section, "Name Spaces, Name 508 Generation and Object Creation" with the following: 509 510 Objects may also be created directly by functions that return a new 511 name or names representing a freshly initialized object. Some functions 512 return a single object name directly whereas others are able to create a 513 large number of new objects, returning their names in an array. Examples of 514 the former are CreateProgram for program objects and FenceSync for fence 515 sync objects. Examples of the latter are CreateBuffers, CreateTextures and 516 CreateVertexArrays for buffers, textures and vertex arrays, respectively. 517 518Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (Event Model) 519 520 Modifications to Section 4.2, "Query Objects and Asynchronous Queries" 521 522 (Insert the following after the description of GenQueries and before the 523 introduction of DeleteQueries, p 39) 524 525 Query objects may also be created with the command 526 527 void CreateQueries(enum target, sizei n, uint *ids); 528 529 CreateQueries returns <n> previously unused query object names in <ids>, 530 each representing a new query object with the specified <target>. 531 <target> must be one of the query object targets described in section 532 4.2. 533 534 The initial state of the resulting query object is that the result is 535 marked available (the value of QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE) for the query 536 object is TRUE) and the result value (the value of QUERY_RESULT) is 537 zero. 538 539 Errors 540 541 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated if <target> is not one of the query 542 object targets described in section 4.2. 543 544 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <n> is negative. 545 546 547 (Modify the introduction of GetQueryObject* as follows, p. ??, to add 548 the QUERY_TARGET <pname> and the GetQueryBufferObject* commands) 549 550 The state of a query object may be queried with the commands 551 552 void GetQueryObjectiv(uint id,enum pname,int *params); 553 void GetQueryObjectuiv(uint id,enum pname,uint *params); 554 void GetQueryObjecti64v(uint id,enum pname,int64 *params); 555 void GetQueryObjectui64v(uint id,enum pname,uint64 *params); 556 void GetQueryBufferObjectiv(uint id,uint buffer,enum pname,intptr offset); 557 void GetQueryBufferObjectuiv(uint id,uint buffer,enum pname,intptr offset); 558 void GetQueryBufferObjecti64v(uint id,uint buffer,enum pname,intptr offset); 559 void GetQueryBufferObjectui64v(uint id,uint buffer,enum pname,intptr offset); 560 561 <id> is the name of a query object. 562 563 For GetQueryBufferObject*, <buffer> is the name of a buffer object and 564 <offset> is an offset into <buffer> at which the queried value is 565 written. 566 567 For GetQueryObject*, the queried value may be returned either in client 568 memory or in a buffer object. If zero is bound to the current query 569 result buffer binding point (see QUERY_RESULT in 570 section~\ref{vert:vbo:bind), then <params> is treated as a pointer into 571 client memory at which the queried value is written. Otherwise, <params> 572 is treated as an offset into the query result buffer object at which the 573 queried value is written. 574 575 There may be an indeterminate delay ... 576 577 If <pname> is QUERY_TARGET, then the target of the query object is 578 returned as a single integer. 579 580 If <pname> is QUERY_RESULT, then the query object's result value is 581 returned as a single integer. If the value ... 582 583 If <pname> is QUERY_RESULT_NO_WAIT, then the query object's result value 584 is returned as a single integer if the result ... 585 586 If multiple queries are issued using the same object name prior to 587 calling these query commands, the result and availability information 588 returned ... 589 590 Errors 591 592 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <id> is not the name of a 593 query object, or if the query object named by <id> is currently active. 594 595 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetQueryBufferObject* if 596 <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object. 597 598 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated if <pname> is not QUERY_RESULT, 599 QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, QUERY_RESULT_NO_WAIT, or QUERY_TARGET. 600 601 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the query writes to a buffer 602 object, and the specified buffer offset would cause data to be written 603 beyond the bounds of that buffer object. 604 605 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by GetQueryBufferObject* if <offset> 606 is negative. 607 608 609 Modifications to Section 4.3, "Time Queries" 610 611 (Add following the description of QueryCounter on p. 45) 612 613 A timer query object is created with the commands 614 615 void QueryCounter(uint id, enum target); 616 617 ... <id> must be the name of an existing query object of that type. 618 619 Alternatively, TIMESTAMP query objects can be created by calling 620 CreateQueries with <target> set to TIMESTAMP. 621 622 When QueryCounter is called ... for that object is marked available. 623 Timer queries can be used within a BeginQuery / EndQuery block where the 624 <target> is ... 625 626 (Retain the remainder of the section.) 627 628Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (Buffer Objects) 629 630 (Insert the following before the introduction of DeleteBuffers, p. 53) 631 632 In addition to generating an unused name and then binding it to a target 633 with BindBuffer, a buffer object may also be created with the command 634 635 void CreateBuffers(sizei n, uint *buffers); 636 637 CreateBuffers returns <n> previously unused buffer names in <buffers>, each 638 representing a new buffer object initialized as if it had been bound to 639 an unspecified target. 640 641 Errors 642 643 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <n> is negative. 644 645 646 Modifications to Section 6.2, "Creating and Modifying Buffer Object Data Stores" 647 648 (Modify the introduction of BufferStorage as follows, p. 59) 649 650 The data store of a buffer object is created with the commands 651 652 void BufferStorage(enum target, sizeiptr size, 653 const void *data, bitfield flags); 654 void NamedBufferStorage(uint buffer, sizeiptr size, 655 const void *data, bitfield flags); 656 657 For BufferStorage, the data store belongs to the buffer object bound to 658 <target>, which must be one of the values listed in table 6.1. For 659 NamedBufferStorage, <buffer> is the name of the buffer object. <size> is 660 the size of the data store in basic machine units, and <flags> contains 661 a bitfield describing the intended usage of the data store. 662 663 The data store of the buffer object is allocated as a result of these 664 commands, and cannot be de-allocated ... 665 666 (Retain the remainder of the section, but replace references to 667 "BufferStorage" with "*BufferStorage"). 668 669 Errors 670 671 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedBufferStorage if 672 <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object. 673 674 675 (Modify the introduction of BufferData as follows, p. 61) 676 677 A mutable data store may be allocated for a buffer object with the 678 commands 679 680 void BufferData(enum target, sizeiptr size, 681 const void *data, enum usage); 682 void NamedBufferData(uint buffer, sizeiptr size, 683 const void *data, enum usage); 684 685 For BufferData, the buffer object is that bound to <target>, which must 686 be one of the targets listed in table 6.1. For NamedBufferData, <buffer> 687 is the name of the buffer object. 688 689 <size> is the size of the data store in basic machine units, <data> 690 points to the source data in client memory, and <usage> indicates the 691 expected application usage pattern of the data store. 692 693 If <data> is non-NULL ... 694 695 (Retain the remainder of the section, but replace references to 696 "BufferData" with "*BufferData"). 697 698 Errors 699 700 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedBufferData if <buffer> 701 is not the name of an existing buffer object. 702 703 704 (Modify the introduction of BufferSubData as follows, p. 63) 705 706 To modify some or all of the data contained in a buffer object's data 707 store, the client may use the commands 708 709 void BufferSubData(enum target, intptr offset, 710 sizeiptr size, const void *data); 711 void NamedBufferSubData(uint buffer, intptr offset, 712 sizeiptr size, const void *data); 713 714 For BufferSubData, <target> specifies the target to which the buffer 715 object is bound, and must be one of the values listed in table 6.1. For 716 NamedBufferSubData, <buffer> is the name of the buffer object. 717 718 (Retain the remainder of the section.) 719 720 Errors 721 722 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedBufferSubData if 723 <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object. 724 725 726 Modifications to Section 6.2.1, "Clearing Buffer Object Data Stores" 727 728 (Modify the introduction of ClearBufferSubData as follows, p. 64) 729 730 To fill all or part of a buffer object's data store with constant 731 values, use the commands 732 733 void ClearBufferSubData(enum target, enum internalformat, intptr offset, 734 sizeiptr size, enum format, enum type, 735 const void *data); 736 void ClearNamedBufferSubData(uint buffer, enum internalformat, 737 intptr offset, sizeiptr size, enum format, 738 enum type, const void *data); 739 740 For ClearBufferSubData, the buffer object is that bound to <target>, 741 which must be one of the values listed in table 6.1. For 742 ClearNamedBufferSubData, <buffer> is the name of the buffer object. 743 744 (Retain the remainder of the section.) 745 746 Errors 747 748 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearNamedBufferSubData if 749 <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object. 750 751 752 (Retain the remainder of the section.) 753 754 (Modify the introduction of ClearBufferData as follows, p. 65) 755 756 The commands 757 758 void ClearBufferData(enum target, enum internalformat, enum format, 759 enum type, const void *data); 760 void ClearNamedBufferData(uint buffer, enum internalformat, enum format, 761 enum type, const void *data); 762 763 are respectively equivalent to 764 765 ClearBufferSubData(target, internalformat, 0, size, 766 format, type, data); 767 768 and 769 770 ClearNamedBufferSubData(buffer, internalformat, 0, size, 771 format, type, data); 772 773 where <size> is the value of BUFFER_SIZE for the destination buffer 774 object. 775 776 777 Modifications to Section 6.3, "Mapping and Unmapping Buffer Data" 778 779 (Modify the introduction of MapBufferRange as follows, p. 65) 780 781 All or part of the data store of a buffer object may be mapped into the 782 client's address space with the commands 783 784 void *MapBufferRange(enum target, intptr offset, sizeiptr length, 785 bitfield acesss); 786 void *MapNamedBufferRange(uint buffer, intptr offset, sizeiptr length, 787 bitfield access); 788 789 For MapBufferRange, the buffer object is that bound to <target>, which 790 and must be one of the values listed in table 6.1. For 791 MapNamedBufferRange, <buffer> is the name of the buffer object. 792 793 <offset> and <length> indicate the range of data in the buffer object 794 that is to be mapped, in terms of basic machine units. <access> is a 795 bitfield containing flags which describe the requested mapping. These 796 flags are described below. 797 798 (Retain the remainder of the section, but replace further references 799 to "MapBufferRange" with "Map*BufferRange"). 800 801 Errors 802 803 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by MapNamedBufferRange if 804 <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object. 805 806 807 (Modify the introduction of MapBuffer with the following, p. 69) 808 809 The entire data store of a buffer object can be mapped into the client's 810 address space with the commands 811 812 void *MapBuffer(enum target, enum access); 813 void *MapNamedBuffer(uint buffer, enum access); 814 815 These commands are respectively equivalent to 816 817 MapBufferRange(target, 0, length, flags); 818 819 and 820 821 MapNamedBufferRange(buffer, 0, length, flags); 822 823 where <length> is ... 824 825 (Retain remainder of the section.) 826 827 828 (Modify the introduction of FlushMappedBufferRange as follows, p. 69) 829 830 If a buffer object is mapped with the MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT flag, 831 modifications to the mapped range may be indicated with the commands 832 833 void FlushMappedBufferRange(enum target, 834 intptr offset, 835 sizeiptr length); 836 void FlushMappedNamedBufferRange(uint buffer, 837 intptr offset, 838 sizeiptr length); 839 840 For FlushMappedBufferRange, the buffer object is that bound to <target>, 841 which must be one of the targets listed in Table 6.1. For 842 FlushMappedNamedBufferRange, <buffer> is the name of the buffer object. 843 844 <offset> and <length> ... 845 846 Retain the remainder of Section 6.3, but replace the two further references 847 to FlushMappedBufferRange with "FlushMapped*BufferRange"). 848 849 Errors 850 851 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by FlushMappedNamedBufferRange 852 if <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object. 853 854 855 Modifications to Section 6.3.1, "Unmapping Buffers" 856 857 (Modify the introduction of UnmapBuffer as follows, p. 70) 858 859 After the client ..., the mapping must be relinquished with one 860 of the commands 861 862 boolean UnmapBuffer(enum target); 863 boolean UnmapNamedBuffer(uint buffer); 864 865 For UnmapBuffer, the buffer object is that bound to <target>, which must 866 be one of the targets listed in table 6.1. For UnmapNamedBuffer, 867 <buffer> is the name of the buffer object. 868 869 Unmapping a mapped buffer ... 870 871 (Retain the remainder of Section 6.3.1, but replace any further 872 reference to "UnmapBuffer" with "Unmap*Buffer"). 873 874 If an error is generated, FALSE is returned. 875 876 Errors 877 878 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by UnmapNamedBuffer if <buffer> 879 is not the name of an existing buffer object. 880 881 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the buffer object's 882 data store is already in the unmapped state. 883 884 885 Modifications to Section 6.6, "Copying Between Buffers" 886 887 (Modify the introduction of CopyBufferSubData as follows, p. 72) 888 889 All or part of the data store of a buffer object may be copied to the 890 data store of another buffer object with the commands 891 892 void CopyBufferSubData(enum readTarget, enum writeTarget, 893 intptr readOffset, intptr writeOffset, 894 sizeiptr size); 895 void CopyNamedBufferSubData(uint readBuffer, uint writeBuffer, 896 intptr readOffset, intptr writeOffset, 897 sizeiptr size); 898 899 For CopyBufferSubData, <readTarget> and <writeTarget> are the targets to 900 which the source and destination buffers are bound, and each must be one 901 of the targets listed in table 6.1. For CopyNamedBufferSubData, 902 <readBuffer> and <writeBuffer> are the names of the source and 903 destination buffers, respectively. 904 905 While any of these targets may be used, COPY_READ_BUFFER and 906 COPY_WRITE_BUFFER are provided specifically for copies, so that they can 907 be used without affecting other buffer binding targets that may be in 908 use. 909 910 <writeOffset> and <size> specify the range of data in the destination 911 buffer object that is to be replaced, in terms of basic machine units. 912 <readOffset> and <size> specify the range of data in the source buffer 913 object that is to be copied to the corresponding region of the 914 destination buffer object. 915 916 (Replace references in the Errors section of "the buffer object bound to 917 <readTarget> / <writeTarget>" with "the source / destination buffer 918 object", respectively). 919 920 Errors 921 922 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by CopyNamedBufferSubData if 923 <readBuffer> or <writeBuffer> is not the name of an existing buffer 924 object. 925 926 927 Modifications to Section 6.7, "Buffer Object Queries" 928 929 (Replace the introduction of GetBufferParameteri{64}v with the following, 930 p. 73) 931 932 To query information about a buffer object, use the commands 933 934 void GetBufferParameteriv(enum target, enum pname, int *data); 935 void GetBufferParamereri64v(enum target, enum pname, int64 *data); 936 void GetNamedBufferParameteriv(uint buffer, enum pname, int *data); 937 void GetNamedBufferParameteri64v(uint buffer, enum pname, int64 *data); 938 939 For GetBufferParameter*, the buffer object is that bound to <target>, 940 which must be one of the targets listed in table 6.1. For 941 GetNamedBufferParameter*, <buffer> is the name of the buffer object. 942 943 <pname> must be one of the buffer object parameters in table 6.2, other 944 than BUFFER_MAP_POINTER. The value of the specified parameter of the 945 target buffer object is returned in <data>. 946 947 Errors 948 949 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetNamedBufferParameter* if 950 <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object. 951 952 953 (Replace the introduction of GetBufferSubData with the following, p. 73) 954 955 To query the data store of a buffer object, use the commands 956 957 void GetBufferSubData(enum target, intptr offset, 958 sizeiptr size, void *data); 959 void GetNamedBufferSubData(uint buffer, intptr offset, 960 sizeiptr size, void *data); 961 962 For GetBufferSubData, <target> specifies the target to which the source 963 buffer object is bound, and must be one of the values listed in table 964 6.1. For GetNamedBufferSubData, <buffer> specifies the name of the source 965 buffer object. 966 967 <offset> and <size> indicate ... 968 969 (Retain the remainder of the section, but replace references to 970 "the buffer object bound to <target>" with "the source buffer object"). 971 972 Errors 973 974 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetNamedBufferSubData if 975 <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object. 976 977 978 (Replace the introduction of GetBufferPointerv with the following, p. 74) 979 980 While part or all of the data store of a buffer object is mapped, the 981 pointer to the mapped range of the data store can be queried with the 982 commands 983 984 void GetBufferPointerv(enum target, enum pname, const void **params); 985 void GetNamedBufferPointerv(uint buffer, enum pname, 986 const void **params); 987 988 For GetBufferPointerv, the buffer object is that bound tp <target>, 989 which must be one of the targets listed in table 6.1. For 990 GetNamedBufferPointerv, <buffer> is the name of the buffer object. 991 992 (Retain the remainder of the section.) 993 994 Errors 995 996 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetNamedBufferPointerv if 997 <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object. 998 999 1000Additions to Chapter 7 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (Programs and 1001Shaders) 1002 1003 Modifications to Section 7.4, "Program Pipeline Objects" 1004 1005 (Insert the following after the description of BindProgramPipeline, p. 110) 1006 1007 Program pipeline objects may also be created with the command 1008 1009 void CreateProgramPipelines(sizei n, uint *pipelines); 1010 1011 CreateProgramPipelines returns <n> previously unused program pipeline 1012 names in <pipelines>, each representing a new program pipeline object 1013 which is a state vector comprising all the state and with the same 1014 initial values listed in table 23.31. 1015 1016 Errors 1017 1018 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <n> is negative. 1019 1020 1021Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (Textures and 1022Samplers) 1023 1024 Modifications to Section 8.1, "Texture Objects" 1025 1026 (Insert the following after the description of BindTextures, p. 164) 1027 1028 The command 1029 1030 void BindTextureUnit(uint unit, uint texture); 1031 1032 binds an existing texture object to the texture unit numbered <unit>. 1033 <texture> must be zero or the name of an existing texture object. When 1034 <texture> is the name of an existing texture object, that object is 1035 bound to the target, in the corresponding texture unit, that was 1036 specified when the object was created. When <texture> is zero, each of 1037 the targets enumerated at the beginning of this section is reset to its 1038 default texture for the corresponding texture image unit. 1039 1040 Errors 1041 1042 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by BindTextureUnit if <texture> 1043 is not zero or the name of an existing texture object. 1044 1045 1046 Texture objects may also be created with the command 1047 1048 void CreateTextures(enum target, sizei n, uint *textures); 1049 1050 CreateTextures returns <n> previously unused texture names in 1051 <textures>, each representing a new texture object that is a state 1052 vector comprising all the state and with the same initial values listed 1053 in section 8.22. The new texture objects are and remain textures of the 1054 dimensionality and type specified by <target> until they are deleted. 1055 1056 Errors 1057 1058 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <n> is negative. 1059 1060 1061 Modifications to Section 8.2, "Sampler Objects" 1062 1063 (Insert the following after the description of GenSamplers, p. 165) 1064 1065 Sampler objects may also be created with the command 1066 1067 void CreateSamplers(sizei n, uint *samplers); 1068 1069 CreateSamplers returns <n> previously unused sampler names in 1070 <samplers>, each representing a new sampler object which is a state 1071 vector comprising all the state and with the same initial values listed 1072 in table 23.18. 1073 1074 Errors 1075 1076 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <n> is negative. 1077 1078 1079 Modifications to Section 8.6, "Alternate Texture Image Specification" 1080 1081 (Modify introduction and add to the list of commands comprising 1082 TexSubImage*D and CopyTexSubImage*D, p. 201) 1083 1084 To respecify only a rectangular subregion of the texel array of a 1085 texture object, use the commands 1086 1087 ... 1088 void TextureSubImage1D(uint texture, 1089 int level, int xoffset, sizei width, 1090 enum format, enum type, 1091 const void *pixels); 1092 void TextureSubImage2D(uint texture, 1093 int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, 1094 sizei width, sizei height, 1095 enum format, enum type, 1096 const void *pixels); 1097 void TextureSubImage3D(uint texture, 1098 int level, 1099 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 1100 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, 1101 enum format, enum type, 1102 const void *pixels); 1103 void CopyTextureSubImage1D(uint texture, 1104 int level, 1105 int xoffset, 1106 int x, int y, 1107 sizei width); 1108 void CopyTextureSubImage2D(uint texture, 1109 int level, 1110 int xoffset, int yoffset, 1111 int x, int y, 1112 sizei width, sizei height); 1113 void CopyTextureSubImage3D(uint texture, 1114 int level, 1115 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 1116 int x, int y, 1117 sizei width, sizei height); 1118 1119 For *TexSubImage*, the texture object is that bound to <target>. For 1120 *TextureSubImage*, <texture> is the name of the texture object. <target> 1121 or the effective target of <texture> (the value of TEXTURE_TARGET; see 1122 section 8.10) must match each command as shown in table 8.subtarg. 1123 1124 Command Name Valid <target>s or effective <target>s 1125 --------------------- -------------------------------------- 1126 TexSubImage1D TEXTURE_1D 1127 CopyTexSubImage1D 1128 TextureSubImage1D 1129 CopyTextureSubImage1D 1130 1131 TexSubImage2D TEXTURE_2D, 1132 CopyTexSubImage2D TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, 1133 TextureSubImage2D TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, or one of the 1134 CopyTextureSubImage2D cube map face targets from table 8.18 1135 1136 TextureSubImage2D TEXTURE_2D, 1137 CopyTextureSubImage2D TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, or 1138 TEXTURE_RECTANGLE 1139 1140 TexSubImage3D TEXTURE_3D, 1141 CopyTexSubImage3D TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, or 1142 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY 1143 1144 TextureSubImage3D TEXTURE_3D, 1145 CopyTextureSubImage3D TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 1146 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY or 1147 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP 1148 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1149 Table 8.subtarg: Valid texture <target> parameters or effective 1150 <texture> targets for texture subimage commands. 1151 1152 No change is made to the <internalformat> ... 1153 1154 The <level> parameter of each command specifies ... 1155 1156 Errors 1157 1158 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by *TexSubImage* if <target> does 1159 not match the command, as shown in table 8.subtarg. 1160 1161 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by *TextureSubImage* if 1162 <texture> is not the name of an existing texture object. 1163 1164 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by *TextureSubImage* if the 1165 effective target of <texture> does not match the command, as shown in 1166 table 8.subtarg. 1167 1168 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if the effective <target> is 1169 TEXTURE_RECTANGLE and <level> is not zero. 1170 1171 1172 Modifications to Section 8.7, "Compressed Texture Images" 1173 1174 To respecify only a rectangular subregion of the texel array of an 1175 texture object, with incoming data stored in a specific compressed 1176 format, use the commands 1177 1178 ... 1179 void CompressedTextureSubImage1D(uint texture, int level, 1180 int xoffset, sizei width, 1181 enum format, 1182 sizei imageSize, const void *data); 1183 void CompressedTextureSubImage2D(uint texture, int level, 1184 int xoffset, int yoffset, 1185 sizei width, sizei height, 1186 enum format, 1187 sizei imageSize, const void *data); 1188 void CompressedTextureSubImage3D(uint texture, int level, 1189 int xoffset, int yoffset, 1190 int zoffset, 1191 sizei width, sizei height, 1192 sizei depth, enum format, 1193 sizei imageSize, const void *data); 1194 1195 Modify the following text, beginning "respecify only a rectangular 1196 region ..." as follows: 1197 1198 The <target>, <texture>, <level>, <xoffset>, <yoffset>, <zoffset>, 1199 <width>, <height>, and <depth> parameters have the same meaning as in 1200 the corresponding commands from section 8.6 without the Compressed 1201 prefix (where those parameters are present). <data> points to compressed 1202 image data stored in the compressed image format corresponding to 1203 <format>. 1204 1205 ... 1206 1207 Errors 1208 1209 Modify existing errors to apply to all forms of the commands by dropping 1210 "bound to <target>" phrasing and using "effective <target>" instead of 1211 "<target>". 1212 1213 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by CompressedTextureSubImage*D 1214 if <texture> is not the name of an existing texture object. 1215 1216 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by CompressedTextureSubImage*D 1217 if the effective <target> is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. 1218 1219 1220 Modifications to Section 8.9, "Buffer Textures" 1221 1222 (Modify the introduction of TexBuffer with the following, p. 214) 1223 1224 The commands 1225 1226 void TexBufferRange(enum target, enum internalformat, 1227 uint buffer, intptr offset, sizeiptr size); 1228 void TextureBufferRange(uint texture, enum internalformat, 1229 uint buffer, intptr offset, sizeiptr size); 1230 1231 attach the range of the storage for the buffer object named <buffer> for 1232 <size> basic machine units, starting at <offset> (also in basic machine 1233 units) to a buffer texture. 1234 1235 For TexBufferRange, the buffer texture is that currently bound to 1236 <target>. For TextureBufferRange, <texture> is the name of the buffer 1237 texture. <target> or the effective target of <texture> must be 1238 TEXTURE_BUFFER 1239 1240 If <buffer> is zero, then any buffer object attached to the buffer 1241 texture is detached, the values <offset> and <size> are ignored and the 1242 state for <offset> and <size> for the buffer texture are reset to zero. 1243 <internalformat> specifies the storage format for the texel array found 1244 in the range of the attached buffer object, and must be one of the sized 1245 internal formats from table 8.15. 1246 1247 Errors 1248 1249 Modify existing errors to apply to all forms of the command where 1250 parameters are equivalent. 1251 1252 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureBufferRange if 1253 <texture> is not the name of an existing texture object. 1254 1255 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureBufferRange if the 1256 effective <target> is not TEXTURE_BUFFER. 1257 1258 (Replace the introduction of TexBuffer with the following, p. 214) 1259 1260 The commands 1261 1262 TexBuffer(enum target, enum internalformat, uint buffer); 1263 TextureBuffer(uint texture, enum internalformat, uint buffer); 1264 1265 are respectively equivalent to 1266 1267 TexBufferRange(<target>, <internalformat>, <buffer>, 0, size); 1268 1269 and 1270 1271 TextureBufferRange(<texture>, <internalformat>, <buffer>, 0, size); 1272 1273 where <size> is set to the value of BUFFER_SIZE for <buffer>. 1274 1275 (Retain the remainder of the section.) 1276 1277 1278 Modifications to Section 8.10, "Texture Parameters" 1279 1280 (Modify introduction to the section) 1281 1282 Texture parameters control how the texel array of a texture object is 1283 treated when specified or changed, and when applied to a fragment. Each 1284 parameter is set with the commands 1285 1286 void TexParameter{if}(enum target, enum pname, T param); 1287 void TexParameter{if}v(enum target, enum pname, const T *params); 1288 void TexParameterI{i ui}v(enum target, enum pname, const T *params); 1289 void TextureParameter{if}(uint texture, enum pname, T param); 1290 void TextureParameter{if}v(uint texture, enum pname, const T *params); 1291 void TextureParameterI{i ui}v(uint texture, enum pname, const T *params); 1292 1293 For TexParameter*, the texture object is that bound to <target>. For 1294 TextureParameter*, <texture> is the name of the texture object. <target> 1295 or the effective target of <texture> must be one of [insert existing 1296 list of valid texture targets]. 1297 1298 ... 1299 1300 Errors 1301 1302 Modify existing errors to apply to all forms of the command where 1303 parameters are equivalent. 1304 1305 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureParameter* if 1306 <texture> is not the name of an existing texture object. 1307 1308 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureParameter* if 1309 the effective <target> is not one of the valid targets listed above. 1310 1311 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureParameter* if the 1312 effective <target> is either TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE or 1313 TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY , and pname is any sampler state from table 1314 23.23. 1315 1316 1317 Modifications to Section 8.11.2, "Texture Parameter Queries", p. 220 1318 1319 Parameters of a texture object may be queried with the commands 1320 1321 void GetTexParameter{if}v(enum target, enum pname, T *params); 1322 void GetTexParameterI{i ui}v(enum target, enum pname, T *params); 1323 void GetTextureParameter{if}v(uint texture, enum pname, T *params); 1324 void GetTextureParameterI{i ui}v(uint texture, enum pname, T *params); 1325 1326 For GetTexParameter*, the texture object is that bound to <target>. For 1327 GetTextureParameter*, <texture> is the name of the texture object. 1328 1329 The value of texture parameter <pname> for the texture is returned in 1330 <params>. 1331 1332 <target> or the effective target of <texture> must be one of TEXTURE_1D, 1333 TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 1334 TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY, 1335 TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, or TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY, indicating the 1336 currently bound one-, two-, or three-dimensional, one- or 1337 two-dimensional array, rectangle, cube map, cube map array, 1338 two-dimensional multisample, or two-dimensional multisample array 1339 texture object. 1340 1341 <pname> must be one of IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_TYPE, 1342 TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT, TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS, TEXTURE_TARGET, 1343 TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LEVEL, TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LEVELS, TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LAYER, 1344 TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LAYERS, or one of the symbolic values in table 8.16. 1345 1346 Querying pname TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR with GetTex*ParameterIiv or 1347 GetTex*ParameterIuiv returns the border color values as signed integers or 1348 unsigned integers, respectively; otherwise the values are returned as 1349 described in section 2.2.2. If the border color is queried with a type 1350 that does not match the original type with which it was specified, the 1351 result is undefined. 1352 1353 Querying <pname> TEXTURE_TARGET returns the <effective target> of the 1354 texture object. For GetTexParameter*, this is the <target> parameter. 1355 For GetTextureParameter*, it is the target to which <texture> was 1356 initially bound when it was created, or the value of the <target> 1357 parameter to the call to CreateTextures which created the texture. 1358 1359 1360 Errors 1361 1362 Modify existing errors to apply to all forms of the command where 1363 parameters are equivalent. 1364 1365 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetTextureParameter* if 1366 <texture> is not the name of an existing texture object. 1367 1368 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetTextureParameter* if the 1369 effective <target> is not one of the texture targets described above. 1370 1371 1372 Modifications to Section 8.11.3, "Texture Level Parameter Queries", p. 220 1373 1374 Parameters of a specified level-of-detail of a texture object may 1375 be queried with the commands 1376 1377 1378 void GetTexLevelParameter{if}v(enum target, int level, 1379 enum pname, T *params); 1380 void GetTextureLevelParameter{if}v(uint texture, int level, 1381 enum pname, T *params); 1382 1383 For GetTexLevelParameter*, the texture object is that bound to <target>. 1384 For GetTextureLevelParameter*, <texture> is the name of the texture 1385 object. 1386 1387 The value of texture parameter <pname> for level-of-detail <level> of 1388 the texture is returned in <params>. <pname> must be one of the symbolic 1389 values in tables 23.16- 23.17. 1390 1391 The effective target of the texture object must be one of [incorporate 1392 the existing list of valid targets, but remove "one of the cube map face 1393 targets from table 8.18" and "one of the six distinct 2D images making 1394 up the cube map texture object"] ... 1395 1396 For GetTexLevelParameter* only, target may also be one of the cube map 1397 face targets from table 8.18, indicating one of the six distinct 1398 two-dimensional images making up the cube map texture object. Note that 1399 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP is not a valid target parameter for 1400 GetTexLevelParameter*. 1401 1402 For GetTextureLevelParameter* only, texture may also be a cube map 1403 texture object. In this case the query is always performed for face zero 1404 (the TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X face), since there is no way to 1405 specify another face. 1406 1407 <level> determins which level-of-detail's state is returned... 1408 1409 Errors 1410 1411 Modify existing errors to apply to all forms of the command where 1412 parameters are equivalent. 1413 1414 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetTextureLevelParameter* if 1415 <texture> is not the name of an existing texture object. 1416 1417 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetTextureLevelParameter* if 1418 the effective <target> is not one of the targets described above as 1419 valid for the corresponding command. 1420 1421 1422 Modifications to Section 8.11.4, "Texture Image Queries" 1423 1424 (Replace the first paragraph with the following, p. 223) 1425 1426 Texture images may be obtained from a texture object with the commands 1427 1428 void GetTexImage(enum target, int level, enum format, 1429 enum type, void *pixels); 1430 void GetTextureImage(uint texture, int level, enum format, 1431 enum type, sizei bufSize, void *pixels); 1432 1433 For GetTexImage, <target> specifies the target to which the texture 1434 object is bound. <target> must be one of TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, 1435 TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY 1436 or TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, indicating a one-, two- or three-dimensional, one- 1437 or two-dimensional array, cube map array or rectangle texture, 1438 respectively, of one of the targets from table 8.18, indicating the 1439 corresponding face of a cube map texture. 1440 1441 For GetTextureImage, <texture> is the name of the texture object 1442 containing the image to be retrieved. In addition to the types of 1443 textures accepted by the Get*TexImage commands, GetTextureImage also 1444 accepts cube map texture objects (with effective <target> 1445 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP). 1446 1447 <level> is a level-of-detail number, <format> is a pixel format from 1448 table 8.3, and <type> is a pixel type from table 8.2. 1449 1450 For GetTextureImage, <bufSize> is the size of the buffer to receive the 1451 retrieved pixel data. GetTextureImage does not write more than <bufSize> 1452 bytes into <pixels>. 1453 1454 (Modify remaining paragraphs as shown) 1455 1456 These commands obtain component groups ... where the layers are treated 1457 as rows or images. Cube map textures are treated as three-dimensional 1458 images with a depth of 6, where the cube map faces are ordered as image 1459 layers as shown in table 9.2 1460 1461 These groups are then packed and placed ... 1462 1463 For three-dimensional, two-dimensional array, cube map array, and cube 1464 map textures, pixel storage operations are applied as if ... 1465 1466 The row length ... 1467 1468 Errors 1469 1470 Replace references to <lod> by <level>. 1471 1472 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetTextureImage if <texture> 1473 is not the name of an existing texture object. 1474 1475 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by GetTexImage if <target> is not one 1476 of TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, 1477 TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, or one of 1478 the targets from table 8.18. 1479 1480 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetTextureImage if <target> 1481 is not one of TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, 1482 TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, or 1483 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP. 1484 1485 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetTextureImage if the buffer 1486 size required to store the requested data is greater than <bufSize> 1487 1488 1489 (Replace the introduction of GetCompressedTexImage by the following, p. 225) 1490 1491 Texture images stored in compressed form may be obtained with the 1492 commands 1493 1494 void GetCompressedTexImage(enum target, int level, void *pixels); 1495 void GetCompressedTextureImage(uint texture, int level, sizei bufSize, 1496 void *pixels); 1497 1498 For GetCompressedTexImage, the texture is that 1499 which is bound to <target>. 1500 For GetCompressedTextureImage, <texture> is the name of the texture object. 1501 1502 <target>, <level>, <bufSize> and <pixels> are interpreted in the same 1503 manner as the corresponding parameters of GetTexImage and 1504 GetTextureImage. 1505 1506 GetCompressedTexImage writes <n> ubytes of compressed image data to the 1507 pixel pack buffer or client memory pointed to by <pixels>, while 1508 GetCompressedTextureImage writes min(n, bufSize) ubytes. <n> is the 1509 value of TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE for the texture image. The 1510 compressed image data is formatted according to the definition of the 1511 texture's internal format. 1512 1513 By default the pixel storage modes ... 1514 1515 Errors 1516 1517 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetCompressedTextureImage if 1518 <texture> is not the name of an existing texture object. 1519 1520 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <level> is negative, or greater 1521 than the maximum allowable level. 1522 1523 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the texture image is stored 1524 with an uncompressed internal format. 1525 1526 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if a pixel pack buffer object is 1527 bound and packing the texture image into the buffer's memory would 1528 exceed the size of the buffer. 1529 1530 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetCompressedTextureImage if 1531 the buffer size required to store the requested data is greated than 1532 <bufSize>. 1533 1534 1535 Modifications to Section 8.14.4, "Manual Mipmap Generation" 1536 1537 (Modify the introduction of GenerateMipmap by the following, p. 237) 1538 1539 Mipmaps can be generated manually for a texture object with the commands 1540 1541 void GenerateMipmap(enum target); 1542 void GenerateTextureMipmap(uint texture); 1543 1544 For GenerateMipmap, <target> specifies the target to which the texture 1545 object is bound. For GenerateTextureMipmap, <texture> is the name of the 1546 texture object. 1547 1548 <target> or the effective target of <texture> must be 1549 one of TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_3D, 1550 TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, or 1551 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY. 1552 1553 If <target> or the effective target of <texture> is TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP or 1554 TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY, then the texture object must be cube complete or 1555 cube array complete respectively, as defined in section 8.17. 1556 1557 (include the remainder of the description of GenerateMipmap, starting 1558 with "Mipmap generation replaces...") 1559 1560 Errors 1561 1562 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by GenerateMipmap if <target> is 1563 not one of the valid targets listed above. 1564 1565 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GenerateTextureMipmap if 1566 <texture> is not the name of an existing texture object. 1567 1568 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GenerateTextureMipmap if the 1569 effective <target> is not one of the valid targets listed above. 1570 1571 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GenerateTextureMipmap if the 1572 effective <target> is TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY, and 1573 the texture object is not cube complete or cube array complete, 1574 respectively. 1575 1576 1577 Modifications to Section 8.19, "Immutable-Format Texture Images" 1578 1579 (Replace the list of "generic" errors generated by these commands, 1580 following the third paragraph of the section) 1581 1582 The TexStorage* commands specify properties of the texture object bound 1583 to the <target> parameter of each command. 1584 1585 The TextureStorage* commands behave similarly to the equivalent 1586 TexStorage* commands, but specify properties of the texture object named 1587 by the <texture> parameter of each command. The effective target of 1588 <texture> must be compatible with the <target> parameter of the 1589 equivalent TexStore* command. 1590 1591 1592 Errors 1593 1594 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TexStorage* if zero is bound 1595 to <target>. 1596 1597 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureStorage* if <texture> 1598 is not the name of an existing texture object. 1599 1600 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <width>, <height>, <depth> or 1601 <levels> is less than 1, for commands with the corresponding parameters. 1602 1603 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated if <internalformat> is one of the 1604 unsized base internal formats listed in table 8.11. 1605 1606 1607 (Modify the introduction of TexStorage1D as follows, p. 247) 1608 1609 The commands 1610 1611 void TexStorage1D(enum target, sizei levels, 1612 enum internalformat, sizei width); 1613 void TextureStorage1D(uint texture, sizei levels, 1614 enum internalformat, sizei width); 1615 1616 specify all the levels of a one-dimensional texture (or, for 1617 TexStorage1D, proxy) at the same time. TexStorage1D is described by the 1618 pseudocode below: 1619 1620 (Include original TexStorage1D pseudocode, p. 247) 1621 1622 (add to the Errors section for TexStorage1D) 1623 1624 Errors 1625 1626 In addition to the generic errors described at the start of this 1627 section, 1628 1629 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureStorage1D if 1630 the effective <target> is not TEXTURE_1D. 1631 1632 1633 (Modify the introduction of TexStorage2D as follows, 247) 1634 1635 The commands 1636 1637 void TexStorage2D(enum target, sizei levels, enum internalformat, 1638 sizei width, sizei height); 1639 void TextureStorage2D(uint texture, sizei levels, enum internalformat, 1640 sizei width, sizei height); 1641 1642 specify all the levels of a two-dimensional, cube-map, one-dimensional 1643 array or rectangle texture (or, for TexStorage2D, proxy) at the same 1644 time. TexStorage2D is described by the <target>-dependent pseudocode 1645 below: 1646 1647 (Include original TexStorage2D pseudocode, p. 248) 1648 1649 (add to the Errors section for TexStorage2D) 1650 1651 Errors 1652 1653 In addition to the generic errors described at the start of this 1654 section, 1655 1656 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureStorage2D if the 1657 effective <target> is not one of those listed above. 1658 1659 1660 (Modify the introduction of TexStorage3D as follows, p. 249) 1661 1662 The commands 1663 1664 void TexStorage3D(enum target, sizei levels, enum internalformat, 1665 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth); 1666 void TextureStorage3D(uint texture, sizei levels, enum internalformat, 1667 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth); 1668 1669 specify all the levels of a three-dimensional, two-dimensional array 1670 texture or cube-map array texture (or, for TexStorage3D, proxy). 1671 TexStorage3D is described by the <target>-dependent pseudocode below: 1672 1673 (Include original TexStorage3D pseudocode, p. 249) 1674 1675 (add to the Errors section for TexStorage3D) 1676 1677 Errors 1678 1679 In addition to the generic errors described at the start of this 1680 section, 1681 1682 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureStorage3D if the 1683 effective <target> is not one of those listed above. 1684 1685 1686 (Modify the introduction of TexStorage2DMultisample as follows, p. 250) 1687 1688 The commands 1689 1690 void TexStorage2DMultisample(enum target, sizei samples, 1691 enum internalformat, sizei width, 1692 sizei height, 1693 boolean fixedsamplelocations); 1694 void TextureStorage2DMultisample(uint texture, sizei samples, 1695 enum internalformat, sizei width, 1696 sizei height, 1697 boolean fixedsamplelocations); 1698 1699 specify a two-dimensional multisample texture (or, for 1700 TexStorage2DMultisample, proxy). For TexStorage2DMultisample, <target> 1701 must be TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE or PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE. Calling 1702 TexStorage2DMultisample is equivalent to calling TexImage2DMultisample 1703 with the equivalently named parameters set to the same values, except 1704 that the resulting texture has immutable format. 1705 1706 Errors 1707 1708 In addition to the generic errors described at the start of this 1709 section, 1710 1711 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureStorage2DMultisample 1712 if the effective <target> is not TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE. 1713 1714 1715 (Modify the introduction of TexStorage3DMultisample as follows, p. 250) 1716 1717 The commands 1718 1719 void TexStorage3DMultisample(enum target, sizei samples, 1720 enum internalformat, sizei width, 1721 sizei height, sizei depth, 1722 boolean fixedsamplelocations); 1723 void TextureStorage3DMultisample(uint texture, sizei samples, 1724 enum internalformat, sizei width, 1725 sizei height, sizei depth, 1726 boolean fixedsamplelocations); 1727 1728 specify a two-dimensional multisample array texture (or, for 1729 TexStorage3DMultisample, proxy). For TexStorage3DMultisample, <target> 1730 must be TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY or 1731 PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY. 1732 1733 Calling TexStorage3DMultisample is equivalent to calling 1734 TexImage3DMultisample with the equivalently named parameters set to the 1735 same values, except that the resulting texture has immutable format. 1736 1737 Errors 1738 1739 In addition to the generic errors described at the start of this 1740 section, 1741 1742 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by TextureStorage3DMultisample 1743 if the effective <target> is not TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY. 1744 1745 1746Additions to Chapter 9 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (Framebuffers and 1747Framebuffer Objects) 1748 1749 Modifications to Section 9.2, "Binding and Managing Framebuffer Objects" 1750 1751 (Insert the following, after the description of BindFramebuffer, p. 272) 1752 1753 Framebuffer objects may also be created with the command 1754 1755 void CreateFramebuffers(sizei n, uint *framebuffers); 1756 1757 CreateFramebuffers returns <n> previously unused framebuffer names in 1758 <framebuffers>, each representing a new framebuffer object which is a 1759 state vector, comprising all the state and with the same initial values 1760 listed in table 23.24, as well as one set of the state values listed in 1761 table 23.25 for each attachment point of the framebuffer, with the same 1762 initial values. 1763 1764 Errors 1765 1766 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by CreateFramebuffers if <n> is 1767 negative. 1768 1769 1770 Modifications to Section 9.2.1, "Framebuffer Object Parameters" 1771 1772 (Modify the introduction of FramebufferParameteri as follows, p. 274) 1773 1774 Parameters of a framebuffer object are set using the commands 1775 1776 void FramebufferParameteri(enum target, enum pname, int param); 1777 void NamedFramebufferParameteri(uint framebuffer, enum pname, int param); 1778 1779 For FramebufferParameteri, the framebuffer object is that bound to 1780 <target>, which must be DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, or 1781 FRAMEBUFFER. FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. For 1782 NamedFramebufferParameteri, <framebuffer> is the name of the framebuffer 1783 object. 1784 1785 <pname> specifies the parameter of the framebuffer object to set. 1786 1787 When a framebuffer ... 1788 1789 Errors 1790 1791 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedFramebufferParameteri if 1792 <framebuffer> is not the name of an existing framebuffer object. 1793 1794 1795 Modifications to Section 9.2.3, "Framebuffer Object Queries" 1796 1797 (Modify the introduction of GetFramebufferParameteriv as follows, p. 277) 1798 1799 Parameters of a framebuffer object may be queried with the commands 1800 1801 void GetFramebufferParameteriv(enum target, 1802 enum pname, 1803 int *params); 1804 void GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv(uint framebuffer, 1805 enum pname, 1806 int *params); 1807 1808 For GetFramebufferParameteriv, the framebuffer object is that bound to 1809 <target>, which must be DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, or 1810 FRAMEBUFFER. FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. For 1811 GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv, <framebuffer> may be zero, indicating 1812 the default draw framebuffer, or the name of the framebuffer object. 1813 1814 The value of framebuffer parameter <pname> for the framebuffer object is 1815 returned in <params>. 1816 1817 Errors 1818 1819 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by 1820 GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv if <framebuffer> is not zero or the name 1821 of an existing framebuffer object. 1822 1823 1824 (Modify the introduction of GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter as 1825 follows, p. 277) 1826 1827 Attachments of a framebuffer object or buffers of a default framebuffer 1828 may be queried with the commands 1829 1830 void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(enum target, 1831 enum attachment, 1832 enum pname, 1833 int *params); 1834 void GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(uint framebuffer, 1835 enum attachment, 1836 enum pname, 1837 int *params); 1838 1839 For GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, the framebuffer object is that 1840 bound to <target>, which must be DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, or 1841 FRAMEBUFFER. FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. For 1842 GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, <framebuffer> is zero or the 1843 name of the framebuffer object. If <framebuffer> is zero, then the 1844 default draw framebuffer is queried. 1845 1846 If a default framebuffer is queried, then <attachment> must be one of 1847 FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, or BACK_RIGHT, identifying a color 1848 buffer; DEPTH, identifying the depth buffer; or STENCIL, identifying the 1849 stencil buffer. 1850 1851 Otherwise, <attachment> must be one of the framebuffer object attachment 1852 points listed in table 9.1 1853 1854 (Retain the remainder of the section, but replace the reference to 1855 "GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" with 1856 "GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv or 1857 GetFramebuffferAttachmentParameteriv", p. 278) 1858 1859 Errors 1860 1861 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by 1862 GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv if <framebuffer> is not zero or 1863 the name of an existing framebuffer object. 1864 1865 1866 Modifications to Section 9.2.4, "Renderbuffer Objects" 1867 1868 (Insert the following after the description of BindRenderbuffer, p. 280) 1869 1870 New renderbuffers may also be created with the command 1871 1872 void CreateRenderbuffers(sizei n, uint *renderbuffers); 1873 1874 CreateRenderbuffers returns <n> previously unused renderbuffer names in 1875 <renderbuffers>, each representing a new renderbuffer object which is a 1876 state vector comprising all the state and with the initial values listed 1877 in table 23.27. The state of each renderbuffer object is as if a name 1878 returned from GenRenderbuffers had been bound to the RENDERBUFFER 1879 target, except that any existing binding to RENDERBUFFER is not 1880 affected. 1881 1882 Errors 1883 1884 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by CreateRenderbuffers if <n> is 1885 negative. 1886 1887 (Replace the introduction of RenderbufferStorageMultisample with the 1888 following, p. 282) 1889 1890 The data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a 1891 renderbuffer object's image are established with the commands 1892 1893 void RenderbufferStorageMultisample(enum target, 1894 sizei samples, 1895 enum internalformat, 1896 sizei width, sizei height); 1897 void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample(uint renderbuffer, 1898 sizei samples, 1899 enum internalformat, 1900 sizei width, sizei height); 1901 1902 For RenderbufferStorageMultisample, the renderbuffer object is that 1903 bound to <target>, which must be RENDERBUFFER. For 1904 NamedRenderbuferStorageMultisample, <renderbuffer> is the name of the 1905 renderbuffer object. 1906 1907 <internalformat> must be color-renderable, depth-renderable, or 1908 stencil-renderable (as defined in section 9.4). <width> and <height> are 1909 the dimensions, in pixels, of the renderbuffer. 1910 1911 (Retain the remainder of the section, but replace further references to 1912 "RenderbufferStorageMultisample" with "*RenderbufferStorageMultisample") 1913 1914 Errors 1915 1916 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by 1917 NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample if <renderbuffer> is not the name of 1918 an existing renderbuffer object. 1919 1920 1921 (Insert the following at the end of Section 9.2.4, p. 283) 1922 1923 The command 1924 1925 void NamedRenderbufferStorage(uint renderbuffer, 1926 enum internalformat, 1927 sizei width, sizei height); 1928 1929 is equivalent to 1930 1931 NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample(renderbuffer, 0, internalfomat, 1932 width, height); 1933 1934 1935 Modifications to Section 9.2.6, "Renderbuffer Object Queries" 1936 1937 (Replace the introduction of GetRenderbufferParameteriv by the following, 1938 p. 283) 1939 1940 Parameters of a renderbuffer object may be queried with the commands 1941 1942 void GetRenderbufferParameteriv(enum target, 1943 enum pname, int *params); 1944 void GetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv(uint renderbuffer, 1945 enum pname, int *params); 1946 1947 For GetRenderbufferParameteriv, the renderbuffer object is that bound to 1948 <target>, which must be RENDERBUFFER. For 1949 GetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv, <renderbuffer> is the name of the 1950 renderbuffer object. 1951 1952 The value of renderbuffer parameter <pname> for the renderbuffer object 1953 is returned in <params>. <pname> must be one of the symbolic values... 1954 1955 (Retain the remainder of the section but replace instances of "the 1956 renderbuffer currently bound to <target>" with "the renderbuffer 1957 object", p. 284) 1958 1959 Errors 1960 1961 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetRenderbufferParameteriv if 1962 zero is bound to <target>. 1963 1964 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by 1965 GetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv if <renderbuffer> is not the name of an 1966 existing renderbuffer object. 1967 1968 1969 Modifications to Section 9.2.7, "Attaching Renderbuffer Images to a 1970 Framebuffer" 1971 1972 (Modify the introduction of FramebufferRenderbuffer as follows, p. 284) 1973 1974 A renderbuffer object can be attached as one of the logical buffers of a 1975 framebuffer object with the commands 1976 1977 void FramebufferRenderbuffer(enum target, enum attachment, 1978 enum renderbuffertarget, 1979 uint renderbuffer); 1980 void NamedFramebufferRenderbuffer(uint framebuffer, 1981 enum attachment, 1982 enum renderbuffertarget, 1983 uint renderbuffer); 1984 1985 For FramebufferRenderbuffer the framebuffer object is that bound to 1986 <target>, which must be DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER or 1987 FRAMEBUFFER. FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. For 1988 NamedFramebufferRenderbuffer, <framebuffer> is the name of the 1989 framebuffer object. 1990 1991 (Retain the remainder of the section but replace instances of 1992 "FramebufferRenderbuffer" with "*FramebufferRenderbuffer", and of "the 1993 framebuffer bound to <target>" with "the framebuffer object". 1994 1995 Errors 1996 1997 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedFramebufferRenderbuffer 1998 if <framebuffer> is not the name of an existing framebuffer object. 1999 2000 2001 Modifications to Section 9.2.8, "Attaching Texture Images to a 2002 Framebuffer" 2003 2004 (Modify the introduction of FramebufferTexture as follows, p. 286) 2005 2006 To render directly into a texture image, a specified level of a texture 2007 object can be attached as one of the logical buffers of a framebuffer 2008 object with the commands 2009 2010 void FramebufferTexture(enum target, enum attachment, 2011 uint texture, int level); 2012 void NamedFramebufferTexture(uint framebuffer, enum attachment, 2013 uint texture, int level); 2014 2015 For FramebufferTexture, the framebuffer object is that bound to 2016 <target>, which must be DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER or 2017 FRAMEBUFFER. FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. For 2018 NamedFramebufferTexture, <framebuffer> is the name of the framebuffer 2019 object. 2020 2021 <attachment> must be one of the attachment points of the framebuffer 2022 listed in table 9.1. 2023 2024 If <texture> is zero, any image or array of images attached to the 2025 attachment point named by <attachment> is detached. Any additional 2026 parameters (<level>) are ignored when <texture> is zero. 2027 2028 If <texture> is non-zero, the specified mipmap <level> of the texture 2029 object named <texture> is attached to the framebuffer attachment point 2030 named by <attachment>. 2031 2032 If <texture> is the name of a three-dimensional texture, cube map texture, 2033 one- or two-dimensional array texture, cube map array texture, or two- 2034 dimensional multisample array texture, the texture level attached to the 2035 framebuffer attachment point is an array of images, and the framebuffer 2036 attachment is considered layered. 2037 2038 (Retain the remainder of the section.) 2039 2040 Errors 2041 2042 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedFramebufferTexture if 2043 <framebuffer> is not the name of an existing framebuffer object. 2044 2045 2046 (Replace the introduction of FramebufferTextureLayer with the following, 2047 p. 288) 2048 2049 A single layer of a three-dimensional or array texture object can be 2050 attached as one of the logical buffers of a framebuffer object with the 2051 commands 2052 2053 void FramebufferTextureLayer(enum target, enum attachment, 2054 uint texture, 2055 int level, int layer); 2056 void NamedFramebufferTextureLayer(uint framebuffer, enum attachment, 2057 uint texture, 2058 int level, int layer); 2059 2060 These commands operate identically to the equivalent FramebufferTexture 2061 and NamedFramebufferTexture commands, respectively, except for the 2062 additional <layer> argument which selects a layer of the texture object 2063 to attach. 2064 2065 <layer> specifies the layer of a one- or two-dimensional image within 2066 <texture>, except for cube map and cube map array textures. For cube map 2067 textures, <layer> is translated into a cube map face as described in 2068 table 9.2. For cube map array textures, <layer> is translated into an 2069 array layer and a cube map face as described for layer-face numbers in 2070 section 8.5.3. 2071 2072 If <texture> is a three-dimensional texture, then ... 2073 2074 Errors 2075 2076 In addition to the corresponding errors for FramebufferTexture and 2077 NamedFramebufferTexture when called with the same parameters (other than 2078 <layer>): 2079 2080 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedFramebufferTextureLayer 2081 if <framebuffer> is not the name of an existing framebuffer object. 2082 2083 (Remove the final two paragraphs of section 9.2.8, starting "Unlike 2084 FramebufferTexture3D...") 2085 2086 2087 Modifications to Section, "Effects of Attaching a Texture Image" 2088 2089 (change all references to FramebufferTexture* to *FramebufferTexture*, 2090 to include the NamedFramebufferTexture* variants) 2091 2092 2093 Modifications to Section 9.4.2, "Whole Framebuffer Completeness" 2094 2095 (Replace the defintion of CheckFramebufferStatus, p. 297) 2096 2097 The status of a framebuffer object or default framebuffer can be queried 2098 with the commands 2099 2100 enum CheckFramebufferStatus(enum target); 2101 enum CheckNamedFramebufferStatus(uint framebuffer, enum target); 2102 2103 For CheckFramebufferStatus, the framebuffer object is that bound to 2104 <target>. For CheckNamedFramebufferStatus, <framebuffer> is zero or the 2105 name of the framebuffer object. 2106 2107 <target> must be DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER or FRAMEBUFFER. 2108 FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. 2109 2110 If <framebuffer> is zero, then the status of the default read or draw 2111 framebuffer (as determined by <target>) is returned. 2112 2113 A value is returned that identifies whether or not the framebuffer 2114 object or default framebuffer is complete when treated as a read or draw 2115 framebuffer (as determined by <target>). If the framebuffer object is 2116 complete, then FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE is returned. Otherwise, the value 2117 returned is one of the error codes defined at the start of section 9.4.2 2118 identifying one of the rules of framebuffer completeness that is 2119 violated. 2120 2121 Errors 2122 2123 If CheckFramebufferStatus generates an error, zero is returned. 2124 2125 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by CheckFramebufferStatus and 2126 CheckNamedFramebufferStatus if <target> is not DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 2127 READ_FRAMEBUFFER or FRAMEBUFFER. 2128 2129 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by CheckNamedFramebufferStatus 2130 if <framebuffer> is not zero or the name of an existing framebuffer 2131 object. 2132 2133 2134Additions to Chapter 10 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (Vertex 2135Specification and Drawing Commands) 2136 2137 Modifications to Section 10.3, "Vertex Arrays" 2138 2139 (Insert the following after the introduction of vertex arrays, first 2140 paragraph of Section 10.3, p. 314) 2141 2142 All of the state required to represent the vertex arrays is 2143 stored in a vertex array object (VAO). 2144 2145 2146 (Insert all of Section 10.4, "Vertex Array Objects" as new section 10.3.1, 2147 renumber subsequent sections and delete the original section 10.4, p. 314) 2148 2149 (Insert the following after the description of BindVertexArray, p. 327) 2150 2151 Vertex array objects may also be created with the command 2152 2153 void CreateVertexArrays(sizei n, uint *arrays); 2154 2155 CreateVertexArrays returns <n> previously unused vertex array object 2156 names in <arrays>, each representing a state vector comprising all the 2157 state and with the same initial values listed in tables 23.3 and 23.4. 2158 2159 Errors 2160 2161 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by CreateVertexArrays if <n> is 2162 negative. 2163 2164 2165 (Insert the following after the description of IsVertexArray, p. 327) 2166 2167 To bind a buffer object to the element array buffer bind point of a 2168 vertex array object, use the command 2169 2170 void VertexArrayElementBuffer(uint vaobj, uint buffer); 2171 2172 <vaobj> is 2173 [compatibility profile: 2174 zero, indicating the default vertex array object, or] 2175 the name of the vertex array object, and <buffer> is zero or the name of 2176 the buffer object. If <buffer> is zero, any existing element array 2177 buffer binding to <vaobj> is removed. 2178 2179 Errors 2180 2181 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by VertexArrayElementBuffer if 2182 <vaobj> is not 2183 [compatibility profile: zero or] 2184 the name of an existing vertex array object. 2185 2186 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <buffer> is not zero or the 2187 name of an existing buffer object. 2188 2189 2190 (Modify the introduction of EnableVertexAttribArray and 2191 DisableVertexAttribArray with the following, p. 320) 2192 2193 An individual generic vertex attribute array in a vertex array object 2194 is enabled with the commands 2195 2196 void EnableVertexAttribArray(uint index); 2197 void EnableVertexArrayAttrib(uint vaobj, uint index); 2198 2199 and is disabled with the commands 2200 2201 void DisableVertexAttribArray(uint index); 2202 void DisableVertexArrayAttrib(uint vaobj, uint index); 2203 2204 <index> is the generic vertex attribute array to enable or disable. For 2205 EnableVertexAttribArray and DisableVertexAttribArray, the vertex array 2206 object is the currently bound vertex array object. For 2207 EnableVertexArrayAttrib and DisableVertexArrayAttrib, <vaobj> is 2208 [compatibility profile: 2209 zero, indicating the default vertex array object, or] 2210 the name of the vertex array object. 2211 2212 Errors 2213 2214 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by EnableVertexAttribArray and 2215 DisableVertexAttribArray if no vertex array object is bound. 2216 2217 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by EnableVertexArrayAttrib and 2218 DisableVertexArrayAttrib if <vaobj> is not 2219 [compatibility profile: zero or] 2220 the name of an existing vertex array object. 2221 2222 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <index> is greater than or equal 2223 to the value of MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS. 2224 2225 2226 Modifications to Subsection 10.3.2 (which was previously 10.3.1), 2227 "Specifying Arrays for Generic Vertex Attributes" 2228 2229 (Replace the introduction of the subsection with the following, p. 314) 2230 2231 To specify the organization of arrays storing generic vertex attributes 2232 of a vertex array object, use the commands 2233 2234 void VertexAttribFormat(uint attribindex, int size, 2235 enum type, boolean normalized, 2236 uint relativeoffset); 2237 void VertexAttribIFormat(uint attribindex, int size, 2238 enum type, uint relativeoffset); 2239 void VertexAttribLFormat(uint attribindex, int size, 2240 enum type, uint relativeoffset); 2241 void VertexArrayAttribFormat(uint vaobj, uint attribindex, int size, 2242 enum type, boolean normalized, 2243 uint relativeoffset); 2244 void VertexArrayAttribIFormat(uint vaobj, uint attribindex, int size, 2245 enum type, uint relativeoffset); 2246 void VertexArrayAttribLFormat(uint vaobj, uint attribindex, int size, 2247 enum type, uint relativeoffset); 2248 2249 For VertexAttrib*Format, the vertex array object is that bound to 2250 VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING. For VertexArrayAttrib*Format, <vaobj> is 2251 [compatibility profile: 2252 zero, indicating the default vertex array object, or] 2253 the name of the vertex array object. 2254 2255 (Retain remainder of language.) 2256 2257 Errors 2258 2259 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by VertexArrayAttrib*Format if 2260 <vaobj> is not 2261 [compatibility profile: zero or] 2262 the name of an existing vertex array object. 2263 2264 2265 (Modify the introduction of BindVertexBuffer with the following, p. 317) 2266 2267 The source of data for a generic vertex attribute may be determined by 2268 attaching a buffer object to a vertex array object with the commands 2269 2270 void BindVertexBuffer(uint bindingindex, uint buffer, 2271 intptr offset, sizei stride); 2272 void VertexArrayVertexBuffer(uint vaobj, uint bindingindex, 2273 uint buffer, intptr offset, 2274 sizei stride); 2275 2276 For BindVertexBuffer, the vertex array object is the currently bound 2277 vertex array object. For VertexArrayVertexBuffer, <vaobj> is 2278 [compatibility profile: 2279 zero, indicating the default vertex array object, or] 2280 the name of the vertex array object. 2281 2282 <buffer> is either zero or 2283 [compatibility profile: an unused name. 2284 core profile: a name returned by GenBuffers or CreateBuffers.] 2285 2286 If <buffer> is zero, any buffer object attached to <bindingindex> is 2287 detached. 2288 2289 If <buffer> is not the name of an existing buffer object, the GL first 2290 creates a new state vector, initialized with a zero-sized memory buffer 2291 and comprising all the state and with the same initial values listed in 2292 table 6.2, just as for BindBuffer. <buffer> is then attached to the 2293 specified <bindingindex> of the vertex array object. 2294 2295 When sourcing vertex data from the buffer object, <offset> specifies the 2296 offset in basic machine units of the first element in the vertex buffer. 2297 Pointers to the <i>th and <i+1>st elements of the array differ by 2298 <stride> basic machine units, the pointer to the <i+1>st element being 2299 greater. 2300 2301 If the operation is successful no change is made to the state of the 2302 buffer object, and any previous attachment to <bindingindex> is broken. 2303 2304 Errors 2305 2306 [core profile only: 2307 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by BindVertexBuffer if no vertex 2308 array object is bound. 2309 2310 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <buffer> is not zero or a 2311 name returned from a previous call to GenBuffers or CreateBuffers, or if 2312 such a name has since been deleted with DeleteBuffers. 2313 ] 2314 2315 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by VertexArrayVertexBuffer if 2316 <vaobj> is not 2317 [compatibility profile: zero or] 2318 the name of an existing vertex array object. 2319 2320 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <bindingindex> is greater than or 2321 equal to the value of MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS. 2322 2323 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <stride> or <offset> is negative, 2324 or if <stride> is greater than the value of MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE. 2325 2326 2327 The source of data for multiple vertex attributes may be determined by 2328 attaching multiple existing buffer objects to a vertex array object with 2329 the commands 2330 2331 void BindVertexBuffers(uint first, sizei count, 2332 const uint *buffers, 2333 const intptr *offsets, 2334 const sizei *strides); 2335 void VertexArrayVertexBuffers(uint vaobj, uint first, sizei count, 2336 const uint *buffers, 2337 const intptr *offsets, 2338 const sizei *strides); 2339 2340 For BindVertexBuffers, the vertex array object is the currently bound 2341 vertex array object. For VertexArrayVertexBuffers, <vaobj> is 2342 [compatibility profile: 2343 zero, indicating the default vertex array object, or] 2344 the name of the vertex array object. 2345 2346 <count> existing buffer objects are attached to vertex buffer binding 2347 points numbered <first> through <first> + <count> - 1. ... 2348 2349 BindVertexBuffers is equivalent (assuming no errors are generated) to 2350 2351 (Retain pseudocode example) 2352 2353 except the buffers will not be created if they do not exist. 2354 2355 VertexArrayVertexBuffers is equivalent to the pseudocode above, but 2356 replacing BindVertexBuffer(args) with VertexArrayVertexBuffers(vaobj, 2357 args). 2358 2359 The values specified ... 2360 2361 Errors 2362 2363 [core profile only: 2364 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by BindVertexBuffers if no 2365 vertex array object is bound. 2366 ] 2367 2368 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by VertexArrayVertexBuffer if 2369 <vaobj> is not 2370 [compatibility profile: zero or] 2371 the name of an existing vertex array object. 2372 2373 (Retain existing list of errors) 2374 2375 2376 (Modify the introduction of VertexAttribBinding with the following, p. 340) 2377 2378 The association between a vertex attribute and the vertex buffer binding 2379 used by that attribute is set by the commands 2380 2381 void VertexAttribBinding(uint attribindex, uint bindingindex); 2382 void VertexArrayAttribBinding(uint vaobj, uint attribindex, 2383 uint bindingindex); 2384 2385 For VertexAttribBinding, the vertex array object is the currently bound 2386 vertex array object. For VertexArrayAttribBinding, <vaobj> is 2387 [compatibility profile: 2388 zero, indicating the default vertex array object, or] 2389 the name of the vertex array object. 2390 2391 Errors 2392 2393 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by VertexArrayAttribBinding if 2394 <vaobj> is not 2395 [compatibility profile: zero or] 2396 the name of an existing vertex array object. 2397 2398 2399 Modifications to Subsection 10.3.3, "Vertex Attribute Divisors" 2400 2401 (Replace the description of VertexBindingDivisor, p. 320) 2402 2403 The divisor value for attributes taken from a target vertex array object 2404 is set with the commands 2405 2406 void VertexBindingDivisor(uint bindingindex, uint divisor); 2407 void VertexArrayBindingDivisor(uint vaobj, uint bindingindex, 2408 uint divisor); 2409 2410 For VertexBindingDivisor, the vertex array object is the currently bound 2411 vertex array object. For VertexArrayBindingDivisor, <vaobj> is 2412 [compatibility profile: 2413 zero, indicating the default vertex array object, or] 2414 the name of the vertex array object. These commands set the divisor for 2415 the buffer bound to the specified <bindingindex> of the vertex array 2416 object to <divisor>. 2417 2418 Errors 2419 2420 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by VertexArrayBindingDivisor if 2421 <vaobj> is not 2422 [compatibility profile: zero or] 2423 the name of an existing vertex array object. 2424 2425 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <bindingindex> is greater than or 2426 equal to the value of MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS. 2427 2428 2429 Modifications to Section 10.4, "Vertex Array Objects" 2430 2431 (Move this section to subsection 10.3.1 and delete Section 10.4, 2432 renumber subsequent section, p. 325) 2433 2434 Modifications to Section 10.5 (was 10.6), "Vertex Array and Vertex Array 2435 Object Queries" 2436 2437 (Insert the following at the start of the section, p. 338) 2438 2439 To query parameters of a vertex array object, use the command 2440 2441 void GetVertexArrayiv(uint vaobj, enum pname, int *param); 2442 2443 <vaobj> is 2444 [compatibility profile: 2445 zero, indicating the default vertex array object, or] 2446 the name of the vertex array object. The value of parameter <pname> for 2447 attribute <index> of <vaobj> is returned in <param>. <pname> must be 2448 ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING. 2449 2450 Errors 2451 2452 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <vaobj> is not 2453 [compatibility profile: zero or] 2454 the name of an existing vertex array object. 2455 2456 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated if <pname> is not 2457 ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING. 2458 2459 2460 To query parameters of an attribute of a vertex array object, use 2461 the commands 2462 2463 void GetVertexArrayIndexediv(uint vaobj, 2464 uint index, 2465 enum pname, 2466 int *param); 2467 void GetVertexArrayIndexed64iv(uint vaobj, 2468 uint index, 2469 enum pname, 2470 int64 *param); 2471 2472 <vaobj> is 2473 [compatibility profile: 2474 zero, indicating the default vertex array object, or] 2475 the name of the vertex array object. The value of parameter <pname> for 2476 attribute <index> of <vaobj> is returned in <param>. 2477 2478 For GetVertexArrayIndexediv, <pname> must be one of 2479 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE, 2480 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE, VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE, 2481 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED, VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER, 2482 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_LONG, VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR, or 2483 VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET. For GetVertexArrayIndexed64iv, <pname> 2484 must be VERTEX_BINDING_OFFSET. 2485 2486 Errors 2487 2488 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <vaobj> is not 2489 [compatibility profile: zero or] 2490 the name of an existing vertex array object. 2491 2492 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <index> is greater than or equal 2493 to the value of MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS. 2494 2495 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated if <pname> is not one of the valid 2496 values listed above for the corresponding command. 2497 2498 2499Additions to Chapter 13 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (Fixed-Function 2500Vertex Post-Processing) 2501 2502 Modifications to Section 13.2.2, "Transform Feedback Primitive Capture" 2503 2504 (Insert the following after the description of BindTransformFeedback, p. 2505 398) 2506 2507 New transform feedback objects may also be created with the command 2508 2509 void CreateTransformFeedbacks(sizei n, uint *ids); 2510 2511 CreateTransformFeedbacks returns <n> previously unused transform 2512 feedback object names in <ids>, each representing a new state vector, 2513 comprising the state and with all the same initial values listed in 2514 table 23.48. 2515 2516 Errors 2517 2518 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by CreateTransformFeedbacks if <n> 2519 is negative. 2520 2521 2522 (Replace the paragraph beginning with "Regions of buffer objects are 2523 bound as ..." after the description of ResumeTransformFeedback, p. 400) 2524 2525 Regions of buffer objects are bound as targets of the currently bound 2526 transform feedback object by calling one of the BindBuffer* commands 2527 (see sections 6.1 and 6.2) with <target> set to 2528 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER. Alternatively, regions of buffer objects may 2529 be bound directly to a transform feedback object with the commands 2530 2531 void TransformFeedbackBufferRange(uint xfb, uint index, 2532 uint buffer, intptr offset, 2533 sizeiptr size); 2534 void TransformFeedbackBufferBase(uint xfb, uint index, uint buffer); 2535 2536 <xfb> must be zero or the name of an existing transform feedback object, 2537 and <buffer> must be the name of an existing buffer object. 2538 TransformFeedbackBufferRange and TransformFeedbackBufferBase behave 2539 similarly to BindBufferRange and BindBufferBase, respectively, except 2540 that the target of the operation is <xfb>, and they do not affect any 2541 binding to the generic TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER target. 2542 2543 Errors 2544 2545 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <xfb> is not zero or the name 2546 of an existing transform feedback object. 2547 2548 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <buffer> is not zero or the name 2549 of an existing buffer object. 2550 2551 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <index> is greater than or equal 2552 to the number of binding points for transform feedback, as described in 2553 section 6.7.1. 2554 2555 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by TransformFeedbackBufferRange if 2556 <offset> is negative. 2557 2558 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by TransformFeedbackBufferRange if 2559 <size> is less than or equal to zero. 2560 2561 An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by TransformFeedbackBufferRange if 2562 <offset> or <size> do not satisfy the constraints described for those 2563 parameters for transform feedback array bindings, as described in 2564 section 6.7.1. 2565 2566 2567Additions to Chapter 17 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (Writing 2568Fragments and Samples to the Framebuffer) 2569 2570 Modifications to Section 17.4.1, "Selecting Buffers for Writing" 2571 2572 (Modify the introduction and description of DrawBuffer with the following, 2573 p. 467) 2574 2575 The first such operation is controlling the color buffers into which each 2576 of the fragment color values is written. This is accomplished with one of 2577 DrawBuffer, NamedFramebufferDrawBuffer, DrawBuffers or 2578 NamedFramebufferDrawBuffers. 2579 2580 The set of buffers of a framebuffer object to which fragment color zero 2581 is written is controlled with the commands 2582 2583 void DrawBuffer(enum buf); 2584 void NamedFramebufferDrawBuffer(uint framebuffer, enum buf); 2585 2586 For DrawBuffer, the framebuffer object is that bound to the 2587 DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER binding. For NamedFramebufferDrawBuffer, <framebuffer> 2588 is zero or the name of a framebuffer object. If <framebuffer> is zero, 2589 then the default framebuffer is affected. 2590 2591 Errors 2592 2593 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedFramebufferDrawBuffer if 2594 <framebuffer> is not zero or the name of an existing framebuffer object. 2595 2596 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the default framebuffer is 2597 affected and <buf> is a value (other than NONE) that does not indicate 2598 one of the color buffers allocated to the default framebuffer. 2599 2600 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if a framebuffer object is 2601 affected and <buf> is one of the constants from table 17.4 (other than 2602 NONE), or COLOR_ATTACHMENT<m> and <m> is greater than or equal to the 2603 value of MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS. 2604 2605 2606 (Modify the introduction and description of DrawBuffers with the following, 2607 p. 469) 2608 2609 The set of buffers of a framebuffer object to which all fragment colors 2610 are written is controlled with the commands 2611 2612 void DrawBuffers(sizei n, const enum *bufs); 2613 void NamedFramebufferDrawBuffers(uint framebuffer, sizei n, 2614 const enum *bufs); 2615 2616 For DrawBuffer, the framebuffer object is that bound to the 2617 DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER binding. For NamedFramebufferDrawBuffer, <framebuffer> 2618 is zero or the name of a framebuffer object. If <framebuffer> is zero, 2619 then the default framebuffer is affected. 2620 2621 (Modify the language in the following paragraphs referring to 2622 "DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING" to read "DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING or 2623 <framebuffer>", p. 469) 2624 2625 (Modify the sentences beginning with "If the GL is bound to" to read "If 2626 the referenced framebuffer is", p. 469) 2627 2628 Errors 2629 2630 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedFramebufferDrawBuffers 2631 if <framebuffer> is not zero or the name of an existing framebuffer 2632 object. 2633 2634 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the default framebuffer is 2635 affected and any value in <bufs> is a constant (other than NONE or BACK) 2636 that does not indicate one of the color buffers allocated to the default 2637 framebuffer. 2638 2639 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if a framebuffer object is 2640 affected and any value in <bufs> is a constant from table 17.6, or 2641 COLOR_ATTACHMENT<m> and <m> is greater than or equal to the value of 2642 MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS. 2643 2644 2645 Modifications in Section, "Clearing Individual Buffers". 2646 2647 (Modify the introduction of ClearBuffer{if ui}v with the following, p. 474) 2648 2649 Individual buffers of a framebuffer object may be cleared with the 2650 commands 2651 2652 void ClearBuffer{if ui}v(enum buffer, int drawbuffer, const T* value); 2653 void ClearNamedFramebuffer{if ui}v(uint framebuffer, enum buffer, 2654 int drawbuffer, const T* value); 2655 2656 For ClearBuffer*, the framebuffer object is that bound to the 2657 DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER binding. For ClearNamedFramebuffer*, <framebuffer> is 2658 zero or the name of a framebuffer object. If <framebuffer> is zero, then 2659 the default framebuffer is affected. 2660 2661 <buffer> and <drawbuffer> identify a buffer to clear, and <value> 2662 specifies the values to clear it to. The *fv, *iv, and *uiv forms of 2663 these commands should be used to clear fixed- and floating-point, signed 2664 integer, and unsigned integer color buffers respectively. 2665 2666 (Retain remainder of section, but insert references to ClearFramebuffer* 2667 wherever there are additional references to ClearBuffer*, p. 474-475) 2668 2669 (Modify the introduction of ClearBufferfi with the following, p. 475) 2670 2671 Both depth and stencil buffers of a framebuffer object may be cleared 2672 with the commands 2673 2674 void ClearBufferfi(enum buffer, int drawbuffer, float depth, int stencil); 2675 void ClearNamedFramebufferfi(uint framebuffer, enum buffer, int drawbuffer, 2676 float depth, int stencil); 2677 2678 For ClearBufferfi, the framebuffer object is that bound to the 2679 DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER binding. For ClearNamedFramebufferfi, <framebuffer> is 2680 zero or the name of a framebuffer object. If <framebuffer> is zero, then 2681 the default framebuffer is affected. 2682 2683 <buffer> must be DEPTH_STENCIL ... 2684 2685 Errors 2686 2687 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearNamedFramebuffer* if 2688 <framebuffer> is not zero or the name of an existing framebuffer object. 2689 2690 2691 Modifications in Section 17.4.4, "Invalidating Framebuffer Contents" 2692 2693 (Modify the introduction of InvalidateSubFramebuffer as following, p. 476) 2694 2695 To signal that the GL need not preserve all contents of a framebuffer 2696 object (invalidating portions of every pixel or a subregion of pixels), 2697 use the commands 2698 2699 void InvalidateSubFramebuffer(enum target, sizei numAttachments, 2700 const enum *attachments, inx x, 2701 int y, sizei width, sizei height); 2702 void InvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData(uint framebuffer, 2703 sizei numAttachments, 2704 const enum *attachments, 2705 int x, int y, 2706 sizei width, sizei height); 2707 2708 For InvalidateSubFramebuffer, the framebuffer object is that bound to 2709 <target>, which must be DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER or 2710 FRAMEBUFFER. FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. For 2711 InvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData, <framebuffer> is the name of the 2712 framebuffer object. If <framebuffer> is zero, the default draw 2713 framebuffer is affected. 2714 2715 (Retain the remainder of the language) 2716 2717 Errors 2718 2719 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by 2720 InvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData if <framebuffer> is not zero or the 2721 name of an existing framebuffer object. 2722 2723 2724 (Modify the introduction of InvalidateFramebuffer with the following, 2725 p. 477) 2726 2727 The commands 2728 2729 void InvalidateFramebuffer(enum target, sizei numAttachments, 2730 const enum *attachments); 2731 void InvalidateNamedFramebufferData(uint framebuffer, 2732 sizei numAttachments, 2733 const enum *attachments); 2734 2735 are equivalent to 2736 2737 InvalidateSubFramebuffer(target, numAttachments, attachments, 2738 0, 0, vw, vh); 2739 2740 and 2741 2742 InvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData(framebuffer, numAttachments, 2743 attachments, 0, 0, vw, vh); 2744 2745 respectively, where <vw> and <vh> are equal to the maximum viewport width 2746 and height, respectively, obtained by querying MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS. 2747 2748Additions to Chapter 18 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) Specification (Reading and 2749Copying Pixels) 2750 2751 Modifications in Section 18.2.1 "Selecting Buffers for Reading" 2752 2753 (Modify the introduction of ReadBuffer with the following, p. 478) 2754 2755 When reading pixels from a color buffer of a framebuffer object, the 2756 buffer selected for reading is termed the <read buffer>, and is 2757 controlled with the commands 2758 2759 void ReadBuffer(enum src); 2760 void NamedFramebufferReadBuffer(uint framebuffer, enum src); 2761 2762 For ReadBuffer, the framebuffer object is that bound to 2763 READ_FRAMEBUFFER. For NamedFramebufferReadBuffer, <framebuffer> is zero 2764 or the name of the framebuffer object. If <framebuffer> is zero, the 2765 default read framebuffer is affected. 2766 2767 If the default framebuffer is affected (see chapter 9), <src> must be 2768 one of the values listed in table 17.4 ... 2769 2770 If a framebuffer object is affected, <src> must be one of the values 2771 listed in table 17.5 ... 2772 2773 (Retain the remainder of this section) 2774 2775 Errors 2776 2777 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedFramebufferReadBuffer if 2778 <framebuffer> is not zero or the name of an existing framebuffer object. 2779 2780 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the default framebuffer is 2781 affected, and <src> is a value (other than NONE) that does not indicate 2782 any of the color buffers allocated to the default framebuffer. 2783 2784 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if a framebuffer object is 2785 affected, <src> is one of the constants from table 17.4 (other than 2786 NONE, or COLOR_ATTACHMENTm where m is greater than or equal to the value 2787 of MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS. 2788 2789 2790 2791 Modifications in Section 18.3.1 "Blitting Pixel Rectangles" 2792 2793 (Modify the introduction of BlitFramebuffer with the following, p. 487) 2794 2795 To transfer a rectangle of pixel values from one region of a source 2796 framebuffer to another region of a destination framebuffer, use the 2797 commands The commands 2798 2799 void BlitFramebuffer(int srcX0, int srcY0, 2800 int srcX1, int srcY1, 2801 int dstX0, int dstY0, 2802 int dstX1, int dstY1, 2803 bitfield mask, enum filter); 2804 void BlitNamedFramebuffer(uint readFramebuffer, uint drawFramebuffer, 2805 int srcX0, int srcY0, 2806 int srcX1, int srcY1, 2807 int dstX0, int dstY0, 2808 int dstX1, int dstY1, 2809 bitfield mask, enum filter); 2810 2811 For BlitFramebuffer, the source and destination framebuffers are those 2812 bound to READ_FRAMEBUFFER and DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER respectively. For 2813 BlitNamedFramebuffer, <readFramebuffer> and <drawFramebuffer> are the 2814 names of the source and destination framebuffers respectively. 2815 2816 If no framebuffer is bound to READ_FRAMEBUFFER or DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER (for 2817 BlitFramebuffer), or if <readFramebuffer> or <drawFramebuffer> is zero 2818 (for BlitNamedFramebuffer), then the default read or draw framebuffer is 2819 used as the corresponding source or destination framebuffer, 2820 respectively. 2821 2822 <mask> is zero or the bitwise OR ... 2823 2824 (Retain the remainder of this section) 2825 2826 Errors 2827 2828 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by BlitNamedFramebuffer if 2829 <readFramebuffer> or <drawFramebuffer> is not zero or the name of an 2830 existing framebuffer object. 2831 2832 2833Additions to Chapter 22 of the OpenGL 4.4 (core) specification, "Context State 2834Queries" 2835 2836 (Add Subsection 22.4, "Transform Feedback State Queries", p. 527) 2837 2838 State of the currently bound transform feedback object may be queried by 2839 calling GetIntegerv, GetIntegeri_v, GetInteger64i_v, GetBooleanv, or 2840 other simple query functions with <pname> set to one of the tokens 2841 listed in table 23.48. 2842 2843 Alternatively, the state of a transform feedback object may be queried 2844 with the commands 2845 2846 void GetTransformFeedbackiv(uint xfb, enum pname, int *param); 2847 2848 void GetTransformFeedbacki_v(uint xfb, enum pname, uint index, 2849 int *param); 2850 2851 void GetTransformFeedbacki64_v(uint xfb, enum pname, uint index, 2852 int64 *param); 2853 2854 <xfb> must be zero, indicating the default transform feedback object, or 2855 the name of an existing transform feedback object. <pname> must be one 2856 of the tokens listed in table 23.48, depending on the command name as 2857 shown in the errors section below. For indexed state, <index> is the 2858 index of the transform feedback stream. <param> is the address of a 2859 variable to receive the result of the query. 2860 2861 Errors 2862 2863 An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetTransformFeedbackiv, 2864 GetTransformFeedbacki_v and GetTransformFeedbacki64_v if <xfb> is not 2865 zero or the name of an existing transform feedback object. 2866 2867 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by GetTransformFeedbackiv if <pname> 2868 is not TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PAUSED or TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ACTIVE. 2869 2870 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by GetTransformFeedbacki_v if <pname> 2871 is not TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING. 2872 2873 An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by GetTransformFeedbacki64_v if 2874 <pname> is not TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START or 2875 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE. 2876 2877 An INVALID_VALID error is generated by GetTransformFeedbacki_v and 2878 GetTransformFeedbacki64_v if <index> is greater than or equal to the 2879 number of binding points for transform feedback, as described in section 2880 6.7.1. 2881 2882 2883 (Add Subsection 22.5, "Indexed Binding State Queries", p. 527) 2884 2885 The name of the texture object bound to the active texture unit may be 2886 queried by calling GetIntegerv with <pname> TEXTURE_BINDING_1D, 2887 TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY, 2888 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE, TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY, 2889 TEXTURE_BINDING_3D, TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER, TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP, 2890 TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY, or TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE. 2891 Likewise, the current sampler bound to the active 2892 texture unit may be queried by calling GetIntegerv with <pname> 2893 SAMPLER_BINDING. 2894 2895 To query the bound texture or sampler object bound to a specific texture 2896 unit without changing the active texture selector, call GetIntegeri_v 2897 with one of the valid <pname>s listed above, and with <index> set to the 2898 zero-based texture unit index to be queried. 2899 2900Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications 2901 2902 TBD. 2903 2904GLX Protocol 2905 2906 TBD. 2907 2908New State 2909 2910 Append to Table 23.15, "Textures (state per texture object)" 2911 2912 +-----------------------------------+-------+------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------+---------+ 2913 | Get Value | Type | Get Command | Initial Value | Description | Sec. | 2914 +-----------------------------------+-------+------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------+---------+ 2915 | TEXTURE_TARGET | E | GetTexParameteriv | NONE | Target of texture object | 8.11 | 2916 | | | GetTextureParameteriv | | | | 2917 +-----------------------------------+-------+------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------+---------+ 2918 2919 2920 Append to Table 23.44, "Query Object State" 2921 2922 +-----------------------------------+-------+--------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------------+---------+ 2923 | Get Value | Type | Get Command | Initial Value | Description | Sec. | 2924 +-----------------------------------+-------+--------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------------+---------+ 2925 | QUERY_TARGET | E | GetQueryObjectiv | NONE | Target of query object | 4.2 | 2926 +-----------------------------------+-------+--------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------------+---------+ 2927 2928 2929Modified state tables 2930 2931 Modify Table 23.3, "Vertex Array Object State" 2932 2933 Add GetVertexArrayAttribiv in 'Get Command' for 2934 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, 2935 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE, 2936 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE, 2937 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE, 2938 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED, 2939 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER, 2940 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_LONG, 2941 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR, and 2942 VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET states 2943 2944 2945 Modify Table 23.4, "Vertex Array Object State" 2946 2947 Add GetVertexArrayiv in 'Get Command' for 2948 ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING state 2949 2950 Add GetVertexArrayIndexediv in 'Get Command' for 2951 VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING 2952 VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDING, 2953 VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET, 2954 VERTEX_BINDING_OFFSET, and 2955 VERTEX_BINDING_STRIDE states 2956 2957 Add GetVertexArrayIndexed64iv in 'Get Command' for 2958 VERTEX_BINDING_OFFSET state 2959 2960 2961 Modify Table 23.6, "Buffer Object State" 2962 2963 Add GetNamedBufferSubData in 'Get Command' for 2964 the entry described as "Buffer data". 2965 2966 Add GetNamedBufferParameteri64v in 'Get Command' for 2967 BUFFER_USAGE, 2968 BUFFER_ACCESS, 2969 BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS, and 2970 BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH states 2971 2972 Add GetNamedBufferParameteriv in 'Get Command' for 2973 BUFFER_SIZE, 2974 BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET, 2975 BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH, 2976 BUFFER_IMMUTABLE_STORAGE, 2977 BUFFER_STORAGE_FLAGS, and 2978 BUFFER_MAPPED states 2979 2980 Add GetNamedBufferPointerv in 'Get Command' for 2981 BUFFER_MAP_POINTER state 2982 2983 2984 Modify Table 23.12, "Textures (state per texture unit)" 2985 2986 Add GetIntegeri_v in 'Get Command' for 2987 TEXTURE_BINDING_1D, 2988 TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY, 2989 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, 2990 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY, 2991 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE, 2992 TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY 2993 TEXTURE_BINDING_3D, 2994 TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER, 2995 TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP, 2996 TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY, and 2997 TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE states 2998 2999 3000 Modify Table 23.14, "Textures (state per texture object)" 3001 3002 Add GetTextureParameteriv in 'Get Command' for 3003 TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, 3004 TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G, 3005 TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, 3006 TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A, 3007 TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, 3008 TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, 3009 TEXTURE_WRAP_S, 3010 TEXTURE_WRAP_T, 3011 TEXTURE_WRAP_R, 3012 DEPTH_STENCIL_TEXTURE_MODE, 3013 TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, 3014 TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, 3015 IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_TYPE, 3016 TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT, 3017 TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS, 3018 TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LEVEL, 3019 TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LEVELS, 3020 TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LAYER and 3021 TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LAYERS states 3022 3023 Add GetTextureParameterfv in 'Get Command' for 3024 TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, 3025 TEXTURE_MIN_LOD, 3026 TEXTURE_MAX_LOD, 3027 TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 3028 TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL and 3029 TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS states. 3030 3031 3032 Modify Table 23.16 and 2317, "Textures (state per texture image)" 3033 3034 Add GetTextureLevelParameterv in 'Get Command' for each state of 3035 the table. 3036 3037 3038 Modify Table 23.25. "Framebuffer (state per attachment point)" 3039 3040 Add GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv in 'Get Command' 3041 for each state of the table. 3042 3043 3044 Modify Table 23.27. "Renderbuffer (state per renderbuffer object)" 3045 3046 Add GetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv in 'Get Command' for 3047 RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH, 3048 RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT, 3049 RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT, 3050 RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE, 3051 RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE, 3052 RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE, 3053 RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE, 3054 RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE, 3055 RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE, and 3056 RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES states 3057 3058 3059 Modify Table 23.48, "Transform Feedback State" 3060 3061 Add GetTransformFeedbackiv in 'Get Command' for 3062 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING, 3063 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PAUSED and 3064 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ACTIVE states 3065 3066 Add GetTransformFeedbacki64_v in 'Get Command' for 3067 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START and 3068 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE states 3069 3070 Add GetTransformFeedbacki_v in 'Get Command' for 3071 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING state 3072 3073 3074New Implementation Dependent State 3075 3076 None. 3077 3078Usage Examples 3079 3080 Example 1: 3081 // Bind to Edit 3082 void streamChunks(const Chunks & chunks) 3083 { 3084 GLuint restore = 0; 3085 glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, restore) 3086 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, chunks.buffer()); 3087 3088 uint8* pointer = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(glMapBufferRange( 3089 GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, chunks.size(), GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT)); 3090 3091 for(std::size_t i = 0; i < chunks.count(); ++i) 3092 { 3093 // Do something 3094 glFlushMappedBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, chunks.offset(), chunks.length()); 3095 } 3096 3097 glUnmapNamedBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); 3098 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, restore); 3099 } 3100 3101 // Direct State Access, stream while rendering, no rendering state polution 3102 void streamChunks(const Chunks & chunks) 3103 { 3104 uint8* pointer = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(glMapNamedBufferRange( 3105 chunks.buffer(), 0, chunks.size(), GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT)); 3106 3107 for(int i = 0; i < chunks.count(); ++i) 3108 { 3109 // Do something 3110 glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange(chunks.buffer(), chunks.offset(), chunks.length()); 3111 } 3112 3113 glUnmapNamedBuffer(chunks.buffer()); 3114 } 3115 3116 Example 2: Creating a buffer object without polluting the OpenGL states 3117 3118 // Bind to Create 3119 GLuint CreateBuffer() 3120 { 3121 // Save the previous bound buffer 3122 GLuint restoreBuffer = 0; 3123 glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &restoreBuffer); 3124 3125 // Reserve the buffer name and create the buffer object 3126 uint buffer = 0; 3127 glGenBuffers(1, &buffer); 3128 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer); 3129 3130 // Restaure the previous bound buffer to avoid polluting 3131 // the rendering states 3132 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, restoreBuffer); 3133 3134 return buffer; 3135 } 3136 3137 // Direct State Access 3138 GLuint CreateBuffer() 3139 { 3140 GLuint buffer = 0; 3141 glCreateBuffer(1, &buffer); 3142 3143 return buffer; 3144 } 3145 3146 Example 3: Creating a vertex array object without polluting the OpenGL states 3147 3148 // OpenGL 3.0 Bind to Create for vertex array object 3149 GLuint CreateVertexArray(GLuint BufferName[]) 3150 { 3151 // Save the previous bound vertex array and array buffer 3152 GLuint restoreVertexArray = 0; 3153 glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, &restoreVertexArray); 3154 GLuint restoreBuffer = 0; 3155 glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &restoreBuffer); 3156 3157 glGenVertexArrays(1, &VertexArrayName); 3158 glBindVertexArray(VertexArrayName); 3159 glEnableVertexAttribArray(semantic::attr::POSITION); 3160 glEnableVertexAttribArray(semantic::attr::TEXCOORD); 3161 3162 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, BufferName[buffer::VERTEX]); 3163 glVertexAttribPointer(semantic::attr::POSITION, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(glf::vertex_v2fv2f), BUFFER_OFFSET(0)); 3164 glVertexAttribPointer(semantic::attr::TEXCOORD, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(glf::vertex_v2fv2f), BUFFER_OFFSET(sizeof(glm::vec2))); 3165 3166 glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, BufferName[buffer::ELEMENT]); 3167 3168 // The GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING is a context state, not a vertex array state. 3169 glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, restoreBuffer); 3170 glBindVertexArray(restoreVertexArray); 3171 3172 return vertexArrayName; 3173 } 3174 3175 // OpenGL 4.3 Bind to Create for vertex array object 3176 GLuint CreateVertexArray(GLuint BufferName[]) 3177 { 3178 // Save the previous bound vertex array 3179 GLuint restoreVertexArray = 0; 3180 glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, &restoreVertexArray); 3181 3182 GLuint vertexArrayName = 0; 3183 glGenVertexArrays(1, &vertexArrayName); 3184 glBindVertexArray(VertexArrayName); 3185 glEnableVertexAttribArray(semantic::attr::POSITION); 3186 glEnableVertexAttribArray(semantic::attr::TEXCOORD); 3187 3188 glVertexAttribBinding(semantic::attr::POSITION, 0); 3189 glVertexAttribFormat(semantic::attr::POSITION, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0); 3190 3191 glVertexAttribBinding(semantic::attr::TEXCOORD, 0); 3192 glVertexAttribFormat(semantic::attr::TEXCOORD, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(float) * 2); 3193 3194 glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, BufferName[buffer::ELEMENT]); 3195 glBindVertexBuffer(0, BufferName[buffer::VERTEX], 0, 0); 3196 glBindVertexArray(restoreVertexArray); 3197 3198 return vertexArrayName; 3199 } 3200 3201 // Direct State Access 3202 GLuint CreateVertexArray(GLuint BufferName[]) 3203 { 3204 GLuint vertexArrayName = 0; 3205 glCreateVertexArrays(1, &vertexArrayName); 3206 3207 glEnableVertexArrayAttrib(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::POSITION); 3208 glEnableVertexArrayAttrib(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::TEXCOORD); 3209 3210 glVertexArrayAttribBinding(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::POSITION, 0); 3211 glVertexArrayAttribFormat(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::POSITION, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0); 3212 3213 glVertexArrayAttribBinding(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::TEXCOORD, 0); 3214 glVertexArrayAttribFormat(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::TEXCOORD, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(float) * 2); 3215 3216 glVertexArrayElementBuffer(VertexArrayName, BufferName[buffer::ELEMENT]); 3217 glVertexArrayVertexBuffer(VertexArrayName, 0, BufferName[buffer::VERTEX], 0, 0); 3218 3219 return vertexArrayName; 3220 } 3221 3222 Example 4: Querying the bound texture to a texture image unit for debugging 3223 3224 // Select to query 3225 // We need the <target> or we need to loop over all the possible targets 3226 GLuint GetBoundTexture(GLenum target, GLuint unit) 3227 { 3228 GLuint restore = 0; 3229 glGetIntegerv(GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &restore); 3230 3231 glActiveTexture(unit); 3232 3233 GLuint name = 0; 3234 glGetIntegerv(target, &name); 3235 3236 glActiveTexture(restore); 3237 } 3238 3239 // Direct State Access 3240 // target_binding is e.g. GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D for the 2D texture 3241 GLuint GetBoundTexture(GLenum target_binding, GLuint unit) 3242 { 3243 GLuint name = 0; 3244 glGetIntegeri_v(target_binding, unit, &name); 3245 return name; 3246 } 3247 3248Transistioning guide to ARB_direct_state_access 3249 3250 This section is only for the purpose of transistioning an application to 3251 the modern direct state access approach. It is not part of the specification 3252 as such. 3253 3254 TBD. 3255 3256Interactions with OpenGL 3.0 or ARB_framebuffer_object 3257 3258 If neither OpenGL 3.0 nor ARB_framebuffer_object are supported, 3259 ignore the support for GenerateTextureMipmap, NamedFramebufferRenderbuffer, 3260 NamedFramebufferTexture, NamedFramebufferTextureLayer, 3261 NamedFramebufferDrawBuffer, NamedFramebufferDrawBuffers, 3262 NamedFramebufferReadBuffer, ClearNamedFramebufferiv, 3263 ClearNamedFramebufferuiv, ClearNamedFramebufferfv, ClearNamedFramebufferfi, 3264 BlitNamedFramebuffer, GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, 3265 CheckNamedFramebufferStatus, CreateRenderbuffers, NamedRenderbufferStorage, 3266 NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample and GetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv. 3267 3268Interactions with OpenGL 3.0 or ARB_map_buffer_range 3269 3270 If neither OpenGL 3.0 nor ARB_map_buffer_range are supported, 3271 ignore the support for MapNamedBufferRange and FlushMappedNamedBufferRange 3272 3273Interactions with OpenGL 3.0 or ARB_vertex_array_object 3274 3275 If neither OpenGL 3.0 nor ARB_vertex_array_object are supported, 3276 ignore the support for CreateVertexArrays, DisableVertexArrayAttrib, 3277 EnableVertexArrayAttrib, VertexArrayElementBuffer, GetVertexArrayiv, 3278 and GetVertexArrayIndexediv. 3279 3280Interactions with OpenGL 3.1 or ARB_copy_buffer 3281 3282 If neither OpenGL 3.1 nor ARB_copy_buffer are supported, 3283 ignore the support for CopyNamedBufferSubData. 3284 3285Interactions with OpenGL 3.3 or ARB_instanced_arrays 3286 3287 If neither OpenGL 3.3 nor ARB_instanced_arrays are supported, 3288 ignore the support for VertexArrayAttribDivisor and 3289 VertexArrayBindingDivisor. 3290 3291Interactions with OpenGL 3.3 or ARB_sampler_objects 3292 3293 If neither OpenGL 4.1 nor ARB_separate_shader_objects are supported, 3294 ignore the support for CreateSamplers. 3295 3296Interactions with OpenGL 4.0 or ARB_transform_feedback2 3297 3298 If neither OpenGL 4.0 nor ARB_transform_feedback2 are supported, 3299 ignore the support for CreateTransformFeedbacks, GetTransformFeedbackiv, 3300 GetTransformFeedbacki_v, GetTransformFeedbacki64_v, and TextureBuffer. 3301 3302Interactions with OpenGL 4.1 or ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit 3303 3304 If neither OpenGL 4.1 nor ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit are supported, 3305 ignore the support for VertexArrayAttribLFormat. 3306 3307Interactions with OpenGL 4.1 or ARB_separate_shader_objects 3308 3309 If neither OpenGL 4.1 nor ARB_separate_shader_objects are supported, 3310 ignore the support for CreateProgramPipelines. 3311 3312Interactions with OpenGL 4.2 or ARB_texture_storage 3313 3314 If neither OpenGL 4.2 nor ARB_texture_storage are supported, 3315 ignore the support for TextureStorage1D, TextureStorage2D and 3316 TextureStorage3D. 3317 3318Interactions with OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_texture_storage_multisample 3319 3320 If neither OpenGL 4.2 nor ARB_texture_storage are supported, 3321 ignore the support for TextureStorage2DMultisample and 3322 TextureStorage3DMultisample. 3323 3324Interactions with OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_vertex_attrib_binding 3325 3326 If neither OpenGL 4.3 nor ARB_vertex_attrib_binding are supported, 3327 ignore the support for VertexArrayVertexBuffer, VertexArrayAttribFormat, 3328 VertexArrayAttribIFormat, VertexArrayAttribLFormat, 3329 VertexArrayAttribBinding, VertexArrayBindingDivisor. 3330 3331Interactions with OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_invalidate_subdata 3332 3333 If neither OpenGL 4.3 nor ARB_invalidate_subdata are supported, 3334 ignore the support for InvalidateNamedFramebufferData and 3335 InvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData. 3336 3337Interactions with OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_texture_buffer_range 3338 3339 If neither OpenGL 4.3 nor ARB_texture_buffer_range are supported, 3340 ignore the support for TextureBufferRange. 3341 3342Interactions with OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_clear_buffer_object 3343 3344 If neither OpenGL 4.3 nor ARB_clear_buffer_object are supported, 3345 ignore the support for ClearNamedBufferData and ClearNamedBufferSubData. 3346 3347Interactions with OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments 3348 3349 If neither OpenGL 4.3 nor ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments are supported, 3350 ignore the support for NamedFramebufferParameteri and GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv. 3351 3352Interactions with OpenGL 4.4 or ARB_buffer_storage 3353 3354 If neither OpenGL 4.3 nor ARB_buffer_storage are supported, 3355 ignore the support for NamedBufferStorage. 3356 3357Interactions with OpenGL 4.4 or ARB_clear_texture 3358 3359 If neither OpenGL 4.4 nor ARB_clear_texture are supported, 3360 ignore the support for ClearNamedBufferData and ClearNamedBufferSubData. 3361 3362Interactions with OpenGL 4.4 or ARB_multi_bind 3363 3364 If neither OpenGL 4.4 nor ARB_multi_bind are supported, 3365 ignore the support for VertexArrayVertexBuffers. 3366 3367Interactions with OpenGL 4.4 or ARB_query_buffer_object 3368 3369 If neither OpenGL 4.4 nor ARB_query_buffer_object are supported, ignore 3370 the support for GetQueryBufferObjectiv, GetQueryBufferObjectuiv, 3371 GetQueryBufferObjecti64v and GetQueryBufferObjectui64v. 3372 3373TODO 3374 3375 Document more errors. Currently, only the errors that check the new 3376 parameters are documented. Errors for parameters equivalent to the non-DSA 3377 versions of functions are not documented. 3378 3379 Add Usage Examples 3380 Add Transitioning guide to ARB_direct_state_access 3381 Add language for 9.2.3 Framebuffer Object Queries 3382 Describe bufSize 3383 3384 Issues left: 0 3385 3386 What vendors extensions, vendor needs to resolve interaction with ARB_direct_state_access 3387 3388Issues 3389 3390 0) What are the difference between ARB_direct_state_access and 3391 EXT_direct_state_access? 3392 3393 <TBD> 3394 3395 1) Should MultiBind be the only way to bind functions in DSA? 3396 3397 Do we need BindTextureUnit to replace the couple ActiveTexture and 3398 BindTexture? Do we need both VertexArrayVertexBuffer and 3399 VertexArrayVertexBuffers? 3400 3401 RESOLVED: No, both approaches are arguably valuable, add 3402 BindTextureUnit, VertexArrayVertexBuffer and 3403 VertexArrayVertexBuffers. 3404 3405 2) NamedBufferData (and the corresponding function from the original EXT) 3406 do not include the <target> parameter. Does implementations may make 3407 initial assumptions about the usage of a data store based on this 3408 parameter. Where did it go? Should we bring it back? 3409 3410 RESOLVED: No need for a target parameter for buffer. Implemetations 3411 don't make usage assumption based on the <target> parameter. Only one 3412 vendor extension do so AMD_pinned_memory. A for consistent approach 3413 to specify a buffer usage would be to add a new flag for that <flags> 3414 parameter of BufferStorage. 3415 3416 3) Do we need <target> parameters to all the APIs? There are several APIs 3417 that either only allow one value, or for which the <target> parameter 3418 is of debatable worth. 3419 3420 RESOLVED: Only keep the target parameter when it is functional. 3421 3422 4) Do we need a <target> for query object creation? 3423 3424 RESOLVED: Yes. You can immediately query a result, and the number of 3425 bytes written depends on the target. 3426 3427 5) This extension omits TextureImageND (mutable texture definitions), but 3428 includes CompressedTextureImageND (mutable, compressed texture). Why? 3429 Can't we have immutable compressed textures? 3430 3431 RESOLVED: The core specification does not include 3432 CompressedTexStorageND, only CompressedTexImageND because immutable 3433 textures created with TextureStorageND can be both compressed and 3434 uncompressed. 3435 3436 6) Do TransformFeedbackBufferBase and TransformFeedbackBufferRange need 3437 a <target> parameter, as the only acceptable value should be 3438 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER? 3439 3440 RESOLVED: No. 3441 3442 7) Do TransformFeedbackBufferBase and TransformFeedbackBufferRange also 3443 bind the buffer to the generic TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER target as 3444 well as the indexed one as BindBuffer{Base/Range} would? 3445 3446 RESOLVED: No. 3447 3448 8) Do we need the support for query conversions for DSA queries? 3449 3450 For example, with the default transform feedback we can retrive the 3451 state values for TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START and 3452 TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE using GetDoublev. 3453 3454 RESOLVED: No. 3455 3456 9) The language for VertexArrayVertexBuffer is inserted in subsection 3457 10.3.1 after BindVertexBuffer, but vertex array objects are not 3458 introduced until 10.4 - after all the state that they encapsulate. 3459 This is backwards. We should probably give a brief overview of what 3460 vertex arrays are (first paragraph or so of 10.3), followed by 3461 introducing the VAO itself ("All the state required to represent 3462 vertex arrays is stored in a VAO. Blah blah."), followed by most of 3463 section 10.4, followed by all the state that's in the VAO (what is 3464 currently section 10.3). This allows the clean introduction of all 3465 vertex array state in both DSA and direct-to-context form. Should we 3466 make this change? 3467 3468 RESOLVED: YES. This draft moves section 10.4 to a new subsection at 3469 the start of section 10.3 and deletes the original 10.4. This allows 3470 the remainder of section 10.3 to refer back to VAOs. 3471 3472 10) What should be called GetVertexArrayIntegeri_v? 3473 3474 This name is inconsistent with OpenGL convensions and there are 3475 already two precedent in the specification 3476 3477 A/ In the core specification and alternative to "i" for indexed is to 3478 use "Indexed", but there is no precedent for the 3479 GetVertexArrayIntegeri_v construct. 3480 3481 glDepthRangeIndexed 3482 glEndQueryIndexed 3483 glGetQueryIndexediv 3484 glScissorIndexedv 3485 glViewportIndexedfv 3486 3487 Following this precedent for GetVertexArrayIntegeri_v and rename it 3488 GetVertexArrayIndexediv. 3489 3490 B/ Another precedent is: 3491 3492 void glGetVertexAttribIiv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params); 3493 3494 "Iiv" is not very explicit out of context. 3495 3496 RESOLVED: GetVertexArrayIndexediv 3497 3498 11) Do we need GetVertexArrayAttribPointerv? 3499 3500 RESOLVED: No. Following the line of the resolution of issue 31, if we 3501 don't provide a DSA API for VertexAttrib*Pointer, there is no client 3502 vertex array support and pointer to query, hence this function as no 3503 purpose. 3504 3505 12) What's the purpose of the new Create* API? 3506 3507 With the Gen* API, objects are not created, only an object name is 3508 reserved. The actual operation creating the object happen after and 3509 may require additional informations: texture and query object requires 3510 a target to create the approciate data store. 3511 3512 The following function can create actually object: 3513 BindTexture 3514 BindBuffer 3515 BindFramebuffer 3516 BindVertexArray 3517 BindProgramPipeline 3518 BindRenderbuffer 3519 FenceSync 3520 BeginQuery* 3521 QueryCounter 3522 SamplerParameter* 3523 UseProgramStages 3524 3525 The Create* API is an alternative to the Gen* + Call approach to 3526 create an object where the object is created when its name is 3527 reserved. 3528 3529 13) What should GetTransformFeedbackBooleanv be called? 3530 3531 RESOLVED: We don't need it! The OpenGL specification doesn't have 3532 precedent for GetTransformFeedbackBooleanv but there are boolean 3533 states. For example VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED is queried with 3534 GetVertexAttribiv of GetVertexArrayiv 3535 3536 14) Does InvalidateNamedFramebufferData and 3537 InvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData need a <target> parameter? 3538 3539 RESOLVED: No. For Invalidate{Sub,}Framebuffer the <target> parameter is 3540 only used to select between the framebuffer at the read binding point 3541 and the one at the draw binding point. Since the framebuffer being 3542 invalidated is identified directly by the <framebuffer> parameter, no 3543 <target> is necessary. 3544 3545 15) What should we do with the PixelStore? 3546 3547 They have that B2E flavor except that instead of binding an object 3548 to edit it, we need to query/set states to edit some objects like 3549 selectors. Just like B2E, there are generating side effects in 3550 applications. Hence, it is worth to investigate how we could DSA 3551 PixelStore. 3552 3553 PixelStore interacts with TextureSubImage*, CompressedTextureSubImage* 3554 functions that we are adding in this extension, and ReadPixels. 3555 3556 Possible solutions for this issue: 3557 a) Add a pointer parameter to the functions concerned taking a 3558 structure. with all the pixel store states. If null is passed, 3559 use the default pixel store states. 3560 3561 b) A pixel store object. (hard to imagine, different from other APIs, 3562 where to store those in an engine?) 3563 3564 c) Adding pixel store states to the texture object. 3565 3566 An alternative would be allowing the user to submit a structure with 3567 all the pixel store parameters. 3568 3569 The interactions with sparse textures make it PixelStore particularly 3570 interesting. 3571 3572 RESOLVED: The primary motivation for this extension is getting rid of 3573 selectors. Pixel store parameters are just global state. Fixing that 3574 is beyond the scope of this extension (and there is a lot of other 3575 state too!). 3576 3577 16) Do we need DSA for UniformSubroutinesuiv? 3578 3579 RESOLVED: Deferred. Do subroutines have a future? 3580 3581 17) How do we resolve the inconsistency between Create* and Gen* APIs? 3582 3583 The Create API is typically equivalent to the Gen API and Binding 3584 the object. 3585 3586 For example: 3587 // Direct State Access 3588 uint buffer; 3589 CreateBuffer(1, &buffer); 3590 3591 Is the logical equivalent to: 3592 3593 // Bind to Edit 3594 uint restoreBuffer; 3595 GetIntegerv(ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &restoreBuffer); 3596 uint buffer; 3597 GenBuffers(1, &buffer); 3598 BindBuffer(ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer); 3599 BindBuffer(ARRAY_BUFFER, restoreBuffer); 3600 3601 Typically with DSA objects are created with [Create] while [Gen+Bind] 3602 is used to create the objects with B2E. Unfortunately, [Gen+Bind] 3603 is not systematic: 3604 3605 In OpenGL 4.4, here is the functions that create objects: 3606 - BindTexture 3607 - BindBuffer 3608 - BindProgramPipeline 3609 - BindRenderbuffer 3610 - BindSampler 3611 - UseProgramStages 3612 - SamplerParameter* 3613 - GetSamplerParameter* 3614 - IsSampler 3615 - BeginQuery 3616 - BeginQueryIndexed 3617 - QueryCounter 3618 3619 Effectively, the sampler object behaves as if it was created at Gen*. 3620 3621 The query API is resolved with CreateQueries that effectively 3622 creates the query object with a target that can also be TIMESTAMP 3623 which is used with QueryCounter with the Gen* method. 3624 3625 An approach to make the B2E API more consistent without breaking 3626 compatibility would be allowing any program pipeline function to 3627 create the program pipeline object so that effectively 3628 GenProgramPipelines would behave like CreateProgramPipelines. 3629 3630 RESOLVED: Only the Create* API provide a consistent behaviour. 3631 3632 We can't really fix the Gen* consistency but all the DSA functions 3633 behave identically if we use the Create* API. That is: 3634 3635 1/ The object is effectively created by Create* 3636 2/ A DSA function modifying an object, won't generated an invalid 3637 operation error if that object was created with the corresponding 3638 Create* function and if that object was deleted by the 3639 corresponding Delete* function. 3640 3641 18) Should we take the DSA effort further to improve API consistency 3642 further so that we could have a clear message so say "this is the 3643 DSA API"? 3644 3645 All the DSA functions could have the prefix "DSA" so that if we want 3646 an understandable message for the community would be: 3647 3648 "All the DSA functions starts by glDSA". 3649 3650 Considering the request for clarity by the OpenGL community, it seems 3651 valuable to consider this idea. 3652 3653 However, a lot of the DSA API is already in the core specification. 3654 To provide this API consistency, we would need to create aliases for 3655 existing functions. 3656 3657 Propose changes: 3658 1/ Rename all functions introduced by this extension removing 3659 "Named" and adding the prefix "DSA" 3660 2/ Add aliases to the following DSA functions already in core: 3661 3662 ClearTexImage -> DSAClearTexImage 3663 ClearTexSubImage -> DSAClearTexSubImage 3664 InvalidateTexSubImage -> DSAInvalidateTexSubImage 3665 InvalidateTexImage -> DSAInvalidateTexImage 3666 InvalidateBufferSubData -> DSAInvalidateBufferSubData 3667 InvalidateBufferData -> DSAInvalidateBufferData 3668 CompileShader -> DSACompileShader 3669 TextureView -> DSATexView 3670 CopyImageSubData -> DSACopyImageSubData 3671 UseProgramStages -> DSAProgramPipelineStages 3672 ProgramParameteri -> DSAProgramParameteri 3673 ProgramUniform* -> DSAProgramUniform* 3674 ProgramBinary -> DSAProgramBinary 3675 LinkProgram -> DSALinkProgram 3676 GetProgramBinary -> DSAGetProgramBinary 3677 GetProgramInfoLog -> DSAGetProgramInfoLog 3678 CreateShaderProgram -> DSACreateShaderProgram 3679 SamplerParameter* -> DSASamplerParameter* 3680 GetSamplerParameter* -> DSAGetSamplerParameter* 3681 ValidateProgramPipeline -> DSAValidateProgramPipeline 3682 UseProgramStages -> DSAProgramPipelineStages 3683 GetProgramPipelineInfoLog -> DSAGetProgramPipelineInfoLog 3684 GetProgramInterfaceiv -> DSAGetProgramInterfaceiv 3685 GetProgramResourceIndex -> DSAGetProgramResourceIndex 3686 GetProgramResourceName -> DSAGetProgramResourceName 3687 GetProgramResourceiv -> DSAGetProgramResourceiv 3688 GetProgramResourceLocation -> DSAGetProgramResourceLocation 3689 GetProgramResourceLocationIndex -> DSAGetProgramResourceLocationIndex 3690 GetAttachedShaders -> DSAGetAttachedShaders 3691 GetShaderiv -> DSAGetShaderiv 3692 GetShaderSource -> DSAGetShaderSource 3693 GetShaderPrecisionFormat -> DSAGetShaderPrecisionFormat 3694 GetProgramInfoLog -> DSAGetProgramInfoLog 3695 GetUniformfv -> DSAGetUniformfv 3696 GetUniformiv -> DSAGetUniformiv 3697 GetUniformuiv -> DSAGetUniformuiv 3698 GetUniformdv -> DSAGetUniformdv 3699 GetProgramStageiv -> DSAGetProgramStageiv 3700 3701 CreateShader -> DSACreateShaders 3702 CreateProgram -> DSACreatePrograms 3703 3704 GetSynciv -> DSAGetSynciv 3705 FenceSync -> DSAFenceSync 3706 WaitSync -> DSAWaitSync 3707 ClientWaitSync -> DSAClientWaitSync 3708 3709 Do we want to add delete functions? 3710 3711 RESOLVED: No. Some people liked this, some didn't. Some liked the 3712 prefix idea, but not the letters "DSA" (who wants to explain that in 3713 5 years?). Some people liked the idea of aliasing existing commands 3714 and some didn't. Some had other ideas for naming conventions. In the 3715 end we opted for "get 'er done!" and as a result we will have GL 4.5 3716 with DSA in it. 3717 3718 For those who really want the prefixed API, this can easily be done 3719 by renaming the commands when they are dynamically loaded. 3720 Additionally, with DSA, a C++ interface for GL can easily be written 3721 which will hide all the ugly details off things like C function names. 3722 3723 19) Can we use DSA functions on default objects? Default framebuffer, 3724 transform feedback, program pipeline, texture, vertex array? 3725 3726 RESOLVED: 3727 3728 - Default textures: NO. There are too many texture objects named 3729 zero, the default textures are rarely used, and adding selectors 3730 to all the commands is too much work for a corner case. 3731 - Default vertex array objects: YES, but only in the compatibility 3732 profile, where they exist (see issue 40). 3733 - Default transform feedback and program pipeline objects; YES. 3734 - Default framebuffer objects: YES, with certain exceptions as 3735 described in issue 34. 3736 3737 20) Should we introduce glCreate* function capable to create multiple 3738 program and shader objects? Same for glDelete*. 3739 3740 RESOLVED: There is very little value to add these functions. Unless we 3741 figure out a way to add more value to it, from the resolution of issue 3742 18 for example, no need to add them. 3743 3744 21) Why do we have TransformFeedbackBufferBase/Range but nothing for 3745 atomic counters, SSBOs, or UBOs? 3746 3747 RESOLVED: TransformFeedbackBufferBase/Range are the DSA version of 3748 BindBufferBase and BindBufferRange on transform feedback object with 3749 the Bind To Edit API. Atomic counters, SSBOs and UBOs binding are 3750 exclusively context states. There is no object to attach them to. 3751 3752 22) How should we query the bound textures with the DSA API? 3753 3754 With the current specification we need to use bind to edit: 3755 3756 GLuint GetTextureName(GLuint unit, GLenum target) 3757 { 3758 GLuint restore = 0; 3759 glGetIntegerv(GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &restore); 3760 3761 glActiveTexture(unit); 3762 3763 GLuint name; 3764 glGetIntegerv(target, &name); 3765 3766 glActiveTexture(restore); 3767 3768 return name; 3769 } 3770 3771 Furthermore, with this extension <target> is a texture object state, 3772 not an input. 3773 3774 An approach to resolve this issue is using glGetIntegeri_v for 3775 textures: 3776 3777 void glGetIntegeri_v(GLenum target_binding, 3778 GLuint index, 3779 GLint * data); 3780 3781 <target_binding> is e.g. GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D for the 3782 two-dimensional texture binding. 3783 3784 Instead of using GL_TEXTURE0, an integer <index> identifies a 3785 texture unit. 3786 3787 NOTE: In the initially released version of this extension, 3788 queries of form 3789 3790 glGetIntegeri_v(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING, index, &texname); 3791 3792 were supported. This was a mistake and was not implementable, 3793 because there can always be multiple different bindings to a 3794 texture unit for different targets. This token and the 3795 corresponding state has been removed from this extension and 3796 from the OpenGL 4.5 API Specification. The glGetIntegeri_v query 3797 is still supported, but the target-specific binding tokens must 3798 be passed. 3799 3800 23) Do state tables chapter 23 needs to be updated to contain DSA queries too? 3801 3802 RESOLVED: Yes. 3803 3804 24) Do we need DSA functions for mutable textures? 3805 3806 RESOLVED: No. Immutable texture is a more robust approach to handle 3807 textures 3808 3809 25) Should the DSA API collapse Texture*ND functions into a single 3810 function per functionality? 3811 3812 - New extensions ARB_geometry_shader4, ARB_clear_texture, 3813 ARB_sparse_texture, ARB_copy_image have move away from separate ND 3814 functions 3815 - The TEXTURE_TARGET state allows IHVs baking the <target> parameter 3816 into the texture object. ISVs would like to do the same but can't 3817 because the target is required to select the correct texture 3818 function. Typically, if we fill a GL_TEXTURE_2D or a 3819 GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY we need to call respectively TexSubImage2D or 3820 TexSubImage3D. A collapse glTexSubImage using three coordinates 3821 would resolve this issue. 3822 3823 What the set of texture functions do we want? 3824 3825 a) All ND functions: 3826 3827 void TextureStorage1D(uint texture, sizei levels, enum internalformat, 3828 sizei width); 3829 3830 void TextureStorage2D(uint texture, sizei levels, enum internalformat, 3831 sizei width, sizei height); 3832 3833 void TextureStorage3D(uint texture, sizei levels, enum internalformat, 3834 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth); 3835 3836 void TextureStorage2DMultisample(uint texture, sizei samples, enum internalformat, 3837 sizei width, sizei height, 3838 boolean fixedsamplelocations); 3839 3840 void TextureStorage3DMultisample(uint texture, sizei samples, enum internalformat, 3841 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, 3842 boolean fixedsamplelocations); 3843 3844 void TextureSubImage1D(uint texture, int level, 3845 int xoffset, sizei width, 3846 enum format, enum type, const void *pixels); 3847 3848 void TextureSubImage2D(uint texture, int level, 3849 int xoffset, int yoffset, 3850 sizei width, sizei height, 3851 enum format, enum type, const void *pixels); 3852 3853 void TextureSubImage3D(uint texture, int level, 3854 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 3855 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, 3856 enum format, enum type, const void *pixels); 3857 3858 void CompressedTextureSubImage1D(uint texture, int level, 3859 int xoffset, sizei width, 3860 enum format, sizei imageSize, const void *data); 3861 3862 void CompressedTextureSubImage2D(uint texture, int level, 3863 int xoffset, int yoffset, 3864 sizei width, sizei height, 3865 enum format, sizei imageSize, const void *data); 3866 3867 void CompressedTextureSubImage3D(uint texture, int level, 3868 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 3869 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, 3870 enum format, sizei imageSize, const void *data); 3871 3872 void CopyTextureSubImage1D(uint texture, int level, 3873 int xoffset, 3874 int x, int y, 3875 sizei width); 3876 3877 void CopyTextureSubImage2D(uint texture, int level, 3878 int xoffset, int yoffset, 3879 int x, int y, 3880 sizei width, sizei height); 3881 3882 void CopyTextureSubImage3D(uint texture, int level, 3883 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 3884 int x, int y, 3885 sizei width, sizei height); 3886 3887 b) Collapsed ND functions (all addressed with 3D coordinates): 3888 3889 void TextureStorage(uint texture, sizei levels, enum internalformat, 3890 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth); 3891 3892 void TextureStorageMultisample(uint texture, sizei samples, enum internalformat, 3893 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, 3894 boolean fixedsamplelocations); 3895 3896 void TextureSubImage(uint texture, int level, 3897 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 3898 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, 3899 enum format, enum type, const void *pixels); 3900 3901 void CompressedTextureSubImage(uint texture, int level, 3902 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 3903 sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, 3904 enum format, sizei imageSize, const void *data); 3905 3906 void CopyTextureSubImage(uint texture, int level, 3907 int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, 3908 int x, int y, 3909 sizei width, sizei height); 3910 3911 c) Both a) and b) 3912 3913 RESOLVED: a) All the ND versions only. This is what matches the OpenGL 3914 4.4 set of functionality. 3915 3916 26) DSA functions for VertexAttrib are missing, do we want them? 3917 3918 The list of the functions concerned is: 3919 3920 void VertexAttrib{1234}{sfd}( uint index, T values ); 3921 void VertexAttrib{123}{sfd}v( uint index, const T *values ); 3922 void VertexAttrib4{bsifd ub us ui}v( uint index, const T *values ); 3923 void VertexAttrib4Nub( uint index, ubyte x, ubyte y, ubyte z, ubyte w ); 3924 void VertexAttrib4N{bsi ub us ui}v( uint index, const T *values ); 3925 void VertexAttribI{1234}{i ui}( uint index, T values ); 3926 void VertexAttribI{1234}{i ui}v( uint index, const T *values ); 3927 void VertexAttribI4{b s ub us}v( uint index, const T *values ); 3928 void VertexAttribL{1234}d( uint index, const T values ); 3929 void VertexAttribL{1234}dv( uint index, const T *values ); 3930 void VertexAttribP{1234}ui(uint index,enum type,boolean normalized,uint value); 3931 void VertexAttribP{1234}uiv(uint index,enum type,boolean normalized,const uint *value); 3932 3933 RESOLVED: The default vertex attribute value is not a VAO state. No 3934 need to add any function. We can still use the existing functions on a 3935 software design based on DSA. 3936 3937 27) Should we add multi bind versions of TransformFeedbackBufferBase and 3938 TransformFeedbackBufferRange? 3939 3940 RESOLVED: No. On the contrary to the vertex array object, the 3941 transform feedback object doesn't contain a lot of state and actually 3942 most of the states are relatived to the bound buffers. 3943 3944 The purpose of BindVertexBuffers for the VAOs it to quickly switch 3945 buffers while remaining the same set of buffers in the rendering loop. 3946 3947 With the transform buffer object, we essentially only have buffers. If 3948 the OpenGL programmer want to quickly switch transform feedback 3949 buffers, he can create multiple transform feedback objects. 3950 3951 28) What ARB only extensions have interactions with 3952 ARB_direct_state_access? 3953 3954 RESOLVED: GL_ARB_sparse_texture and GL_ARB_sparse_buffer 3955 3956 29) Are we missing CreateSync? 3957 3958 RESOLVED: No. Sync object are created with FenceSync which behave 3959 similarly to the new Create* API expect that it returns a handle. The 3960 sync object is perfectly compatible with the DSA programming paradigm. 3961 3962 30) Do we need NamedFramebufferTextureND? 3963 3964 RESOLVED: No. In unextended OpenGL 4.4 there is at least one case that 3965 NamedFramebufferTexture and NamedFramebufferTextureLayer can't handle: 3966 non layered rendering to a cube map. In this extension, we extend 3967 FramebufferTextureLayer (and NamedFramebufferTextureLayer) to allow 3968 non-layered rendering to cube map faces. See also Issue 36. 3969 3970 31) Do we need VertexArray*Offset? These are present in 3971 EXT_direct_state_access. 3972 3973 RESOLVED: No. GL 4.4 intoduced ARB_vertex_attrib_binding which allows 3974 separately changing the buffer (via BindVertexBuffer) and setting the 3975 format (via VertexAttribFormat). In this version we provide DSA routines 3976 to match these: VertexArrayVertexBuffer and VertexArrayAttribFormat. 3977 3978 Futhermore, no need to add VertexArrayAttribBinding, we can use 3979 VertexArrayBindingDivisor which is based on ARB_vertex_attrib_binding 3980 too. 3981 3982 UNRESOLVED: If there's no VertexArrayAttribBinding, the example 3983 code needs to be rewritten accordingly. 3984 3985 32) Do we need DSA for renderbuffer? 3986 3987 RESOLVED: Keep renderbuffers. We don't need them as texture objects 3988 are a superset of renderbuffer objects but the group decided to keep 3989 them. 3990 3991 33) Atomic buffers only have a shader binding qualifier but no API. 3992 Should we add ProgramAtomicBufferBinding? 3993 3994 RESOLVED: Deferred. 3995 3996 34) Can the default framebuffer be targeted? If so, how? 3997 3998 RESOLVED: YES, with certain exceptions. Most commands accepting a 3999 <framebuffer> name accept zero and explicitly target the default 4000 read or draw framebuffer in this case, matching behavior of the 4001 non-Named versions. CheckFramebufferStatus adds a <target> selector. 4002 There is a minor loss of functionality for 4003 GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv, 4004 GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, 4005 InvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData, and 4006 InvalidateNamedFramebufferData. These commands accept <framebuffer> 4007 zero and target the default draw framebuffer. They cannot be used to 4008 target the default read framebuffer without adding an explicit 4009 selector, which we felt was too much work for a corner case. 4010 4011 DISCUSSION: Christophe suggested using CreateFramebuffers to create 4012 non-zero names for the read and draw framebuffer objects. We decided 4013 not to do this as it's quite complex to work out all the details. 4014 4015 35) Does the CheckNamedFramebufferStatus need a <target> parameter to 4016 specify what type of completeness should be checked for? 4017 4018 RESOLVED: Yes. 4019 4020 DISCUSSION: CheckFramebufferStatus checks framebuffer completeness 4021 independently for the "read framebuffer" and the "draw framebuffer" 4022 cases and it's not because one is complete that the other is 4023 complete as well. 4024 4025 Three approaches to resolve this issue: 4026 4027 a) Add a <target> to CheckNamedFramebufferStatus. The 4028 EXT_framebuffer_object way with clearer language. 4029 4030 b) Add a <target> to the framebuffer object just like we did for 4031 the texture object and the query object. 4032 4033 c) Always check for both. The application can use ReadBuffer(NONE) 4034 or DrawBuffer(NONE) if it is really concerned by respectively 4035 only the "read framebuffer" or "draw framebuffer" case. 4036 4037 36) Can we fix FramebufferTexture? 4038 4039 OpenGL 4.4 has 5 different functions to attach textures to a 4040 framebuffer where each function has specific behaviors, that either 4041 attached a texture image, enable layered or both according to the 4042 target. Specific functions like FramebufferTexture1D and 4043 FramebufferTexture3D apply only on the target 1D and target 3D 4044 respectively. Finally, we can only attach cube map faces using 4045 FramebufferTexture2D while there is no specific functional 4046 limitation to be able to do it with FramebufferTextureLayer. This 4047 inconsistency is largely due to legacy. 4048 4049 FramebufferTexture, single layer: 4050 - one-or two-dimensional texture 4051 - rectangle texture 4052 - two-dimensional multisample texture 4053 4054 FramebufferTexture, Layered: 4055 - three-dimensional texture 4056 - cube map texture 4057 - one-or two-dimensional array texture 4058 - two-dimensional multisample array texture 4059 - cube map array texture (intended - Bug 12336) 4060 4061 FramebufferTextureLayer, single layer: 4062 - three-dimensional texture 4063 - cube map array texture 4064 - one-or two-dimensional array texture 4065 - two-dimensional multisample array texture 4066 [*missing* cube map face] 4067 4068 FramebufferTexture1D, single layer: 4069 - one-dimensional texture 4070 4071 FramebufferTexture2D, single layer: 4072 - cube map face 4073 - rectangle texture 4074 - two-dimensional texture 4075 - two-dimensional multisample texture 4076 4077 FramebufferTexture3D, single layer: 4078 - three-dimensional texture 4079 4080 DSA is an opportunity for some clean up. 4081 4082 RESOLVED. We will add NamedFramebufferTexture and 4083 NamedFramebufferTextureLayer, but not NamedFramebufferTexture1D/2D/3D. 4084 We'll augment FramebufferTextureLayer and NamedFramebufferTextureLayer 4085 with support for cube map textures, so that these methods are 4086 complete replacements for the (now legacy) FramebufferTextureND functions. 4087 4088 37) How to handle UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES pixel store state if we 4089 resolve issue 25 by collapsing Texture*ND functions? 4090 4091 DISCUSSION: 4092 4093 The OpenGL 4.4 core specification specify a specific behavior for 4094 TexImage2D where UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES is ignored using the following 4095 language: 4096 4097 "For the purposes of decoding the texture image, TexImage2D is 4098 equivalent to calling TexImage3D with corresponding arguments and 4099 depth of 1, except that UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES is ignored" 4100 4101 However, the specification doesn't clarify anything for regarding 4102 the equivalent issue UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS with TexImage1D which seems to 4103 imply that UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES and UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS have inconsistent 4104 behaviours. 4105 4106 A threaded producer and consumer OpenGL implementation might perform 4107 the unparking on the application thread in which case it may have no 4108 information about the texture object states, hence no access to the 4109 implied texture target that could have been used to select whether 4110 UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES should be ignore or not. 4111 4112 In practice, even if UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES was active for TexImage2D, 4113 it would have an effect only if the default value (zero) is replaced 4114 by a positive value. 4115 4116 The theory behind collapsing Tex*ND functions is that any set of 4117 coordinates is a generalization of any set of coordinates with N or 4118 less coordinates. There is no reason to forbid UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES or 4119 UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS for collapsed any Tex* functions. 4120 4121 We can't simply relax UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES on TexImage2D because an 4122 application may rely on the side effects of this behavior which 4123 would result in a backward compatibility break. 4124 4125 RESOLVED: Not applicable. We didn't include these commands. 4126 4127 38) Do we need the CopyTextureImageSubData command? 4128 4129 RESOLVED. No. It is already a DSA command. It would allow us to get 4130 rid of the (mostly meaningless) <target> parameter, but that is not a 4131 selector and it wouldn't be full replacement as it can't support 4132 renderbuffers. 4133 4134 39) Do we need BeginNamedQuery / EndNamedQuery / QueryNamedCounter? 4135 4136 RESOLVED. No. CreateQueries adds a <target>, so strictly speaking the 4137 <target> command isn't needed for BeginQuery/EndQuery, but in the end, 4138 this also isn't a selector, so we decided not to change it. 4139 4140 40) Should commands accepting a vertex array object name allow it to be 4141 zero in the compatibility profile? 4142 4143 RESOLVED: Yes. All commands accepting <vaobj> names accept zero, 4144 indicating the default VAO, in the compatibility profile only. 4145 4146 DISCUSSION: this case may have been overlooked because the extension 4147 was written against the core profile specification. EXT_dsa doesn't 4148 appear to allow it, although the error discussion there doesn't 4149 exclude it, either (with the odd result that it may imply that a VAO 4150 named zero will be created if it doesn't exist). 4151 4152 The introduction says that "this extension only expands 4153 functionality that still exists in core profile OpenGL." However, 4154 this is in tension with the desire to not have loss of functionality 4155 with the non-DSA functions in this case, and the resolution of issue 4156 19 is that DSA functions *can* be used on default objects. 4157 4158 41) Can READ_BUFFER and DRAW_BUFFERi state be queried with 4159 GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv? 4160 4161 RESOLVED: No. The non-DSA query does not support these 4162 tokens so neither does the DSA query. 4163 4164 Previous versions of the extension contained the following state 4165 table additions: 4166 4167 "Modify Table 23.24, "Framebuffer (state per framebuffer object)" 4168 4169 Add GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv in 'Get Command' for 4170 DRAW_BUFFERi and READ_BUFFER states" 4171 4172 However, there was no corresponding spec language change explaining 4173 how these additional tokens worked, and vendors did not implement 4174 support for it. 4175 4176Revision History 4177 4178 Rev. Date Author Changes 4179 ---- ----------- --------- --------------------------------------------- 4180 51 17 Sep 2019 Jon Leech Modify DSA commands to generate 4181 INVALID_OPERATION errors instead of 4182 INVALID_ENUM for "effective texture 4183 <target>" mismatches, following the GL 4.6 4184 specification (gitlab #22). 4185 4186 50 14 Jun 2018 T. Karras Use English variable names and fix API usage 4187 in examples. 4188 4189 49 23 Jul 2017 Jon Leech Replace the long list of valid <target> 4190 parameters for BeginQueryIndexed, 4191 EndQueryIndexed, and GetQueryIndexediv 4192 with a reference to the list of query 4193 targets in section 4.2 (gitlab #18). 4194 4195 48 29 Sep 2016 Jon Leech Add interaction with ARB_query_buffer_object 4196 (Bug 13490). 4197 4198 47 22 Oct 2015 Jon Leech Add missing drawbuffer parameter to 4199 ClearNamedFramebufferfi (public Bug 1394, 4200 Bug 13469). 4201 4202 46 25 Jun 2015 Jon Leech Add issue 41 noting that read and drawbuffer 4203 state cannot be queried with 4204 GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv (Bug 14207). 4205 4206 45 20 Apr 2015 Jon Leech Change generated error fo *TexSubImage* with 4207 invalid <target> to INVALID_ENUM instead of 4208 INVALID_VALUE (Bug 13563). 4209 4210 44 27 Jan 2015 Jon Leech Remove unimplementable TEXTURE_BINDING token 4211 and state, and update Issue 22 (Bug 13278). 4212 4213 43 26 Sep 2014 Jon Leech Add GetQueryBufferObject* to New Commands + 4214 minor spacing fixes. 4215 4216 42 18 Sep 2014 Jon Leech Add GetQueryBufferObject* queries (Bug 1214). 4217 4218 41 24 Jul 2014 Jon Leech Allow cube map textures to be queried with 4219 GetTextureLevelParameter*. Don't allow 4220 cube map face targets as effective targets 4221 of *TextureSubImage2D, but do allow cube 4222 map textures as effective targets of the 4223 corresponding *3D commands (Bug 12451). 4224 4225 40 17 Jul 2014 Jon Leech Remove TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING as 4226 a valid target for GetTransformFeedbackiv 4227 (Bug 12462). 4228 4229 39 17 Jul 2014 criccio Fix missing VertexArrayAttribBinding function 4230 4231 38 16 Jul 2014 Jon Leech Fix drawBuffer -> drawbuffer capitalization. 4232 4233 37 15 Jul 2014 Jon Leech Specify that a zero <framebuffer> argument 4234 to GetNamedFramebufferParameteriv queries 4235 the default draw framebuffer, matching API 4236 spec. 4237 4238 36 10 Jul 2014 Jon Leech Fix error condition for 4239 Check*FramebufferStatus. 4240 4241 35 03 Jul 2014 Jon Leech Fix error condition for BindTextureUnit. 4242 4243 34 29 Jun 2014 Jon Leech Fix typo in spec prototype for 4244 TextureStorage2D. Clarify that not all 4245 GetTransformFeedback* commands accept 4246 all token names from the state table. 4247 4248 33 16 Jun 2014 Jon Leech Fix typos. 4249 4250 Require GetTextureImage to accept cube map 4251 texture objects and to respect 4252 three-dimensional pixel pack state in this 4253 case (Bug 12329). 4254 4255 32 16 Jun 2014 Jon Leech Reflow Issues list and add issue 40. 4256 4257 Finish merging errors and language from 4258 core API spec. 4259 4260 Allow CheckNamedFramebufferStatus to 4261 accept a zero <framebuffer> argument, 4262 indicating the default read or draw 4263 framebuffer. 4264 4265 Remove VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER query 4266 and add VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET (Bug 4267 12330). 4268 4269 Allow commands taking vertex object names 4270 to accept the name zero, indicating the 4271 default VAO, in the compatibility profile 4272 only (issues 19, 40). 4273 4274 Add parameter validation errors for 4275 TransformFeedbackBuffer{Base,Range} and 4276 GetTransformFeedback{i,i64}_v. 4277 4278 31 12 Jun 2014 Jon Leech Merge updated errors and language from the 4279 core API spec (only done up through 4280 CreateRenderbuffers, more to be done). 4281 4282 30 08 Jun 2014 Jon Leech Merged errors into body in new spec style 4283 (still not up to date with 4.5 API spec). 4284 Remove VertexArrayAttribBinding per issue 4285 31. Allow querying the default draw 4286 framebuffer with 4287 GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv 4288 (making errors consistent with spec body). 4289 Reflow a few paragraphs and adjust 4290 indentation for consistency. Assign enum 4291 values for QUERY_TARGET, TEXTURE_BINDING, 4292 and TEXTURE_TARGET. 4293 4294 29 06 Jun 2014 Jon Leech Remove 'or if such an object has been deleted' 4295 language from object name validation errors, 4296 since an 'existing' object has by definition 4297 not been deleted. Remove tabs. 4298 4299 28 03 Jun 2014 Jon Leech Fix typo 'img' -> 'pixels'. 4300 4301 27 30 May 2014 dkoch Resolved issue 30, 36, and supporting edits. 4302 Resolved issue 25 and removed collapsed 4303 commands variants. Resolved issue 37. 4304 Resolved issue 15, 18 (wontfix). 4305 Removed CopyTextureImageSubData (Issue 38). 4306 Removed Begin/EndNamedQuery/QueryNamedCounter 4307 (Issue 39). 4308 Rename BindTextureBase to BindTextureUnit 4309 4310 26 28 May 2014 criccio Improved the structural consistency. 4311 4312 25 27 May 2014 criccio Documented issue 36. 4313 Added proposed language to resolve issue 36. 4314 4315 24 26 May 2014 criccio Added issue 36. 4316 Added issue 37. 4317 4318 23 26 May 2014 dkoch Fix typos, parameter names and references. 4319 4320 22 23 May 2014 criccio Renamed CopyTextureSubImageData into 4321 CopyTextureImageSubData from Daniel comments. 4322 Updated issue 18 discussion. 4323 Added collapsed texture functions languages. 4324 Issue 25 is still to be fixed. 4325 Added new sample. 4326 4327 21 22 May 2014 criccio Fixed Get*TextureImage parameters order. 4328 Completed modification to tables chapter 23. 4329 Added missing GetVertexArrayIndexed64iv. 4330 Fixed accepted enum for GetVertexArray*. 4331 4332 20 21 May 2014 criccio Document issue 35 with the three alternatives 4333 envisioned. 4334 Clean up. 4335 4336 19 21 May 2014 dkoch Added FramebufferTexture*D, QueryNamedCounter. 4337 Fixed CheckNamedFramebufferStatus and Issue 35. 4338 4339 18 21 May 2014 criccio Fixed typos. 4340 Integrated Daniel review. 4341 Document issue 34. 4342 Updated table chapter 23. 4343 4344 17 20 May 2014 criccio There is no default VAO in core profile, fix 4345 functions allowing zero. 4346 Added invalid operation error on 4347 TextureBuffer. 4348 4349 16 19 May 2014 criccio Documented issue 30 and resolved it. 4350 Added issue 34. 4351 Added all the errors relative the object name 4352 passed to the new DSA functions. 4353 4354 15 18 May 2014 criccio Resolved issue 19 and added errors relative 4355 to this issue. 4356 Updated and resolved issue 12. 4357 Updated and resolved issue 24. 4358 Resolved issue 27. 4359 Added language for query object interaction. 4360 Added issue 32. 4361 Resolved issue 11 accordingly to the 4362 resolution of issue 31. 4363 Updated and resolved issue 29. 4364 Resolved issue 20. 4365 Added example 1 to 3. 4366 Document issue 25 and 18. 4367 Added issue 33 and 34. 4368 4369 14 17 May 2014 criccio Resolved issue 22. 4370 Add comments to the resolution of issue 31. 4371 Added language for missing functions. 4372 4373 13 17 May 2014 dkoch Finish removing GetTransformFeedbackBooleanv. 4374 Added NamedFramebufferTextureND (Issue 30). 4375 Removed VertexArray*Offset (Issue 31). 4376 Minor editorial changes. 4377 4378 12 16 May 2014 criccio Added BeginNamedQuery and EndNamedQuery 4379 function and a target state to the query 4380 object to complete the resolution of issue 4. 4381 Removed GetTransformFeedbackBooleanv function 4382 and added modifications for transform feedback 4383 state table to list the DSA functions to query 4384 the transform feedback states. 4385 4386 11 16 May 2014 dkoch Fixed various typos. Resolved issue 4, 13, 14. 4387 Fixed prototypes and description of 4388 InvalidateNamed{Sub}Framebuffer. 4389 4390 10 16 May 2014 criccio Added issues 0, 22, 24 to 29. 4391 Resolved issue 26. 4392 Fixed the language for GetCompressedTextureImage 4393 and GetTextureImage: <pixels> and <level> 4394 instead of <img> and <lod>. 4395 Additional reorganization of "New Procedures 4396 and Functions" section. 4397 Added dependence to OpenGL 2.0. 4398 Added interactions with all the extensions 4399 concerned since OpenGL 2.0. 4400 4401 9 16 May 2014 criccio Fixed BlitNamedFramebuffer language inconsistency. 4402 Added list of missing functions in todo section. 4403 Reorganized "New Procedures and Functions" 4404 section for better readability. 4405 4406 8 16 May 2014 criccio Applied DanielK: Typos, renamed 4407 VERTEX_ARRAY_ELEMENT_BINDING into 4408 ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING. 4409 Added and fixed issue 21. 4410 4411 7 15 May 2014 criccio Removed left over for CompressedTextureImage1D, 4412 CompressedTextureImage2D and 4413 CompressedTextureImage3D. 4414 Removed left over for CopyTextureImage1D, 4415 CopyTextureImage2D, TextureImage1D, 4416 TextureImage2D and TextureImage3D. 4417 4418 Added and resolve issue 10. 4419 Fixed GetVertexArrayAttribPointerv prototype 4420 and language. 4421 Added issue 11. 4422 Resolved issue 5 and 3. 4423 Resolved issue 6 and fix associated prototype. 4424 Added issues 12 to 20. 4425 Updated issue 1 and 8 to be less specific. 4426 Added Transistioning guide to 4427 ARB_direct_state_access section. 4428 4429 6 15 May 2014 gsellers More updates. Will it ever end? 4430 4431 5 15 Apr 2014 criccio Clean up, typos. 4432 4433 4 2 Apr 2014 gsellers More updates. 4434 4435 3 7 Fev 2014 gsellers More updates. Ready for initial review. All 4436 functions mostly documented. 4437 4438 2 30 Jan 2014 gsellers Updates - documented more functions. 4439 4440 1 23 Dec 2013 gsellers Initial revision based on EXT_dsa. 4441