1"""Tests for HTMLParser.py.""" 2 3import html.parser 4import pprint 5import unittest 6 7 8class EventCollector(html.parser.HTMLParser): 9 10 def __init__(self, *args, **kw): 11 self.events = [] 12 self.append = self.events.append 13 html.parser.HTMLParser.__init__(self, *args, **kw) 14 15 def get_events(self): 16 # Normalize the list of events so that buffer artefacts don't 17 # separate runs of contiguous characters. 18 L = [] 19 prevtype = None 20 for event in self.events: 21 type = event[0] 22 if type == prevtype == "data": 23 L[-1] = ("data", L[-1][1] + event[1]) 24 else: 25 L.append(event) 26 prevtype = type 27 self.events = L 28 return L 29 30 # structure markup 31 32 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): 33 self.append(("starttag", tag, attrs)) 34 35 def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): 36 self.append(("startendtag", tag, attrs)) 37 38 def handle_endtag(self, tag): 39 self.append(("endtag", tag)) 40 41 # all other markup 42 43 def handle_comment(self, data): 44 self.append(("comment", data)) 45 46 def handle_charref(self, data): 47 self.append(("charref", data)) 48 49 def handle_data(self, data): 50 self.append(("data", data)) 51 52 def handle_decl(self, data): 53 self.append(("decl", data)) 54 55 def handle_entityref(self, data): 56 self.append(("entityref", data)) 57 58 def handle_pi(self, data): 59 self.append(("pi", data)) 60 61 def unknown_decl(self, decl): 62 self.append(("unknown decl", decl)) 63 64 65class EventCollectorExtra(EventCollector): 66 67 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): 68 EventCollector.handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs) 69 self.append(("starttag_text", self.get_starttag_text())) 70 71 72class EventCollectorCharrefs(EventCollector): 73 74 def handle_charref(self, data): 75 self.fail('This should never be called with convert_charrefs=True') 76 77 def handle_entityref(self, data): 78 self.fail('This should never be called with convert_charrefs=True') 79 80 81class TestCaseBase(unittest.TestCase): 82 83 def get_collector(self): 84 return EventCollector(convert_charrefs=False) 85 86 def _run_check(self, source, expected_events, collector=None): 87 if collector is None: 88 collector = self.get_collector() 89 parser = collector 90 for s in source: 91 parser.feed(s) 92 parser.close() 93 events = parser.get_events() 94 if events != expected_events: 95 self.fail("received events did not match expected events" + 96 "\nSource:\n" + repr(source) + 97 "\nExpected:\n" + pprint.pformat(expected_events) + 98 "\nReceived:\n" + pprint.pformat(events)) 99 100 def _run_check_extra(self, source, events): 101 self._run_check(source, events, 102 EventCollectorExtra(convert_charrefs=False)) 103 104 105class HTMLParserTestCase(TestCaseBase): 106 107 def test_processing_instruction_only(self): 108 self._run_check("<?processing instruction>", [ 109 ("pi", "processing instruction"), 110 ]) 111 self._run_check("<?processing instruction ?>", [ 112 ("pi", "processing instruction ?"), 113 ]) 114 115 def test_simple_html(self): 116 self._run_check(""" 117<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC 'foo'> 118<HTML>&entity;  119<!--comment1a 120-></foo><bar><<?pi?></foo<bar 121comment1b--> 122<Img sRc='Bar' isMAP>sample 123text 124“ 125<!--comment2a-- --comment2b--> 126</Html> 127""", [ 128 ("data", "\n"), 129 ("decl", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC 'foo'"), 130 ("data", "\n"), 131 ("starttag", "html", []), 132 ("entityref", "entity"), 133 ("charref", "32"), 134 ("data", "\n"), 135 ("comment", "comment1a\n-></foo><bar><<?pi?></foo<bar\ncomment1b"), 136 ("data", "\n"), 137 ("starttag", "img", [("src", "Bar"), ("ismap", None)]), 138 ("data", "sample\ntext\n"), 139 ("charref", "x201C"), 140 ("data", "\n"), 141 ("comment", "comment2a-- --comment2b"), 142 ("data", "\n"), 143 ("endtag", "html"), 144 ("data", "\n"), 145 ]) 146 147 def test_malformatted_charref(self): 148 self._run_check("<p>&#bad;</p>", [ 149 ("starttag", "p", []), 150 ("data", "&#bad;"), 151 ("endtag", "p"), 152 ]) 153 # add the [] as a workaround to avoid buffering (see #20288) 154 self._run_check(["<div>&#bad;</div>"], [ 155 ("starttag", "div", []), 156 ("data", "&#bad;"), 157 ("endtag", "div"), 158 ]) 159 160 def test_unclosed_entityref(self): 161 self._run_check("&entityref foo", [ 162 ("entityref", "entityref"), 163 ("data", " foo"), 164 ]) 165 166 def test_bad_nesting(self): 167 # Strangely, this *is* supposed to test that overlapping 168 # elements are allowed. HTMLParser is more geared toward 169 # lexing the input that parsing the structure. 170 self._run_check("<a><b></a></b>", [ 171 ("starttag", "a", []), 172 ("starttag", "b", []), 173 ("endtag", "a"), 174 ("endtag", "b"), 175 ]) 176 177 def test_bare_ampersands(self): 178 self._run_check("this text & contains & ampersands &", [ 179 ("data", "this text & contains & ampersands &"), 180 ]) 181 182 def test_bare_pointy_brackets(self): 183 self._run_check("this < text > contains < bare>pointy< brackets", [ 184 ("data", "this < text > contains < bare>pointy< brackets"), 185 ]) 186 187 def test_starttag_end_boundary(self): 188 self._run_check("""<a b='<'>""", [("starttag", "a", [("b", "<")])]) 189 self._run_check("""<a b='>'>""", [("starttag", "a", [("b", ">")])]) 190 191 def test_buffer_artefacts(self): 192 output = [("starttag", "a", [("b", "<")])] 193 self._run_check(["<a b='<'>"], output) 194 self._run_check(["<a ", "b='<'>"], output) 195 self._run_check(["<a b", "='<'>"], output) 196 self._run_check(["<a b=", "'<'>"], output) 197 self._run_check(["<a b='<", "'>"], output) 198 self._run_check(["<a b='<'", ">"], output) 199 200 output = [("starttag", "a", [("b", ">")])] 201 self._run_check(["<a b='>'>"], output) 202 self._run_check(["<a ", "b='>'>"], output) 203 self._run_check(["<a b", "='>'>"], output) 204 self._run_check(["<a b=", "'>'>"], output) 205 self._run_check(["<a b='>", "'>"], output) 206 self._run_check(["<a b='>'", ">"], output) 207 208 output = [("comment", "abc")] 209 self._run_check(["", "<!--abc-->"], output) 210 self._run_check(["<", "!--abc-->"], output) 211 self._run_check(["<!", "--abc-->"], output) 212 self._run_check(["<!-", "-abc-->"], output) 213 self._run_check(["<!--", "abc-->"], output) 214 self._run_check(["<!--a", "bc-->"], output) 215 self._run_check(["<!--ab", "c-->"], output) 216 self._run_check(["<!--abc", "-->"], output) 217 self._run_check(["<!--abc-", "->"], output) 218 self._run_check(["<!--abc--", ">"], output) 219 self._run_check(["<!--abc-->", ""], output) 220 221 def test_valid_doctypes(self): 222 # from http://www.w3.org/QA/2002/04/valid-dtd-list.html 223 dtds = ['HTML', # HTML5 doctype 224 ('HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ' 225 '"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"'), 226 ('HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ' 227 '"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"'), 228 ('html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ' 229 '"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"'), 230 ('html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" ' 231 '"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd"'), 232 ('math PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD MathML 2.0//EN" ' 233 '"http://www.w3.org/Math/DTD/mathml2/mathml2.dtd"'), 234 ('html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD ' 235 'XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" ' 236 '"http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xhtml-math-svg/xhtml-math-svg.dtd"'), 237 ('svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ' 238 '"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"'), 239 'html PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"', 240 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"'] 241 for dtd in dtds: 242 self._run_check("<!DOCTYPE %s>" % dtd, 243 [('decl', 'DOCTYPE ' + dtd)]) 244 245 def test_startendtag(self): 246 self._run_check("<p/>", [ 247 ("startendtag", "p", []), 248 ]) 249 self._run_check("<p></p>", [ 250 ("starttag", "p", []), 251 ("endtag", "p"), 252 ]) 253 self._run_check("<p><img src='foo' /></p>", [ 254 ("starttag", "p", []), 255 ("startendtag", "img", [("src", "foo")]), 256 ("endtag", "p"), 257 ]) 258 259 def test_get_starttag_text(self): 260 s = """<foo:bar \n one="1"\ttwo=2 >""" 261 self._run_check_extra(s, [ 262 ("starttag", "foo:bar", [("one", "1"), ("two", "2")]), 263 ("starttag_text", s)]) 264 265 def test_cdata_content(self): 266 contents = [ 267 '<!-- not a comment --> ¬-an-entity-ref;', 268 "<not a='start tag'>", 269 '<a href="" /> <p> <span></span>', 270 'foo = "</scr" + "ipt>";', 271 'foo = "</SCRIPT" + ">";', 272 'foo = <\n/script> ', 273 '<!-- document.write("</scr" + "ipt>"); -->', 274 ('\n//<![CDATA[\n' 275 'document.write(\'<s\'+\'cript type="text/javascript" ' 276 'src="http://www.example.org/r=\'+new ' 277 'Date().getTime()+\'"><\\/s\'+\'cript>\');\n//]]>'), 278 '\n<!-- //\nvar foo = 3.14;\n// -->\n', 279 'foo = "</sty" + "le>";', 280 '<!-- \u2603 -->', 281 # these two should be invalid according to the HTML 5 spec, 282 # section 283 #'foo = </\nscript>', 284 #'foo = </ script>', 285 ] 286 elements = ['script', 'style', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE', 'Script', 'Style'] 287 for content in contents: 288 for element in elements: 289 element_lower = element.lower() 290 s = '<{element}>{content}</{element}>'.format(element=element, 291 content=content) 292 self._run_check(s, [("starttag", element_lower, []), 293 ("data", content), 294 ("endtag", element_lower)]) 295 296 def test_cdata_with_closing_tags(self): 297 # see issue #13358 298 # make sure that HTMLParser calls handle_data only once for each CDATA. 299 # The normal event collector normalizes the events in get_events, 300 # so we override it to return the original list of events. 301 class Collector(EventCollector): 302 def get_events(self): 303 return self.events 304 305 content = """<!-- not a comment --> ¬-an-entity-ref; 306 <a href="" /> </p><p> <span></span></style> 307 '</script' + '>'""" 308 for element in [' script', 'script ', ' script ', 309 '\nscript', 'script\n', '\nscript\n']: 310 element_lower = element.lower().strip() 311 s = '<script>{content}</{element}>'.format(element=element, 312 content=content) 313 self._run_check(s, [("starttag", element_lower, []), 314 ("data", content), 315 ("endtag", element_lower)], 316 collector=Collector(convert_charrefs=False)) 317 318 def test_comments(self): 319 html = ("<!-- I'm a valid comment -->" 320 '<!--me too!-->' 321 '<!------>' 322 '<!---->' 323 '<!----I have many hyphens---->' 324 '<!-- I have a > in the middle -->' 325 '<!-- and I have -- in the middle! -->') 326 expected = [('comment', " I'm a valid comment "), 327 ('comment', 'me too!'), 328 ('comment', '--'), 329 ('comment', ''), 330 ('comment', '--I have many hyphens--'), 331 ('comment', ' I have a > in the middle '), 332 ('comment', ' and I have -- in the middle! ')] 333 self._run_check(html, expected) 334 335 def test_condcoms(self): 336 html = ('<!--[if IE & !(lte IE 8)]>aren\'t<![endif]-->' 337 '<!--[if IE 8]>condcoms<![endif]-->' 338 '<!--[if lte IE 7]>pretty?<![endif]-->') 339 expected = [('comment', "[if IE & !(lte IE 8)]>aren't<![endif]"), 340 ('comment', '[if IE 8]>condcoms<![endif]'), 341 ('comment', '[if lte IE 7]>pretty?<![endif]')] 342 self._run_check(html, expected) 343 344 def test_convert_charrefs(self): 345 # default value for convert_charrefs is now True 346 collector = lambda: EventCollectorCharrefs() 347 self.assertTrue(collector().convert_charrefs) 348 charrefs = ['"', '"', '"', '"', '"', '"'] 349 # check charrefs in the middle of the text/attributes 350 expected = [('starttag', 'a', [('href', 'foo"zar')]), 351 ('data', 'a"z'), ('endtag', 'a')] 352 for charref in charrefs: 353 self._run_check('<a href="foo{0}zar">a{0}z</a>'.format(charref), 354 expected, collector=collector()) 355 # check charrefs at the beginning/end of the text/attributes 356 expected = [('data', '"'), 357 ('starttag', 'a', [('x', '"'), ('y', '"X'), ('z', 'X"')]), 358 ('data', '"'), ('endtag', 'a'), ('data', '"')] 359 for charref in charrefs: 360 self._run_check('{0}<a x="{0}" y="{0}X" z="X{0}">' 361 '{0}</a>{0}'.format(charref), 362 expected, collector=collector()) 363 # check charrefs in <script>/<style> elements 364 for charref in charrefs: 365 text = 'X'.join([charref]*3) 366 expected = [('data', '"'), 367 ('starttag', 'script', []), ('data', text), 368 ('endtag', 'script'), ('data', '"'), 369 ('starttag', 'style', []), ('data', text), 370 ('endtag', 'style'), ('data', '"')] 371 self._run_check('{1}<script>{0}</script>{1}' 372 '<style>{0}</style>{1}'.format(text, charref), 373 expected, collector=collector()) 374 # check truncated charrefs at the end of the file 375 html = '&quo &# &#x' 376 for x in range(1, len(html)): 377 self._run_check(html[:x], [('data', html[:x])], 378 collector=collector()) 379 # check a string with no charrefs 380 self._run_check('no charrefs here', [('data', 'no charrefs here')], 381 collector=collector()) 382 383 # the remaining tests were for the "tolerant" parser (which is now 384 # the default), and check various kind of broken markup 385 def test_tolerant_parsing(self): 386 self._run_check('<html <html>te>>xt&a<<bc</a></html>\n' 387 '<img src="URL><//img></html</html>', [ 388 ('starttag', 'html', [('<html', None)]), 389 ('data', 'te>>xt'), 390 ('entityref', 'a'), 391 ('data', '<'), 392 ('starttag', 'bc<', [('a', None)]), 393 ('endtag', 'html'), 394 ('data', '\n<img src="URL>'), 395 ('comment', '/img'), 396 ('endtag', 'html<')]) 397 398 def test_starttag_junk_chars(self): 399 self._run_check("</>", []) 400 self._run_check("</$>", [('comment', '$')]) 401 self._run_check("</", [('data', '</')]) 402 self._run_check("</a", [('data', '</a')]) 403 self._run_check("<a<a>", [('starttag', 'a<a', [])]) 404 self._run_check("</a<a>", [('endtag', 'a<a')]) 405 self._run_check("<!", [('data', '<!')]) 406 self._run_check("<a", [('data', '<a')]) 407 self._run_check("<a foo='bar'", [('data', "<a foo='bar'")]) 408 self._run_check("<a foo='bar", [('data', "<a foo='bar")]) 409 self._run_check("<a foo='>'", [('data', "<a foo='>'")]) 410 self._run_check("<a foo='>", [('data', "<a foo='>")]) 411 self._run_check("<a$>", [('starttag', 'a$', [])]) 412 self._run_check("<a$b>", [('starttag', 'a$b', [])]) 413 self._run_check("<a$b/>", [('startendtag', 'a$b', [])]) 414 self._run_check("<a$b >", [('starttag', 'a$b', [])]) 415 self._run_check("<a$b />", [('startendtag', 'a$b', [])]) 416 417 def test_slashes_in_starttag(self): 418 self._run_check('<a foo="var"/>', [('startendtag', 'a', [('foo', 'var')])]) 419 html = ('<img width=902 height=250px ' 420 'src="/sites/default/files/images/homepage/foo.jpg" ' 421 '/*what am I doing here*/ />') 422 expected = [( 423 'startendtag', 'img', 424 [('width', '902'), ('height', '250px'), 425 ('src', '/sites/default/files/images/homepage/foo.jpg'), 426 ('*what', None), ('am', None), ('i', None), 427 ('doing', None), ('here*', None)] 428 )] 429 self._run_check(html, expected) 430 html = ('<a / /foo/ / /=/ / /bar/ / />' 431 '<a / /foo/ / /=/ / /bar/ / >') 432 expected = [ 433 ('startendtag', 'a', [('foo', None), ('=', None), ('bar', None)]), 434 ('starttag', 'a', [('foo', None), ('=', None), ('bar', None)]) 435 ] 436 self._run_check(html, expected) 437 #see issue #14538 438 html = ('<meta><meta / ><meta // ><meta / / >' 439 '<meta/><meta /><meta //><meta//>') 440 expected = [ 441 ('starttag', 'meta', []), ('starttag', 'meta', []), 442 ('starttag', 'meta', []), ('starttag', 'meta', []), 443 ('startendtag', 'meta', []), ('startendtag', 'meta', []), 444 ('startendtag', 'meta', []), ('startendtag', 'meta', []), 445 ] 446 self._run_check(html, expected) 447 448 def test_declaration_junk_chars(self): 449 self._run_check("<!DOCTYPE foo $ >", [('decl', 'DOCTYPE foo $ ')]) 450 451 def test_illegal_declarations(self): 452 self._run_check('<!spacer type="block" height="25">', 453 [('comment', 'spacer type="block" height="25"')]) 454 455 def test_invalid_end_tags(self): 456 # A collection of broken end tags. <br> is used as separator. 457 # see http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/tokenization.html#end-tag-open-state 458 # and #13993 459 html = ('<br></label</p><br></div end tmAd-leaderBoard><br></<h4><br>' 460 '</li class="unit"><br></li\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul><br></><br>') 461 expected = [('starttag', 'br', []), 462 # < is part of the name, / is discarded, p is an attribute 463 ('endtag', 'label<'), 464 ('starttag', 'br', []), 465 # text and attributes are discarded 466 ('endtag', 'div'), 467 ('starttag', 'br', []), 468 # comment because the first char after </ is not a-zA-Z 469 ('comment', '<h4'), 470 ('starttag', 'br', []), 471 # attributes are discarded 472 ('endtag', 'li'), 473 ('starttag', 'br', []), 474 # everything till ul (included) is discarded 475 ('endtag', 'li'), 476 ('starttag', 'br', []), 477 # </> is ignored 478 ('starttag', 'br', [])] 479 self._run_check(html, expected) 480 481 def test_broken_invalid_end_tag(self): 482 # This is technically wrong (the "> shouldn't be included in the 'data') 483 # but is probably not worth fixing it (in addition to all the cases of 484 # the previous test, it would require a full attribute parsing). 485 # see #13993 486 html = '<b>This</b attr=">"> confuses the parser' 487 expected = [('starttag', 'b', []), 488 ('data', 'This'), 489 ('endtag', 'b'), 490 ('data', '"> confuses the parser')] 491 self._run_check(html, expected) 492 493 def test_correct_detection_of_start_tags(self): 494 # see #13273 495 html = ('<div style="" ><b>The <a href="some_url">rain</a> ' 496 '<br /> in <span>Spain</span></b></div>') 497 expected = [ 498 ('starttag', 'div', [('style', '')]), 499 ('starttag', 'b', []), 500 ('data', 'The '), 501 ('starttag', 'a', [('href', 'some_url')]), 502 ('data', 'rain'), 503 ('endtag', 'a'), 504 ('data', ' '), 505 ('startendtag', 'br', []), 506 ('data', ' in '), 507 ('starttag', 'span', []), 508 ('data', 'Spain'), 509 ('endtag', 'span'), 510 ('endtag', 'b'), 511 ('endtag', 'div') 512 ] 513 self._run_check(html, expected) 514 515 html = '<div style="", foo = "bar" ><b>The <a href="some_url">rain</a>' 516 expected = [ 517 ('starttag', 'div', [('style', ''), (',', None), ('foo', 'bar')]), 518 ('starttag', 'b', []), 519 ('data', 'The '), 520 ('starttag', 'a', [('href', 'some_url')]), 521 ('data', 'rain'), 522 ('endtag', 'a'), 523 ] 524 self._run_check(html, expected) 525 526 def test_EOF_in_charref(self): 527 # see #17802 528 # This test checks that the UnboundLocalError reported in the issue 529 # is not raised, however I'm not sure the returned values are correct. 530 # Maybe HTMLParser should use self.unescape for these 531 data = [ 532 ('a&', [('data', 'a&')]), 533 ('a&b', [('data', 'ab')]), 534 ('a&b ', [('data', 'a'), ('entityref', 'b'), ('data', ' ')]), 535 ('a&b;', [('data', 'a'), ('entityref', 'b')]), 536 ] 537 for html, expected in data: 538 self._run_check(html, expected) 539 540 def test_broken_comments(self): 541 html = ('<! not really a comment >' 542 '<! not a comment either -->' 543 '<! -- close enough -->' 544 '<!><!<-- this was an empty comment>' 545 '<!!! another bogus comment !!!>') 546 expected = [ 547 ('comment', ' not really a comment '), 548 ('comment', ' not a comment either --'), 549 ('comment', ' -- close enough --'), 550 ('comment', ''), 551 ('comment', '<-- this was an empty comment'), 552 ('comment', '!! another bogus comment !!!'), 553 ] 554 self._run_check(html, expected) 555 556 def test_broken_condcoms(self): 557 # these condcoms are missing the '--' after '<!' and before the '>' 558 html = ('<![if !(IE)]>broken condcom<![endif]>' 559 '<![if ! IE]><link href="favicon.tiff"/><![endif]>' 560 '<![if !IE 6]><img src="firefox.png" /><![endif]>' 561 '<![if !ie 6]><b>foo</b><![endif]>' 562 '<![if (!IE)|(lt IE 9)]><img src="mammoth.bmp" /><![endif]>') 563 # According to the HTML5 specs sections " Bogus comment state" 564 # and " Markup declaration open state", comment tokens should 565 # be emitted instead of 'unknown decl', but calling unknown_decl 566 # provides more flexibility. 567 # See also Lib/_markupbase.py:parse_declaration 568 expected = [ 569 ('unknown decl', 'if !(IE)'), 570 ('data', 'broken condcom'), 571 ('unknown decl', 'endif'), 572 ('unknown decl', 'if ! IE'), 573 ('startendtag', 'link', [('href', 'favicon.tiff')]), 574 ('unknown decl', 'endif'), 575 ('unknown decl', 'if !IE 6'), 576 ('startendtag', 'img', [('src', 'firefox.png')]), 577 ('unknown decl', 'endif'), 578 ('unknown decl', 'if !ie 6'), 579 ('starttag', 'b', []), 580 ('data', 'foo'), 581 ('endtag', 'b'), 582 ('unknown decl', 'endif'), 583 ('unknown decl', 'if (!IE)|(lt IE 9)'), 584 ('startendtag', 'img', [('src', 'mammoth.bmp')]), 585 ('unknown decl', 'endif') 586 ] 587 self._run_check(html, expected) 588 589 def test_convert_charrefs_dropped_text(self): 590 # #23144: make sure that all the events are triggered when 591 # convert_charrefs is True, even if we don't call .close() 592 parser = EventCollector(convert_charrefs=True) 593 # before the fix, bar & baz was missing 594 parser.feed("foo <a>link</a> bar & baz") 595 self.assertEqual( 596 parser.get_events(), 597 [('data', 'foo '), ('starttag', 'a', []), ('data', 'link'), 598 ('endtag', 'a'), ('data', ' bar & baz')] 599 ) 600 601 602class AttributesTestCase(TestCaseBase): 603 604 def test_attr_syntax(self): 605 output = [ 606 ("starttag", "a", [("b", "v"), ("c", "v"), ("d", "v"), ("e", None)]) 607 ] 608 self._run_check("""<a b='v' c="v" d=v e>""", output) 609 self._run_check("""<a b = 'v' c = "v" d = v e>""", output) 610 self._run_check("""<a\nb\n=\n'v'\nc\n=\n"v"\nd\n=\nv\ne>""", output) 611 self._run_check("""<a\tb\t=\t'v'\tc\t=\t"v"\td\t=\tv\te>""", output) 612 613 def test_attr_values(self): 614 self._run_check("""<a b='xxx\n\txxx' c="yyy\t\nyyy" d='\txyz\n'>""", 615 [("starttag", "a", [("b", "xxx\n\txxx"), 616 ("c", "yyy\t\nyyy"), 617 ("d", "\txyz\n")])]) 618 self._run_check("""<a b='' c="">""", 619 [("starttag", "a", [("b", ""), ("c", "")])]) 620 # Regression test for SF patch #669683. 621 self._run_check("<e a=rgb(1,2,3)>", 622 [("starttag", "e", [("a", "rgb(1,2,3)")])]) 623 # Regression test for SF bug #921657. 624 self._run_check( 625 "<a href=mailto:xyz@example.com>", 626 [("starttag", "a", [("href", "mailto:xyz@example.com")])]) 627 628 def test_attr_nonascii(self): 629 # see issue 7311 630 self._run_check( 631 "<img src=/foo/bar.png alt=\u4e2d\u6587>", 632 [("starttag", "img", [("src", "/foo/bar.png"), 633 ("alt", "\u4e2d\u6587")])]) 634 self._run_check( 635 "<a title='\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8' href='\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8.html'>", 636 [("starttag", "a", [("title", "\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8"), 637 ("href", "\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8.html")])]) 638 self._run_check( 639 '<a title="\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8" href="\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8.html">', 640 [("starttag", "a", [("title", "\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8"), 641 ("href", "\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8.html")])]) 642 643 def test_attr_entity_replacement(self): 644 self._run_check( 645 "<a b='&><"''>", 646 [("starttag", "a", [("b", "&><\"'")])]) 647 648 def test_attr_funky_names(self): 649 self._run_check( 650 "<a a.b='v' c:d=v e-f=v>", 651 [("starttag", "a", [("a.b", "v"), ("c:d", "v"), ("e-f", "v")])]) 652 653 def test_entityrefs_in_attributes(self): 654 self._run_check( 655 "<html foo='€&aa&unsupported;'>", 656 [("starttag", "html", [("foo", "\u20AC&aa&unsupported;")])]) 657 658 659 def test_attr_funky_names2(self): 660 self._run_check( 661 r"<a $><b $=%><c \=/>", 662 [("starttag", "a", [("$", None)]), 663 ("starttag", "b", [("$", "%")]), 664 ("starttag", "c", [("\\", "/")])]) 665 666 def test_entities_in_attribute_value(self): 667 # see #1200313 668 for entity in ['&', '&', '&', '&']: 669 self._run_check('<a href="%s">' % entity, 670 [("starttag", "a", [("href", "&")])]) 671 self._run_check("<a href='%s'>" % entity, 672 [("starttag", "a", [("href", "&")])]) 673 self._run_check("<a href=%s>" % entity, 674 [("starttag", "a", [("href", "&")])]) 675 676 def test_malformed_attributes(self): 677 # see #13357 678 html = ( 679 "<a href=test'style='color:red;bad1'>test - bad1</a>" 680 "<a href=test'+style='color:red;ba2'>test - bad2</a>" 681 "<a href=test' style='color:red;bad3'>test - bad3</a>" 682 "<a href = test' style='color:red;bad4' >test - bad4</a>" 683 ) 684 expected = [ 685 ('starttag', 'a', [('href', "test'style='color:red;bad1'")]), 686 ('data', 'test - bad1'), ('endtag', 'a'), 687 ('starttag', 'a', [('href', "test'+style='color:red;ba2'")]), 688 ('data', 'test - bad2'), ('endtag', 'a'), 689 ('starttag', 'a', [('href', "test'\xa0style='color:red;bad3'")]), 690 ('data', 'test - bad3'), ('endtag', 'a'), 691 ('starttag', 'a', [('href', "test'\xa0style='color:red;bad4'")]), 692 ('data', 'test - bad4'), ('endtag', 'a') 693 ] 694 self._run_check(html, expected) 695 696 def test_malformed_adjacent_attributes(self): 697 # see #12629 698 self._run_check('<x><y z=""o"" /></x>', 699 [('starttag', 'x', []), 700 ('startendtag', 'y', [('z', ''), ('o""', None)]), 701 ('endtag', 'x')]) 702 self._run_check('<x><y z="""" /></x>', 703 [('starttag', 'x', []), 704 ('startendtag', 'y', [('z', ''), ('""', None)]), 705 ('endtag', 'x')]) 706 707 # see #755670 for the following 3 tests 708 def test_adjacent_attributes(self): 709 self._run_check('<a width="100%"cellspacing=0>', 710 [("starttag", "a", 711 [("width", "100%"), ("cellspacing","0")])]) 712 713 self._run_check('<a id="foo"class="bar">', 714 [("starttag", "a", 715 [("id", "foo"), ("class","bar")])]) 716 717 def test_missing_attribute_value(self): 718 self._run_check('<a v=>', 719 [("starttag", "a", [("v", "")])]) 720 721 def test_javascript_attribute_value(self): 722 self._run_check("<a href=javascript:popup('/popup/help.html')>", 723 [("starttag", "a", 724 [("href", "javascript:popup('/popup/help.html')")])]) 725 726 def test_end_tag_in_attribute_value(self): 727 # see #1745761 728 self._run_check("<a href='http://www.example.org/\">;'>spam</a>", 729 [("starttag", "a", 730 [("href", "http://www.example.org/\">;")]), 731 ("data", "spam"), ("endtag", "a")]) 732 733 def test_with_unquoted_attributes(self): 734 # see #12008 735 html = ("<html><body bgcolor=d0ca90 text='181008'>" 736 "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width=100% ><tr>" 737 "<td align=left><font size=-1>" 738 "- <a href=/rabota/><span class=en> software-and-i</span></a>" 739 "- <a href='/1/'><span class=en> library</span></a></table>") 740 expected = [ 741 ('starttag', 'html', []), 742 ('starttag', 'body', [('bgcolor', 'd0ca90'), ('text', '181008')]), 743 ('starttag', 'table', 744 [('cellspacing', '0'), ('cellpadding', '1'), ('width', '100%')]), 745 ('starttag', 'tr', []), 746 ('starttag', 'td', [('align', 'left')]), 747 ('starttag', 'font', [('size', '-1')]), 748 ('data', '- '), ('starttag', 'a', [('href', '/rabota/')]), 749 ('starttag', 'span', [('class', 'en')]), ('data', ' software-and-i'), 750 ('endtag', 'span'), ('endtag', 'a'), 751 ('data', '- '), ('starttag', 'a', [('href', '/1/')]), 752 ('starttag', 'span', [('class', 'en')]), ('data', ' library'), 753 ('endtag', 'span'), ('endtag', 'a'), ('endtag', 'table') 754 ] 755 self._run_check(html, expected) 756 757 def test_comma_between_attributes(self): 758 # see bpo 41478 759 # HTMLParser preserves duplicate attributes, leaving the task of 760 # removing duplicate attributes to a conformant html tree builder 761 html = ('<div class=bar,baz=asd>' # between attrs (unquoted) 762 '<div class="bar",baz="asd">' # between attrs (quoted) 763 '<div class=bar, baz=asd,>' # after values (unquoted) 764 '<div class="bar", baz="asd",>' # after values (quoted) 765 '<div class="bar",>' # one comma values (quoted) 766 '<div class=,bar baz=,asd>' # before values (unquoted) 767 '<div class=,"bar" baz=,"asd">' # before values (quoted) 768 '<div ,class=bar ,baz=asd>' # before names 769 '<div class,="bar" baz,="asd">' # after names 770 ) 771 expected = [ 772 ('starttag', 'div', [('class', 'bar,baz=asd'),]), 773 ('starttag', 'div', [('class', 'bar'), (',baz', 'asd')]), 774 ('starttag', 'div', [('class', 'bar,'), ('baz', 'asd,')]), 775 ('starttag', 'div', [('class', 'bar'), (',', None), 776 ('baz', 'asd'), (',', None)]), 777 ('starttag', 'div', [('class', 'bar'), (',', None)]), 778 ('starttag', 'div', [('class', ',bar'), ('baz', ',asd')]), 779 ('starttag', 'div', [('class', ',"bar"'), ('baz', ',"asd"')]), 780 ('starttag', 'div', [(',class', 'bar'), (',baz', 'asd')]), 781 ('starttag', 'div', [('class,', 'bar'), ('baz,', 'asd')]), 782 ] 783 self._run_check(html, expected) 784 785 def test_weird_chars_in_unquoted_attribute_values(self): 786 self._run_check('<form action=bogus|&#()value>', [ 787 ('starttag', 'form', 788 [('action', 'bogus|&#()value')])]) 789 790if __name__ == "__main__": 791 unittest.main() 792