1 use std::path::PathBuf;
2 use std::process::exit;
4 use clap::{value_parser, Arg, ArgAction, Command};
applet_commands() -> [Command; 2]6 fn applet_commands() -> [Command; 2] {
7 [
8 Command::new("true").about("does nothing successfully"),
9 Command::new("false").about("does nothing unsuccessfully"),
10 ]
11 }
main()13 fn main() {
14 let cmd = Command::new(env!("CARGO_CRATE_NAME"))
15 .multicall(true)
16 .subcommand(
17 Command::new("busybox")
18 .arg_required_else_help(true)
19 .subcommand_value_name("APPLET")
20 .subcommand_help_heading("APPLETS")
21 .arg(
22 Arg::new("install")
23 .long("install")
24 .help("Install hardlinks for all subcommands in path")
25 .exclusive(true)
26 .action(ArgAction::Set)
27 .default_missing_value("/usr/local/bin")
28 .value_parser(value_parser!(PathBuf)),
29 )
30 .subcommands(applet_commands()),
31 )
32 .subcommands(applet_commands());
34 let matches = cmd.get_matches();
35 let mut subcommand = matches.subcommand();
36 if let Some(("busybox", cmd)) = subcommand {
37 if cmd.contains_id("install") {
38 unimplemented!("Make hardlinks to the executable here");
39 }
40 subcommand = cmd.subcommand();
41 }
42 match subcommand {
43 Some(("false", _)) => exit(1),
44 Some(("true", _)) => exit(0),
45 _ => unreachable!("parser should ensure only valid subcommand names are used"),
46 }
47 }