

AnnotateImage() annotates an image with text. Optionally you can include any of the following bits of information about the image by embedding the appropriate special characters:

    \n   newline
    \r   carriage return
    <    less-than character.
    >    greater-than character.
    &    ampersand character.
 a percent sign
    b   file size of image read in
    c   comment meta-data property
    d   directory component of path
    e   filename extension or suffix
    f   filename (including suffix)
    g   layer canvas page geometry   (equivalent to "WxHXY")
    h   current image height in pixels
    i   image filename (note: becomes output filename for "info:")
    k   CALCULATED: number of unique colors
    l   label meta-data property
    m   image file format (file magic)
    n   number of images in current image sequence
    o   output filename  (used for delegates)
    p   index of image in current image list
    q   quantum depth (compile-time constant)
    r   image class and colorspace
    s   scene number (from input unless re-assigned)
    t   filename without directory or extension (suffix)
    u   unique temporary filename (used for delegates)
    w   current width in pixels
    x   x resolution (density)
    y   y resolution (density)
    z   image depth (as read in unless modified, image save depth)
    A   image transparency channel enabled (true/false)
    C   image compression type
    D   image GIF dispose method
    G   original image size (wxh; before any resizes)
    H   page (canvas) height
    M   Magick filename (original file exactly as given,  including read mods)
    O   page (canvas) offset ( = XY )
    P   page (canvas) size ( = WxH )
    Q   image compression quality ( 0 = default )
    S   ?? scenes ??
    T   image time delay (in centi-seconds)
    U   image resolution units
    W   page (canvas) width
    X   page (canvas) x offset (including sign)
    Y   page (canvas) y offset (including sign)
    Z   unique filename (used for delegates)
    @   CALCULATED: trim bounding box (without actually trimming)
    #   CALCULATED: 'signature' hash of image values

The format of the AnnotateImage method is:

MagickBooleanType AnnotateImage(Image *image,DrawInfo *draw_info,
  ExceptionInfo *exception)

A description of each parameter follows:

the image.
the draw info.
return any errors or warnings in this structure.


FormatMagickCaption() formats a caption so that it fits within the image width. It returns the number of lines in the formatted caption.

The format of the FormatMagickCaption method is:

ssize_t FormatMagickCaption(Image *image,DrawInfo *draw_info,
  const MagickBooleanType split,TypeMetric *metrics,char **caption,
  ExceptionInfo *exception)

A description of each parameter follows.


The image.


the draw info.


when no convenient line breaks-- insert newline.


Return the font metrics in this structure.


the caption.


return any errors or warnings in this structure.


GetMultilineTypeMetrics() returns the following information for the specified font and text:

    character width
    character height
    text width
    text height
    maximum horizontal advance
    bounds: x1
    bounds: y1
    bounds: x2
    bounds: y2
    origin: x
    origin: y
    underline position
    underline thickness

This method is like GetTypeMetrics() but it returns the maximum text width and height for multiple lines of text.

The format of the GetMultilineTypeMetrics method is:

MagickBooleanType GetMultilineTypeMetrics(Image *image,
  const DrawInfo *draw_info,TypeMetric *metrics,ExceptionInfo *exception)

A description of each parameter follows:

the image.
the draw info.
Return the font metrics in this structure.
return any errors or warnings in this structure.


GetTypeMetrics() returns the following information for the specified font and text:

    character width
    character height
    text width
    text height
    maximum horizontal advance
    bounds: x1
    bounds: y1
    bounds: x2
    bounds: y2
    origin: x
    origin: y
    underline position
    underline thickness

The format of the GetTypeMetrics method is:

MagickBooleanType GetTypeMetrics(Image *image,const DrawInfo *draw_info,
  TypeMetric *metrics,ExceptionInfo *exception)

A description of each parameter follows:

the image.
the draw info.
Return the font metrics in this structure.
return any errors or warnings in this structure.