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Unicode CLDR Releases

Each release of the Unicode CLDR is a stable release and may be used as reference material or cited as a normative reference by other specifications. Each version, once published, is absolutely stable and will never change. Implementations may also apply CLDR Corrigenda to a release. Bug reports and feature requests for subsequent versions may be filed at Bug Reports.


The following table lists the files for each released version. For license information, see the Unicode Terms of Use; in particular, Exhibit 1.

Release No. Date Rel. Note Data Spec Delta CVS Tag
Latest: 1.6.1 2008-07-23 Version1.6.1 CLDR1.6.1 LDML1.6.1 Changes1.6.1 release-1-6-1
Previous: 1.6 2008-07-02 Version1.6 CLDR1.6 LDML1.6 Changes1.6 release-1-6
1.5.1 2007-12-21 Version1.5.1 CLDR1.5.1 LDML1.5.1 Changes1.5.1 release-1-5-1
1.5 2007-07-31 Version1.5 CLDR1.5 LDML1.5 Changes1.5 release-1-5
1.4.1 2006-11-03 Version1.4.1 CLDR1.4.1 LDML1.4.1 Changes1.4.1 release-1-4-1
1.4 2006-07-17 Version1.4 CLDR1.4 LDML1.4 Changes1.4 release-1-4
1.3 2005-06-02 Version1.3 CLDR1.3 LDML1.3 Changes1.3 release-1-3
1.2 2004-11-04


CLDR1.2 LDML1.2 Changes1.2 release-1-2
1.1.1 2004-07-29 n/a CLDR1.1.1 LDML1.1 n/a release-1-1-1
1.1 2004-06-08 n/a CLDR1.1 LDML1.1 n/a release-1-1
1.0 2003-12-19 See CLDR 1.0 Release release-1-0
  • The Release Note contains a general description of the contents of the release, and any relevant notes about the release.
  • The Data link points to a set of zip files containing the contents of the release (the files are complete in themselves, and do not require files from earlier releases -- for the structure of the zip file, see Repository Organization).
  • The Spec is the version of UTS #35: LDML that corresponds to the release.
  • The Delta document points to a list of all the bug fixes and features in the release, which be used to get the precise corresponding file changes using BugDiffs.)
  • The CVS Tag can be used to get the files in CVS.

Access to the latest working snapshot of CLDR, and access to data collected for other platforms is available through the web. The CVS Tag can be used to get the contents of the release, as described below.

CVS Access

Simple CVS Access. For simple access to particular files, use http://unicode.org/cldr/data/. For example:

Advanced CVS Access. For more access to the source repository, you can use the following URL: http://unicode.org/cldr/repository/. It provides access to older versions of files, and to a way to get diff's of the files. For example, you can pick which version of the file to view, or compare, say, version 1.37 against the released 1.2 version:

  • go to the French LDML files at http://unicode.org/cldr/repository/common/main/fr.xml

  • find "release-1-2-final"

  • go up a couple of lines, and click on "[select for diffs]"

  • scroll up and find the 1.37 version

  • click on the second link in "Diff to previous 1.37 to selected 1.34"

CVS Snapshots. For those familiar with CVS, a daily snapshot of the data is placed in ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/cldr/cldr-repository-daily.tgz

  • Download and unpack the gzipped tar archive into an empty directory, for example, “cldrcvs”. It will contain a directory CVSROOT and cldr

  • Pass the “cldrcvs” directory as the repository path to your CVS client.
    Example: cd somewhere ; cvs -d/tmp/cldrcvs co.

Repository Organization

At the top level of CVS there are a number of special folders, plus a number of platform folders. The special folders are listed below. The common, dtd, tools, and test folders are in each release.

  • common — CLDR data corresponding to the release
    • collation — collation LDML files
    • main — main LDML files
    • posix — generated POSIX files
    • segments  — files for segmenting text
    • supplemental  — additional files with non-linguistic data
    • test — conformance test files for CLDR data. The format of the tests is explained in a readMe.html.
    • transforms — data for transliteration and other text transforms
  • diff — chart for CLDR data
  • docs — source files for the CLDR site, design docs, presentations, etc.
  • dropbox — temporary files
  • dtd — the latest dtd files for the release
  • tools — source for internal tools for processing CLDR data

The other folders contain generated platform data in LDML format. Currently, that is:

  • aix
  • hp
  • ibm
  • ibmjdk
  • linux
  • open office
  • solaris
  • sunjdk
  • windows

Note: the data in the platform folders is provided for comparison only, and is not to be viewed as authoritative or referenceable.


CLDR includes reference versions of POSIX-format locale source files that are generated using the default options for each supported locale. The reference versions of POSIX source information contain those data fields that are included in the POSIX specification.

Many operating system platforms provide additional extensions to the minimal POSIX required field set. Individual implementations may require addition of the platform-specific fields or a non-default character repertoire in order to provide full functionality on a given POSIX compliant operating system. As of the current release, the POSIX locale generation tools do not generate such platform-specific extensions, but they can be modified to support this.

CLDR 1.0 Release

The 1.0 version of CLDR is described here for historical interest only. It was hosted on the OpenI18N site before the CLDR project moved to the Unicode Consortium.

1.0 Version: http://www.openi18n.org/spec/ldml/1.0/ldml-spec.htm
1.0 Namespace: http://www.openi18n.org/spec/ldml
1.0 DTDs: http://www.openi18n.org/spec/ldml/1.0/ldml.dtd

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