Ad Exchange Buyer API . billingInfo

Instance Methods


Returns the billing information for one account specified by account ID.


Retrieves a list of billing information for all accounts of the authenticated user.

Method Details

Returns the billing information for one account specified by account ID.

  accountId: integer, The account id. (required)

  An object of the form:

    { # The configuration data for an Ad Exchange billing info.
    "billingId": [ # A list of adgroup IDs associated with this particular account. These IDs may show up as part of a realtime bidding BidRequest, which indicates a bid request for this account.
      "A String",
    "accountName": "A String", # Account name.
    "kind": "adexchangebuyer#billingInfo", # Resource type.
    "accountId": 42, # Account id.
Retrieves a list of billing information for all accounts of the authenticated user.


  An object of the form:

    { # A billing info feed lists Billing Info the Ad Exchange buyer account has access to. Each entry in the feed corresponds to a single billing info.
    "items": [ # A list of billing info relevant for your account.
      { # The configuration data for an Ad Exchange billing info.
        "billingId": [ # A list of adgroup IDs associated with this particular account. These IDs may show up as part of a realtime bidding BidRequest, which indicates a bid request for this account.
          "A String",
        "accountName": "A String", # Account name.
        "kind": "adexchangebuyer#billingInfo", # Resource type.
        "accountId": 42, # Account id.
    "kind": "adexchangebuyer#billingInfoList", # Resource type.