AdSense Host API . accounts . adunits

Instance Methods

delete(accountId, adClientId, adUnitId)

Delete the specified ad unit from the specified publisher AdSense account.

get(accountId, adClientId, adUnitId)

Get the specified host ad unit in this AdSense account.

getAdCode(accountId, adClientId, adUnitId, hostCustomChannelId=None)

Get ad code for the specified ad unit, attaching the specified host custom channels.

insert(accountId, adClientId, body)

Insert the supplied ad unit into the specified publisher AdSense account.

list(accountId, adClientId, pageToken=None, includeInactive=None, maxResults=None)

List all ad units in the specified publisher's AdSense account.

list_next(previous_request, previous_response)

Retrieves the next page of results.

patch(accountId, adClientId, adUnitId, body)

Update the supplied ad unit in the specified publisher AdSense account. This method supports patch semantics.

update(accountId, adClientId, body)

Update the supplied ad unit in the specified publisher AdSense account.

Method Details

delete(accountId, adClientId, adUnitId)
Delete the specified ad unit from the specified publisher AdSense account.

  accountId: string, Account which contains the ad unit. (required)
  adClientId: string, Ad client for which to get ad unit. (required)
  adUnitId: string, Ad unit to delete. (required)

  An object of the form:

      "status": "A String", # Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
          # NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and does not yet have any activity associated with it.
          # ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
          # INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
      "kind": "adsensehost#adUnit", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnit.
      "code": "A String", # Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
      "name": "A String", # Name of this ad unit.
      "contentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit. Possible values are TEXT, TEXT_IMAGE, IMAGE and LINK.
        "backupOption": { # The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available.
          "color": "A String", # Color to use when type is set to COLOR. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # URL to use when type is set to URL.
          "type": "A String", # Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit. Size values are in the form SIZE_{width}_{height}.
      "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
      "mobileContentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "scriptingLanguage": "A String", # The scripting language to use for this ad unit.
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit.
        "markupLanguage": "A String", # The markup language to use for this ad unit.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit.
      "customStyle": { # Custom style information specific to this ad unit.
        "corners": "A String", # The style of the corners in the ad (deprecated: never populated, ignored).
        "colors": { # The colors included in the style. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # The color of the ad url.
          "text": "A String", # The color of the ad text.
          "border": "A String", # The color of the ad border.
          "background": "A String", # The color of the ad background.
          "title": "A String", # The color of the ad title.
        "font": { # The font which is included in the style.
          "family": "A String", # The family of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ARIAL, TIMES and VERDANA.
          "size": "A String", # The size of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SIZE, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_SIZE, SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE.
        "kind": "adsensehost#adStyle", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adStyle.
get(accountId, adClientId, adUnitId)
Get the specified host ad unit in this AdSense account.

  accountId: string, Account which contains the ad unit. (required)
  adClientId: string, Ad client for which to get ad unit. (required)
  adUnitId: string, Ad unit to get. (required)

  An object of the form:

      "status": "A String", # Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
          # NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and does not yet have any activity associated with it.
          # ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
          # INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
      "kind": "adsensehost#adUnit", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnit.
      "code": "A String", # Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
      "name": "A String", # Name of this ad unit.
      "contentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit. Possible values are TEXT, TEXT_IMAGE, IMAGE and LINK.
        "backupOption": { # The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available.
          "color": "A String", # Color to use when type is set to COLOR. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # URL to use when type is set to URL.
          "type": "A String", # Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit. Size values are in the form SIZE_{width}_{height}.
      "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
      "mobileContentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "scriptingLanguage": "A String", # The scripting language to use for this ad unit.
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit.
        "markupLanguage": "A String", # The markup language to use for this ad unit.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit.
      "customStyle": { # Custom style information specific to this ad unit.
        "corners": "A String", # The style of the corners in the ad (deprecated: never populated, ignored).
        "colors": { # The colors included in the style. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # The color of the ad url.
          "text": "A String", # The color of the ad text.
          "border": "A String", # The color of the ad border.
          "background": "A String", # The color of the ad background.
          "title": "A String", # The color of the ad title.
        "font": { # The font which is included in the style.
          "family": "A String", # The family of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ARIAL, TIMES and VERDANA.
          "size": "A String", # The size of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SIZE, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_SIZE, SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE.
        "kind": "adsensehost#adStyle", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adStyle.
getAdCode(accountId, adClientId, adUnitId, hostCustomChannelId=None)
Get ad code for the specified ad unit, attaching the specified host custom channels.

  accountId: string, Account which contains the ad client. (required)
  adClientId: string, Ad client with contains the ad unit. (required)
  adUnitId: string, Ad unit to get the code for. (required)
  hostCustomChannelId: string, Host custom channel to attach to the ad code. (repeated)

  An object of the form:

    "adCode": "A String", # The ad code snippet.
    "kind": "adsensehost#adCode", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adCode.
insert(accountId, adClientId, body)
Insert the supplied ad unit into the specified publisher AdSense account.

  accountId: string, Account which will contain the ad unit. (required)
  adClientId: string, Ad client into which to insert the ad unit. (required)
  body: object, The request body. (required)
    The object takes the form of:

    "status": "A String", # Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
        # NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and does not yet have any activity associated with it.
        # ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
        # INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
    "kind": "adsensehost#adUnit", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnit.
    "code": "A String", # Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
    "name": "A String", # Name of this ad unit.
    "contentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
      "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit. Possible values are TEXT, TEXT_IMAGE, IMAGE and LINK.
      "backupOption": { # The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available.
        "color": "A String", # Color to use when type is set to COLOR. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
        "url": "A String", # URL to use when type is set to URL.
        "type": "A String", # Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL.
      "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit. Size values are in the form SIZE_{width}_{height}.
    "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
    "mobileContentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
      "scriptingLanguage": "A String", # The scripting language to use for this ad unit.
      "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit.
      "markupLanguage": "A String", # The markup language to use for this ad unit.
      "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit.
    "customStyle": { # Custom style information specific to this ad unit.
      "corners": "A String", # The style of the corners in the ad (deprecated: never populated, ignored).
      "colors": { # The colors included in the style. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
        "url": "A String", # The color of the ad url.
        "text": "A String", # The color of the ad text.
        "border": "A String", # The color of the ad border.
        "background": "A String", # The color of the ad background.
        "title": "A String", # The color of the ad title.
      "font": { # The font which is included in the style.
        "family": "A String", # The family of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ARIAL, TIMES and VERDANA.
        "size": "A String", # The size of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SIZE, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_SIZE, SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE.
      "kind": "adsensehost#adStyle", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adStyle.

  An object of the form:

      "status": "A String", # Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
          # NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and does not yet have any activity associated with it.
          # ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
          # INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
      "kind": "adsensehost#adUnit", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnit.
      "code": "A String", # Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
      "name": "A String", # Name of this ad unit.
      "contentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit. Possible values are TEXT, TEXT_IMAGE, IMAGE and LINK.
        "backupOption": { # The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available.
          "color": "A String", # Color to use when type is set to COLOR. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # URL to use when type is set to URL.
          "type": "A String", # Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit. Size values are in the form SIZE_{width}_{height}.
      "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
      "mobileContentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "scriptingLanguage": "A String", # The scripting language to use for this ad unit.
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit.
        "markupLanguage": "A String", # The markup language to use for this ad unit.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit.
      "customStyle": { # Custom style information specific to this ad unit.
        "corners": "A String", # The style of the corners in the ad (deprecated: never populated, ignored).
        "colors": { # The colors included in the style. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # The color of the ad url.
          "text": "A String", # The color of the ad text.
          "border": "A String", # The color of the ad border.
          "background": "A String", # The color of the ad background.
          "title": "A String", # The color of the ad title.
        "font": { # The font which is included in the style.
          "family": "A String", # The family of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ARIAL, TIMES and VERDANA.
          "size": "A String", # The size of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SIZE, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_SIZE, SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE.
        "kind": "adsensehost#adStyle", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adStyle.
list(accountId, adClientId, pageToken=None, includeInactive=None, maxResults=None)
List all ad units in the specified publisher's AdSense account.

  accountId: string, Account which contains the ad client. (required)
  adClientId: string, Ad client for which to list ad units. (required)
  pageToken: string, A continuation token, used to page through ad units. To retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken" from the previous response.
  includeInactive: boolean, Whether to include inactive ad units. Default: true.
  maxResults: integer, The maximum number of ad units to include in the response, used for paging.

  An object of the form:

    "nextPageToken": "A String", # Continuation token used to page through ad units. To retrieve the next page of results, set the next request's "pageToken" value to this.
    "items": [ # The ad units returned in this list response.
          "status": "A String", # Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
              # NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and does not yet have any activity associated with it.
              # ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
              # INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
          "kind": "adsensehost#adUnit", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnit.
          "code": "A String", # Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
          "name": "A String", # Name of this ad unit.
          "contentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
            "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit. Possible values are TEXT, TEXT_IMAGE, IMAGE and LINK.
            "backupOption": { # The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available.
              "color": "A String", # Color to use when type is set to COLOR. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
              "url": "A String", # URL to use when type is set to URL.
              "type": "A String", # Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL.
            "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit. Size values are in the form SIZE_{width}_{height}.
          "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
          "mobileContentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
            "scriptingLanguage": "A String", # The scripting language to use for this ad unit.
            "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit.
            "markupLanguage": "A String", # The markup language to use for this ad unit.
            "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit.
          "customStyle": { # Custom style information specific to this ad unit.
            "corners": "A String", # The style of the corners in the ad (deprecated: never populated, ignored).
            "colors": { # The colors included in the style. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
              "url": "A String", # The color of the ad url.
              "text": "A String", # The color of the ad text.
              "border": "A String", # The color of the ad border.
              "background": "A String", # The color of the ad background.
              "title": "A String", # The color of the ad title.
            "font": { # The font which is included in the style.
              "family": "A String", # The family of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ARIAL, TIMES and VERDANA.
              "size": "A String", # The size of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SIZE, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_SIZE, SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE.
            "kind": "adsensehost#adStyle", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adStyle.
    "kind": "adsensehost#adUnits", # Kind of list this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnits.
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of this response for caching purposes.
list_next(previous_request, previous_response)
Retrieves the next page of results.

  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
patch(accountId, adClientId, adUnitId, body)
Update the supplied ad unit in the specified publisher AdSense account. This method supports patch semantics.

  accountId: string, Account which contains the ad client. (required)
  adClientId: string, Ad client which contains the ad unit. (required)
  adUnitId: string, Ad unit to get. (required)
  body: object, The request body. (required)
    The object takes the form of:

    "status": "A String", # Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
        # NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and does not yet have any activity associated with it.
        # ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
        # INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
    "kind": "adsensehost#adUnit", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnit.
    "code": "A String", # Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
    "name": "A String", # Name of this ad unit.
    "contentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
      "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit. Possible values are TEXT, TEXT_IMAGE, IMAGE and LINK.
      "backupOption": { # The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available.
        "color": "A String", # Color to use when type is set to COLOR. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
        "url": "A String", # URL to use when type is set to URL.
        "type": "A String", # Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL.
      "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit. Size values are in the form SIZE_{width}_{height}.
    "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
    "mobileContentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
      "scriptingLanguage": "A String", # The scripting language to use for this ad unit.
      "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit.
      "markupLanguage": "A String", # The markup language to use for this ad unit.
      "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit.
    "customStyle": { # Custom style information specific to this ad unit.
      "corners": "A String", # The style of the corners in the ad (deprecated: never populated, ignored).
      "colors": { # The colors included in the style. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
        "url": "A String", # The color of the ad url.
        "text": "A String", # The color of the ad text.
        "border": "A String", # The color of the ad border.
        "background": "A String", # The color of the ad background.
        "title": "A String", # The color of the ad title.
      "font": { # The font which is included in the style.
        "family": "A String", # The family of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ARIAL, TIMES and VERDANA.
        "size": "A String", # The size of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SIZE, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_SIZE, SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE.
      "kind": "adsensehost#adStyle", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adStyle.

  An object of the form:

      "status": "A String", # Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
          # NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and does not yet have any activity associated with it.
          # ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
          # INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
      "kind": "adsensehost#adUnit", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnit.
      "code": "A String", # Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
      "name": "A String", # Name of this ad unit.
      "contentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit. Possible values are TEXT, TEXT_IMAGE, IMAGE and LINK.
        "backupOption": { # The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available.
          "color": "A String", # Color to use when type is set to COLOR. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # URL to use when type is set to URL.
          "type": "A String", # Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit. Size values are in the form SIZE_{width}_{height}.
      "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
      "mobileContentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "scriptingLanguage": "A String", # The scripting language to use for this ad unit.
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit.
        "markupLanguage": "A String", # The markup language to use for this ad unit.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit.
      "customStyle": { # Custom style information specific to this ad unit.
        "corners": "A String", # The style of the corners in the ad (deprecated: never populated, ignored).
        "colors": { # The colors included in the style. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # The color of the ad url.
          "text": "A String", # The color of the ad text.
          "border": "A String", # The color of the ad border.
          "background": "A String", # The color of the ad background.
          "title": "A String", # The color of the ad title.
        "font": { # The font which is included in the style.
          "family": "A String", # The family of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ARIAL, TIMES and VERDANA.
          "size": "A String", # The size of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SIZE, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_SIZE, SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE.
        "kind": "adsensehost#adStyle", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adStyle.
update(accountId, adClientId, body)
Update the supplied ad unit in the specified publisher AdSense account.

  accountId: string, Account which contains the ad client. (required)
  adClientId: string, Ad client which contains the ad unit. (required)
  body: object, The request body. (required)
    The object takes the form of:

    "status": "A String", # Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
        # NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and does not yet have any activity associated with it.
        # ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
        # INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
    "kind": "adsensehost#adUnit", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnit.
    "code": "A String", # Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
    "name": "A String", # Name of this ad unit.
    "contentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
      "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit. Possible values are TEXT, TEXT_IMAGE, IMAGE and LINK.
      "backupOption": { # The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available.
        "color": "A String", # Color to use when type is set to COLOR. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
        "url": "A String", # URL to use when type is set to URL.
        "type": "A String", # Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL.
      "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit. Size values are in the form SIZE_{width}_{height}.
    "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
    "mobileContentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
      "scriptingLanguage": "A String", # The scripting language to use for this ad unit.
      "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit.
      "markupLanguage": "A String", # The markup language to use for this ad unit.
      "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit.
    "customStyle": { # Custom style information specific to this ad unit.
      "corners": "A String", # The style of the corners in the ad (deprecated: never populated, ignored).
      "colors": { # The colors included in the style. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
        "url": "A String", # The color of the ad url.
        "text": "A String", # The color of the ad text.
        "border": "A String", # The color of the ad border.
        "background": "A String", # The color of the ad background.
        "title": "A String", # The color of the ad title.
      "font": { # The font which is included in the style.
        "family": "A String", # The family of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ARIAL, TIMES and VERDANA.
        "size": "A String", # The size of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SIZE, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_SIZE, SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE.
      "kind": "adsensehost#adStyle", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adStyle.

  An object of the form:

      "status": "A String", # Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
          # NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and does not yet have any activity associated with it.
          # ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
          # INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the last seven days.
      "kind": "adsensehost#adUnit", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#adUnit.
      "code": "A String", # Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
      "name": "A String", # Name of this ad unit.
      "contentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit. Possible values are TEXT, TEXT_IMAGE, IMAGE and LINK.
        "backupOption": { # The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available.
          "color": "A String", # Color to use when type is set to COLOR. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # URL to use when type is set to URL.
          "type": "A String", # Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit. Size values are in the form SIZE_{width}_{height}.
      "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
      "mobileContentAdsSettings": { # Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC - deprecated).
        "scriptingLanguage": "A String", # The scripting language to use for this ad unit.
        "type": "A String", # Type of this ad unit.
        "markupLanguage": "A String", # The markup language to use for this ad unit.
        "size": "A String", # Size of this ad unit.
      "customStyle": { # Custom style information specific to this ad unit.
        "corners": "A String", # The style of the corners in the ad (deprecated: never populated, ignored).
        "colors": { # The colors included in the style. These are represented as six hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading hash.
          "url": "A String", # The color of the ad url.
          "text": "A String", # The color of the ad text.
          "border": "A String", # The color of the ad border.
          "background": "A String", # The color of the ad background.
          "title": "A String", # The color of the ad title.
        "font": { # The font which is included in the style.
          "family": "A String", # The family of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_FAMILY, ARIAL, TIMES and VERDANA.
          "size": "A String", # The size of the font. Possible values are: ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_SIZE, ADSENSE_DEFAULT_SIZE, SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE.
        "kind": "adsensehost#adStyle", # Kind this is, in this case adsensehost#adStyle.