AdSense Host API . associationsessions

Instance Methods

start(productCode, websiteUrl, websiteLocale=None, userLocale=None)

Create an association session for initiating an association with an AdSense user.


Verify an association session after the association callback returns from AdSense signup.

Method Details

start(productCode, websiteUrl, websiteLocale=None, userLocale=None)
Create an association session for initiating an association with an AdSense user.

  productCode: string, Products to associate with the user. (required) (repeated)
    Allowed values
      AFC - AdSense For Content
      AFG - AdSense For Games
      AFMC - AdSense For Mobile Content - deprecated
      AFS - AdSense For Search - deprecated
      AFV - AdSense For Video
  websiteUrl: string, The URL of the user's hosted website. (required)
  websiteLocale: string, The locale of the user's hosted website.
  userLocale: string, The preferred locale of the user.

  An object of the form:

    "status": "A String", # Status of the completed association, available once the association callback token has been verified. One of ACCEPTED, REJECTED, or ERROR.
    "productCodes": [ # The products to associate with the user. Options: AFC, AFG, AFV, AFS (deprecated), AFMC (deprecated)
      "A String",
    "kind": "adsensehost#associationSession", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#associationSession.
    "userLocale": "A String", # The preferred locale of the user themselves when going through the AdSense association flow.
    "websiteLocale": "A String", # The locale of the user's hosted website.
    "redirectUrl": "A String", # Redirect URL of this association session. Used to redirect users into the AdSense association flow.
    "websiteUrl": "A String", # The URL of the user's hosted website.
    "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this association session.
    "accountId": "A String", # Hosted account id of the associated publisher after association. Present if status is ACCEPTED.
Verify an association session after the association callback returns from AdSense signup.

  token: string, The token returned to the association callback URL. (required)

  An object of the form:

    "status": "A String", # Status of the completed association, available once the association callback token has been verified. One of ACCEPTED, REJECTED, or ERROR.
    "productCodes": [ # The products to associate with the user. Options: AFC, AFG, AFV, AFS (deprecated), AFMC (deprecated)
      "A String",
    "kind": "adsensehost#associationSession", # Kind of resource this is, in this case adsensehost#associationSession.
    "userLocale": "A String", # The preferred locale of the user themselves when going through the AdSense association flow.
    "websiteLocale": "A String", # The locale of the user's hosted website.
    "redirectUrl": "A String", # Redirect URL of this association session. Used to redirect users into the AdSense association flow.
    "websiteUrl": "A String", # The URL of the user's hosted website.
    "id": "A String", # Unique identifier of this association session.
    "accountId": "A String", # Hosted account id of the associated publisher after association. Present if status is ACCEPTED.