Content API for Shopping . shippingsettings

Instance Methods

custombatch(body, dryRun=None)

Retrieves and updates the shipping settings of multiple accounts in a single request.

get(merchantId, accountId)

Retrieves the shipping settings of the account. This method can only be called for accounts to which the managing account has access: either the managing account itself or sub-accounts if the managing account is a multi-client account.


Retrieves supported carriers and carrier services for an account.

list(merchantId, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)

Lists the shipping settings of the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account. This method can only be called for multi-client accounts.

list_next(previous_request, previous_response)

Retrieves the next page of results.

patch(merchantId, accountId, body, dryRun=None)

Updates the shipping settings of the account. This method can only be called for accounts to which the managing account has access: either the managing account itself or sub-accounts if the managing account is a multi-client account. This method supports patch semantics.

update(merchantId, accountId, body, dryRun=None)

Updates the shipping settings of the account. This method can only be called for accounts to which the managing account has access: either the managing account itself or sub-accounts if the managing account is a multi-client account.

Method Details

custombatch(body, dryRun=None)
Retrieves and updates the shipping settings of multiple accounts in a single request.

  body: object, The request body. (required)
    The object takes the form of:

    "entries": [ # The request entries to be processed in the batch.
      { # A batch entry encoding a single non-batch shippingsettings request.
        "batchId": 42, # An entry ID, unique within the batch request.
        "method": "A String",
        "merchantId": "A String", # The ID of the managing account.
        "shippingSettings": { # The merchant account's shipping settings. # The account shipping settings to update. Only defined if the method is update.
          "services": [ # The target account's list of services. Optional.
              "name": "A String", # Free-form name of the service. Must be unique within target account. Required.
              "deliveryTime": { # Time spent in various aspects from order to the delivery of the product. Required.
                "maxTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Maximum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Must be greater than or equal to minTransitTimeInDays. Required.
                "minTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Minimum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Required.
              "deliveryCountry": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country to which the service applies. Required.
              "rateGroups": [ # Shipping rate group definitions. Only the last one is allowed to have an empty applicableShippingLabels, which means "everything else". The other applicableShippingLabels must not overlap.
                  "applicableShippingLabels": [ # A list of shipping labels defining the products to which this rate group applies to. This is a disjunction: only one of the labels has to match for the rate group to apply. May only be empty for the last rate group of a service. Required.
                    "A String",
                  "carrierRates": [ # A list of carrier rates that can be referred to by mainTable or singleValue.
                      "name": "A String", # Name of the carrier rate. Must be unique per rate group. Required.
                      "originPostalCode": "A String", # Shipping origin for this carrier rate. Required.
                      "flatAdjustment": { # Additive shipping rate modifier. Can be negative. For example { "value": "1", "currency" : "USD" } adds $1 to the rate, { "value": "-3", "currency" : "USD" } removes $3 from the rate. Optional.
                        "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                        "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "percentageAdjustment": "A String", # Multiplicative shipping rate modifier as a number in decimal notation. Can be negative. For example "5.4" increases the rate by 5.4%, "-3" decreases the rate by 3%. Optional.
                      "carrierName": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "UPS" or "Fedex". The list of supported carriers can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
                      "carrierService": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "ground" or "2 days". The list of supported services for a carrier can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
                  "singleValue": { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set. # The value of the rate group (e.g. flat rate $10). Can only be set if mainTable and subtables are not set.
                    "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                    "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                  "mainTable": { # A table defining the rate group, when singleValue is not expressive enough. Can only be set if singleValue is not set.
                    "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                      "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                          "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                      "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                          "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                      "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                            "A String",
                      "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                    "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                        "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                          { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                            "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                            "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                              "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                              "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                    "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                      "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                          "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                      "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                          "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                      "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                            "A String",
                      "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                    "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
                  "subtables": [ # A list of subtables referred to by mainTable. Can only be set if mainTable is set.
                      "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                        "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                            "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                        "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "A String",
                        "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                            "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                        "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                              "A String",
                        "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "A String",
                      "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                          "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                            { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                              "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                              "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                              "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                              "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                              "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                                "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                                "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                        "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                            "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                        "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "A String",
                        "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                            "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                        "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                              "A String",
                        "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "A String",
                      "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
              "currency": "A String", # The CLDR code of the currency to which this service applies. Must match that of the prices in rate groups.
              "active": True or False, # A boolean exposing the active status of the shipping service. Required.
          "postalCodeGroups": [ # A list of postal code groups that can be referred to in services. Optional.
              "postalCodeRanges": [ # A range of postal codes. Required.
                  "postalCodeRangeBegin": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*". Required.
                  "postalCodeRangeEnd": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
              "country": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country the postal code group applies to. Required.
              "name": "A String", # The name of the postal code group, referred to in headers. Required.
          "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these account shipping settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
        "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account for which to get/update account shipping settings.

  dryRun: boolean, Flag to run the request in dry-run mode.

  An object of the form:

    "kind": "content#shippingsettingsCustomBatchResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#shippingsettingsCustomBatchResponse".
    "entries": [ # The result of the execution of the batch requests.
      { # A batch entry encoding a single non-batch shipping settings response.
        "batchId": 42, # The ID of the request entry to which this entry responds.
        "kind": "content#shippingsettingsCustomBatchResponseEntry", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#shippingsettingsCustomBatchResponseEntry".
        "errors": { # A list of errors returned by a failed batch entry. # A list of errors defined if, and only if, the request failed.
          "message": "A String", # The message of the first error in errors.
          "code": 42, # The HTTP status of the first error in errors.
          "errors": [ # A list of errors.
            { # An error returned by the API.
              "reason": "A String", # The error code.
              "domain": "A String", # The domain of the error.
              "message": "A String", # A description of the error.
        "shippingSettings": { # The merchant account's shipping settings. # The retrieved or updated account shipping settings.
          "services": [ # The target account's list of services. Optional.
              "name": "A String", # Free-form name of the service. Must be unique within target account. Required.
              "deliveryTime": { # Time spent in various aspects from order to the delivery of the product. Required.
                "maxTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Maximum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Must be greater than or equal to minTransitTimeInDays. Required.
                "minTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Minimum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Required.
              "deliveryCountry": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country to which the service applies. Required.
              "rateGroups": [ # Shipping rate group definitions. Only the last one is allowed to have an empty applicableShippingLabels, which means "everything else". The other applicableShippingLabels must not overlap.
                  "applicableShippingLabels": [ # A list of shipping labels defining the products to which this rate group applies to. This is a disjunction: only one of the labels has to match for the rate group to apply. May only be empty for the last rate group of a service. Required.
                    "A String",
                  "carrierRates": [ # A list of carrier rates that can be referred to by mainTable or singleValue.
                      "name": "A String", # Name of the carrier rate. Must be unique per rate group. Required.
                      "originPostalCode": "A String", # Shipping origin for this carrier rate. Required.
                      "flatAdjustment": { # Additive shipping rate modifier. Can be negative. For example { "value": "1", "currency" : "USD" } adds $1 to the rate, { "value": "-3", "currency" : "USD" } removes $3 from the rate. Optional.
                        "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                        "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "percentageAdjustment": "A String", # Multiplicative shipping rate modifier as a number in decimal notation. Can be negative. For example "5.4" increases the rate by 5.4%, "-3" decreases the rate by 3%. Optional.
                      "carrierName": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "UPS" or "Fedex". The list of supported carriers can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
                      "carrierService": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "ground" or "2 days". The list of supported services for a carrier can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
                  "singleValue": { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set. # The value of the rate group (e.g. flat rate $10). Can only be set if mainTable and subtables are not set.
                    "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                    "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                  "mainTable": { # A table defining the rate group, when singleValue is not expressive enough. Can only be set if singleValue is not set.
                    "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                      "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                          "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                      "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                          "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                      "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                            "A String",
                      "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                    "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                        "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                          { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                            "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                            "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                              "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                              "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                    "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                      "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                          "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                      "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                          "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                      "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                            "A String",
                      "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                    "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
                  "subtables": [ # A list of subtables referred to by mainTable. Can only be set if mainTable is set.
                      "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                        "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                            "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                        "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "A String",
                        "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                            "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                        "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                              "A String",
                        "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "A String",
                      "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                          "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                            { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                              "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                              "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                              "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                              "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                              "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                                "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                                "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                        "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                            "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                        "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "A String",
                        "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                            "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                        "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                              "A String",
                        "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "A String",
                      "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
              "currency": "A String", # The CLDR code of the currency to which this service applies. Must match that of the prices in rate groups.
              "active": True or False, # A boolean exposing the active status of the shipping service. Required.
          "postalCodeGroups": [ # A list of postal code groups that can be referred to in services. Optional.
              "postalCodeRanges": [ # A range of postal codes. Required.
                  "postalCodeRangeBegin": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*". Required.
                  "postalCodeRangeEnd": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
              "country": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country the postal code group applies to. Required.
              "name": "A String", # The name of the postal code group, referred to in headers. Required.
          "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these account shipping settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
get(merchantId, accountId)
Retrieves the shipping settings of the account. This method can only be called for accounts to which the managing account has access: either the managing account itself or sub-accounts if the managing account is a multi-client account.

  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. (required)
  accountId: string, The ID of the account for which to get/update shipping settings. (required)

  An object of the form:

    { # The merchant account's shipping settings.
    "services": [ # The target account's list of services. Optional.
        "name": "A String", # Free-form name of the service. Must be unique within target account. Required.
        "deliveryTime": { # Time spent in various aspects from order to the delivery of the product. Required.
          "maxTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Maximum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Must be greater than or equal to minTransitTimeInDays. Required.
          "minTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Minimum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Required.
        "deliveryCountry": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country to which the service applies. Required.
        "rateGroups": [ # Shipping rate group definitions. Only the last one is allowed to have an empty applicableShippingLabels, which means "everything else". The other applicableShippingLabels must not overlap.
            "applicableShippingLabels": [ # A list of shipping labels defining the products to which this rate group applies to. This is a disjunction: only one of the labels has to match for the rate group to apply. May only be empty for the last rate group of a service. Required.
              "A String",
            "carrierRates": [ # A list of carrier rates that can be referred to by mainTable or singleValue.
                "name": "A String", # Name of the carrier rate. Must be unique per rate group. Required.
                "originPostalCode": "A String", # Shipping origin for this carrier rate. Required.
                "flatAdjustment": { # Additive shipping rate modifier. Can be negative. For example { "value": "1", "currency" : "USD" } adds $1 to the rate, { "value": "-3", "currency" : "USD" } removes $3 from the rate. Optional.
                  "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                  "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "percentageAdjustment": "A String", # Multiplicative shipping rate modifier as a number in decimal notation. Can be negative. For example "5.4" increases the rate by 5.4%, "-3" decreases the rate by 3%. Optional.
                "carrierName": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "UPS" or "Fedex". The list of supported carriers can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
                "carrierService": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "ground" or "2 days". The list of supported services for a carrier can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
            "singleValue": { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set. # The value of the rate group (e.g. flat rate $10). Can only be set if mainTable and subtables are not set.
              "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
              "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
            "mainTable": { # A table defining the rate group, when singleValue is not expressive enough. Can only be set if singleValue is not set.
              "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                  "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                    { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                      "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                      "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                        "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
            "subtables": [ # A list of subtables referred to by mainTable. Can only be set if mainTable is set.
                "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                  "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                  "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                  "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                      "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                  "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                        "A String",
                  "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                    "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                      { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                        "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                        "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                          "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                  "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                  "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                  "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                      "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                  "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                        "A String",
                  "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
        "currency": "A String", # The CLDR code of the currency to which this service applies. Must match that of the prices in rate groups.
        "active": True or False, # A boolean exposing the active status of the shipping service. Required.
    "postalCodeGroups": [ # A list of postal code groups that can be referred to in services. Optional.
        "postalCodeRanges": [ # A range of postal codes. Required.
            "postalCodeRangeBegin": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*". Required.
            "postalCodeRangeEnd": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
        "country": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country the postal code group applies to. Required.
        "name": "A String", # The name of the postal code group, referred to in headers. Required.
    "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these account shipping settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
Retrieves supported carriers and carrier services for an account.

  merchantId: string, The ID of the account for which to retrieve the supported carriers. (required)

  An object of the form:

    "kind": "content#shippingsettingsGetSupportedCarriersResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#shippingsettingsGetSupportedCarriersResponse".
    "carriers": [ # A list of supported carriers. May be empty.
        "services": [ # A list of supported services (e.g., "ground") for that carrier. Contains at least one service.
          "A String",
        "country": "A String", # The CLDR country code of the carrier (e.g., "US"). Always present.
        "name": "A String", # The name of the carrier (e.g., "UPS"). Always present.
list(merchantId, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)
Lists the shipping settings of the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account. This method can only be called for multi-client accounts.

  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. (required)
  pageToken: string, The token returned by the previous request.
  maxResults: integer, The maximum number of shipping settings to return in the response, used for paging.

  An object of the form:

    "nextPageToken": "A String", # The token for the retrieval of the next page of shipping settings.
    "kind": "content#shippingsettingsListResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#shippingsettingsListResponse".
    "resources": [
      { # The merchant account's shipping settings.
        "services": [ # The target account's list of services. Optional.
            "name": "A String", # Free-form name of the service. Must be unique within target account. Required.
            "deliveryTime": { # Time spent in various aspects from order to the delivery of the product. Required.
              "maxTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Maximum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Must be greater than or equal to minTransitTimeInDays. Required.
              "minTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Minimum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Required.
            "deliveryCountry": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country to which the service applies. Required.
            "rateGroups": [ # Shipping rate group definitions. Only the last one is allowed to have an empty applicableShippingLabels, which means "everything else". The other applicableShippingLabels must not overlap.
                "applicableShippingLabels": [ # A list of shipping labels defining the products to which this rate group applies to. This is a disjunction: only one of the labels has to match for the rate group to apply. May only be empty for the last rate group of a service. Required.
                  "A String",
                "carrierRates": [ # A list of carrier rates that can be referred to by mainTable or singleValue.
                    "name": "A String", # Name of the carrier rate. Must be unique per rate group. Required.
                    "originPostalCode": "A String", # Shipping origin for this carrier rate. Required.
                    "flatAdjustment": { # Additive shipping rate modifier. Can be negative. For example { "value": "1", "currency" : "USD" } adds $1 to the rate, { "value": "-3", "currency" : "USD" } removes $3 from the rate. Optional.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                    "percentageAdjustment": "A String", # Multiplicative shipping rate modifier as a number in decimal notation. Can be negative. For example "5.4" increases the rate by 5.4%, "-3" decreases the rate by 3%. Optional.
                    "carrierName": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "UPS" or "Fedex". The list of supported carriers can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
                    "carrierService": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "ground" or "2 days". The list of supported services for a carrier can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
                "singleValue": { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set. # The value of the rate group (e.g. flat rate $10). Can only be set if mainTable and subtables are not set.
                  "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                  "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "mainTable": { # A table defining the rate group, when singleValue is not expressive enough. Can only be set if singleValue is not set.
                  "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                    "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                        "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                    "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "A String",
                    "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                        "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                    "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                          "A String",
                    "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "A String",
                  "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                      "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                        { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                          "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                          "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                            "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                  "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                    "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                        "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                    "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "A String",
                    "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                        "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                    "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                          "A String",
                    "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "A String",
                  "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
                "subtables": [ # A list of subtables referred to by mainTable. Can only be set if mainTable is set.
                    "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                      "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                          "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                      "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                          "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                      "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                            "A String",
                      "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                    "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                        "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                          { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                            "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                            "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                            "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                              "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                              "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                    "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                      "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                          "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                      "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                      "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                          "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                      "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                            "A String",
                      "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "A String",
                    "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
            "currency": "A String", # The CLDR code of the currency to which this service applies. Must match that of the prices in rate groups.
            "active": True or False, # A boolean exposing the active status of the shipping service. Required.
        "postalCodeGroups": [ # A list of postal code groups that can be referred to in services. Optional.
            "postalCodeRanges": [ # A range of postal codes. Required.
                "postalCodeRangeBegin": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*". Required.
                "postalCodeRangeEnd": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
            "country": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country the postal code group applies to. Required.
            "name": "A String", # The name of the postal code group, referred to in headers. Required.
        "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these account shipping settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
list_next(previous_request, previous_response)
Retrieves the next page of results.

  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
patch(merchantId, accountId, body, dryRun=None)
Updates the shipping settings of the account. This method can only be called for accounts to which the managing account has access: either the managing account itself or sub-accounts if the managing account is a multi-client account. This method supports patch semantics.

  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. (required)
  accountId: string, The ID of the account for which to get/update shipping settings. (required)
  body: object, The request body. (required)
    The object takes the form of:

{ # The merchant account's shipping settings.
  "services": [ # The target account's list of services. Optional.
      "name": "A String", # Free-form name of the service. Must be unique within target account. Required.
      "deliveryTime": { # Time spent in various aspects from order to the delivery of the product. Required.
        "maxTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Maximum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Must be greater than or equal to minTransitTimeInDays. Required.
        "minTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Minimum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Required.
      "deliveryCountry": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country to which the service applies. Required.
      "rateGroups": [ # Shipping rate group definitions. Only the last one is allowed to have an empty applicableShippingLabels, which means "everything else". The other applicableShippingLabels must not overlap.
          "applicableShippingLabels": [ # A list of shipping labels defining the products to which this rate group applies to. This is a disjunction: only one of the labels has to match for the rate group to apply. May only be empty for the last rate group of a service. Required.
            "A String",
          "carrierRates": [ # A list of carrier rates that can be referred to by mainTable or singleValue.
              "name": "A String", # Name of the carrier rate. Must be unique per rate group. Required.
              "originPostalCode": "A String", # Shipping origin for this carrier rate. Required.
              "flatAdjustment": { # Additive shipping rate modifier. Can be negative. For example { "value": "1", "currency" : "USD" } adds $1 to the rate, { "value": "-3", "currency" : "USD" } removes $3 from the rate. Optional.
                "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "percentageAdjustment": "A String", # Multiplicative shipping rate modifier as a number in decimal notation. Can be negative. For example "5.4" increases the rate by 5.4%, "-3" decreases the rate by 3%. Optional.
              "carrierName": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "UPS" or "Fedex". The list of supported carriers can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
              "carrierService": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "ground" or "2 days". The list of supported services for a carrier can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
          "singleValue": { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set. # The value of the rate group (e.g. flat rate $10). Can only be set if mainTable and subtables are not set.
            "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
            "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
            "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
            "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
            "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
              "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
          "mainTable": { # A table defining the rate group, when singleValue is not expressive enough. Can only be set if singleValue is not set.
            "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
              "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                  "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "A String",
              "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                  "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
              "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                    "A String",
              "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "A String",
            "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                  { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                    "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                    "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
            "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
              "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                  "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "A String",
              "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                  "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
              "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                    "A String",
              "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "A String",
            "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
          "subtables": [ # A list of subtables referred to by mainTable. Can only be set if mainTable is set.
              "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                  "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                    { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                      "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                      "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                        "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
      "currency": "A String", # The CLDR code of the currency to which this service applies. Must match that of the prices in rate groups.
      "active": True or False, # A boolean exposing the active status of the shipping service. Required.
  "postalCodeGroups": [ # A list of postal code groups that can be referred to in services. Optional.
      "postalCodeRanges": [ # A range of postal codes. Required.
          "postalCodeRangeBegin": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*". Required.
          "postalCodeRangeEnd": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
      "country": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country the postal code group applies to. Required.
      "name": "A String", # The name of the postal code group, referred to in headers. Required.
  "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these account shipping settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.

  dryRun: boolean, Flag to run the request in dry-run mode.

  An object of the form:

    { # The merchant account's shipping settings.
    "services": [ # The target account's list of services. Optional.
        "name": "A String", # Free-form name of the service. Must be unique within target account. Required.
        "deliveryTime": { # Time spent in various aspects from order to the delivery of the product. Required.
          "maxTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Maximum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Must be greater than or equal to minTransitTimeInDays. Required.
          "minTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Minimum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Required.
        "deliveryCountry": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country to which the service applies. Required.
        "rateGroups": [ # Shipping rate group definitions. Only the last one is allowed to have an empty applicableShippingLabels, which means "everything else". The other applicableShippingLabels must not overlap.
            "applicableShippingLabels": [ # A list of shipping labels defining the products to which this rate group applies to. This is a disjunction: only one of the labels has to match for the rate group to apply. May only be empty for the last rate group of a service. Required.
              "A String",
            "carrierRates": [ # A list of carrier rates that can be referred to by mainTable or singleValue.
                "name": "A String", # Name of the carrier rate. Must be unique per rate group. Required.
                "originPostalCode": "A String", # Shipping origin for this carrier rate. Required.
                "flatAdjustment": { # Additive shipping rate modifier. Can be negative. For example { "value": "1", "currency" : "USD" } adds $1 to the rate, { "value": "-3", "currency" : "USD" } removes $3 from the rate. Optional.
                  "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                  "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "percentageAdjustment": "A String", # Multiplicative shipping rate modifier as a number in decimal notation. Can be negative. For example "5.4" increases the rate by 5.4%, "-3" decreases the rate by 3%. Optional.
                "carrierName": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "UPS" or "Fedex". The list of supported carriers can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
                "carrierService": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "ground" or "2 days". The list of supported services for a carrier can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
            "singleValue": { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set. # The value of the rate group (e.g. flat rate $10). Can only be set if mainTable and subtables are not set.
              "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
              "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
            "mainTable": { # A table defining the rate group, when singleValue is not expressive enough. Can only be set if singleValue is not set.
              "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                  "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                    { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                      "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                      "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                        "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
            "subtables": [ # A list of subtables referred to by mainTable. Can only be set if mainTable is set.
                "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                  "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                  "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                  "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                      "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                  "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                        "A String",
                  "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                    "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                      { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                        "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                        "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                          "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                  "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                  "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                  "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                      "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                  "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                        "A String",
                  "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
        "currency": "A String", # The CLDR code of the currency to which this service applies. Must match that of the prices in rate groups.
        "active": True or False, # A boolean exposing the active status of the shipping service. Required.
    "postalCodeGroups": [ # A list of postal code groups that can be referred to in services. Optional.
        "postalCodeRanges": [ # A range of postal codes. Required.
            "postalCodeRangeBegin": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*". Required.
            "postalCodeRangeEnd": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
        "country": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country the postal code group applies to. Required.
        "name": "A String", # The name of the postal code group, referred to in headers. Required.
    "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these account shipping settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
update(merchantId, accountId, body, dryRun=None)
Updates the shipping settings of the account. This method can only be called for accounts to which the managing account has access: either the managing account itself or sub-accounts if the managing account is a multi-client account.

  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. (required)
  accountId: string, The ID of the account for which to get/update shipping settings. (required)
  body: object, The request body. (required)
    The object takes the form of:

{ # The merchant account's shipping settings.
  "services": [ # The target account's list of services. Optional.
      "name": "A String", # Free-form name of the service. Must be unique within target account. Required.
      "deliveryTime": { # Time spent in various aspects from order to the delivery of the product. Required.
        "maxTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Maximum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Must be greater than or equal to minTransitTimeInDays. Required.
        "minTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Minimum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Required.
      "deliveryCountry": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country to which the service applies. Required.
      "rateGroups": [ # Shipping rate group definitions. Only the last one is allowed to have an empty applicableShippingLabels, which means "everything else". The other applicableShippingLabels must not overlap.
          "applicableShippingLabels": [ # A list of shipping labels defining the products to which this rate group applies to. This is a disjunction: only one of the labels has to match for the rate group to apply. May only be empty for the last rate group of a service. Required.
            "A String",
          "carrierRates": [ # A list of carrier rates that can be referred to by mainTable or singleValue.
              "name": "A String", # Name of the carrier rate. Must be unique per rate group. Required.
              "originPostalCode": "A String", # Shipping origin for this carrier rate. Required.
              "flatAdjustment": { # Additive shipping rate modifier. Can be negative. For example { "value": "1", "currency" : "USD" } adds $1 to the rate, { "value": "-3", "currency" : "USD" } removes $3 from the rate. Optional.
                "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "percentageAdjustment": "A String", # Multiplicative shipping rate modifier as a number in decimal notation. Can be negative. For example "5.4" increases the rate by 5.4%, "-3" decreases the rate by 3%. Optional.
              "carrierName": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "UPS" or "Fedex". The list of supported carriers can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
              "carrierService": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "ground" or "2 days". The list of supported services for a carrier can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
          "singleValue": { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set. # The value of the rate group (e.g. flat rate $10). Can only be set if mainTable and subtables are not set.
            "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
            "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
            "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
            "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
            "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
              "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
          "mainTable": { # A table defining the rate group, when singleValue is not expressive enough. Can only be set if singleValue is not set.
            "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
              "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                  "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "A String",
              "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                  "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
              "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                    "A String",
              "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "A String",
            "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                  { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                    "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                    "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
            "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
              "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                  "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "A String",
              "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                  "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
              "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                    "A String",
              "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "A String",
            "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
          "subtables": [ # A list of subtables referred to by mainTable. Can only be set if mainTable is set.
              "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                  "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                    { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                      "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                      "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                        "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
      "currency": "A String", # The CLDR code of the currency to which this service applies. Must match that of the prices in rate groups.
      "active": True or False, # A boolean exposing the active status of the shipping service. Required.
  "postalCodeGroups": [ # A list of postal code groups that can be referred to in services. Optional.
      "postalCodeRanges": [ # A range of postal codes. Required.
          "postalCodeRangeBegin": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*". Required.
          "postalCodeRangeEnd": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
      "country": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country the postal code group applies to. Required.
      "name": "A String", # The name of the postal code group, referred to in headers. Required.
  "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these account shipping settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.

  dryRun: boolean, Flag to run the request in dry-run mode.

  An object of the form:

    { # The merchant account's shipping settings.
    "services": [ # The target account's list of services. Optional.
        "name": "A String", # Free-form name of the service. Must be unique within target account. Required.
        "deliveryTime": { # Time spent in various aspects from order to the delivery of the product. Required.
          "maxTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Maximum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Must be greater than or equal to minTransitTimeInDays. Required.
          "minTransitTimeInDays": 42, # Minimum number of business days that is spent in transit. 0 means same day delivery, 1 means next day delivery. Required.
        "deliveryCountry": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country to which the service applies. Required.
        "rateGroups": [ # Shipping rate group definitions. Only the last one is allowed to have an empty applicableShippingLabels, which means "everything else". The other applicableShippingLabels must not overlap.
            "applicableShippingLabels": [ # A list of shipping labels defining the products to which this rate group applies to. This is a disjunction: only one of the labels has to match for the rate group to apply. May only be empty for the last rate group of a service. Required.
              "A String",
            "carrierRates": [ # A list of carrier rates that can be referred to by mainTable or singleValue.
                "name": "A String", # Name of the carrier rate. Must be unique per rate group. Required.
                "originPostalCode": "A String", # Shipping origin for this carrier rate. Required.
                "flatAdjustment": { # Additive shipping rate modifier. Can be negative. For example { "value": "1", "currency" : "USD" } adds $1 to the rate, { "value": "-3", "currency" : "USD" } removes $3 from the rate. Optional.
                  "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                  "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "percentageAdjustment": "A String", # Multiplicative shipping rate modifier as a number in decimal notation. Can be negative. For example "5.4" increases the rate by 5.4%, "-3" decreases the rate by 3%. Optional.
                "carrierName": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "UPS" or "Fedex". The list of supported carriers can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
                "carrierService": "A String", # Carrier service, such as "ground" or "2 days". The list of supported services for a carrier can be retrieved via the getSupportedCarriers method. Required.
            "singleValue": { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set. # The value of the rate group (e.g. flat rate $10). Can only be set if mainTable and subtables are not set.
              "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
              "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
              "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
            "mainTable": { # A table defining the rate group, when singleValue is not expressive enough. Can only be set if singleValue is not set.
              "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                  "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                    { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                      "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                      "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                        "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
              "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                    "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
                "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                    "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                      "A String",
                "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                  "A String",
              "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
            "subtables": [ # A list of subtables referred to by mainTable. Can only be set if mainTable is set.
                "rowHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's rows. Required.
                  "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                  "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                  "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                      "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                  "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                        "A String",
                  "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                "rows": [ # The list of rows that constitute the table. Must have the same length as rowHeaders. Required.
                    "cells": [ # The list of cells that constitute the row. Must have the same length as columnHeaders for two-dimensional tables, a length of 1 for one-dimensional tables. Required.
                      { # The single value of a rate group or the value of a rate group table's cell. Exactly one of noShipping, flatRate, pricePercentage, carrierRateName, subtableName must be set.
                        "carrierRateName": "A String", # The name of a carrier rate referring to a carrier rate defined in the same rate group. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "noShipping": True or False, # If true, then the product can't ship. Must be true when set, can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "pricePercentage": "A String", # A percentage of the price represented as a number in decimal notation (e.g., "5.4"). Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                        "subtableName": "A String", # The name of a subtable. Can only be set in table cells (i.e., not for single values), and only if all other fields are not set.
                        "flatRate": { # A flat rate. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                          "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                          "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                "columnHeaders": { # A non-empty list of row or column headers for a table. Exactly one of prices, weights, numItems, postalCodeGroupNames, or locations must be set. # Headers of the table's columns. Optional: if not set then the table has only one dimension.
                  "prices": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "500", "currency": "USD"}, {"value": "infinity", "currency": "USD"}] represents the headers "<= $10", " $500". All prices within a service must have the same currency. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "currency": "A String", # The currency of the price.
                      "value": "A String", # The price represented as a number.
                  "postalCodeGroupNames": [ # A list of postal group names. The last value can be "all other locations". Example: ["zone 1", "zone 2", "all other locations"]. The referred postal code groups must match the delivery country of the service. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                  "weights": [ # be "infinity". For example [{"value": "10", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "50", "unit": "kg"}, {"value": "infinity", "unit": "kg"}] represents the headers "<= 10kg", " 50kg". All weights within a service must have the same unit. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "value": "A String", # The weight represented as a number.
                      "unit": "A String", # The weight unit.
                  "locations": [ # A list of location ID sets. Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                      "locationIds": [ # A non-empty list of location IDs. They must all be of the same location type (e.g., state).
                        "A String",
                  "numberOfItems": [ # A list of inclusive number of items upper bounds. The last value can be "infinity". For example ["10", "50", "infinity"] represents the headers "<= 10 items", " 50 items". Must be non-empty. Can only be set if all other fields are not set.
                    "A String",
                "name": "A String", # Name of the table. Required for subtables, ignored for the main table.
        "currency": "A String", # The CLDR code of the currency to which this service applies. Must match that of the prices in rate groups.
        "active": True or False, # A boolean exposing the active status of the shipping service. Required.
    "postalCodeGroups": [ # A list of postal code groups that can be referred to in services. Optional.
        "postalCodeRanges": [ # A range of postal codes. Required.
            "postalCodeRangeBegin": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive lower bound of the range defining the area. Examples values: "94108", "9410*", "9*". Required.
            "postalCodeRangeEnd": "A String", # A postal code or a pattern of the form prefix* denoting the inclusive upper bound of the range defining the area. It must have the same length as postalCodeRangeBegin: if postalCodeRangeBegin is a postal code then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a postal code too; if postalCodeRangeBegin is a pattern then postalCodeRangeEnd must be a pattern with the same prefix length. Optional: if not set, then the area is defined as being all the postal codes matching postalCodeRangeBegin.
        "country": "A String", # The CLDR territory code of the country the postal code group applies to. Required.
        "name": "A String", # The name of the postal code group, referred to in headers. Required.
    "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these account shipping settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.