DLP API . inspect . results . findings

Instance Methods

list(name, pageSize=None, filter=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)

Returns list of results for given inspect operation result set id.

list_next(previous_request, previous_response)

Retrieves the next page of results.

Method Details

list(name, pageSize=None, filter=None, pageToken=None, x__xgafv=None)
Returns list of results for given inspect operation result set id.

  name: string, Identifier of the results set returned as metadata of
the longrunning operation created by a call to CreateInspectOperation.
Should be in the format of `inspect/results/{id}. (required)
  pageSize: integer, Maximum number of results to return.
If 0, the implementation select a reasonable value.
  filter: string, Restrict findings to items that match. Supports info_type and likelihood.


  • info_type=EMAIL_ADDRESS
  • likelihood=VERY_LIKELY
  • likelihood=VERY_LIKELY,LIKELY
  • info_type=EMAIL_ADDRESS,likelihood=VERY_LIKELY,LIKELY pageToken: string, The value returned by the last `ListInspectFindingsResponse`; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior `ListInspectFindings` call, and that the system should return the next page of data. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # Response to the ListInspectFindings request. "nextPageToken": "A String", # If not empty, indicates that there may be more results that match the # request; this value should be passed in a new `ListInspectFindingsRequest`. "result": { # All the findings for a single scanned item. # The results. "findingsTruncated": True or False, # If true, then this item might have more findings than were returned, # and the findings returned are an arbitrary subset of all findings. # The findings list might be truncated because the input items were too # large, or because the server reached the maximum amount of resources # allowed for a single API call. For best results, divide the input into # smaller batches. "findings": [ # List of findings for an item. { # Container structure describing a single finding within a string or image. "quote": "A String", # The specific string that may be potentially sensitive info. "likelihood": "A String", # Estimate of how likely it is that the info_type is correct. "infoType": { # Type of information detected by the API. # The specific type of info the string might be. "name": "A String", # Name of the information type. For built-in info types, this is provided by # the API call ListInfoTypes. For user-defined info types, this is # provided by the user. All user-defined info types must have unique names, # and cannot conflict with built-in info type names. }, "createTime": "A String", # Timestamp when finding was detected. "location": { # Specifies the location of a finding within its source item. # Location of the info found. "fieldId": { # General identifier of a data field in a storage service. # Field id of the field containing the finding. "columnName": "A String", # Column name describing the field. }, "imageBoxes": [ # Location within an image's pixels. { # Bounding box encompassing detected text within an image. "width": 42, # Width of the bounding box in pixels. "top": 42, # Top coordinate of the bounding box. (0,0) is upper left. "left": 42, # Left coordinate of the bounding box. (0,0) is upper left. "height": 42, # Height of the bounding box in pixels. }, ], "codepointRange": { # Generic half-open interval [start, end) # Character offsets within a content item, included when content type # is a text. Default charset assumed to be UTF-8. "start": "A String", # Index of the first character of the range (inclusive). "end": "A String", # Index of the last character of the range (exclusive). }, "recordKey": { # Message for a unique key indicating a record that contains a finding. # Key of the finding. "datastoreKey": { # Record key for a finding in Cloud Datastore. "entityKey": { # A unique identifier for a Datastore entity. # Datastore entity key. # If a key's partition ID or any of its path kinds or names are # reserved/read-only, the key is reserved/read-only. # A reserved/read-only key is forbidden in certain documented contexts. "path": [ # The entity path. # An entity path consists of one or more elements composed of a kind and a # string or numerical identifier, which identify entities. The first # element identifies a _root entity_, the second element identifies # a _child_ of the root entity, the third element identifies a child of the # second entity, and so forth. The entities identified by all prefixes of # the path are called the element's _ancestors_. # # A path can never be empty, and a path can have at most 100 elements. { # A (kind, ID/name) pair used to construct a key path. # # If either name or ID is set, the element is complete. # If neither is set, the element is incomplete. "kind": "A String", # The kind of the entity. # A kind matching regex `__.*__` is reserved/read-only. # A kind must not contain more than 1500 bytes when UTF-8 encoded. # Cannot be `""`. "name": "A String", # The name of the entity. # A name matching regex `__.*__` is reserved/read-only. # A name must not be more than 1500 bytes when UTF-8 encoded. # Cannot be `""`. "id": "A String", # The auto-allocated ID of the entity. # Never equal to zero. Values less than zero are discouraged and may not # be supported in the future. }, ], "partitionId": { # Datastore partition ID. # Entities are partitioned into subsets, currently identified by a project # ID and namespace ID. # Queries are scoped to a single partition. # A partition ID identifies a grouping of entities. The grouping is always # by project and namespace, however the namespace ID may be empty. # # A partition ID contains several dimensions: # project ID and namespace ID. "projectId": "A String", # The ID of the project to which the entities belong. "namespaceId": "A String", # If not empty, the ID of the namespace to which the entities belong. }, }, }, "cloudStorageKey": { # Record key for a finding in a Cloud Storage file. "startOffset": "A String", # Byte offset of the referenced data in the file. "filePath": "A String", # Path to the file. }, }, "byteRange": { # Generic half-open interval [start, end) # Zero-based byte offsets within a content item. "start": "A String", # Index of the first character of the range (inclusive). "end": "A String", # Index of the last character of the range (exclusive). }, }, }, ], }, }
  • list_next(previous_request, previous_response)
    Retrieves the next page of results.
      previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
      previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
      A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
      page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.