Google Mirror API . accounts

Instance Methods

insert(userToken, accountType, accountName, body)

Inserts a new account for a user

Method Details

insert(userToken, accountType, accountName, body)
Inserts a new account for a user

  userToken: string, The ID for the user. (required)
  accountType: string, Account type to be passed to Android Account Manager. (required)
  accountName: string, The name of the account to be passed to the Android Account Manager. (required)
  body: object, The request body. (required)
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Represents an account passed into the Account Manager on Glass.
    "userData": [
        "value": "A String",
        "key": "A String",
    "authTokens": [
        "authToken": "A String",
        "type": "A String",
    "password": "A String",
    "features": [
      "A String",

  An object of the form:

    { # Represents an account passed into the Account Manager on Glass.
      "userData": [
          "value": "A String",
          "key": "A String",
      "authTokens": [
          "authToken": "A String",
          "type": "A String",
      "password": "A String",
      "features": [
        "A String",