Google Play Movies Partner API . accounts . storeInfos . country

Instance Methods

get(accountId, videoId, country, x__xgafv=None)

Get a StoreInfo given its video id and country.

Method Details

get(accountId, videoId, country, x__xgafv=None)
Get a StoreInfo given its video id and country.

See _Authentication and Authorization rules_ and
_Get methods rules_ for more information about this method.

  accountId: string, REQUIRED. See _General rules_ for more information about this field. (required)
  videoId: string, REQUIRED. Video ID. (required)
  country: string, REQUIRED. Edit country. (required)
  x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    Allowed values
      1 - v1 error format
      2 - v2 error format

  An object of the form:

    { # Information about a playable sequence (video) associated with an Edit
      # and available at the Google Play Store.
      # Internally, each StoreInfo is uniquely identified by a `video_id`
      # and `country`.
      # Externally, Title-level EIDR or Edit-level EIDR, if provided,
      # can also be used to identify a specific title or edit in a country.
    "pphNames": [ # Name of the post-production houses that manage the Edit.
      "A String",
    "hasEstOffer": True or False, # Whether the Edit has a EST offer.
    "studioName": "A String", # Name of the studio that owns the Edit ordered.
    "hasHdOffer": True or False, # Whether the Edit has a HD offer.
    "editLevelEidr": "A String", # Edit-level EIDR ID.
        # Example: "10.5240/1489-49A2-3956-4B2D-FE16-6".
    "episodeNumber": "A String", # The number assigned to the episode within a season.
        # Only available on TV Edits.
        # Example: "1".
    "mid": "A String", # Knowledge Graph ID associated to this Edit, if available.
        # This ID links the Edit to its knowledge entity, externally accessible
        # at
        # In the absense of Title EIDR or Edit EIDR, this ID helps link together
        # multiple Edits across countries.
        # Example: '/m/0ffx29'
    "hasAudio51": True or False, # Whether the Edit has a 5.1 channel audio track.
    "hasInfoCards": True or False, # Whether the Edit has info cards.
    "type": "A String", # Edit type, like Movie, Episode or Season.
    "hasVodOffer": True or False, # Whether the Edit has a VOD offer.
    "titleLevelEidr": "A String", # Title-level EIDR ID.
        # Example: "10.5240/1489-49A2-3956-4B2D-FE16-5".
    "hasSdOffer": True or False, # Whether the Edit has a SD offer.
    "seasonNumber": "A String", # The number assigned to the season within a show.
        # Only available on TV Edits.
        # Example: "1".
    "liveTime": "A String", # Timestamp when the Edit went live on the Store.
    "trailerId": "A String", # Google-generated ID identifying the trailer linked to the Edit.
        # Example: 'bhd_4e_cx'
    "videoId": "A String", # Google-generated ID identifying the video linked to the Edit.
        # Example: 'gtry456_xc'
    "subtitles": [ # Subtitles available for this Edit.
      "A String",
    "showId": "A String", # Google-generated ID identifying the show linked to the Edit.
        # Only available for TV Edits.
        # Example: 'et2hsue_x'
    "name": "A String", # Default Edit name, usually in the language of the country of
        # origin.
        # Example: "Googlers, The".
    "country": "A String", # Country where Edit is available in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country
        # code.
        # Example: "US".
    "seasonId": "A String", # Google-generated ID identifying the season linked to the Edit.
        # Only available for TV Edits.
        # Example: 'ster23ex'
    "seasonName": "A String", # Default Season name, usually in the language of the country of
        # origin.
        # Only available for TV Edits
        # Example: "Googlers, The - A Brave New World".
    "audioTracks": [ # Audio tracks available for this Edit.
      "A String",
    "showName": "A String", # Default Show name, usually in the language of the country of
        # origin.
        # Only available for TV Edits
        # Example: "Googlers, The".