Surveys API . mobileapppanels

Instance Methods


Retrieves a MobileAppPanel that is available to the authenticated user.

list(startIndex=None, maxResults=None, token=None)

Lists the MobileAppPanels available to the authenticated user.

update(panelId, body)

Updates a MobileAppPanel. Currently the only property that can be updated is the owners property.

Method Details

Retrieves a MobileAppPanel that is available to the authenticated user.

  panelId: string, External URL ID for the panel. (required)

  An object of the form:

    { # Representation of an individual pre-defined panel object defining a targeted audience of opinion rewards mobile app users.
    "owners": [ # List of email addresses for users who can target members of this panel. Must contain at least the address of the user making the API call for panels that are not public. This field will be empty for public panels.
      "A String",
    "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", # Unique panel ID string. This corresponds to the mobile_app_panel_id used in Survey Insert requests.
    "name": "A String", # Human readable name of the audience panel.
    "language": "A String", # Language code that the panel can target. For instance, 'en-US'. Uses standard BCP47 language codes. See specification. Any survey created targeting this panel must also target the corresponding language.
    "country": "A String", # Country code for the country of the users that the panel contains. Uses standard ISO 3166-1 2-character language codes. For instance, 'US' for the United States, and 'GB' for the United Kingdom. Any survey created targeting this panel must also target the corresponding country.
    "isPublicPanel": True or False, # Whether or not the panel is accessible to all API users.
list(startIndex=None, maxResults=None, token=None)
Lists the MobileAppPanels available to the authenticated user.

  startIndex: integer, A parameter
  maxResults: integer, A parameter
  token: string, A parameter

  An object of the form:

    "tokenPagination": {
      "nextPageToken": "A String",
      "previousPageToken": "A String",
    "pageInfo": {
      "totalResults": 42,
      "startIndex": 42,
      "resultPerPage": 42,
    "resources": [ # An individual predefined panel of Opinion Rewards mobile users.
      { # Representation of an individual pre-defined panel object defining a targeted audience of opinion rewards mobile app users.
        "owners": [ # List of email addresses for users who can target members of this panel. Must contain at least the address of the user making the API call for panels that are not public. This field will be empty for public panels.
          "A String",
        "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", # Unique panel ID string. This corresponds to the mobile_app_panel_id used in Survey Insert requests.
        "name": "A String", # Human readable name of the audience panel.
        "language": "A String", # Language code that the panel can target. For instance, 'en-US'. Uses standard BCP47 language codes. See specification. Any survey created targeting this panel must also target the corresponding language.
        "country": "A String", # Country code for the country of the users that the panel contains. Uses standard ISO 3166-1 2-character language codes. For instance, 'US' for the United States, and 'GB' for the United Kingdom. Any survey created targeting this panel must also target the corresponding country.
        "isPublicPanel": True or False, # Whether or not the panel is accessible to all API users.
    "requestId": "A String", # Unique request ID used for logging and debugging. Please include in any error reporting or troubleshooting requests.
update(panelId, body)
Updates a MobileAppPanel. Currently the only property that can be updated is the owners property.

  panelId: string, External URL ID for the panel. (required)
  body: object, The request body. (required)
    The object takes the form of:

{ # Representation of an individual pre-defined panel object defining a targeted audience of opinion rewards mobile app users.
  "owners": [ # List of email addresses for users who can target members of this panel. Must contain at least the address of the user making the API call for panels that are not public. This field will be empty for public panels.
    "A String",
  "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", # Unique panel ID string. This corresponds to the mobile_app_panel_id used in Survey Insert requests.
  "name": "A String", # Human readable name of the audience panel.
  "language": "A String", # Language code that the panel can target. For instance, 'en-US'. Uses standard BCP47 language codes. See specification. Any survey created targeting this panel must also target the corresponding language.
  "country": "A String", # Country code for the country of the users that the panel contains. Uses standard ISO 3166-1 2-character language codes. For instance, 'US' for the United States, and 'GB' for the United Kingdom. Any survey created targeting this panel must also target the corresponding country.
  "isPublicPanel": True or False, # Whether or not the panel is accessible to all API users.

  An object of the form:

    { # Representation of an individual pre-defined panel object defining a targeted audience of opinion rewards mobile app users.
    "owners": [ # List of email addresses for users who can target members of this panel. Must contain at least the address of the user making the API call for panels that are not public. This field will be empty for public panels.
      "A String",
    "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", # Unique panel ID string. This corresponds to the mobile_app_panel_id used in Survey Insert requests.
    "name": "A String", # Human readable name of the audience panel.
    "language": "A String", # Language code that the panel can target. For instance, 'en-US'. Uses standard BCP47 language codes. See specification. Any survey created targeting this panel must also target the corresponding language.
    "country": "A String", # Country code for the country of the users that the panel contains. Uses standard ISO 3166-1 2-character language codes. For instance, 'US' for the United States, and 'GB' for the United Kingdom. Any survey created targeting this panel must also target the corresponding country.
    "isPublicPanel": True or False, # Whether or not the panel is accessible to all API users.