Package googleapiclient :: Module http :: Class HttpRequest
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[frames] | no frames]

Class HttpRequest

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Encapsulates a single HTTP request.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, http, postproc, uri, method='GET', body=None, headers=None, methodId=None, resumable=None)
Constructor for an HttpRequest.
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execute(self, http=None, num_retries=0)
Execute the request.
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add_response_callback(self, cb)
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next_chunk(self, http=None, num_retries=0)
Execute the next step of a resumable upload.
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_process_response(self, resp, content)
Process the response from a single chunk upload.
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Returns a JSON representation of the HttpRequest.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
from_json(s, http, postproc)
Returns an HttpRequest populated with info from a JSON object.
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Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, http, postproc, uri, method='GET', body=None, headers=None, methodId=None, resumable=None)

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Constructor for an HttpRequest.

  http: httplib2.Http, the transport object to use to make a request
  postproc: callable, called on the HTTP response and content to transform
            it into a data object before returning, or raising an exception
            on an error.
  uri: string, the absolute URI to send the request to
  method: string, the HTTP method to use
  body: string, the request body of the HTTP request,
  headers: dict, the HTTP request headers
  methodId: string, a unique identifier for the API method being called.
  resumable: MediaUpload, None if this is not a resumbale request.

  • @util.positional(4)
Overrides: object.__init__

execute(self, http=None, num_retries=0)

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Execute the request.

  http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used in place of the
        one the HttpRequest request object was constructed with.
  num_retries: Integer, number of times to retry with randomized
        exponential backoff. If all retries fail, the raised HttpError
        represents the last request. If zero (default), we attempt the
        request only once.

  A deserialized object model of the response body as determined
  by the postproc.

  googleapiclient.errors.HttpError if the response was not a 2xx.
  httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.

  • @util.positional(1)

add_response_callback(self, cb)

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  cb: Callback to be called on receiving the response headers, of signature:

  def cb(resp):
    # Where resp is an instance of httplib2.Response

  • @util.positional(2)

next_chunk(self, http=None, num_retries=0)

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Execute the next step of a resumable upload.

Can only be used if the method being executed supports media uploads and
the MediaUpload object passed in was flagged as using resumable upload.


  media = MediaFileUpload('cow.png', mimetype='image/png',
                          chunksize=1000, resumable=True)
  request = farm.animals().insert(

  response = None
  while response is None:
    status, response = request.next_chunk()
    if status:
      print "Upload %d%% complete." % int(status.progress() * 100)

  http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used in place of the
        one the HttpRequest request object was constructed with.
  num_retries: Integer, number of times to retry with randomized
        exponential backoff. If all retries fail, the raised HttpError
        represents the last request. If zero (default), we attempt the
        request only once.

  (status, body): (ResumableMediaStatus, object)
     The body will be None until the resumable media is fully uploaded.

  googleapiclient.errors.HttpError if the response was not a 2xx.
  httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.

  • @util.positional(1)

_process_response(self, resp, content)

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Process the response from a single chunk upload.

  resp: httplib2.Response, the response object.
  content: string, the content of the response.

  (status, body): (ResumableMediaStatus, object)
     The body will be None until the resumable media is fully uploaded.

  googleapiclient.errors.HttpError if the response was not a 2xx or a 308.