Google Play Developer API . entitlements

Instance Methods

list(packageName, token=None, maxResults=None, startIndex=None, productId=None)

Lists the user's current inapp item or subscription entitlements

Method Details

list(packageName, token=None, maxResults=None, startIndex=None, productId=None)
Lists the user's current inapp item or subscription entitlements

  packageName: string, The package name of the application the inapp product was sold in (for example, 'com.some.thing'). (required)
  token: string, A parameter
  maxResults: integer, A parameter
  startIndex: integer, A parameter
  productId: string, The product id of the inapp product (for example, 'sku1'). This can be used to restrict the result set.

  An object of the form:

    "tokenPagination": {
      "nextPageToken": "A String",
      "previousPageToken": "A String",
    "pageInfo": {
      "totalResults": 42,
      "startIndex": 42,
      "resultPerPage": 42,
    "resources": [
      { # An Entitlement resource indicates a user's current entitlement to an inapp item or subscription.
        "kind": "androidpublisher#entitlement", # This kind represents an entitlement object in the androidpublisher service.
        "token": "A String", # The token which can be verified using the subscriptions or products API.
        "productType": "A String", # The type of the inapp product. Possible values are:
            # - In-app item: "inapp"
            # - Subscription: "subs"
        "productId": "A String", # The SKU of the product.