Google Mirror API . locations

Instance Methods


Gets a single location by ID.


Retrieves a list of locations for the user.

Method Details

Gets a single location by ID.

  id: string, The ID of the location or latest for the last known location. (required)

  An object of the form:

    { # A geographic location that can be associated with a timeline item.
    "kind": "mirror#location", # The type of resource. This is always mirror#location.
    "displayName": "A String", # The name to be displayed. This may be a business name or a user-defined place, such as "Home".
    "timestamp": "A String", # The time at which this location was captured, formatted according to RFC 3339.
    "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude, in degrees.
    "address": "A String", # The full address of the location.
    "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude, in degrees.
    "id": "A String", # The ID of the location.
    "accuracy": 3.14, # The accuracy of the location fix in meters.
Retrieves a list of locations for the user.


  An object of the form:

    { # A list of Locations. This is the response from the server to GET requests on the locations collection.
    "items": [ # The list of locations.
      { # A geographic location that can be associated with a timeline item.
        "kind": "mirror#location", # The type of resource. This is always mirror#location.
        "displayName": "A String", # The name to be displayed. This may be a business name or a user-defined place, such as "Home".
        "timestamp": "A String", # The time at which this location was captured, formatted according to RFC 3339.
        "longitude": 3.14, # The longitude, in degrees.
        "address": "A String", # The full address of the location.
        "latitude": 3.14, # The latitude, in degrees.
        "id": "A String", # The ID of the location.
        "accuracy": 3.14, # The accuracy of the location fix in meters.
    "kind": "mirror#locationsList", # The type of resource. This is always mirror#locationsList.