Google Mirror API . settings

Instance Methods


Gets a single setting by ID.

Method Details

Gets a single setting by ID.

  id: string, The ID of the setting. The following IDs are valid: 
- locale - The key to the user’s language/locale (BCP 47 identifier) that Glassware should use to render localized content. 
- timezone - The key to the user’s current time zone region as defined in the tz database. Example: America/Los_Angeles. (required)

  An object of the form:

    { # A setting for Glass.
    "kind": "mirror#setting", # The type of resource. This is always mirror#setting.
    "id": "A String", # The setting's ID. The following IDs are valid:
        # - locale - The key to the user’s language/locale (BCP 47 identifier) that Glassware should use to render localized content.
        # - timezone - The key to the user’s current time zone region as defined in the tz database. Example: America/Los_Angeles.
    "value": "A String", # The setting value, as a string.