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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3#   Copyright 2018 Google, Inc.
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
16import logging
18from acts.controllers import adb
19from acts import asserts
20from acts import utils
21from acts.controllers.adb import AdbError
22from acts.logger import epoch_to_log_line_timestamp
23from acts.utils import get_current_epoch_time
24from acts.logger import normalize_log_line_timestamp
25from acts.utils import start_standing_subprocess
26from acts.utils import stop_standing_subprocess
27from acts.test_utils.net import connectivity_const as cconst
28from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_data_utils import wait_for_cell_data_connection
29from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import verify_http_connection
30from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
32import os
33import re
34import time
35import urllib.request
37VPN_CONST = cconst.VpnProfile
38VPN_TYPE = cconst.VpnProfileType
39VPN_PARAMS = cconst.VpnReqParams
40TCPDUMP_PATH = "/data/local/tmp/tcpdump"
43def verify_lte_data_and_tethering_supported(ad):
44    """Verify if LTE data is enabled and tethering supported"""
45    wutils.wifi_toggle_state(ad, False)
46    ad.droid.telephonyToggleDataConnection(True)
47    wait_for_cell_data_connection(ad.log, ad, True)
48    asserts.assert_true(
49        verify_http_connection(ad.log, ad),
50        "HTTP verification failed on cell data connection")
51    asserts.assert_true(
52        ad.droid.connectivityIsTetheringSupported(),
53        "Tethering is not supported for the provider")
54    wutils.wifi_toggle_state(ad, True)
57def set_chrome_browser_permissions(ad):
58    """Set chrome browser start with no-first-run verification.
59    Give permission to read from and write to storage
60    """
61    commands = ["pm grant com.android.chrome "
62                "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE",
63                "pm grant com.android.chrome "
64                "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE",
65                "rm /data/local/chrome-command-line",
66                "am set-debug-app --persistent com.android.chrome",
67                'echo "chrome --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run '
68                '--disable-fre" > /data/local/tmp/chrome-command-line']
69    for cmd in commands:
70        try:
71            ad.adb.shell(cmd)
72        except AdbError:
73            logging.warning("adb command %s failed on %s" % (cmd, ad.serial))
76def verify_ping_to_vpn_ip(ad, vpn_ping_addr):
77    """ Verify if IP behind VPN server is pingable.
78    Ping should pass, if VPN is connected.
79    Ping should fail, if VPN is disconnected.
81    Args:
82      ad: android device object
83    """
84    ping_result = None
85    pkt_loss = "100% packet loss"
86    try:
87        ping_result = ad.adb.shell("ping -c 3 -W 2 %s" % vpn_ping_addr)
88    except AdbError:
89        pass
90    return ping_result and pkt_loss not in ping_result
93def legacy_vpn_connection_test_logic(ad, vpn_profile, vpn_ping_addr):
94    """ Test logic for each legacy VPN connection
96    Steps:
97      1. Generate profile for the VPN type
98      2. Establish connection to the server
99      3. Verify that connection is established using LegacyVpnInfo
100      4. Verify the connection by pinging the IP behind VPN
101      5. Stop the VPN connection
102      6. Check the connection status
103      7. Verify that ping to IP behind VPN fails
105    Args:
106      1. ad: Android device object
107      2. VpnProfileType (1 of the 6 types supported by Android)
108    """
109    # Wait for sometime so that VPN server flushes all interfaces and
110    # connections after graceful termination
111    time.sleep(10)
113    ad.adb.shell("ip xfrm state flush")
114    ad.log.info("Connecting to: %s", vpn_profile)
115    ad.droid.vpnStartLegacyVpn(vpn_profile)
116    time.sleep(cconst.VPN_TIMEOUT)
118    connected_vpn_info = ad.droid.vpnGetLegacyVpnInfo()
119    asserts.assert_equal(connected_vpn_info["state"],
120                         cconst.VPN_STATE_CONNECTED,
121                         "Unable to establish VPN connection for %s"
122                         % vpn_profile)
124    ping_result = verify_ping_to_vpn_ip(ad, vpn_ping_addr)
125    ip_xfrm_state = ad.adb.shell("ip xfrm state")
126    match_obj = re.search(r'hmac(.*)', "%s" % ip_xfrm_state)
127    if match_obj:
128        ip_xfrm_state = format(match_obj.group(0)).split()
129        ad.log.info("HMAC for ESP is %s " % ip_xfrm_state[0])
131    ad.droid.vpnStopLegacyVpn()
132    asserts.assert_true(ping_result,
133                        "Ping to the internal IP failed. "
134                        "Expected to pass as VPN is connected")
136    connected_vpn_info = ad.droid.vpnGetLegacyVpnInfo()
137    asserts.assert_true(not connected_vpn_info,
138                        "Unable to terminate VPN connection for %s"
139                        % vpn_profile)
142def download_load_certs(ad, vpn_params, vpn_type, vpn_server_addr,
143                        ipsec_server_type, log_path):
144    """ Download the certificates from VPN server and push to sdcard of DUT
146    Args:
147      ad: android device object
148      vpn_params: vpn params from config file
149      vpn_type: 1 of the 6 VPN types
150      vpn_server_addr: server addr to connect to
151      ipsec_server_type: ipsec version - strongswan or openswan
152      log_path: log path to download cert
154    Returns:
155      Client cert file name on DUT's sdcard
156    """
157    url = "http://%s%s%s" % (vpn_server_addr,
158                             vpn_params['cert_path_vpnserver'],
159                             vpn_params['client_pkcs_file_name'])
160    local_cert_name = "%s_%s_%s" % (vpn_type.name,
161                                    ipsec_server_type,
162                                    vpn_params['client_pkcs_file_name'])
164    local_file_path = os.path.join(log_path, local_cert_name)
165    try:
166        ret = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
167        with open(local_file_path, "wb") as f:
168            f.write(ret.read())
169    except Exception:
170        asserts.fail("Unable to download certificate from the server")
172    ad.adb.push("%s sdcard/" % local_file_path)
173    return local_cert_name
176def generate_legacy_vpn_profile(ad,
177                                vpn_params,
178                                vpn_type,
179                                vpn_server_addr,
180                                ipsec_server_type,
181                                log_path):
182    """ Generate legacy VPN profile for a VPN
184    Args:
185      ad: android device object
186      vpn_params: vpn params from config file
187      vpn_type: 1 of the 6 VPN types
188      vpn_server_addr: server addr to connect to
189      ipsec_server_type: ipsec version - strongswan or openswan
190      log_path: log path to download cert
192    Returns:
193      Vpn profile
194    """
195    vpn_profile = {VPN_CONST.USER: vpn_params['vpn_username'],
196                   VPN_CONST.PWD: vpn_params['vpn_password'],
197                   VPN_CONST.TYPE: vpn_type.value,
198                   VPN_CONST.SERVER: vpn_server_addr, }
199    vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.NAME] = "test_%s_%s" % (vpn_type.name,
200                                                  ipsec_server_type)
201    if vpn_type.name == "PPTP":
202        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.NAME] = "test_%s" % vpn_type.name
204    psk_set = set(["L2TP_IPSEC_PSK", "IPSEC_XAUTH_PSK"])
205    rsa_set = set(["L2TP_IPSEC_RSA", "IPSEC_XAUTH_RSA", "IPSEC_HYBRID_RSA"])
207    if vpn_type.name in psk_set:
208        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_SECRET] = vpn_params['psk_secret']
209    elif vpn_type.name in rsa_set:
210        cert_name = download_load_certs(ad,
211                                        vpn_params,
212                                        vpn_type,
213                                        vpn_server_addr,
214                                        ipsec_server_type,
215                                        log_path)
216        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_USER_CERT] = cert_name.split('.')[0]
217        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.IPSEC_CA_CERT] = cert_name.split('.')[0]
218        ad.droid.installCertificate(vpn_profile, cert_name,
219                                    vpn_params['cert_password'])
220    else:
221        vpn_profile[VPN_CONST.MPPE] = "mppe"
223    return vpn_profile
226def start_tcpdump(ad, test_name):
227    """Start tcpdump on all interfaces
229    Args:
230        ad: android device object.
231        test_name: tcpdump file name will have this
232    """
233    ad.log.info("Starting tcpdump on all interfaces")
234    try:
235        ad.adb.shell("killall -9 tcpdump")
236    except AdbError:
237        ad.log.warn("Killing existing tcpdump processes failed")
238    out = ad.adb.shell("ls -l %s" % TCPDUMP_PATH)
239    if "No such file" in out or not out:
240        ad.adb.shell("mkdir %s" % TCPDUMP_PATH)
241    else:
242        ad.adb.shell("rm -rf %s/*" % TCPDUMP_PATH, ignore_status=True)
244    begin_time = epoch_to_log_line_timestamp(get_current_epoch_time())
245    begin_time = normalize_log_line_timestamp(begin_time)
247    file_name = "%s/tcpdump_%s_%s.pcap" % (TCPDUMP_PATH, ad.serial, test_name)
248    ad.log.info("tcpdump file is %s", file_name)
249    cmd = "adb -s {} shell tcpdump -i any -s0 -w {}".format(ad.serial,
250                                                            file_name)
251    try:
252        return start_standing_subprocess(cmd, 5)
253    except Exception:
254        ad.log.exception('Could not start standing process %s' % repr(cmd))
256    return None
258def stop_tcpdump(ad,
259                 proc,
260                 test_name,
261                 adb_pull_timeout=adb.DEFAULT_ADB_PULL_TIMEOUT):
262    """Stops tcpdump on any iface
263       Pulls the tcpdump file in the tcpdump dir
265    Args:
266        ad: android device object.
267        proc: need to know which pid to stop
268        test_name: test name to save the tcpdump file
269        adb_pull_timeout: timeout for adb_pull
271    Returns:
272      log_path of the tcpdump file
273    """
274    ad.log.info("Stopping and pulling tcpdump if any")
275    if proc is None:
276        return None
277    try:
278        stop_standing_subprocess(proc)
279    except Exception as e:
280        ad.log.warning(e)
281    log_path = os.path.join(ad.log_path, test_name)
282    utils.create_dir(log_path)
283    ad.adb.pull("%s/. %s" % (TCPDUMP_PATH, log_path), timeout=adb_pull_timeout)
284    ad.adb.shell("rm -rf %s/*" % TCPDUMP_PATH, ignore_status=True)
285    file_name = "tcpdump_%s_%s.pcap" % (ad.serial, test_name)
286    return "%s/%s" % (log_path, file_name)