1## @file 2# Build Binary Enhanced Fat Driver Modules. 3# 4# This Platform file is used to generate the Binary Fat Drivers 5# for EDK II Prime release. 6# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> 7# 8# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available 9# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this 10# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at 11# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php 12# 13# THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, 14# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. 15# 16## 17 18[Defines] 19 PLATFORM_NAME = Fat 20 PLATFORM_GUID = 25b55dbc-9d0b-4a32-80da-46e1273d622c 21 PLATFORM_VERSION = 0.3 22 DSC_SPECIFICATION = 0x00010005 23 SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES = IA32|X64|IPF|EBC|ARM|AARCH64 24 OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = Build/Fat 25 BUILD_TARGETS = DEBUG|RELEASE|NOOPT 26 SKUID_IDENTIFIER = DEFAULT 27 28[BuildOptions] 29 GCC:RELEASE_*_*_CC_FLAGS = -DMDEPKG_NDEBUG 30 INTEL:RELEASE_*_*_CC_FLAGS = /D MDEPKG_NDEBUG 31 MSFT:RELEASE_*_*_CC_FLAGS = /D MDEPKG_NDEBUG 32 RVCT:RELEASE_*_*_CC_FLAGS = -DMDEPKG_NDEBUG 33 *_*_*_CC_FLAGS = -D DISABLE_NEW_DEPRECATED_INTERFACES 34 35[LibraryClasses] 36 # 37 # Entry Point Libraries 38 # 39 UefiDriverEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint/UefiDriverEntryPoint.inf 40 # 41 # Common Libraries 42 # 43 BaseLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf 44 BaseMemoryLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib.inf 45 UefiLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiLib/UefiLib.inf 46 PrintLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib.inf 47 PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf 48 MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryAllocationLib/UefiMemoryAllocationLib.inf 49 UefiBootServicesTableLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib/UefiBootServicesTableLib.inf 50 UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.inf 51 DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf 52 DebugPrintErrorLevelLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib.inf 53 DevicePathLib|MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLib/UefiDevicePathLib.inf 54 55[LibraryClasses.common.PEIM] 56 PeimEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/PeimEntryPoint/PeimEntryPoint.inf 57 PeiServicesLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf 58 PeiServicesTablePointerLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiServicesTablePointerLib/PeiServicesTablePointerLib.inf 59 HobLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiHobLib/PeiHobLib.inf 60 MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiMemoryAllocationLib/PeiMemoryAllocationLib.inf 61 62[LibraryClasses.ARM, LibraryClasses.AARCH64] 63 NULL|ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/CompilerIntrinsicsLib.inf 64 NULL|MdePkg/Library/BaseStackCheckLib/BaseStackCheckLib.inf 65 66################################################################################################### 67# 68# Components Section - list of the modules and components that will be processed by compilation 69# tools and the EDK II tools to generate PE32/PE32+/Coff image files. 70# 71# Note: The EDK II DSC file is not used to specify how compiled binary images get placed 72# into firmware volume images. This section is just a list of modules to compile from 73# source into UEFI-compliant binaries. 74# It is the FDF file that contains information on combining binary files into firmware 75# volume images, whose concept is beyond UEFI and is described in PI specification. 76# Binary modules do not need to be listed in this section, as they should be 77# specified in the FDF file. For example: Shell binary (Shell_Full.efi), FAT binary (Fat.efi), 78# Logo (Logo.bmp), and etc. 79# There may also be modules listed in this section that are not required in the FDF file, 80# When a module listed here is excluded from FDF file, then UEFI-compliant binary will be 81# generated for it, but the binary will not be put into any firmware volume. 82# 83################################################################################################### 84 85[Components] 86 FatPkg/FatPei/FatPei.inf 87 FatPkg/EnhancedFatDxe/Fat.inf 88