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1# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import glob
6import logging
7import os
8import re
9import shutil
10import time
11import utils
13from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
14from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
16class platform_BootPerf(test.test):
17    """Test to gather recorded boot time statistics.
19    The primary function of this test is to gather a rather large
20    assortment of performance keyvals that capture timing and disk
21    usage statistics associated with the most recent boot or reboot.
23    The test calculates some or all of the following keyvals:
24      * seconds_kernel_to_startup
25      * seconds_kernel_to_startup_done
26      * seconds_kernel_to_chrome_exec
27      * seconds_kernel_to_chrome_main
28      * seconds_kernel_to_signin_start
29      * seconds_kernel_to_signin_wait
30      * seconds_kernel_to_signin_users
31      * seconds_kernel_to_login
32      * seconds_kernel_to_network
33      * seconds_startup_to_chrome_exec
34      * seconds_chrome_exec_to_login
35      * rdbytes_kernel_to_startup
36      * rdbytes_kernel_to_startup_done
37      * rdbytes_kernel_to_chrome_exec
38      * rdbytes_kernel_to_chrome_main
39      * rdbytes_kernel_to_login
40      * rdbytes_startup_to_chrome_exec
41      * rdbytes_chrome_exec_to_login
42      * seconds_power_on_to_lf_start
43      * seconds_power_on_to_lf_end
44      * seconds_power_on_to_lk_start
45      * seconds_power_on_to_lk_end
46      * seconds_power_on_to_kernel
47      * seconds_power_on_to_login
48      * seconds_shutdown_time
49      * seconds_reboot_time
50      * seconds_reboot_error
51      * mhz_primary_cpu
53    """
55    version = 2
57    # Names of keyvals, their associated bootstat events, and 'Required' flag.
58    # Test fails if a required event is not found.
59    # Each event samples statistics measured since kernel startup
60    # at a specific moment on the boot critical path:
61    #   pre-startup - The start of the `chromeos_startup` script;
62    #     roughly, the time when /sbin/init emits the `startup`
63    #     Upstart event.
64    #   post-startup - Completion of the `chromeos_startup` script.
65    #   chrome-exec - The moment when session_manager exec's the
66    #     first Chrome process.
67    #   chrome-main - The moment when the first Chrome process
68    #     begins executing in main().
69    #   kernel_to_signin_start - The moment when LoadPage(loginSceenURL)
70    #     is called, i.e. initialization starts.
71    #   kernel_to_signin_wait - The moment when UI thread has finished signin
72    #     screen initialization and now waits until JS sends "ready" event.
73    #   kernel_to_signin_users - The moment when UI thread receives "ready" from
74    #     JS code. So V8 is initialized and running, etc...
75    #   kernel_to_login - The moment when user can actually see signin UI.
76    #   kernel_to_android_start - The moment when Android is started.
77    _EVENT_KEYVALS = [
78        # N.B.  Keyval attribute names go into a database that
79        # truncates after 30 characters.  The key names below are
80        # prefixed with 8 characters, either 'seconds_' or
81        # 'rdbytes_', so we have 22 characters wiggle room.
82        #
83        # ----+----1----+----2--
84        ('kernel_to_startup',       'pre-startup',                     True),
85        ('kernel_to_startup_done',  'post-startup',                    True),
86        ('kernel_to_chrome_exec',   'chrome-exec',                     True),
87        ('kernel_to_chrome_main',   'chrome-main',                     True),
88        # These two events do not happen if device is in OOBE.
89        ('kernel_to_signin_start',  'login-start-signin-screen',       False),
90        ('kernel_to_signin_wait',
91            'login-wait-for-signin-state-initialize',                  False),
92        # This event doesn't happen if device has no users.
93        ('kernel_to_signin_users',  'login-send-user-list',            False),
94        ('kernel_to_login',         'login-prompt-visible',            True),
95        # Not all boards support ARC.
96        ('kernel_to_android_start', 'android-start',                   False)
97    ]
99    _CPU_FREQ_FILE = ('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0'
100                      '/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq')
102    _UPTIME_PREFIX = 'uptime-'
103    _DISK_PREFIX = 'disk-'
105    _FIRMWARE_TIME_FILE = '/tmp/firmware-boot-time'
107    _BOOTSTAT_ARCHIVE_GLOB = '/var/log/metrics/shutdown.[0-9]*'
108    _UPTIME_FILE_GLOB = os.path.join('/tmp', _UPTIME_PREFIX + '*')
109    _DISK_FILE_GLOB = os.path.join('/tmp', _DISK_PREFIX + '*')
111    # The name of this file has changed starting with linux-3.19.
112    # Use a glob to snarf up all existing records.
113    _RAMOOPS_FILE_GLOB = "/sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops*"
116    def _copy_timestamp_files(self):
117        """Copy raw data files to the test results."""
118        statlist = (glob.glob(self._UPTIME_FILE_GLOB) +
119                            glob.glob(self._DISK_FILE_GLOB))
120        for fname in statlist:
121            shutil.copy(fname, self.resultsdir)
122        try:
123            shutil.copy(self._FIRMWARE_TIME_FILE, self.resultsdir)
124        except Exception:
125            pass
127    def _copy_console_ramoops(self):
128        """Copy console_ramoops from previous reboot."""
129        # If reboot was misbehaving, looking at ramoops may provide clues.
130        for path in glob.glob(self._RAMOOPS_FILE_GLOB):
131            try:
132                shutil.copy(path, self.resultsdir)
133                break
134            except Exception:
135                pass
137    def _parse_bootstat(self, filename, fieldnum):
138        """Read values from a bootstat event file.
140        Each line of a bootstat event file represents one occurrence
141        of the event.  Each line is a copy of the content of
142        /proc/uptime ("uptime-" files) or /sys/block/<dev>/stat
143        ("disk-" files), captured at the time of the occurrence.
144        For either kind of file, each line is a blank separated list
145        of fields.
147        The given event file can contain either uptime or disk data.
148        This function reads all lines (occurrences) in the event
149        file, and returns the value of the given field
151        @param filename         Filename of the bootstat event.
152        @param fieldnum         Which field of the file.
153        @return                 List of values of `fieldnum` for
154                                all occurrences in the file.
155        @raises error.TestFail  Raised if the event file is missing,
156                                unreadable, or malformed.
158        """
159        try:
160            with open(filename) as statfile:
161                values = map(lambda l: float(l.split()[fieldnum]),
162                             statfile.readlines())
163            return values
164        except IOError:
165            raise error.TestFail('Failed to read bootstat file "%s"' %
166                                 filename)
169    def _parse_uptime(self, eventname, bootstat_dir='/tmp', index=0):
170        """Return time since boot for a bootstat event.
172        @param eventname        Name of the bootstat event.
173        @param boostat_dir      Directory containing the bootstat
174                                files.
175        @param index            Index of which occurrence of the event
176                                to select.
177        @return                 Time since boot for the selected
178                                event.
180        """
181        event_file = os.path.join(bootstat_dir,
182                                  self._UPTIME_PREFIX) + eventname
183        return self._parse_bootstat(event_file, 0)[index]
186    def _parse_diskstat(self, eventname, bootstat_dir='/tmp', index=0):
187        """Return sectors read since boot for a bootstat event.
189        @param eventname        Name of the bootstat event.
190        @param boostat_dir      Directory containing the bootstat files.
191        @param index            Index of which occurrence of the event
192                                to select.
193        @return                 Number of sectors read since boot for
194                                the selected event.
196        """
197        event_file = os.path.join(bootstat_dir,
198                                  self._DISK_PREFIX) + eventname
199        return self._parse_bootstat(event_file, 2)[index]
202    def _gather_vboot_times(self, results):
203        """Read and report firmware internal timestamps.
205        The firmware for all Chrome platforms except Mario records
206        the ticks since power on at selected times during startup.
207        These timestamps can be extracted from the `crossystem`
208        command.
210        If the timestamps are available, convert the tick times to
211        seconds and record the following keyvals in `results`:
212          * seconds_power_on_to_lf_start
213          * seconds_power_on_to_lf_end
214          * seconds_power_on_to_lk_start
215          * seconds_power_on_to_lk_end
217        The frequency of the recorded tick timestamps is determined
218        by reading `_CPU_FREQ_FILE` and is recorded in the keyval
219        mhz_primary_cpu.
221        @param results  Keyvals dictionary.
223        """
224        try:
225            khz = int(utils.read_one_line(self._CPU_FREQ_FILE))
226        except IOError:
227            logging.info('Test is unable to read "%s", not calculating the '
228                         'vboot times.', self._CPU_FREQ_FILE)
229            return
230        hertz = khz * 1000.0
231        results['mhz_primary_cpu'] = khz / 1000.0
232        try:
233            out = utils.system_output('crossystem')
234        except error.CmdError:
235            logging.info('Unable to run crossystem, not calculating the vboot '
236                         'times.')
237            return
238        # Parse the crossystem output, we are looking for vdat_timers
239        items = out.splitlines()
240        for item in items:
241            times_re = re.compile(r'LF=(\d+),(\d+) LK=(\d+),(\d+)')
242            match = re.findall(times_re, item)
243            if match:
244                times = map(lambda s: round(float(s) / hertz, 2), match[0])
245                results['seconds_power_on_to_lf_start'] = times[0]
246                results['seconds_power_on_to_lf_end'] = times[1]
247                results['seconds_power_on_to_lk_start'] = times[2]
248                results['seconds_power_on_to_lk_end'] = times[3]
251    def _gather_firmware_boot_time(self, results):
252        """Read and report firmware startup time.
254        The boot process writes the firmware startup time to the
255        file named in `_FIRMWARE_TIME_FILE`.  Read the time from that
256        file, and record it in `results` as the keyval
257        seconds_power_on_to_kernel.
259        @param results  Keyvals dictionary.
261        """
262        try:
263            # If the firmware boot time is not available, the file
264            # will not exist.
265            data = utils.read_one_line(self._FIRMWARE_TIME_FILE)
266        except IOError:
267            return
268        firmware_time = float(data)
269        boot_time = results['seconds_kernel_to_login']
270        results['seconds_power_on_to_kernel'] = firmware_time
271        results['seconds_power_on_to_login'] = (
272                round(firmware_time + boot_time, 2))
275    def _gather_time_keyvals(self, results):
276        """Read and report boot time keyvals.
278        Read "seconds since kernel startup" from the bootstat files
279        for the events named in `_EVENT_KEYVALS`, and store the
280        values as perf keyvals.  The following keyvals are recorded:
281          * seconds_kernel_to_startup
282          * seconds_kernel_to_startup_done
283          * seconds_kernel_to_chrome_exec
284          * seconds_kernel_to_chrome_main
285          * seconds_kernel_to_login
286          * seconds_kernel_to_network
287        All of these keyvals are considered mandatory, except
288        for seconds_kernel_to_network.
290        @param results          Keyvals dictionary.
291        @raises error.TestFail  Raised if any mandatory keyval can't
292                                be determined.
294        """
295        for keyval_name, event_name, required in self._EVENT_KEYVALS:
296            key = 'seconds_' + keyval_name
297            try:
298                results[key] = self._parse_uptime(event_name)
299            except error.TestFail:
300                if required:
301                    raise;
303        # Not all 'uptime-network-*-ready' files necessarily exist;
304        # probably there's only one.  We go through a list of
305        # possibilities and pick the earliest one we find.  We're not
306        # looking for 3G here, so we're not guaranteed to find any
307        # file.
308        network_ready_events = [
309            'network-wifi-ready',
310            'network-ethernet-ready'
311        ]
312        network_ready_timestamp = float('inf')
313        for event_name in network_ready_events:
314            metric_name = ('seconds_kernel_to_' +
315                           event_name.replace('-', '_'))
316            try:
317                network_time = self._parse_uptime(event_name)
318                results[metric_name] = network_time
319                if network_time < network_ready_timestamp:
320                    network_ready_timestamp = network_time
321                    results['seconds_kernel_to_network'] = network_time
322            except error.TestFail:
323                pass
326    def _gather_disk_keyvals(self, results):
327        """Read and report disk read keyvals.
329        Read "sectors read since kernel startup" from the bootstat
330        files for the events named in `_EVENT_KEYVALS`, convert the
331        values to "bytes read since boot", and store the values as
332        perf keyvals.  The following keyvals are recorded:
333          * rdbytes_kernel_to_startup
334          * rdbytes_kernel_to_startup_done
335          * rdbytes_kernel_to_chrome_exec
336          * rdbytes_kernel_to_chrome_main
337          * rdbytes_kernel_to_login
339        Disk statistics are reported in units of 512 byte sectors;
340        we convert the keyvals to bytes so that downstream consumers
341        don't have to ask "How big is a sector?".
343        @param results  Keyvals dictionary.
345        """
346        # We expect an error when reading disk statistics for the
347        # "chrome-main" event because Chrome (not bootstat) generates
348        # that event, and it doesn't include the disk statistics.
349        # We get around that by ignoring all errors.
350        for keyval_name, event_name, required in self._EVENT_KEYVALS:
351            try:
352                key = 'rdbytes_' + keyval_name
353                results[key] = 512 * self._parse_diskstat(event_name)
354            except Exception:
355                pass
358    def _calculate_timeval(self, event, t0, t1, t_uptime):
359        """Estimate the absolute time of a time since boot.
361        Input values `event` and `t_uptime` are times measured as
362        seconds since boot (for the same boot event, as from
363        /proc/uptime).  The input values `t0` and `t1` are two
364        values measured as seconds since the epoch.  The three "t"
365        values were sampled in the order `t0`, `t_uptime`, `t1`.
367        Estimate the time of `event` measured as seconds since the
368        epoch.  Also estimate the worst-case error based on the time
369        elapsed between `t0` and `t1`.
371        All values are floats.  The precision of `event` and
372        `t_uptime` is expected to be kernel jiffies (i.e. one
373        centisecond).  The output result is rounded to the nearest
374        jiffy.
376        @param event    A time to be converted from "seconds since
377                        boot" into "seconds since the epoch".
378        @param t0       A reference time earlier than time `t1`, and
379                        measured as "seconds since the epoch".
380        @param t1       A reference time later than time `t0`, and
381                        measured as "seconds since the epoch".
382        @param t_uptime A reference time measured as "seconds since
383                        boot", in between time `t0` and `t1`.
385        @return         An estimate of the time of `event` measured
386                        as seconds since the epoch, rounded to the
387                        nearest jiffy.
389        """
390        # Floating point geeks may argue that these calculations
391        # don't guarantee the promised precision:  I don't care;
392        # it's good enough.
393        boot_timeval = round((t0 + t1) / 2, 2) - t_uptime
394        error = (t1 - t0) / 2
395        return boot_timeval + event, error
398    def _gather_reboot_keyvals(self, results):
399        """Read and report shutdown and reboot times.
401        The shutdown process saves all bootstat files in /var/log,
402        plus it saves a timestamp file that can be used to convert
403        "time since boot" into times in UTC.  Read the saved files
404        from the most recent shutdown, and use them to calculate
405        the time spent from the start of that shutdown until the
406        completion of the most recent boot.  Record these keyvals:
407          * seconds_shutdown_time
408          * seconds_reboot_time
409          * seconds_reboot_error
411        @param results  Keyvals dictionary.
413        """
414        bootstat_archives = glob.glob(self._BOOTSTAT_ARCHIVE_GLOB)
415        if not bootstat_archives:
416            return
417        bootstat_dir = max(bootstat_archives)
418        boot_id = open("/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id", "r").read()
419        didrun_path = os.path.join(bootstat_dir, "bootperf_ran")
420        if not os.path.exists(didrun_path):
421            with open(didrun_path, "w") as didrun:
422                didrun.write(boot_id)
423        elif open(didrun_path, "r").read() != boot_id:
424            logging.warning("Ignoring reboot based on stale shutdown %s",
425                         os.path.basename(bootstat_dir))
426            return
427        timestamp_path = os.path.join(bootstat_dir, 'timestamp')
428        try:
429            with open(timestamp_path) as timestamp:
430                archive_t0 = float(timestamp.readline())
431                archive_t1 = float(timestamp.readline())
432        except IOError:
433            raise error.TestFail('Failed to read "%s"' % timestamp_path)
434        archive_uptime = self._parse_uptime('archive',
435                                            bootstat_dir=bootstat_dir)
436        shutdown_uptime = self._parse_uptime('ui-post-stop',
437                                             bootstat_dir=bootstat_dir,
438                                             index=-1)
439        shutdown_timeval, shutdown_error = self._calculate_timeval(
440                shutdown_uptime, archive_t0, archive_t1, archive_uptime)
441        boot_t0 = time.time()
442        with open('/proc/uptime') as uptime_file:
443            uptime = float(uptime_file.readline().split()[0])
444        boot_t1 = time.time()
445        boot_timeval, boot_error = self._calculate_timeval(
446                results['seconds_kernel_to_login'],
447                boot_t0, boot_t1, uptime)
448        reboot_time = round(boot_timeval - shutdown_timeval, 2)
449        poweron_time = results['seconds_power_on_to_login']
450        shutdown_time = round(reboot_time - poweron_time, 2)
451        results['seconds_reboot_time'] = reboot_time
452        results['seconds_reboot_error'] = shutdown_error + boot_error
453        results['seconds_shutdown_time'] = shutdown_time
456    def _calculate_diff(self, results):
457        barriers = ['startup', 'chrome_exec', 'login']
458        for i in range(len(barriers) - 1):
459            for type in ['seconds', 'rdbytes']:
460                begin = '%s_kernel_to_%s' % (type, barriers[i])
461                end = '%s_kernel_to_%s' % (type, barriers[i + 1])
462                if begin in results and end in results:
463                    diff_name = '%s_%s_to_%s' % (type, barriers[i], barriers[i + 1])
464                    results[diff_name] = results[end] - results[begin]
467    def run_once(self):
468        """Gather boot time statistics.
470        Every shutdown and boot creates `bootstat` files with
471        summary statistics for time elapsed and disk usage.  Gather
472        the values reported for shutdown, boot time and network
473        startup time, and record them as perf keyvals.
475        Additionally, gather information about firmware startup time
476        from various sources, and record the times as perf keyvals.
478        Finally, copy the raw data files to the results directory
479        for reference.
481        """
482        # `results` is the keyvals dictionary
483        results = {}
485        self._gather_time_keyvals(results)
486        self._gather_disk_keyvals(results)
487        self._gather_firmware_boot_time(results)
488        self._gather_vboot_times(results)
489        self._gather_reboot_keyvals(results)
490        self._calculate_diff(results)
492        self._copy_timestamp_files()
493        self._copy_console_ramoops()
495        self.write_perf_keyval(results)