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1// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -dwarf-version=2 -debug-info-kind=limited -fblocks -o - -x objective-c %s| FileCheck %s
2// This code triggered a bug where a dbg.declare intrinsic ended up with the
3// wrong parent and subsequently failed the Verifier.
4void baz(id b);
5void fub(id block);
6int foo(void);
7void bar(void) {
8  fub(^() {
9      id a;
10      id b = [a bar:^(int e){}];
11      if (b) {
12        ^() {
13            if ((0 && foo()) ? 1 : 0) {
14              baz([a aMessage]);
15            }
16        };
17      }
18  });
21// Verify that debug info for BlockPointerDbgLoc is emitted for the
22// innermost block.
24// CHECK: define {{.*}}void @__bar_block_invoke_3(i8* %.block_descriptor)
25// CHECK: %[[BLOCKADDR:.*]] = alloca <{{.*}}>*, align
26// CHECK: call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata {{.*}}%[[BLOCKADDR]]