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1# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15require 'spec_helper'
17include GRPC::Core
19shared_context 'setup: tags' do
20  let(:sent_message) { 'sent message' }
21  let(:reply_text) { 'the reply' }
23  def deadline
24    Time.now + 5
25  end
27  def server_allows_client_to_proceed(metadata = {})
28    recvd_rpc = @server.request_call
29    expect(recvd_rpc).to_not eq nil
30    server_call = recvd_rpc.call
31    ops = { CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => metadata }
32    server_batch = server_call.run_batch(ops)
33    expect(server_batch.send_metadata).to be true
34    server_call
35  end
37  def new_client_call
38    @ch.create_call(nil, nil, '/method', nil, deadline)
39  end
41  def ok_status
42    Struct::Status.new(StatusCodes::OK, 'OK')
43  end
46shared_examples 'basic GRPC message delivery is OK' do
47  include GRPC::Core
48  include_context 'setup: tags'
50  context 'the test channel' do
51    it 'should have a target' do
52      expect(@ch.target).to be_a(String)
53    end
54  end
56  context 'a client call' do
57    it 'should have a peer' do
58      expect(new_client_call.peer).to be_a(String)
59    end
60  end
62  it 'calls have peer info' do
63    call = new_client_call
64    expect(call.peer).to be_a(String)
65  end
67  it 'servers receive requests from clients and can respond' do
68    call = new_client_call
69    server_call = nil
71    server_thread = Thread.new do
72      server_call = server_allows_client_to_proceed
73    end
75    client_ops = {
76      CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => {},
77      CallOps::SEND_MESSAGE => sent_message,
78      CallOps::SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil
79    }
80    client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
81    expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
82    expect(client_batch.send_message).to be true
83    expect(client_batch.send_close).to be true
85    # confirm the server can read the inbound message
86    server_thread.join
87    server_ops = {
88      CallOps::RECV_MESSAGE => nil,
89      CallOps::RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER => nil,
90      CallOps::SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER => ok_status
91    }
92    server_batch = server_call.run_batch(server_ops)
93    expect(server_batch.message).to eq(sent_message)
94    expect(server_batch.send_close).to be true
95    expect(server_batch.send_status).to be true
97    # finish the call
98    final_client_batch = call.run_batch(
99      CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
100      CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil)
101    expect(final_client_batch.metadata).to eq({})
102    expect(final_client_batch.status.code).to eq(0)
103  end
105  it 'responses written by servers are received by the client' do
106    call = new_client_call
107    server_call = nil
109    server_thread = Thread.new do
110      server_call = server_allows_client_to_proceed
111    end
113    client_ops = {
114      CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => {},
115      CallOps::SEND_MESSAGE => sent_message,
116      CallOps::SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil
117    }
118    client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
119    expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
120    expect(client_batch.send_message).to be true
121    expect(client_batch.send_close).to be true
123    # confirm the server can read the inbound message
124    server_thread.join
125    server_ops = {
126      CallOps::RECV_MESSAGE => nil,
127      CallOps::RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER => nil,
128      CallOps::SEND_MESSAGE => reply_text,
129      CallOps::SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER => ok_status
130    }
131    server_batch = server_call.run_batch(server_ops)
132    expect(server_batch.message).to eq(sent_message)
133    expect(server_batch.send_close).to be true
134    expect(server_batch.send_message).to be true
135    expect(server_batch.send_status).to be true
137    # finish the call
138    final_client_batch = call.run_batch(
139      CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
140      CallOps::RECV_MESSAGE => nil,
141      CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil)
142    expect(final_client_batch.metadata).to eq({})
143    expect(final_client_batch.message).to eq(reply_text)
144    expect(final_client_batch.status.code).to eq(0)
145  end
147  it 'compressed messages can be sent and received' do
148    call = new_client_call
149    server_call = nil
150    long_request_str = '0' * 2000
151    long_response_str = '1' * 2000
152    md = { 'grpc-internal-encoding-request' => 'gzip' }
154    server_thread = Thread.new do
155      server_call = server_allows_client_to_proceed(md)
156    end
158    client_ops = {
159      CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => md,
160      CallOps::SEND_MESSAGE => long_request_str,
161      CallOps::SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil
162    }
163    client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
164    expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
165    expect(client_batch.send_message).to be true
166    expect(client_batch.send_close).to be true
168    # confirm the server can read the inbound message
169    server_thread.join
170    server_ops = {
171      CallOps::RECV_MESSAGE => nil,
172      CallOps::RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER => nil,
173      CallOps::SEND_MESSAGE => long_response_str,
174      CallOps::SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER => ok_status
175    }
176    server_batch = server_call.run_batch(server_ops)
177    expect(server_batch.message).to eq(long_request_str)
178    expect(server_batch.send_close).to be true
179    expect(server_batch.send_message).to be true
180    expect(server_batch.send_status).to be true
182    client_ops = {
183      CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
184      CallOps::RECV_MESSAGE => nil,
185      CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil
186    }
187    final_client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
188    expect(final_client_batch.metadata).to eq({})
189    expect(final_client_batch.message).to eq long_response_str
190    expect(final_client_batch.status.code).to eq(0)
191  end
193  it 'servers can ignore a client write and send a status' do
194    call = new_client_call
195    server_call = nil
197    server_thread = Thread.new do
198      server_call = server_allows_client_to_proceed
199    end
201    client_ops = {
202      CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => {},
203      CallOps::SEND_MESSAGE => sent_message,
204      CallOps::SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil
205    }
206    client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
207    expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
208    expect(client_batch.send_message).to be true
209    expect(client_batch.send_close).to be true
211    # confirm the server can read the inbound message
212    the_status = Struct::Status.new(StatusCodes::OK, 'OK')
213    server_thread.join
214    server_ops = {
215      CallOps::SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER => the_status
216    }
217    server_batch = server_call.run_batch(server_ops)
218    expect(server_batch.message).to eq nil
219    expect(server_batch.send_status).to be true
221    final_client_batch = call.run_batch(
222      CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
223      CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil)
224    expect(final_client_batch.metadata).to eq({})
225    expect(final_client_batch.status.code).to eq(0)
226  end
228  it 'completes calls by sending status to client and server' do
229    call = new_client_call
230    server_call = nil
232    server_thread = Thread.new do
233      server_call = server_allows_client_to_proceed
234    end
236    client_ops = {
237      CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => {},
238      CallOps::SEND_MESSAGE => sent_message
239    }
240    client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
241    expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
242    expect(client_batch.send_message).to be true
244    # confirm the server can read the inbound message and respond
245    the_status = Struct::Status.new(StatusCodes::OK, 'OK', {})
246    server_thread.join
247    server_ops = {
248      CallOps::RECV_MESSAGE => nil,
249      CallOps::SEND_MESSAGE => reply_text,
250      CallOps::SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER => the_status
251    }
252    server_batch = server_call.run_batch(server_ops)
253    expect(server_batch.message).to eq sent_message
254    expect(server_batch.send_status).to be true
255    expect(server_batch.send_message).to be true
257    # confirm the client can receive the server response and status.
258    client_ops = {
259      CallOps::SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil,
260      CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
261      CallOps::RECV_MESSAGE => nil,
262      CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil
263    }
264    final_client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
265    expect(final_client_batch.send_close).to be true
266    expect(final_client_batch.message).to eq reply_text
267    expect(final_client_batch.status).to eq the_status
269    # confirm the server can receive the client close.
270    server_ops = {
271      CallOps::RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER => nil
272    }
273    final_server_batch = server_call.run_batch(server_ops)
274    expect(final_server_batch.send_close).to be true
275  end
277  def client_cancel_test(cancel_proc, expected_code,
278                         expected_details)
279    call = new_client_call
280    server_call = nil
282    server_thread = Thread.new do
283      server_call = server_allows_client_to_proceed
284    end
286    client_ops = {
287      CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => {},
288      CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil
289    }
290    client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
291    expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
292    expect(client_batch.metadata).to eq({})
294    cancel_proc.call(call)
296    server_thread.join
297    server_ops = {
298      CallOps::RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER => nil
299    }
300    server_batch = server_call.run_batch(server_ops)
301    expect(server_batch.send_close).to be true
303    client_ops = {
304      CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => {}
305    }
306    client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
308    expect(client_batch.status.code).to be expected_code
309    expect(client_batch.status.details).to eq expected_details
310  end
312  it 'clients can cancel a call on the server' do
313    expected_code = StatusCodes::CANCELLED
314    expected_details = 'Cancelled'
315    cancel_proc = proc { |call| call.cancel }
316    client_cancel_test(cancel_proc, expected_code, expected_details)
317  end
319  it 'cancel_with_status unknown status' do
320    code = StatusCodes::UNKNOWN
321    details = 'test unknown reason'
322    cancel_proc = proc { |call| call.cancel_with_status(code, details) }
323    client_cancel_test(cancel_proc, code, details)
324  end
326  it 'cancel_with_status unknown status' do
327    code = StatusCodes::FAILED_PRECONDITION
328    details = 'test failed precondition reason'
329    cancel_proc = proc { |call| call.cancel_with_status(code, details) }
330    client_cancel_test(cancel_proc, code, details)
331  end
334shared_examples 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do
335  include_context 'setup: tags'
337  describe 'from client => server' do
338    before(:example) do
339      n = 7  # arbitrary number of metadata
340      diff_keys_fn = proc { |i| [format('k%d', i), format('v%d', i)] }
341      diff_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| diff_keys_fn.call x }]
342      null_vals_fn = proc { |i| [format('k%d', i), format('v\0%d', i)] }
343      null_vals = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| null_vals_fn.call x }]
344      same_keys_fn = proc { |i| [format('k%d', i), [format('v%d', i)] * n] }
345      same_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| same_keys_fn.call x }]
346      symbol_key = { a_key: 'a val' }
347      @valid_metadata = [diff_keys, same_keys, null_vals, symbol_key]
348      @bad_keys = []
349      @bad_keys << { Object.new => 'a value' }
350      @bad_keys << { 1 => 'a value' }
351    end
353    it 'raises an exception if a metadata key is invalid' do
354      @bad_keys.each do |md|
355        call = new_client_call
356        client_ops = {
357          CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => md
358        }
359        blk = proc do
360          call.run_batch(client_ops)
361        end
362        expect(&blk).to raise_error
363      end
364    end
366    it 'sends all the metadata pairs when keys and values are valid' do
367      @valid_metadata.each do |md|
368        recvd_rpc = nil
369        rcv_thread = Thread.new do
370          recvd_rpc = @server.request_call
371        end
373        call = new_client_call
374        client_ops = {
375          CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => md,
376          CallOps::SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil
377        }
378        client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
379        expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
381        # confirm the server can receive the client metadata
382        rcv_thread.join
383        expect(recvd_rpc).to_not eq nil
384        recvd_md = recvd_rpc.metadata
385        replace_symbols = Hash[md.each_pair.collect { |x, y| [x.to_s, y] }]
386        expect(recvd_md).to eq(recvd_md.merge(replace_symbols))
388        # finish the call
389        final_server_batch = recvd_rpc.call.run_batch(
390          CallOps::RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER => nil,
391          CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
392          CallOps::SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER => ok_status)
393        expect(final_server_batch.send_close).to be(true)
394        expect(final_server_batch.send_metadata).to be(true)
395        expect(final_server_batch.send_status).to be(true)
397        final_client_batch = call.run_batch(
398          CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
399          CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil)
400        expect(final_client_batch.metadata).to eq({})
401        expect(final_client_batch.status.code).to eq(0)
402      end
403    end
404  end
406  describe 'from server => client' do
407    before(:example) do
408      n = 7  # arbitrary number of metadata
409      diff_keys_fn = proc { |i| [format('k%d', i), format('v%d', i)] }
410      diff_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| diff_keys_fn.call x }]
411      null_vals_fn = proc { |i| [format('k%d', i), format('v\0%d', i)] }
412      null_vals = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| null_vals_fn.call x }]
413      same_keys_fn = proc { |i| [format('k%d', i), [format('v%d', i)] * n] }
414      same_keys = Hash[n.times.collect { |x| same_keys_fn.call x }]
415      symbol_key = { a_key: 'a val' }
416      @valid_metadata = [diff_keys, same_keys, null_vals, symbol_key]
417      @bad_keys = []
418      @bad_keys << { Object.new => 'a value' }
419      @bad_keys << { 1 => 'a value' }
420    end
422    it 'raises an exception if a metadata key is invalid' do
423      @bad_keys.each do |md|
424        recvd_rpc = nil
425        rcv_thread = Thread.new do
426          recvd_rpc = @server.request_call
427        end
429        call = new_client_call
430        # client signals that it's done sending metadata to allow server to
431        # respond
432        client_ops = {
433          CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => nil
434        }
435        call.run_batch(client_ops)
437        # server gets the invocation
438        rcv_thread.join
439        expect(recvd_rpc).to_not eq nil
440        server_ops = {
441          CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => md
442        }
443        blk = proc do
444          recvd_rpc.call.run_batch(server_ops)
445        end
446        expect(&blk).to raise_error
448        # cancel the call so the server can shut down immediately
449        call.cancel
450      end
451    end
453    it 'sends an empty hash if no metadata is added' do
454      recvd_rpc = nil
455      rcv_thread = Thread.new do
456        recvd_rpc = @server.request_call
457      end
459      call = new_client_call
460      # client signals that it's done sending metadata to allow server to
461      # respond
462      client_ops = {
463        CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
464        CallOps::SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil
465      }
466      client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
467      expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
468      expect(client_batch.send_close).to be true
470      # server gets the invocation but sends no metadata back
471      rcv_thread.join
472      expect(recvd_rpc).to_not eq nil
473      server_call = recvd_rpc.call
474      server_ops = {
475        # receive close and send status to finish the call
476        CallOps::RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER => nil,
477        CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
478        CallOps::SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER => ok_status
479      }
480      srv_batch = server_call.run_batch(server_ops)
481      expect(srv_batch.send_close).to be true
482      expect(srv_batch.send_metadata).to be true
483      expect(srv_batch.send_status).to be true
485      # client receives nothing as expected
486      client_ops = {
487        CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
488        # receive status to finish the call
489        CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil
490      }
491      final_client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
492      expect(final_client_batch.metadata).to eq({})
493      expect(final_client_batch.status.code).to eq(0)
494    end
496    it 'sends all the pairs when keys and values are valid' do
497      @valid_metadata.each do |md|
498        recvd_rpc = nil
499        rcv_thread = Thread.new do
500          recvd_rpc = @server.request_call
501        end
503        call = new_client_call
504        # client signals that it's done sending metadata to allow server to
505        # respond
506        client_ops = {
507          CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
508          CallOps::SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil
509        }
510        client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
511        expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
512        expect(client_batch.send_close).to be true
514        # server gets the invocation but sends no metadata back
515        rcv_thread.join
516        expect(recvd_rpc).to_not eq nil
517        server_call = recvd_rpc.call
518        server_ops = {
519          CallOps::RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER => nil,
520          CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => md,
521          CallOps::SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER => ok_status
522        }
523        srv_batch = server_call.run_batch(server_ops)
524        expect(srv_batch.send_close).to be true
525        expect(srv_batch.send_metadata).to be true
526        expect(srv_batch.send_status).to be true
528        # client receives nothing as expected
529        client_ops = {
530          CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
531          CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil
532        }
533        final_client_batch = call.run_batch(client_ops)
534        replace_symbols = Hash[md.each_pair.collect { |x, y| [x.to_s, y] }]
535        expect(final_client_batch.metadata).to eq(replace_symbols)
536        expect(final_client_batch.status.code).to eq(0)
537      end
538    end
539  end
542describe 'the http client/server' do
543  before(:example) do
544    server_host = ''
545    @server = new_core_server_for_testing(nil)
546    server_port = @server.add_http2_port(server_host, :this_port_is_insecure)
547    @server.start
548    @ch = Channel.new("{server_port}", nil, :this_channel_is_insecure)
549  end
551  after(:example) do
552    @ch.close
553    @server.shutdown_and_notify(deadline)
554    @server.close
555  end
557  it_behaves_like 'basic GRPC message delivery is OK' do
558  end
560  it_behaves_like 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do
561  end
564describe 'the secure http client/server' do
565  include_context 'setup: tags'
567  def load_test_certs
568    test_root = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'testdata')
569    files = ['ca.pem', 'server1.key', 'server1.pem']
570    files.map { |f| File.open(File.join(test_root, f)).read }
571  end
573  before(:example) do
574    certs = load_test_certs
575    server_host = ''
576    server_creds = GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials.new(
577      nil, [{ private_key: certs[1], cert_chain: certs[2] }], false)
578    @server = new_core_server_for_testing(nil)
579    server_port = @server.add_http2_port(server_host, server_creds)
580    @server.start
581    args = { Channel::SSL_TARGET => 'foo.test.google.fr' }
582    @ch = Channel.new("{server_port}", args,
583                      GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new(certs[0], nil, nil))
584  end
586  after(:example) do
587    @server.shutdown_and_notify(deadline)
588    @server.close
589  end
591  it_behaves_like 'basic GRPC message delivery is OK' do
592  end
594  it_behaves_like 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do
595  end
597  def credentials_update_test(creds_update_md)
598    auth_proc = proc { creds_update_md }
599    call_creds = GRPC::Core::CallCredentials.new(auth_proc)
601    initial_md_key = 'k2'
602    initial_md_val = 'v2'
603    initial_md = { initial_md_key => initial_md_val }
604    expected_md = creds_update_md.clone
605    fail 'bad test param' unless expected_md[initial_md_key].nil?
606    expected_md[initial_md_key] = initial_md_val
608    recvd_rpc = nil
609    rcv_thread = Thread.new do
610      recvd_rpc = @server.request_call
611    end
613    call = new_client_call
614    call.set_credentials! call_creds
616    client_batch = call.run_batch(
617      CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => initial_md,
618      CallOps::SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT => nil)
619    expect(client_batch.send_metadata).to be true
620    expect(client_batch.send_close).to be true
622    # confirm the server can receive the client metadata
623    rcv_thread.join
624    expect(recvd_rpc).to_not eq nil
625    recvd_md = recvd_rpc.metadata
626    replace_symbols = Hash[expected_md.each_pair.collect { |x, y| [x.to_s, y] }]
627    expect(recvd_md).to eq(recvd_md.merge(replace_symbols))
629    credentials_update_test_finish_call(call, recvd_rpc.call)
630  end
632  def credentials_update_test_finish_call(client_call, server_call)
633    final_server_batch = server_call.run_batch(
634      CallOps::RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER => nil,
635      CallOps::SEND_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
636      CallOps::SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER => ok_status)
637    expect(final_server_batch.send_close).to be(true)
638    expect(final_server_batch.send_metadata).to be(true)
639    expect(final_server_batch.send_status).to be(true)
641    final_client_batch = client_call.run_batch(
642      CallOps::RECV_INITIAL_METADATA => nil,
643      CallOps::RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT => nil)
644    expect(final_client_batch.metadata).to eq({})
645    expect(final_client_batch.status.code).to eq(0)
646  end
648  it 'modifies metadata with CallCredentials' do
649    credentials_update_test('k1' => 'updated-v1')
650  end
652  it 'modifies large metadata with CallCredentials' do
653    val_array = %w(
654      '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
655      '11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111',
656    )
657    md = {
658      k3: val_array,
659      k4: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
660      keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey5: 'v1'
661    }
662    credentials_update_test(md)
663  end