queue_mapping " QUEUE_MAPPING" Override the packet's transmit queue. Useful when applied to packets transmitted over MQ-capable network interfaces. QUEUE_MAPPING is an unsigned 16bit value in decimal format.
priority " PRIORITY" Override the packet classification decision. PRIORITY is either root ", " none or a hexadecimal major class ID optionally followed by a colon ( : ) and a hexadecimal minor class ID.
mark " MARK" Change the packet's firewall mark value. MARK is an unsigned 32bit value in automatically detected format (i.e., prefix with ' 0x ' for hexadecimal interpretation, etc.).
ptype " PTYPE" Override the packet's type. Useful for setting packet type to host when needing to allow ingressing packets with the wrong MAC address but correct IP address. PTYPE is one of: host, otherhost, broadcast, multicast