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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
3  *
4  * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
5  * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
6  * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
7  * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open
8  * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
9  * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.
10  */
15 #include <smmintrin.h> /* SSE4.1 */
17 #define TRANSPOSE_4X4(x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3) \
18   do {                                                \
19     __m128i u0, u1, u2, u3;                           \
20     u0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(x0, x1);                  \
21     u1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(x0, x1);                  \
22     u2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(x2, x3);                  \
23     u3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(x2, x3);                  \
24     y0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(u0, u2);                  \
25     y1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(u0, u2);                  \
26     y2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(u1, u3);                  \
27     y3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(u1, u3);                  \
28   } while (0)
transpose_8x8(const __m128i * in,__m128i * out)30 static INLINE void transpose_8x8(const __m128i *in, __m128i *out) {
31   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[0], in[2], in[4], in[6], out[0], out[2], out[4], out[6]);
32   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[1], in[3], in[5], in[7], out[8], out[10], out[12], out[14]);
33   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[8], in[10], in[12], in[14], out[1], out[3], out[5], out[7]);
34   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[9], in[11], in[13], in[15], out[9], out[11], out[13],
35                 out[15]);
36 }
transpose_16x16(const __m128i * in,__m128i * out)38 static INLINE void transpose_16x16(const __m128i *in, __m128i *out) {
39   // Upper left 8x8
40   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[0], in[4], in[8], in[12], out[0], out[4], out[8], out[12]);
41   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[1], in[5], in[9], in[13], out[16], out[20], out[24],
42                 out[28]);
43   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[16], in[20], in[24], in[28], out[1], out[5], out[9],
44                 out[13]);
45   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[17], in[21], in[25], in[29], out[17], out[21], out[25],
46                 out[29]);
48   // Upper right 8x8
49   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[2], in[6], in[10], in[14], out[32], out[36], out[40],
50                 out[44]);
51   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[3], in[7], in[11], in[15], out[48], out[52], out[56],
52                 out[60]);
53   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[18], in[22], in[26], in[30], out[33], out[37], out[41],
54                 out[45]);
55   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[19], in[23], in[27], in[31], out[49], out[53], out[57],
56                 out[61]);
58   // Lower left 8x8
59   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[32], in[36], in[40], in[44], out[2], out[6], out[10],
60                 out[14]);
61   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[33], in[37], in[41], in[45], out[18], out[22], out[26],
62                 out[30]);
63   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[48], in[52], in[56], in[60], out[3], out[7], out[11],
64                 out[15]);
65   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[49], in[53], in[57], in[61], out[19], out[23], out[27],
66                 out[31]);
67   // Lower right 8x8
68   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[34], in[38], in[42], in[46], out[34], out[38], out[42],
69                 out[46]);
70   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[35], in[39], in[43], in[47], out[50], out[54], out[58],
71                 out[62]);
72   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[50], in[54], in[58], in[62], out[35], out[39], out[43],
73                 out[47]);
74   TRANSPOSE_4X4(in[51], in[55], in[59], in[63], out[51], out[55], out[59],
75                 out[63]);
76 }
transpose_8nx8n(const __m128i * input,__m128i * output,const int width,const int height)78 static INLINE void transpose_8nx8n(const __m128i *input, __m128i *output,
79                                    const int width, const int height) {
80   const int numcol = height >> 2;
81   const int numrow = width >> 2;
82   for (int j = 0; j < numrow; j++) {
83     for (int i = 0; i < numcol; i++) {
84       TRANSPOSE_4X4(input[i * width + j + (numrow * 0)],
85                     input[i * width + j + (numrow * 1)],
86                     input[i * width + j + (numrow * 2)],
87                     input[i * width + j + (numrow * 3)],
88                     output[j * height + i + (numcol * 0)],
89                     output[j * height + i + (numcol * 1)],
90                     output[j * height + i + (numcol * 2)],
91                     output[j * height + i + (numcol * 3)]);
92     }
93   }
94 }
96 // Note:
97 //  rounding = 1 << (bit - 1)
half_btf_sse4_1(const __m128i * w0,const __m128i * n0,const __m128i * w1,const __m128i * n1,const __m128i * rounding,int bit)98 static INLINE __m128i half_btf_sse4_1(const __m128i *w0, const __m128i *n0,
99                                       const __m128i *w1, const __m128i *n1,
100                                       const __m128i *rounding, int bit) {
101   __m128i x, y;
103   x = _mm_mullo_epi32(*w0, *n0);
104   y = _mm_mullo_epi32(*w1, *n1);
105   x = _mm_add_epi32(x, y);
106   x = _mm_add_epi32(x, *rounding);
107   x = _mm_srai_epi32(x, bit);
108   return x;
109 }
half_btf_0_sse4_1(const __m128i * w0,const __m128i * n0,const __m128i * rounding,int bit)111 static INLINE __m128i half_btf_0_sse4_1(const __m128i *w0, const __m128i *n0,
112                                         const __m128i *rounding, int bit) {
113   __m128i x;
115   x = _mm_mullo_epi32(*w0, *n0);
116   x = _mm_add_epi32(x, *rounding);
117   x = _mm_srai_epi32(x, bit);
118   return x;
119 }
121 typedef void (*transform_1d_sse4_1)(__m128i *in, __m128i *out, int bit,
122                                     int do_cols, int bd, int out_shift);
124 typedef void (*fwd_transform_1d_sse4_1)(__m128i *in, __m128i *out, int bit,
125                                         const int num_cols);
127 void av1_highbd_inv_txfm2d_add_universe_sse4_1(const int32_t *input,
128                                                uint8_t *output, int stride,
129                                                TX_TYPE tx_type, TX_SIZE tx_size,
130                                                int eob, const int bd);