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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <unistd.h>
19 #include <array>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <vector>
23 #include <getopt.h>
24 #include <signal.h>
26 #include "perfetto/base/event.h"
27 #include "perfetto/base/scoped_file.h"
28 #include "perfetto/base/unix_socket.h"
29 #include "perfetto/base/watchdog.h"
30 #include "src/profiling/memory/heapprofd_producer.h"
31 #include "src/profiling/memory/wire_protocol.h"
32 #include "src/tracing/ipc/default_socket.h"
34 #include "perfetto/base/unix_task_runner.h"
36 // TODO(rsavitski): the task runner watchdog spawns a thread (normally for
37 // tracking cpu/mem usage) that we don't strictly need.
39 namespace perfetto {
40 namespace profiling {
41 namespace {
43 int StartChildHeapprofd(pid_t target_pid,
44                         std::string target_cmdline,
45                         base::ScopedFile inherited_sock_fd);
46 int StartCentralHeapprofd();
48 base::Event* g_dump_evt = nullptr;
HeapprofdMain(int argc,char ** argv)50 int HeapprofdMain(int argc, char** argv) {
51   bool cleanup_crash = false;
52   pid_t target_pid = base::kInvalidPid;
53   std::string target_cmdline;
54   base::ScopedFile inherited_sock_fd;
56   enum { kCleanupCrash = 256, kTargetPid, kTargetCmd, kInheritFd };
57   static struct option long_options[] = {
58       {"cleanup-after-crash", no_argument, nullptr, kCleanupCrash},
59       {"exclusive-for-pid", required_argument, nullptr, kTargetPid},
60       {"exclusive-for-cmdline", required_argument, nullptr, kTargetCmd},
61       {"inherit-socket-fd", required_argument, nullptr, kInheritFd},
62       {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0}};
63   int option_index;
64   int c;
65   while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
66     switch (c) {
67       case kCleanupCrash:
68         cleanup_crash = true;
69         break;
70       case kTargetPid:
71         if (target_pid != base::kInvalidPid)
72           PERFETTO_FATAL("Duplicate exclusive-for-pid");
73         target_pid = static_cast<pid_t>(atoi(optarg));
74         break;
75       case kTargetCmd:  // assumed to be already normalized
76         if (!target_cmdline.empty())
77           PERFETTO_FATAL("Duplicate exclusive-for-cmdline");
78         target_cmdline = std::string(optarg);
79         break;
80       case kInheritFd:  // repetition not supported
81         if (inherited_sock_fd)
82           PERFETTO_FATAL("Duplicate inherit-socket-fd");
83         inherited_sock_fd = base::ScopedFile(atoi(optarg));
84         break;
85       default:
86         PERFETTO_ELOG("Usage: %s [--cleanup-after-crash]", argv[0]);
87         return 1;
88     }
89   }
91   if (cleanup_crash) {
93         "Recovering from crash: unsetting heapprofd system properties. "
94         "Expect SELinux denials for unrelated properties.");
95     SystemProperties::ResetHeapprofdProperties();
97         "Finished unsetting heapprofd system properties. "
98         "SELinux denials about properties are unexpected after "
99         "this point.");
100     return 0;
101   }
103   // If |target_pid| is given, we're supposed to be operating as a private
104   // heapprofd for that process. Note that we might not be a direct child due to
105   // reparenting.
106   bool tpid_set = target_pid != base::kInvalidPid;
107   bool tcmd_set = !target_cmdline.empty();
108   bool fds_set = !!inherited_sock_fd;
109   if (tpid_set || tcmd_set || fds_set) {
110     if (!tpid_set || !tcmd_set || !fds_set) {
111       PERFETTO_ELOG(
112           "If starting in child mode, requires all of: {--exclusive-for-pid, "
113           "--exclusive-for-cmdline, --inherit_socket_fd}");
114       return 1;
115     }
117     return StartChildHeapprofd(target_pid, target_cmdline,
118                                std::move(inherited_sock_fd));
119   }
121   // Otherwise start as a central daemon.
122   return StartCentralHeapprofd();
123 }
StartChildHeapprofd(pid_t target_pid,std::string target_cmdline,base::ScopedFile inherited_sock_fd)125 int StartChildHeapprofd(pid_t target_pid,
126                         std::string target_cmdline,
127                         base::ScopedFile inherited_sock_fd) {
128   base::UnixTaskRunner task_runner;
129   base::Watchdog::GetInstance()->Start();  // crash on exceedingly long tasks
130   HeapprofdProducer producer(HeapprofdMode::kChild, &task_runner);
131   producer.SetTargetProcess(target_pid, target_cmdline,
132                             std::move(inherited_sock_fd));
133   producer.ConnectWithRetries(GetProducerSocket());
134   producer.ScheduleActiveDataSourceWatchdog();
135   task_runner.Run();
136   return 0;
137 }
StartCentralHeapprofd()139 int StartCentralHeapprofd() {
140   // We set this up before launching any threads, so we do not have to use a
141   // std::atomic for g_dump_evt.
142   g_dump_evt = new base::Event();
144   base::UnixTaskRunner task_runner;
145   base::Watchdog::GetInstance()->Start();  // crash on exceedingly long tasks
146   HeapprofdProducer producer(HeapprofdMode::kCentral, &task_runner);
148   struct sigaction action = {};
149   action.sa_handler = [](int) { g_dump_evt->Notify(); };
150   // Allow to trigger a full dump by sending SIGUSR1 to heapprofd.
151   // This will allow manually deciding when to dump on userdebug.
152   PERFETTO_CHECK(sigaction(SIGUSR1, &action, nullptr) == 0);
153   task_runner.AddFileDescriptorWatch(g_dump_evt->fd(), [&producer] {
154     g_dump_evt->Clear();
155     producer.DumpAll();
156   });
157   producer.ConnectWithRetries(GetProducerSocket());
158   task_runner.Run();
159   return 0;
160 }
162 }  // namespace
163 }  // namespace profiling
164 }  // namespace perfetto
main(int argc,char ** argv)166 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
167   return perfetto::profiling::HeapprofdMain(argc, argv);
168 }