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1from test import test_support
4from test.test_support import findfile
6ossaudiodev = test_support.import_module('ossaudiodev')
8import errno
9import sys
10import sunau
11import time
12import audioop
13import unittest
15# Arggh, AFMT_S16_NE not defined on all platforms -- seems to be a
16# fairly recent addition to OSS.
18    from ossaudiodev import AFMT_S16_NE
19except ImportError:
20    if sys.byteorder == "little":
21        AFMT_S16_NE = ossaudiodev.AFMT_S16_LE
22    else:
23        AFMT_S16_NE = ossaudiodev.AFMT_S16_BE
26def read_sound_file(path):
27    with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
28        au = sunau.open(fp)
29        rate = au.getframerate()
30        nchannels = au.getnchannels()
31        encoding = au._encoding
32        fp.seek(0)
33        data = fp.read()
35    if encoding != sunau.AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_MULAW_8:
36        raise RuntimeError("Expect .au file with 8-bit mu-law samples")
38    # Convert the data to 16-bit signed.
39    data = audioop.ulaw2lin(data, 2)
40    return (data, rate, 16, nchannels)
42class OSSAudioDevTests(unittest.TestCase):
44    def play_sound_file(self, data, rate, ssize, nchannels):
45        try:
46            dsp = ossaudiodev.open('w')
47        except IOError, msg:
48            if msg.args[0] in (errno.EACCES, errno.ENOENT,
49                               errno.ENODEV, errno.EBUSY):
50                raise unittest.SkipTest(msg)
51            raise
53        # at least check that these methods can be invoked
54        dsp.bufsize()
55        dsp.obufcount()
56        dsp.obuffree()
57        dsp.getptr()
58        dsp.fileno()
60        # Make sure the read-only attributes work.
61        self.assertFalse(dsp.closed)
62        self.assertEqual(dsp.name, "/dev/dsp")
63        self.assertEqual(dsp.mode, "w", "bad dsp.mode: %r" % dsp.mode)
65        # And make sure they're really read-only.
66        for attr in ('closed', 'name', 'mode'):
67            try:
68                setattr(dsp, attr, 42)
69            except TypeError:
70                pass
71            else:
72                self.fail("dsp.%s not read-only" % attr)
74        # Compute expected running time of sound sample (in seconds).
75        expected_time = float(len(data)) / (ssize//8) / nchannels / rate
77        # set parameters based on .au file headers
78        dsp.setparameters(AFMT_S16_NE, nchannels, rate)
79        self.assertTrue(abs(expected_time - 3.51) < 1e-2, expected_time)
80        t1 = time.time()
81        dsp.write(data)
82        dsp.close()
83        t2 = time.time()
84        elapsed_time = t2 - t1
86        percent_diff = (abs(elapsed_time - expected_time) / expected_time) * 100
87        self.assertTrue(percent_diff <= 10.0,
88                        "elapsed time > 10% off of expected time")
90    def set_parameters(self, dsp):
91        # Two configurations for testing:
92        #   config1 (8-bit, mono, 8 kHz) should work on even the most
93        #      ancient and crufty sound card, but maybe not on special-
94        #      purpose high-end hardware
95        #   config2 (16-bit, stereo, 44.1kHz) should work on all but the
96        #      most ancient and crufty hardware
97        config1 = (ossaudiodev.AFMT_U8, 1, 8000)
98        config2 = (AFMT_S16_NE, 2, 44100)
100        for config in [config1, config2]:
101            (fmt, channels, rate) = config
102            if (dsp.setfmt(fmt) == fmt and
103                dsp.channels(channels) == channels and
104                dsp.speed(rate) == rate):
105                break
106        else:
107            raise RuntimeError("unable to set audio sampling parameters: "
108                               "you must have really weird audio hardware")
110        # setparameters() should be able to set this configuration in
111        # either strict or non-strict mode.
112        result = dsp.setparameters(fmt, channels, rate, False)
113        self.assertEqual(result, (fmt, channels, rate),
114                         "setparameters%r: returned %r" % (config, result))
116        result = dsp.setparameters(fmt, channels, rate, True)
117        self.assertEqual(result, (fmt, channels, rate),
118                         "setparameters%r: returned %r" % (config, result))
120    def set_bad_parameters(self, dsp):
121        # Now try some configurations that are presumably bogus: eg. 300
122        # channels currently exceeds even Hollywood's ambitions, and
123        # negative sampling rate is utter nonsense.  setparameters() should
124        # accept these in non-strict mode, returning something other than
125        # was requested, but should barf in strict mode.
126        fmt = AFMT_S16_NE
127        rate = 44100
128        channels = 2
129        for config in [(fmt, 300, rate),       # ridiculous nchannels
130                       (fmt, -5, rate),        # impossible nchannels
131                       (fmt, channels, -50),   # impossible rate
132                      ]:
133            (fmt, channels, rate) = config
134            result = dsp.setparameters(fmt, channels, rate, False)
135            self.assertNotEqual(result, config,
136                             "unexpectedly got requested configuration")
138            try:
139                result = dsp.setparameters(fmt, channels, rate, True)
140            except ossaudiodev.OSSAudioError, err:
141                pass
142            else:
143                self.fail("expected OSSAudioError")
145    def test_playback(self):
146        sound_info = read_sound_file(findfile('audiotest.au'))
147        self.play_sound_file(*sound_info)
149    def test_set_parameters(self):
150        dsp = ossaudiodev.open("w")
151        try:
152            self.set_parameters(dsp)
154            # Disabled because it fails under Linux 2.6 with ALSA's OSS
155            # emulation layer.
156            #self.set_bad_parameters(dsp)
157        finally:
158            dsp.close()
159            self.assertTrue(dsp.closed)
162def test_main():
163    try:
164        dsp = ossaudiodev.open('w')
165    except (ossaudiodev.error, IOError), msg:
166        if msg.args[0] in (errno.EACCES, errno.ENOENT,
167                           errno.ENODEV, errno.EBUSY):
168            raise unittest.SkipTest(msg)
169        raise
170    dsp.close()
171    test_support.run_unittest(__name__)
173if __name__ == "__main__":
174    test_main()