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1 /*
2     File:               CFMLateImport.h
4     Contains:           Interface to CFM late import library.
6     Written by:         Quinn
8     Copyright:          Copyright � 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
10                             You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
11                             restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
12                             responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
13                             this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
14                             changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
15                             it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
16                             code, but that you've made changes.
18     Change History (most recent first):
20      <6>     21/9/01    Quinn   Changes for CWPro7 Mach-O build.
21      <5>     19/9/01    Quinn   Change comments to reflect the fact that an unpacked data
22                                 section is no longer required.
23      <4>     19/9/01    Quinn   Simplified API and implementation after a suggestion by Eric
24                                 Grant. You no longer have to CFM export a dummy function; you
25                                 can just pass in the address of your fragment's init routine.
26      <3>    16/11/00    Quinn   Allow symbol finding via a callback and use that to implement
27                                 CFBundle support.
28      <2>    18/10/99    Quinn   Renamed CFMLateImport to CFMLateImportLibrary to allow for
29                                 possible future API expansion.
30      <1>     15/6/99    Quinn   First checked in.
31 */
33 #pragma once
35 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 // MoreIsBetter Setup
39 //#include "MoreSetup.h"
41 // Mac OS Interfaces
44     #include <MacTypes.h>
45     #include <CodeFragments.h>
46     #include <Devices.h>
47     #include <CFBundle.h>
48 #endif
50 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52 #ifdef __cplusplus
53 extern "C" {
54 #endif
56 /*      FAQ
57     ---
59     Q:          What does this library do?
60     A:          It allows you to resolve a weak linked library at runtime,
61         by supply a CFM connection to the library that should substitute
62         for the weak linked one.
64     Q:          Does the substituted library have to have the same name as the
65         weak linked library.
66     A:          No.
68     Q:          What's this useful for?
69     A:          The most obvious example of where this is useful is when
70         you rely on shared libraries that the user might delete
71         or move.  To can find the shared library (possibly even
72         using CatSearch), call GetDiskFragment to open a connection
73         to it, late import it using this library, and then the
74         rest of your code can continue to use the shared library
75         as if nothing had happened.  No more defining thousands
76         of stub routines which call through routine pointers.
78         There are, however, numerous less obvious uses.  You can
79         use this code to make a 'self repairing' application.  If
80         the user removes your shared library from the Extensions
81         folder, the startup code for your application can offer
82         tor re-install it.  If the user agrees, you can then
83         re-install your shared library, late import it, and then
84         continue running your application if nothing happened.
86         You can even use this code to free yourself from the
87         Extensions folder entirely.  Say you have a suite of
88         applications that currently installs a dozen shared
89         libraries in the Extensions folder.  You can move those
90         libraries to another folder entirely and each application's
91         startup code can track down the library (using an alias
92         in the Preferences file) and late import it.
94         An even cooler use is to provide easy abstraction layers.
95         Say you have a network code for both the MacTCP
96         API and the Open Transport API.  Typically, you would be
97         force to do this by having an abstraction layer where every
98         routine contains a switch between MacTCP and OT.  Your
99         OpenSocket routine might look like:
101             static int OpenSocket(void)
102             {
103                 if (gOTAvailable) {
104                 return OpenSocketOT();
105                 } else {
106                 return OpenSocketMacTCP();
107                 }
108             }
110         With this code, you can avoid that entirely.  Simply
111         weak link to a shared library that you know is never
112         going to be implemented ("crea;MySocketsDummy") and then,
113         at runtime, decide whether the system has MacTCP or OT
114         and late import the relevant real implementation
115         ("crea;MySocketsMacTCP" or "crea;MySocketsOT").
116         One benefit of this approach is that only the MacTCP or
117         the OT code is resident in memory on any given system.
118 */
120 typedef pascal OSStatus (*CFMLateImportLookupProc)(ConstStr255Param symName, CFragSymbolClass symClass,
121                                                                                                         void **symAddr, void *refCon);
122     // CFMLateImportLookupProc defines a callback for CFMLateImportCore.
123     // The routine is expected to look up the address of the symbol named
124     // symName and return it in *symAddr.  The symbol should be of class
125     // symClass, although the callback decides whether a class mismatch is
126     // an error.  refCon is an application defined value that was originally
127     // passed in to CFMLateImportCore.
128     //
129     // If this routine returns an error, a symbol address of 0 is assumed.
130     // If the symbol is marked as a weak import, the CFMLateImportCore will
131     // continue, otherwise the CFMLateImportCore routine will fail with the
132     // error.
134 extern pascal OSStatus CFMLateImportCore(const CFragSystem7DiskFlatLocator *fragToFixLocator,
135                                                                                 CFragConnectionID fragToFixConnID,
136                                                                                 CFragInitFunction fragToFixInitRoutine,
137                                                                                 ConstStr255Param weakLinkedLibraryName,
138                                                                                 CFMLateImportLookupProc lookup,
139                                                                                 void *refCon);
140     // This routine will link you, at runtime, to some library
141     // that you were weak linked to and wasn't present when your
142     // fragment was prepared.  As well as the obvious functionality
143     // of being able to resolve weak links after prepare time,
144     // this functionality can be put to a number of less obvious uses,
145     // some of which are discussed at the top of this header file.
146     //
147     // To call this routine, you need a number of pieces of information:
148     //
149     // 1. fragToFixLocator, fragToFixConnID:  The location of your own
150     //    code fragment on disk and the CFM connection ID to your own
151     //    code fragment.  Typically you get this information from your
152     //    fragment's CFM init routine.  You must ensure that
153     //    fragToFixLocator->fileSpec points to an FSSpec of the
154     //    file which holds your code fragment.
155     //
156     //    IMPORTANT:
157     //    The fact that you pass in a CFragSystem7DiskFlatLocator as the
158     //    fragToFixLocator implies that the fragment to be fixed up must
159     //    be in the data fork of a file.  The code could be modified
160     //    to remove this requirement, but on disk code fragments are the most
161     //    common case.
162     //
163     //    IMPORTANT:
164     //    The fragment to fix may have a packed data section.  Packing the
165     //    data section will reduce the size of your fragment on disk, but it
166     //    will significantly increase the memory needed by this routine
167     //    (it increases memory usage by the sum of the sizes of the packed
168     //    and unpacked data section).  See below for instructions on how to
169     //    create an unpacked data section.
170     //
171     // 2. fragToFixInitRoutine:  A pointer to your own code fragment's
172     //    fragment initialiser routine.  You necessarily have one of these
173     //    because you need it to get values for the fragToFixLocator and
174     //    fragToFixConnID parameters.  Just pass its address in as a parameter
175     //    as well.
176     //
177     // 3. weakLinkedLibraryName:  The name of the weak linked library which
178     //    failed to link.  You must have weak linked to this library.
179     //    It is oxymoric for you to pass a strong linked library here,
180     //    because your code would not have prepared if a strong linked
181     //    library failed to prepare, and so you couldn't supply a valid
182     ///   fragToFix.
183     //
184     // 4. lookup, refCon:  A pointer to a callback function that the
185     //            routine calls to look up the address of a symbol, and a refCon
186     //    for that callback routine.
187     //
188     // Note:
189     // The fragToFixLocator and fragToFixInitRoutine parameters
190     // are artifacts of the way in which this functionality is implemented.
191     // In an ideal world, where CFM exported decent introspection APIs
192     // to third party developers, these parameters would not be necessary.
193     // If you're using this code inside Apple, you probably should investigate
194     // using the CFM private APIs for getting at the information these
195     // parameters are needed for.  See the comments inside the implementation
196     // for more details.
197     //
198     // Note:
199     // The extra memory taken when you use a packed data section is also an
200     // artifact of my workaround for the lack of CFM introspection APIs.  In
201     // my opinion it's better to use an unpacked data section and consume more
202     // space on disk while saving memory.  In CodeWarrior you can switch to an
203     // unpacked data section by checking the "Expand Uninitialized Data"
204     // checkbox in the "PPC PEF" settings panel.  In MPW, specified the
205     // "-packdata off" option to PPCLink.
206     //
207     // When the routine returns, any symbols that you imported from the
208     // library named weakLinkedLibraryName will be resolved to the address
209     // of the symbol provided by the "lookup" callback routine.
210     //
211     // It is possible for an unresolved import to remain unresolved after
212     // this routine returns.  If the symbol import is marked as weak (as
213     // opposed to the library, which *must* be marked as weak) and the symbol
214     // is not found by the "lookup" callback, the routine will simple skip
215     // that symbol.  If the symbol isn't marked as weak, the routine will fail
216     // in that case.
217     //
218     // Most of the possible error results are co-opted CFM errors.  These
219     // include:
220     //
221     // cfragFragmentFormatErr  -- The fragment to fix is is an unknown format.
222     // cfragNoSectionErr       -- Could not find the loader section in the fragment to fix.
223     // cfragNoLibraryErr       -- The fragment to fix is not weak linked to weakLinkedLibraryName.
224     // cfragFragmentUsageErr   -- The fragment to fix doesn't have a data section.
225     //                         -- The fragment to fix is strong linked to weakLinkedLibraryName.
226     //                         -- The fragment doesn't have an init routine.
227     // cfragFragmentCorruptErr -- Encountered an undefined relocation opcode.
228     // unimpErr                -- Encountered an unimplement relocation opcode.  The
229     //                            relocation engine only implements a subset of the CFM
230     //                            relocation opcodes, the subset most commonly used by
231     //                            MPW and CodeWarrior PEF containers.  If you encounter
232     //                            this error, you'll probably have to add the weird
233     //                            relocation opcode to the engine, which shouldn't be
234     //                            be too hard.
235     // memFullErr                          -- It's likely that this error is triggered by the memory
236     //                            needed to unpack your data section.  Either make your
237     //                            data section smaller, or unpack it (see above).
238     // errors returned by FindSymbol
239     // errors returned by Memory Manager
240     //
241     // The routine needs enough memory to hold the loader section of the fragment
242     // to fix in memory.  It allocates that memory using NewPtr and dispsoses of
243     // it before it returns.  You may want to change the memory allocator, which
244     // is very simple.
246 extern pascal OSStatus CFMLateImportLibrary(const CFragSystem7DiskFlatLocator *fragToFixLocator,
247                                                                                 CFragConnectionID fragToFixConnID,
248                                                                                 CFragInitFunction fragToFixInitRoutine,
249                                                                                 ConstStr255Param weakLinkedLibraryName,
250                                                                                 CFragConnectionID connIDToImport);
251     // A wrapper around CFMLateImportCore that looks up symbols by calling
252     // FindSymbol on a connection to a CFM library (connIDToImport).
253     // You can get this connection ID through any standard CFM API, for example
254     // GetSharedLibrary, GetDiskFragment, or GetMemFragment.
255     //
256     // IMPORTANT:
257     // The fragment name for connIDToImport *does not* have to match
258     // weakLinkedLibraryName.  This is part of the power of this library.
260 extern pascal OSStatus CFMLateImportBundle(const CFragSystem7DiskFlatLocator *fragToFixLocator,
261                                                                                 CFragConnectionID fragToFixConnID,
262                                                                                 CFragInitFunction fragToFixInitRoutine,
263                                                                                 ConstStr255Param weakLinkedLibraryName,
264                                                                                 CFBundleRef bundleToImport);
265     // A wrapper around CFMLateImportCore that looks up symbols by calling
266     // CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName on a reference to a Core Foundation
267     // bundle (bundleToImport).  You can get this reference through any
268     // Core Foundation bundle API, for example CFBundleCreate.
270 #ifdef __cplusplus
271 }
272 #endif