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2Package Discovery and Resource Access using ``pkg_resources``
5The ``pkg_resources`` module distributed with ``setuptools`` provides an API
6for Python libraries to access their resource files, and for extensible
7applications and frameworks to automatically discover plugins.  It also
8provides runtime support for using C extensions that are inside zipfile-format
9eggs, support for merging packages that have separately-distributed modules or
10subpackages, and APIs for managing Python's current "working set" of active
14.. contents:: **Table of Contents**
21The ``pkg_resources`` module provides runtime facilities for finding,
22introspecting, activating and using installed Python distributions. Some
23of the more advanced features (notably the support for parallel installation
24of multiple versions) rely specifically on the "egg" format (either as a
25zip archive or subdirectory), while others (such as plugin discovery) will
26work correctly so long as "egg-info" metadata directories are available for
27relevant distributions.
29Eggs are a distribution format for Python modules, similar in concept to
30Java's "jars" or Ruby's "gems", or the "wheel" format defined in PEP 427.
31However, unlike a pure distribution format, eggs can also be installed and
32added directly to ``sys.path`` as an import location. When installed in
33this way, eggs are *discoverable*, meaning that they carry metadata that
34unambiguously identifies their contents and dependencies. This means that
35an installed egg can be *automatically* found and added to ``sys.path`` in
36response to simple requests of the form, "get me everything I need to use
37docutils' PDF support". This feature allows mutually conflicting versions of
38a distribution to co-exist in the same Python installation, with individual
39applications activating the desired version at runtime by manipulating the
40contents of ``sys.path`` (this differs from the virtual environment
41approach, which involves creating isolated environments for each
44The following terms are needed in order to explain the capabilities offered
45by this module:
48    A library, framework, script, plugin, application, or collection of data
49    or other resources, or some combination thereof.  Projects are assumed to
50    have "relatively unique" names, e.g. names registered with PyPI.
53    A snapshot of a project at a particular point in time, denoted by a version
54    identifier.
57    A file or files that represent a particular release.
59importable distribution
60    A file or directory that, if placed on ``sys.path``, allows Python to
61    import any modules contained within it.
63pluggable distribution
64    An importable distribution whose filename unambiguously identifies its
65    release (i.e. project and version), and whose contents unambiguously
66    specify what releases of other projects will satisfy its runtime
67    requirements.
70    An "extra" is an optional feature of a release, that may impose additional
71    runtime requirements.  For example, if docutils PDF support required a
72    PDF support library to be present, docutils could define its PDF support as
73    an "extra", and list what other project releases need to be available in
74    order to provide it.
77    A collection of distributions potentially available for importing, but not
78    necessarily active.  More than one distribution (i.e. release version) for
79    a given project may be present in an environment.
81working set
82    A collection of distributions actually available for importing, as on
83    ``sys.path``.  At most one distribution (release version) of a given
84    project may be present in a working set, as otherwise there would be
85    ambiguity as to what to import.
88    Eggs are pluggable distributions in one of the three formats currently
89    supported by ``pkg_resources``.  There are built eggs, development eggs,
90    and egg links.  Built eggs are directories or zipfiles whose name ends
91    with ``.egg`` and follows the egg naming conventions, and contain an
92    ``EGG-INFO`` subdirectory (zipped or otherwise).  Development eggs are
93    normal directories of Python code with one or more ``ProjectName.egg-info``
94    subdirectories. The development egg format is also used to provide a
95    default version of a distribution that is available to software that
96    doesn't use ``pkg_resources`` to request specific versions. Egg links
97    are ``*.egg-link`` files that contain the name of a built or
98    development egg, to support symbolic linking on platforms that do not
99    have native symbolic links (or where the symbolic link support is
100    limited).
102(For more information about these terms and concepts, see also this
103`architectural overview`_ of ``pkg_resources`` and Python Eggs in general.)
105.. _architectural overview: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2005-June/004652.html
108.. -----------------
109.. Developer's Guide
110.. -----------------
112.. This section isn't written yet.  Currently planned topics include
113    Accessing Resources
114    Finding and Activating Package Distributions
115        get_provider()
116        require()
117        WorkingSet
118        iter_distributions
119    Running Scripts
120    Configuration
121    Namespace Packages
122    Extensible Applications and Frameworks
123        Locating entry points
124        Activation listeners
125        Metadata access
126        Extended Discovery and Installation
127    Supporting Custom PEP 302 Implementations
128.. For now, please check out the extensive `API Reference`_ below.
132API Reference
135Namespace Package Support
138A namespace package is a package that only contains other packages and modules,
139with no direct contents of its own.  Such packages can be split across
140multiple, separately-packaged distributions.  They are normally used to split
141up large packages produced by a single organization, such as in the ``zope``
142namespace package for Zope Corporation packages, and the ``peak`` namespace
143package for the Python Enterprise Application Kit.
145To create a namespace package, you list it in the ``namespace_packages``
146argument to ``setup()``, in your project's ``setup.py``.  (See the
147:ref:`setuptools documentation on namespace packages <Namespace Packages>` for
148more information on this.)  Also, you must add a ``declare_namespace()`` call
149in the package's ``__init__.py`` file(s):
152    Declare that the dotted package name `name` is a "namespace package" whose
153    contained packages and modules may be spread across multiple distributions.
154    The named package's ``__path__`` will be extended to include the
155    corresponding package in all distributions on ``sys.path`` that contain a
156    package of that name.  (More precisely, if an importer's
157    ``find_module(name)`` returns a loader, then it will also be searched for
158    the package's contents.)  Whenever a Distribution's ``activate()`` method
159    is invoked, it checks for the presence of namespace packages and updates
160    their ``__path__`` contents accordingly.
162Applications that manipulate namespace packages or directly alter ``sys.path``
163at runtime may also need to use this API function:
166    Declare that `path_item` is a newly added item on ``sys.path`` that may
167    need to be used to update existing namespace packages.  Ordinarily, this is
168    called for you when an egg is automatically added to ``sys.path``, but if
169    your application modifies ``sys.path`` to include locations that may
170    contain portions of a namespace package, you will need to call this
171    function to ensure they are added to the existing namespace packages.
173Although by default ``pkg_resources`` only supports namespace packages for
174filesystem and zip importers, you can extend its support to other "importers"
175compatible with PEP 302 using the ``register_namespace_handler()`` function.
176See the section below on `Supporting Custom Importers`_ for details.
179``WorkingSet`` Objects
182The ``WorkingSet`` class provides access to a collection of "active"
183distributions.  In general, there is only one meaningful ``WorkingSet``
184instance: the one that represents the distributions that are currently active
185on ``sys.path``.  This global instance is available under the name
186``working_set`` in the ``pkg_resources`` module.  However, specialized
187tools may wish to manipulate working sets that don't correspond to
188``sys.path``, and therefore may wish to create other ``WorkingSet`` instances.
190It's important to note that the global ``working_set`` object is initialized
191from ``sys.path`` when ``pkg_resources`` is first imported, but is only updated
192if you do all future ``sys.path`` manipulation via ``pkg_resources`` APIs.  If
193you manually modify ``sys.path``, you must invoke the appropriate methods on
194the ``working_set`` instance to keep it in sync.  Unfortunately, Python does
195not provide any way to detect arbitrary changes to a list object like
196``sys.path``, so ``pkg_resources`` cannot automatically update the
197``working_set`` based on changes to ``sys.path``.
200    Create a ``WorkingSet`` from an iterable of path entries.  If `entries`
201    is not supplied, it defaults to the value of ``sys.path`` at the time
202    the constructor is called.
204    Note that you will not normally construct ``WorkingSet`` instances
205    yourself, but instead you will implicitly or explicitly use the global
206    ``working_set`` instance.  For the most part, the ``pkg_resources`` API
207    is designed so that the ``working_set`` is used by default, such that you
208    don't have to explicitly refer to it most of the time.
210All distributions available directly on ``sys.path`` will be activated
211automatically when ``pkg_resources`` is imported. This behaviour can cause
212version conflicts for applications which require non-default versions of
213those distributions. To handle this situation, ``pkg_resources`` checks for a
214``__requires__`` attribute in the ``__main__`` module when initializing the
215default working set, and uses this to ensure a suitable version of each
216affected distribution is activated. For example::
218    __requires__ = ["CherryPy < 3"] # Must be set before pkg_resources import
219    import pkg_resources
222Basic ``WorkingSet`` Methods
225The following methods of ``WorkingSet`` objects are also available as module-
226level functions in ``pkg_resources`` that apply to the default ``working_set``
227instance.  Thus, you can use e.g. ``pkg_resources.require()`` as an
228abbreviation for ``pkg_resources.working_set.require()``:
232    Ensure that distributions matching `requirements` are activated
234    `requirements` must be a string or a (possibly-nested) sequence
235    thereof, specifying the distributions and versions required.  The
236    return value is a sequence of the distributions that needed to be
237    activated to fulfill the requirements; all relevant distributions are
238    included, even if they were already activated in this working set.
240    For the syntax of requirement specifiers, see the section below on
241    `Requirements Parsing`_.
243    In general, it should not be necessary for you to call this method
244    directly.  It's intended more for use in quick-and-dirty scripting and
245    interactive interpreter hacking than for production use. If you're creating
246    an actual library or application, it's strongly recommended that you create
247    a "setup.py" script using ``setuptools``, and declare all your requirements
248    there.  That way, tools like EasyInstall can automatically detect what
249    requirements your package has, and deal with them accordingly.
251    Note that calling ``require('SomePackage')`` will not install
252    ``SomePackage`` if it isn't already present.  If you need to do this, you
253    should use the ``resolve()`` method instead, which allows you to pass an
254    ``installer`` callback that will be invoked when a needed distribution
255    can't be found on the local machine.  You can then have this callback
256    display a dialog, automatically download the needed distribution, or
257    whatever else is appropriate for your application. See the documentation
258    below on the ``resolve()`` method for more information, and also on the
259    ``obtain()`` method of ``Environment`` objects.
261``run_script(requires, script_name)``
262    Locate distribution specified by `requires` and run its `script_name`
263    script.  `requires` must be a string containing a requirement specifier.
264    (See `Requirements Parsing`_ below for the syntax.)
266    The script, if found, will be executed in *the caller's globals*.  That's
267    because this method is intended to be called from wrapper scripts that
268    act as a proxy for the "real" scripts in a distribution.  A wrapper script
269    usually doesn't need to do anything but invoke this function with the
270    correct arguments.
272    If you need more control over the script execution environment, you
273    probably want to use the ``run_script()`` method of a ``Distribution``
274    object's `Metadata API`_ instead.
276``iter_entry_points(group, name=None)``
277    Yield entry point objects from `group` matching `name`
279    If `name` is None, yields all entry points in `group` from all
280    distributions in the working set, otherwise only ones matching both
281    `group` and `name` are yielded.  Entry points are yielded from the active
282    distributions in the order that the distributions appear in the working
283    set.  (For the global ``working_set``, this should be the same as the order
284    that they are listed in ``sys.path``.)  Note that within the entry points
285    advertised by an individual distribution, there is no particular ordering.
287    Please see the section below on `Entry Points`_ for more information.
290``WorkingSet`` Methods and Attributes
293These methods are used to query or manipulate the contents of a specific
294working set, so they must be explicitly invoked on a particular ``WorkingSet``
298    Add a path item to the ``entries``, finding any distributions on it.  You
299    should use this when you add additional items to ``sys.path`` and you want
300    the global ``working_set`` to reflect the change.  This method is also
301    called by the ``WorkingSet()`` constructor during initialization.
303    This method uses ``find_distributions(entry,True)`` to find distributions
304    corresponding to the path entry, and then ``add()`` them.  `entry` is
305    always appended to the ``entries`` attribute, even if it is already
306    present, however. (This is because ``sys.path`` can contain the same value
307    more than once, and the ``entries`` attribute should be able to reflect
308    this.)
311    True if `dist` is active in this ``WorkingSet``.  Note that only one
312    distribution for a given project can be active in a given ``WorkingSet``.
315    Yield distributions for non-duplicate projects in the working set.
316    The yield order is the order in which the items' path entries were
317    added to the working set.
320    Find a distribution matching `req` (a ``Requirement`` instance).
321    If there is an active distribution for the requested project, this
322    returns it, as long as it meets the version requirement specified by
323    `req`.  But, if there is an active distribution for the project and it
324    does *not* meet the `req` requirement, ``VersionConflict`` is raised.
325    If there is no active distribution for the requested project, ``None``
326    is returned.
328``resolve(requirements, env=None, installer=None)``
329    List all distributions needed to (recursively) meet `requirements`
331    `requirements` must be a sequence of ``Requirement`` objects.  `env`,
332    if supplied, should be an ``Environment`` instance.  If
333    not supplied, an ``Environment`` is created from the working set's
334    ``entries``.  `installer`, if supplied, will be invoked with each
335    requirement that cannot be met by an already-installed distribution; it
336    should return a ``Distribution`` or ``None``.  (See the ``obtain()`` method
337    of `Environment Objects`_, below, for more information on the `installer`
338    argument.)
340``add(dist, entry=None)``
341    Add `dist` to working set, associated with `entry`
343    If `entry` is unspecified, it defaults to ``dist.location``.  On exit from
344    this routine, `entry` is added to the end of the working set's ``.entries``
345    (if it wasn't already present).
347    `dist` is only added to the working set if it's for a project that
348    doesn't already have a distribution active in the set.  If it's
349    successfully added, any  callbacks registered with the ``subscribe()``
350    method will be called.  (See `Receiving Change Notifications`_, below.)
352    Note: ``add()`` is automatically called for you by the ``require()``
353    method, so you don't normally need to use this method directly.
356    This attribute represents a "shadow" ``sys.path``, primarily useful for
357    debugging.  If you are experiencing import problems, you should check
358    the global ``working_set`` object's ``entries`` against ``sys.path``, to
359    ensure that they match.  If they do not, then some part of your program
360    is manipulating ``sys.path`` without updating the ``working_set``
361    accordingly.  IMPORTANT NOTE: do not directly manipulate this attribute!
362    Setting it equal to ``sys.path`` will not fix your problem, any more than
363    putting black tape over an "engine warning" light will fix your car!  If
364    this attribute is out of sync with ``sys.path``, it's merely an *indicator*
365    of the problem, not the cause of it.
368Receiving Change Notifications
371Extensible applications and frameworks may need to receive notification when
372a new distribution (such as a plug-in component) has been added to a working
373set.  This is what the ``subscribe()`` method and ``add_activation_listener()``
374function are for.
377    Invoke ``callback(distribution)`` once for each active distribution that is
378    in the set now, or gets added later.  Because the callback is invoked for
379    already-active distributions, you do not need to loop over the working set
380    yourself to deal with the existing items; just register the callback and
381    be prepared for the fact that it will be called immediately by this method.
383    Note that callbacks *must not* allow exceptions to propagate, or they will
384    interfere with the operation of other callbacks and possibly result in an
385    inconsistent working set state.  Callbacks should use a try/except block
386    to ignore, log, or otherwise process any errors, especially since the code
387    that caused the callback to be invoked is unlikely to be able to handle
388    the errors any better than the callback itself.
390``pkg_resources.add_activation_listener()`` is an alternate spelling of
394Locating Plugins
397Extensible applications will sometimes have a "plugin directory" or a set of
398plugin directories, from which they want to load entry points or other
399metadata.  The ``find_plugins()`` method allows you to do this, by scanning an
400environment for the newest version of each project that can be safely loaded
401without conflicts or missing requirements.
403``find_plugins(plugin_env, full_env=None, fallback=True)``
404   Scan `plugin_env` and identify which distributions could be added to this
405   working set without version conflicts or missing requirements.
407   Example usage::
409       distributions, errors = working_set.find_plugins(
410           Environment(plugin_dirlist)
411       )
412       map(working_set.add, distributions)  # add plugins+libs to sys.path
413       print "Couldn't load", errors        # display errors
415   The `plugin_env` should be an ``Environment`` instance that contains only
416   distributions that are in the project's "plugin directory" or directories.
417   The `full_env`, if supplied, should be an ``Environment`` instance that
418   contains all currently-available distributions.
420   If `full_env` is not supplied, one is created automatically from the
421   ``WorkingSet`` this method is called on, which will typically mean that
422   every directory on ``sys.path`` will be scanned for distributions.
424   This method returns a 2-tuple: (`distributions`, `error_info`), where
425   `distributions` is a list of the distributions found in `plugin_env` that
426   were loadable, along with any other distributions that are needed to resolve
427   their dependencies.  `error_info` is a dictionary mapping unloadable plugin
428   distributions to an exception instance describing the error that occurred.
429   Usually this will be a ``DistributionNotFound`` or ``VersionConflict``
430   instance.
432   Most applications will use this method mainly on the master ``working_set``
433   instance in ``pkg_resources``, and then immediately add the returned
434   distributions to the working set so that they are available on sys.path.
435   This will make it possible to find any entry points, and allow any other
436   metadata tracking and hooks to be activated.
438   The resolution algorithm used by ``find_plugins()`` is as follows.  First,
439   the project names of the distributions present in `plugin_env` are sorted.
440   Then, each project's eggs are tried in descending version order (i.e.,
441   newest version first).
443   An attempt is made to resolve each egg's dependencies. If the attempt is
444   successful, the egg and its dependencies are added to the output list and to
445   a temporary copy of the working set.  The resolution process continues with
446   the next project name, and no older eggs for that project are tried.
448   If the resolution attempt fails, however, the error is added to the error
449   dictionary.  If the `fallback` flag is true, the next older version of the
450   plugin is tried, until a working version is found.  If false, the resolution
451   process continues with the next plugin project name.
453   Some applications may have stricter fallback requirements than others. For
454   example, an application that has a database schema or persistent objects
455   may not be able to safely downgrade a version of a package. Others may want
456   to ensure that a new plugin configuration is either 100% good or else
457   revert to a known-good configuration.  (That is, they may wish to revert to
458   a known configuration if the `error_info` return value is non-empty.)
460   Note that this algorithm gives precedence to satisfying the dependencies of
461   alphabetically prior project names in case of version conflicts. If two
462   projects named "AaronsPlugin" and "ZekesPlugin" both need different versions
463   of "TomsLibrary", then "AaronsPlugin" will win and "ZekesPlugin" will be
464   disabled due to version conflict.
467``Environment`` Objects
470An "environment" is a collection of ``Distribution`` objects, usually ones
471that are present and potentially importable on the current platform.
472``Environment`` objects are used by ``pkg_resources`` to index available
473distributions during dependency resolution.
475``Environment(search_path=None, platform=get_supported_platform(), python=PY_MAJOR)``
476    Create an environment snapshot by scanning `search_path` for distributions
477    compatible with `platform` and `python`.  `search_path` should be a
478    sequence of strings such as might be used on ``sys.path``.  If a
479    `search_path` isn't supplied, ``sys.path`` is used.
481    `platform` is an optional string specifying the name of the platform
482    that platform-specific distributions must be compatible with.  If
483    unspecified, it defaults to the current platform.  `python` is an
484    optional string naming the desired version of Python (e.g. ``'2.4'``);
485    it defaults to the currently-running version.
487    You may explicitly set `platform` (and/or `python`) to ``None`` if you
488    wish to include *all* distributions, not just those compatible with the
489    running platform or Python version.
491    Note that `search_path` is scanned immediately for distributions, and the
492    resulting ``Environment`` is a snapshot of the found distributions.  It
493    is not automatically updated if the system's state changes due to e.g.
494    installation or removal of distributions.
497    Returns a list of distributions for the given project name, ordered
498    from newest to oldest version.  (And highest to lowest format precedence
499    for distributions that contain the same version of the project.)  If there
500    are no distributions for the project, returns an empty list.
503    Yield the unique project names of the distributions in this environment.
504    The yielded names are always in lower case.
507    Add `dist` to the environment if it matches the platform and python version
508    specified at creation time, and only if the distribution hasn't already
509    been added. (i.e., adding the same distribution more than once is a no-op.)
512    Remove `dist` from the environment.
515    Is distribution `dist` acceptable for this environment?  If it's not
516    compatible with the ``platform`` and ``python`` version values specified
517    when the environment was created, a false value is returned.
519``__add__(dist_or_env)``  (``+`` operator)
520    Add a distribution or environment to an ``Environment`` instance, returning
521    a *new* environment object that contains all the distributions previously
522    contained by both.  The new environment will have a ``platform`` and
523    ``python`` of ``None``, meaning that it will not reject any distributions
524    from being added to it; it will simply accept whatever is added.  If you
525    want the added items to be filtered for platform and Python version, or
526    you want to add them to the *same* environment instance, you should use
527    in-place addition (``+=``) instead.
529``__iadd__(dist_or_env)``  (``+=`` operator)
530    Add a distribution or environment to an ``Environment`` instance
531    *in-place*, updating the existing instance and returning it.  The
532    ``platform`` and ``python`` filter attributes take effect, so distributions
533    in the source that do not have a suitable platform string or Python version
534    are silently ignored.
536``best_match(req, working_set, installer=None)``
537    Find distribution best matching `req` and usable on `working_set`
539    This calls the ``find(req)`` method of the `working_set` to see if a
540    suitable distribution is already active.  (This may raise
541    ``VersionConflict`` if an unsuitable version of the project is already
542    active in the specified `working_set`.)  If a suitable distribution isn't
543    active, this method returns the newest distribution in the environment
544    that meets the ``Requirement`` in `req`.  If no suitable distribution is
545    found, and `installer` is supplied, then the result of calling
546    the environment's ``obtain(req, installer)`` method will be returned.
548``obtain(requirement, installer=None)``
549    Obtain a distro that matches requirement (e.g. via download).  In the
550    base ``Environment`` class, this routine just returns
551    ``installer(requirement)``, unless `installer` is None, in which case
552    None is returned instead.  This method is a hook that allows subclasses
553    to attempt other ways of obtaining a distribution before falling back
554    to the `installer` argument.
557    Scan `search_path` for distributions usable on `platform`
559    Any distributions found are added to the environment.  `search_path` should
560    be a sequence of strings such as might be used on ``sys.path``.  If not
561    supplied, ``sys.path`` is used.  Only distributions conforming to
562    the platform/python version defined at initialization are added.  This
563    method is a shortcut for using the ``find_distributions()`` function to
564    find the distributions from each item in `search_path`, and then calling
565    ``add()`` to add each one to the environment.
568``Requirement`` Objects
571``Requirement`` objects express what versions of a project are suitable for
572some purpose.  These objects (or their string form) are used by various
573``pkg_resources`` APIs in order to find distributions that a script or
574distribution needs.
577Requirements Parsing
581    Yield ``Requirement`` objects for a string or iterable of lines.  Each
582    requirement must start on a new line.  See below for syntax.
585    Create a ``Requirement`` object from a string or iterable of lines.  A
586    ``ValueError`` is raised if the string or lines do not contain a valid
587    requirement specifier, or if they contain more than one specifier.  (To
588    parse multiple specifiers from a string or iterable of strings, use
589    ``parse_requirements()`` instead.)
591    The syntax of a requirement specifier is defined in full in PEP 508.
593    Some examples of valid requirement specifiers::
595        FooProject >= 1.2
596        Fizzy [foo, bar]
597        PickyThing<1.6,>1.9,!=1.9.6,<2.0a0,==2.4c1
598        SomethingWhoseVersionIDontCareAbout
599        SomethingWithMarker[foo]>1.0;python_version<"2.7"
601    The project name is the only required portion of a requirement string, and
602    if it's the only thing supplied, the requirement will accept any version
603    of that project.
605    The "extras" in a requirement are used to request optional features of a
606    project, that may require additional project distributions in order to
607    function.  For example, if the hypothetical "Report-O-Rama" project offered
608    optional PDF support, it might require an additional library in order to
609    provide that support.  Thus, a project needing Report-O-Rama's PDF features
610    could use a requirement of ``Report-O-Rama[PDF]`` to request installation
611    or activation of both Report-O-Rama and any libraries it needs in order to
612    provide PDF support.  For example, you could use::
614        easy_install.py Report-O-Rama[PDF]
616    To install the necessary packages using the EasyInstall program, or call
617    ``pkg_resources.require('Report-O-Rama[PDF]')`` to add the necessary
618    distributions to sys.path at runtime.
620    The "markers" in a requirement are used to specify when a requirement
621    should be installed -- the requirement will be installed if the marker
622    evaluates as true in the current environment. For example, specifying
623    ``argparse;python_version<"3.0"`` will not install in an Python 3
624    environment, but will in a Python 2 environment.
626``Requirement`` Methods and Attributes
630    Return true if `dist_or_version` fits the criteria for this requirement.
631    If `dist_or_version` is a ``Distribution`` object, its project name must
632    match the requirement's project name, and its version must meet the
633    requirement's version criteria.  If `dist_or_version` is a string, it is
634    parsed using the ``parse_version()`` utility function.  Otherwise, it is
635    assumed to be an already-parsed version.
637    The ``Requirement`` object's version specifiers (``.specs``) are internally
638    sorted into ascending version order, and used to establish what ranges of
639    versions are acceptable.  Adjacent redundant conditions are effectively
640    consolidated (e.g. ``">1, >2"`` produces the same results as ``">2"``, and
641    ``"<2,<3"`` produces the same results as ``"<2"``). ``"!="`` versions are
642    excised from the ranges they fall within.  The version being tested for
643    acceptability is then checked for membership in the resulting ranges.
646    A requirement compares equal to another requirement if they have
647    case-insensitively equal project names, version specifiers, and "extras".
648    (The order that extras and version specifiers are in is also ignored.)
649    Equal requirements also have equal hashes, so that requirements can be
650    used in sets or as dictionary keys.
653    The string form of a ``Requirement`` is a string that, if passed to
654    ``Requirement.parse()``, would return an equal ``Requirement`` object.
657    The name of the required project
660    An all-lowercase version of the ``project_name``, useful for comparison
661    or indexing.
664    A tuple of names of "extras" that this requirement calls for.  (These will
665    be all-lowercase and normalized using the ``safe_extra()`` parsing utility
666    function, so they may not exactly equal the extras the requirement was
667    created with.)
670    A list of ``(op,version)`` tuples, sorted in ascending parsed-version
671    order.  The `op` in each tuple is a comparison operator, represented as
672    a string.  The `version` is the (unparsed) version number.
675    An instance of ``packaging.markers.Marker`` that allows evaluation
676    against the current environment. May be None if no marker specified.
679    The location to download the requirement from if specified.
681Entry Points
684Entry points are a simple way for distributions to "advertise" Python objects
685(such as functions or classes) for use by other distributions.  Extensible
686applications and frameworks can search for entry points with a particular name
687or group, either from a specific distribution or from all active distributions
688on sys.path, and then inspect or load the advertised objects at will.
690Entry points belong to "groups" which are named with a dotted name similar to
691a Python package or module name.  For example, the ``setuptools`` package uses
692an entry point named ``distutils.commands`` in order to find commands defined
693by distutils extensions.  ``setuptools`` treats the names of entry points
694defined in that group as the acceptable commands for a setup script.
696In a similar way, other packages can define their own entry point groups,
697either using dynamic names within the group (like ``distutils.commands``), or
698possibly using predefined names within the group.  For example, a blogging
699framework that offers various pre- or post-publishing hooks might define an
700entry point group and look for entry points named "pre_process" and
701"post_process" within that group.
703To advertise an entry point, a project needs to use ``setuptools`` and provide
704an ``entry_points`` argument to ``setup()`` in its setup script, so that the
705entry points will be included in the distribution's metadata.  For more
706details, see the ``setuptools`` documentation.  (XXX link here to setuptools)
708Each project distribution can advertise at most one entry point of a given
709name within the same entry point group.  For example, a distutils extension
710could advertise two different ``distutils.commands`` entry points, as long as
711they had different names.  However, there is nothing that prevents *different*
712projects from advertising entry points of the same name in the same group.  In
713some cases, this is a desirable thing, since the application or framework that
714uses the entry points may be calling them as hooks, or in some other way
715combining them.  It is up to the application or framework to decide what to do
716if multiple distributions advertise an entry point; some possibilities include
717using both entry points, displaying an error message, using the first one found
718in sys.path order, etc.
721Convenience API
724In the following functions, the `dist` argument can be a ``Distribution``
725instance, a ``Requirement`` instance, or a string specifying a requirement
726(i.e. project name, version, etc.).  If the argument is a string or
727``Requirement``, the specified distribution is located (and added to sys.path
728if not already present).  An error will be raised if a matching distribution is
729not available.
731The `group` argument should be a string containing a dotted identifier,
732identifying an entry point group.  If you are defining an entry point group,
733you should include some portion of your package's name in the group name so as
734to avoid collision with other packages' entry point groups.
736``load_entry_point(dist, group, name)``
737    Load the named entry point from the specified distribution, or raise
738    ``ImportError``.
740``get_entry_info(dist, group, name)``
741    Return an ``EntryPoint`` object for the given `group` and `name` from
742    the specified distribution.  Returns ``None`` if the distribution has not
743    advertised a matching entry point.
745``get_entry_map(dist, group=None)``
746    Return the distribution's entry point map for `group`, or the full entry
747    map for the distribution.  This function always returns a dictionary,
748    even if the distribution advertises no entry points.  If `group` is given,
749    the dictionary maps entry point names to the corresponding ``EntryPoint``
750    object.  If `group` is None, the dictionary maps group names to
751    dictionaries that then map entry point names to the corresponding
752    ``EntryPoint`` instance in that group.
754``iter_entry_points(group, name=None)``
755    Yield entry point objects from `group` matching `name`.
757    If `name` is None, yields all entry points in `group` from all
758    distributions in the working set on sys.path, otherwise only ones matching
759    both `group` and `name` are yielded.  Entry points are yielded from
760    the active distributions in the order that the distributions appear on
761    sys.path.  (Within entry points for a particular distribution, however,
762    there is no particular ordering.)
764    (This API is actually a method of the global ``working_set`` object; see
765    the section above on `Basic WorkingSet Methods`_ for more information.)
768Creating and Parsing
771``EntryPoint(name, module_name, attrs=(), extras=(), dist=None)``
772    Create an ``EntryPoint`` instance.  `name` is the entry point name.  The
773    `module_name` is the (dotted) name of the module containing the advertised
774    object.  `attrs` is an optional tuple of names to look up from the
775    module to obtain the advertised object.  For example, an `attrs` of
776    ``("foo","bar")`` and a `module_name` of ``"baz"`` would mean that the
777    advertised object could be obtained by the following code::
779        import baz
780        advertised_object = baz.foo.bar
782    The `extras` are an optional tuple of "extra feature" names that the
783    distribution needs in order to provide this entry point.  When the
784    entry point is loaded, these extra features are looked up in the `dist`
785    argument to find out what other distributions may need to be activated
786    on sys.path; see the ``load()`` method for more details.  The `extras`
787    argument is only meaningful if `dist` is specified.  `dist` must be
788    a ``Distribution`` instance.
790``EntryPoint.parse(src, dist=None)`` (classmethod)
791    Parse a single entry point from string `src`
793    Entry point syntax follows the form::
795        name = some.module:some.attr [extra1,extra2]
797    The entry name and module name are required, but the ``:attrs`` and
798    ``[extras]`` parts are optional, as is the whitespace shown between
799    some of the items.  The `dist` argument is passed through to the
800    ``EntryPoint()`` constructor, along with the other values parsed from
801    `src`.
803``EntryPoint.parse_group(group, lines, dist=None)`` (classmethod)
804    Parse `lines` (a string or sequence of lines) to create a dictionary
805    mapping entry point names to ``EntryPoint`` objects.  ``ValueError`` is
806    raised if entry point names are duplicated, if `group` is not a valid
807    entry point group name, or if there are any syntax errors.  (Note: the
808    `group` parameter is used only for validation and to create more
809    informative error messages.)  If `dist` is provided, it will be used to
810    set the ``dist`` attribute of the created ``EntryPoint`` objects.
812``EntryPoint.parse_map(data, dist=None)`` (classmethod)
813    Parse `data` into a dictionary mapping group names to dictionaries mapping
814    entry point names to ``EntryPoint`` objects.  If `data` is a dictionary,
815    then the keys are used as group names and the values are passed to
816    ``parse_group()`` as the `lines` argument.  If `data` is a string or
817    sequence of lines, it is first split into .ini-style sections (using
818    the ``split_sections()`` utility function) and the section names are used
819    as group names.  In either case, the `dist` argument is passed through to
820    ``parse_group()`` so that the entry points will be linked to the specified
821    distribution.
824``EntryPoint`` Objects
827For simple introspection, ``EntryPoint`` objects have attributes that
828correspond exactly to the constructor argument names: ``name``,
829``module_name``, ``attrs``, ``extras``, and ``dist`` are all available.  In
830addition, the following methods are provided:
833    Load the entry point, returning the advertised Python object.  Effectively
834    calls ``self.require()`` then returns ``self.resolve()``.
836``require(env=None, installer=None)``
837    Ensure that any "extras" needed by the entry point are available on
838    sys.path.  ``UnknownExtra`` is raised if the ``EntryPoint`` has ``extras``,
839    but no ``dist``, or if the named extras are not defined by the
840    distribution.  If `env` is supplied, it must be an ``Environment``, and it
841    will be used to search for needed distributions if they are not already
842    present on sys.path.  If `installer` is supplied, it must be a callable
843    taking a ``Requirement`` instance and returning a matching importable
844    ``Distribution`` instance or None.
847    Resolve the entry point from its module and attrs, returning the advertised
848    Python object. Raises ``ImportError`` if it cannot be obtained.
851    The string form of an ``EntryPoint`` is a string that could be passed to
852    ``EntryPoint.parse()`` to produce an equivalent ``EntryPoint``.
855``Distribution`` Objects
858``Distribution`` objects represent collections of Python code that may or may
859not be importable, and may or may not have metadata and resources associated
860with them.  Their metadata may include information such as what other projects
861the distribution depends on, what entry points the distribution advertises, and
862so on.
865Getting or Creating Distributions
868Most commonly, you'll obtain ``Distribution`` objects from a ``WorkingSet`` or
869an ``Environment``.  (See the sections above on `WorkingSet Objects`_ and
870`Environment Objects`_, which are containers for active distributions and
871available distributions, respectively.)  You can also obtain ``Distribution``
872objects from one of these high-level APIs:
874``find_distributions(path_item, only=False)``
875    Yield distributions accessible via `path_item`.  If `only` is true, yield
876    only distributions whose ``location`` is equal to `path_item`.  In other
877    words, if `only` is true, this yields any distributions that would be
878    importable if `path_item` were on ``sys.path``.  If `only` is false, this
879    also yields distributions that are "in" or "under" `path_item`, but would
880    not be importable unless their locations were also added to ``sys.path``.
883    Return a ``Distribution`` object for a given ``Requirement`` or string.
884    If `dist_spec` is already a ``Distribution`` instance, it is returned.
885    If it is a ``Requirement`` object or a string that can be parsed into one,
886    it is used to locate and activate a matching distribution, which is then
887    returned.
889However, if you're creating specialized tools for working with distributions,
890or creating a new distribution format, you may also need to create
891``Distribution`` objects directly, using one of the three constructors below.
893These constructors all take an optional `metadata` argument, which is used to
894access any resources or metadata associated with the distribution.  `metadata`
895must be an object that implements the ``IResourceProvider`` interface, or None.
896If it is None, an ``EmptyProvider`` is used instead.  ``Distribution`` objects
897implement both the `IResourceProvider`_ and `IMetadataProvider Methods`_ by
898delegating them to the `metadata` object.
900``Distribution.from_location(location, basename, metadata=None, **kw)`` (classmethod)
901    Create a distribution for `location`, which must be a string such as a
902    URL, filename, or other string that might be used on ``sys.path``.
903    `basename` is a string naming the distribution, like ``Foo-1.2-py2.4.egg``.
904    If `basename` ends with ``.egg``, then the project's name, version, python
905    version and platform are extracted from the filename and used to set those
906    properties of the created distribution.  Any additional keyword arguments
907    are forwarded to the ``Distribution()`` constructor.
909``Distribution.from_filename(filename, metadata=None**kw)`` (classmethod)
910    Create a distribution by parsing a local filename.  This is a shorter way
911    of saying  ``Distribution.from_location(normalize_path(filename),
912    os.path.basename(filename), metadata)``.  In other words, it creates a
913    distribution whose location is the normalize form of the filename, parsing
914    name and version information from the base portion of the filename.  Any
915    additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the ``Distribution()``
916    constructor.
919    Create a distribution by setting its properties.  All arguments are
920    optional and default to None, except for `py_version` (which defaults to
921    the current Python version) and `precedence` (which defaults to
922    ``EGG_DIST``; for more details see ``precedence`` under `Distribution
923    Attributes`_ below).  Note that it's usually easier to use the
924    ``from_filename()`` or ``from_location()`` constructors than to specify
925    all these arguments individually.
928``Distribution`` Attributes
932    A string indicating the distribution's location.  For an importable
933    distribution, this is the string that would be added to ``sys.path`` to
934    make it actively importable.  For non-importable distributions, this is
935    simply a filename, URL, or other way of locating the distribution.
938    A string, naming the project that this distribution is for.  Project names
939    are defined by a project's setup script, and they are used to identify
940    projects on PyPI.  When a ``Distribution`` is constructed, the
941    `project_name` argument is passed through the ``safe_name()`` utility
942    function to filter out any unacceptable characters.
945    ``dist.key`` is short for ``dist.project_name.lower()``.  It's used for
946    case-insensitive comparison and indexing of distributions by project name.
949    A list of strings, giving the names of extra features defined by the
950    project's dependency list (the ``extras_require`` argument specified in
951    the project's setup script).
954    A string denoting what release of the project this distribution contains.
955    When a ``Distribution`` is constructed, the `version` argument is passed
956    through the ``safe_version()`` utility function to filter out any
957    unacceptable characters.  If no `version` is specified at construction
958    time, then attempting to access this attribute later will cause the
959    ``Distribution`` to try to discover its version by reading its ``PKG-INFO``
960    metadata file.  If ``PKG-INFO`` is unavailable or can't be parsed,
961    ``ValueError`` is raised.
964    The ``parsed_version`` is an object representing a "parsed" form of the
965    distribution's ``version``.  ``dist.parsed_version`` is a shortcut for
966    calling ``parse_version(dist.version)``.  It is used to compare or sort
967    distributions by version.  (See the `Parsing Utilities`_ section below for
968    more information on the ``parse_version()`` function.)  Note that accessing
969    ``parsed_version`` may result in a ``ValueError`` if the ``Distribution``
970    was constructed without a `version` and without `metadata` capable of
971    supplying the missing version info.
974    The major/minor Python version the distribution supports, as a string.
975    For example, "2.7" or "3.4".  The default is the current version of Python.
978    A string representing the platform the distribution is intended for, or
979    ``None`` if the distribution is "pure Python" and therefore cross-platform.
980    See `Platform Utilities`_ below for more information on platform strings.
983    A distribution's ``precedence`` is used to determine the relative order of
984    two distributions that have the same ``project_name`` and
985    ``parsed_version``.  The default precedence is ``pkg_resources.EGG_DIST``,
986    which is the highest (i.e. most preferred) precedence.  The full list
987    of predefined precedences, from most preferred to least preferred, is:
989    ``DEVELOP_DIST``.  Normally, precedences other than ``EGG_DIST`` are used
990    only by the ``setuptools.package_index`` module, when sorting distributions
991    found in a package index to determine their suitability for installation.
992    "System" and "Development" eggs (i.e., ones that use the ``.egg-info``
993    format), however, are automatically given a precedence of ``DEVELOP_DIST``.
997``Distribution`` Methods
1001    Ensure distribution is importable on `path`.  If `path` is None,
1002    ``sys.path`` is used instead.  This ensures that the distribution's
1003    ``location`` is in the `path` list, and it also performs any necessary
1004    namespace package fixups or declarations.  (That is, if the distribution
1005    contains namespace packages, this method ensures that they are declared,
1006    and that the distribution's contents for those namespace packages are
1007    merged with the contents provided by any other active distributions.  See
1008    the section above on `Namespace Package Support`_ for more information.)
1010    ``pkg_resources`` adds a notification callback to the global ``working_set``
1011    that ensures this method is called whenever a distribution is added to it.
1012    Therefore, you should not normally need to explicitly call this method.
1013    (Note that this means that namespace packages on ``sys.path`` are always
1014    imported as soon as ``pkg_resources`` is, which is another reason why
1015    namespace packages should not contain any code or import statements.)
1018    Return a ``Requirement`` instance that matches this distribution's project
1019    name and version.
1022    List the ``Requirement`` objects that specify this distribution's
1023    dependencies.  If `extras` is specified, it should be a sequence of names
1024    of "extras" defined by the distribution, and the list returned will then
1025    include any dependencies needed to support the named "extras".
1028    Create a copy of the distribution.  Any supplied keyword arguments override
1029    the corresponding argument to the ``Distribution()`` constructor, allowing
1030    you to change some of the copied distribution's attributes.
1033    Return what this distribution's standard filename should be, not including
1034    the ".egg" extension.  For example, a distribution for project "Foo"
1035    version 1.2 that runs on Python 2.3 for Windows would have an ``egg_name()``
1036    of ``Foo-1.2-py2.3-win32``.  Any dashes in the name or version are
1037    converted to underscores.  (``Distribution.from_location()`` will convert
1038    them back when parsing a ".egg" file name.)
1040``__cmp__(other)``, ``__hash__()``
1041    Distribution objects are hashed and compared on the basis of their parsed
1042    version and precedence, followed by their key (lowercase project name),
1043    location, Python version, and platform.
1045The following methods are used to access ``EntryPoint`` objects advertised
1046by the distribution.  See the section above on `Entry Points`_ for more
1047detailed information about these operations:
1049``get_entry_info(group, name)``
1050    Return the ``EntryPoint`` object for `group` and `name`, or None if no
1051    such point is advertised by this distribution.
1054    Return the entry point map for `group`.  If `group` is None, return
1055    a dictionary mapping group names to entry point maps for all groups.
1056    (An entry point map is a dictionary of entry point names to ``EntryPoint``
1057    objects.)
1059``load_entry_point(group, name)``
1060    Short for ``get_entry_info(group, name).load()``.  Returns the object
1061    advertised by the named entry point, or raises ``ImportError`` if
1062    the entry point isn't advertised by this distribution, or there is some
1063    other import problem.
1065In addition to the above methods, ``Distribution`` objects also implement all
1066of the `IResourceProvider`_ and `IMetadataProvider Methods`_ (which are
1067documented in later sections):
1069* ``has_metadata(name)``
1070* ``metadata_isdir(name)``
1071* ``metadata_listdir(name)``
1072* ``get_metadata(name)``
1073* ``get_metadata_lines(name)``
1074* ``run_script(script_name, namespace)``
1075* ``get_resource_filename(manager, resource_name)``
1076* ``get_resource_stream(manager, resource_name)``
1077* ``get_resource_string(manager, resource_name)``
1078* ``has_resource(resource_name)``
1079* ``resource_isdir(resource_name)``
1080* ``resource_listdir(resource_name)``
1082If the distribution was created with a `metadata` argument, these resource and
1083metadata access methods are all delegated to that `metadata` provider.
1084Otherwise, they are delegated to an ``EmptyProvider``, so that the distribution
1085will appear to have no resources or metadata.  This delegation approach is used
1086so that supporting custom importers or new distribution formats can be done
1087simply by creating an appropriate `IResourceProvider`_ implementation; see the
1088section below on `Supporting Custom Importers`_ for more details.
1091``ResourceManager`` API
1094The ``ResourceManager`` class provides uniform access to package resources,
1095whether those resources exist as files and directories or are compressed in
1096an archive of some kind.
1098Normally, you do not need to create or explicitly manage ``ResourceManager``
1099instances, as the ``pkg_resources`` module creates a global instance for you,
1100and makes most of its methods available as top-level names in the
1101``pkg_resources`` module namespace.  So, for example, this code actually
1102calls the ``resource_string()`` method of the global ``ResourceManager``::
1104    import pkg_resources
1105    my_data = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, "foo.dat")
1107Thus, you can use the APIs below without needing an explicit
1108``ResourceManager`` instance; just import and use them as needed.
1111Basic Resource Access
1114In the following methods, the `package_or_requirement` argument may be either
1115a Python package/module name (e.g. ``foo.bar``) or a ``Requirement`` instance.
1116If it is a package or module name, the named module or package must be
1117importable (i.e., be in a distribution or directory on ``sys.path``), and the
1118`resource_name` argument is interpreted relative to the named package.  (Note
1119that if a module name is used, then the resource name is relative to the
1120package immediately containing the named module.  Also, you should not use use
1121a namespace package name, because a namespace package can be spread across
1122multiple distributions, and is therefore ambiguous as to which distribution
1123should be searched for the resource.)
1125If it is a ``Requirement``, then the requirement is automatically resolved
1126(searching the current ``Environment`` if necessary) and a matching
1127distribution is added to the ``WorkingSet`` and ``sys.path`` if one was not
1128already present.  (Unless the ``Requirement`` can't be satisfied, in which
1129case an exception is raised.)  The `resource_name` argument is then interpreted
1130relative to the root of the identified distribution; i.e. its first path
1131segment will be treated as a peer of the top-level modules or packages in the
1134Note that resource names must be ``/``-separated paths and cannot be absolute
1135(i.e. no leading ``/``) or contain relative names like ``".."``.  Do *not* use
1136``os.path`` routines to manipulate resource paths, as they are *not* filesystem
1139``resource_exists(package_or_requirement, resource_name)``
1140    Does the named resource exist?  Return ``True`` or ``False`` accordingly.
1142``resource_stream(package_or_requirement, resource_name)``
1143    Return a readable file-like object for the specified resource; it may be
1144    an actual file, a ``StringIO``, or some similar object.  The stream is
1145    in "binary mode", in the sense that whatever bytes are in the resource
1146    will be read as-is.
1148``resource_string(package_or_requirement, resource_name)``
1149    Return the specified resource as a string.  The resource is read in
1150    binary fashion, such that the returned string contains exactly the bytes
1151    that are stored in the resource.
1153``resource_isdir(package_or_requirement, resource_name)``
1154    Is the named resource a directory?  Return ``True`` or ``False``
1155    accordingly.
1157``resource_listdir(package_or_requirement, resource_name)``
1158    List the contents of the named resource directory, just like ``os.listdir``
1159    except that it works even if the resource is in a zipfile.
1161Note that only ``resource_exists()`` and ``resource_isdir()`` are insensitive
1162as to the resource type.  You cannot use ``resource_listdir()`` on a file
1163resource, and you can't use ``resource_string()`` or ``resource_stream()`` on
1164directory resources.  Using an inappropriate method for the resource type may
1165result in an exception or undefined behavior, depending on the platform and
1166distribution format involved.
1169Resource Extraction
1172``resource_filename(package_or_requirement, resource_name)``
1173    Sometimes, it is not sufficient to access a resource in string or stream
1174    form, and a true filesystem filename is needed.  In such cases, you can
1175    use this method (or module-level function) to obtain a filename for a
1176    resource.  If the resource is in an archive distribution (such as a zipped
1177    egg), it will be extracted to a cache directory, and the filename within
1178    the cache will be returned.  If the named resource is a directory, then
1179    all resources within that directory (including subdirectories) are also
1180    extracted.  If the named resource is a C extension or "eager resource"
1181    (see the ``setuptools`` documentation for details), then all C extensions
1182    and eager resources are extracted at the same time.
1184    Archived resources are extracted to a cache location that can be managed by
1185    the following two methods:
1188    Set the base path where resources will be extracted to, if needed.
1190    If you do not call this routine before any extractions take place, the
1191    path defaults to the return value of ``get_default_cache()``.  (Which is
1192    based on the ``PYTHON_EGG_CACHE`` environment variable, with various
1193    platform-specific fallbacks.  See that routine's documentation for more
1194    details.)
1196    Resources are extracted to subdirectories of this path based upon
1197    information given by the resource provider.  You may set this to a
1198    temporary directory, but then you must call ``cleanup_resources()`` to
1199    delete the extracted files when done.  There is no guarantee that
1200    ``cleanup_resources()`` will be able to remove all extracted files.  (On
1201    Windows, for example, you can't unlink .pyd or .dll files that are still
1202    in use.)
1204    Note that you may not change the extraction path for a given resource
1205    manager once resources have been extracted, unless you first call
1206    ``cleanup_resources()``.
1209    Delete all extracted resource files and directories, returning a list
1210    of the file and directory names that could not be successfully removed.
1211    This function does not have any concurrency protection, so it should
1212    generally only be called when the extraction path is a temporary
1213    directory exclusive to a single process.  This method is not
1214    automatically called; you must call it explicitly or register it as an
1215    ``atexit`` function if you wish to ensure cleanup of a temporary
1216    directory used for extractions.
1219"Provider" Interface
1222If you are implementing an ``IResourceProvider`` and/or ``IMetadataProvider``
1223for a new distribution archive format, you may need to use the following
1224``IResourceManager`` methods to co-ordinate extraction of resources to the
1225filesystem.  If you're not implementing an archive format, however, you have
1226no need to use these methods.  Unlike the other methods listed above, they are
1227*not* available as top-level functions tied to the global ``ResourceManager``;
1228you must therefore have an explicit ``ResourceManager`` instance to use them.
1230``get_cache_path(archive_name, names=())``
1231    Return absolute location in cache for `archive_name` and `names`
1233    The parent directory of the resulting path will be created if it does
1234    not already exist.  `archive_name` should be the base filename of the
1235    enclosing egg (which may not be the name of the enclosing zipfile!),
1236    including its ".egg" extension.  `names`, if provided, should be a
1237    sequence of path name parts "under" the egg's extraction location.
1239    This method should only be called by resource providers that need to
1240    obtain an extraction location, and only for names they intend to
1241    extract, as it tracks the generated names for possible cleanup later.
1244    Raise an ``ExtractionError`` describing the active exception as interfering
1245    with the extraction process.  You should call this if you encounter any
1246    OS errors extracting the file to the cache path; it will format the
1247    operating system exception for you, and add other information to the
1248    ``ExtractionError`` instance that may be needed by programs that want to
1249    wrap or handle extraction errors themselves.
1251``postprocess(tempname, filename)``
1252    Perform any platform-specific postprocessing of `tempname`.
1253    Resource providers should call this method ONLY after successfully
1254    extracting a compressed resource.  They must NOT call it on resources
1255    that are already in the filesystem.
1257    `tempname` is the current (temporary) name of the file, and `filename`
1258    is the name it will be renamed to by the caller after this routine
1259    returns.
1262Metadata API
1265The metadata API is used to access metadata resources bundled in a pluggable
1266distribution.  Metadata resources are virtual files or directories containing
1267information about the distribution, such as might be used by an extensible
1268application or framework to connect "plugins".  Like other kinds of resources,
1269metadata resource names are ``/``-separated and should not contain ``..`` or
1270begin with a ``/``.  You should not use ``os.path`` routines to manipulate
1271resource paths.
1273The metadata API is provided by objects implementing the ``IMetadataProvider``
1274or ``IResourceProvider`` interfaces.  ``Distribution`` objects implement this
1275interface, as do objects returned by the ``get_provider()`` function:
1278    If a package name is supplied, return an ``IResourceProvider`` for the
1279    package.  If a ``Requirement`` is supplied, resolve it by returning a
1280    ``Distribution`` from the current working set (searching the current
1281    ``Environment`` if necessary and adding the newly found ``Distribution``
1282    to the working set).  If the named package can't be imported, or the
1283    ``Requirement`` can't be satisfied, an exception is raised.
1285    NOTE: if you use a package name rather than a ``Requirement``, the object
1286    you get back may not be a pluggable distribution, depending on the method
1287    by which the package was installed.  In particular, "development" packages
1288    and "single-version externally-managed" packages do not have any way to
1289    map from a package name to the corresponding project's metadata.  Do not
1290    write code that passes a package name to ``get_provider()`` and then tries
1291    to retrieve project metadata from the returned object.  It may appear to
1292    work when the named package is in an ``.egg`` file or directory, but
1293    it will fail in other installation scenarios.  If you want project
1294    metadata, you need to ask for a *project*, not a package.
1297``IMetadataProvider`` Methods
1300The methods provided by objects (such as ``Distribution`` instances) that
1301implement the ``IMetadataProvider`` or ``IResourceProvider`` interfaces are:
1304    Does the named metadata resource exist?
1307    Is the named metadata resource a directory?
1310    List of metadata names in the directory (like ``os.listdir()``)
1313    Return the named metadata resource as a string.  The data is read in binary
1314    mode; i.e., the exact bytes of the resource file are returned.
1317    Yield named metadata resource as list of non-blank non-comment lines.  This
1318    is short for calling ``yield_lines(provider.get_metadata(name))``.  See the
1319    section on `yield_lines()`_ below for more information on the syntax it
1320    recognizes.
1322``run_script(script_name, namespace)``
1323    Execute the named script in the supplied namespace dictionary.  Raises
1324    ``ResolutionError`` if there is no script by that name in the ``scripts``
1325    metadata directory.  `namespace` should be a Python dictionary, usually
1326    a module dictionary if the script is being run as a module.
1332``pkg_resources`` provides a simple exception hierarchy for problems that may
1333occur when processing requests to locate and activate packages::
1335    ResolutionError
1336        DistributionNotFound
1337        VersionConflict
1338        UnknownExtra
1340    ExtractionError
1343    This class is used as a base class for the other three exceptions, so that
1344    you can catch all of them with a single "except" clause.  It is also raised
1345    directly for miscellaneous requirement-resolution problems like trying to
1346    run a script that doesn't exist in the distribution it was requested from.
1349    A distribution needed to fulfill a requirement could not be found.
1352    The requested version of a project conflicts with an already-activated
1353    version of the same project.
1356    One of the "extras" requested was not recognized by the distribution it
1357    was requested from.
1360    A problem occurred extracting a resource to the Python Egg cache.  The
1361    following attributes are available on instances of this exception:
1363    manager
1364        The resource manager that raised this exception
1366    cache_path
1367        The base directory for resource extraction
1369    original_error
1370        The exception instance that caused extraction to fail
1373Supporting Custom Importers
1376By default, ``pkg_resources`` supports normal filesystem imports, and
1377``zipimport`` importers.  If you wish to use the ``pkg_resources`` features
1378with other (PEP 302-compatible) importers or module loaders, you may need to
1379register various handlers and support functions using these APIs:
1381``register_finder(importer_type, distribution_finder)``
1382    Register `distribution_finder` to find distributions in ``sys.path`` items.
1383    `importer_type` is the type or class of a PEP 302 "Importer" (``sys.path``
1384    item handler), and `distribution_finder` is a callable that, when passed a
1385    path item, the importer instance, and an `only` flag, yields
1386    ``Distribution`` instances found under that path item.  (The `only` flag,
1387    if true, means the finder should yield only ``Distribution`` objects whose
1388    ``location`` is equal to the path item provided.)
1390    See the source of the ``pkg_resources.find_on_path`` function for an
1391    example finder function.
1393``register_loader_type(loader_type, provider_factory)``
1394    Register `provider_factory` to make ``IResourceProvider`` objects for
1395    `loader_type`.  `loader_type` is the type or class of a PEP 302
1396    ``module.__loader__``, and `provider_factory` is a function that, when
1397    passed a module object, returns an `IResourceProvider`_ for that module,
1398    allowing it to be used with the `ResourceManager API`_.
1400``register_namespace_handler(importer_type, namespace_handler)``
1401    Register `namespace_handler` to declare namespace packages for the given
1402    `importer_type`.  `importer_type` is the type or class of a PEP 302
1403    "importer" (sys.path item handler), and `namespace_handler` is a callable
1404    with a signature like this::
1406        def namespace_handler(importer, path_entry, moduleName, module):
1407            # return a path_entry to use for child packages
1409    Namespace handlers are only called if the relevant importer object has
1410    already agreed that it can handle the relevant path item.  The handler
1411    should only return a subpath if the module ``__path__`` does not already
1412    contain an equivalent subpath.  Otherwise, it should return None.
1414    For an example namespace handler, see the source of the
1415    ``pkg_resources.file_ns_handler`` function, which is used for both zipfile
1416    importing and regular importing.
1422``IResourceProvider`` is an abstract class that documents what methods are
1423required of objects returned by a `provider_factory` registered with
1424``register_loader_type()``.  ``IResourceProvider`` is a subclass of
1425``IMetadataProvider``, so objects that implement this interface must also
1426implement all of the `IMetadataProvider Methods`_ as well as the methods
1427shown here.  The `manager` argument to the methods below must be an object
1428that supports the full `ResourceManager API`_ documented above.
1430``get_resource_filename(manager, resource_name)``
1431    Return a true filesystem path for `resource_name`, coordinating the
1432    extraction with `manager`, if the resource must be unpacked to the
1433    filesystem.
1435``get_resource_stream(manager, resource_name)``
1436    Return a readable file-like object for `resource_name`.
1438``get_resource_string(manager, resource_name)``
1439    Return a string containing the contents of `resource_name`.
1442    Does the package contain the named resource?
1445    Is the named resource a directory?  Return a false value if the resource
1446    does not exist or is not a directory.
1449    Return a list of the contents of the resource directory, ala
1450    ``os.listdir()``.  Requesting the contents of a non-existent directory may
1451    raise an exception.
1453Note, by the way, that your provider classes need not (and should not) subclass
1454``IResourceProvider`` or ``IMetadataProvider``!  These classes exist solely
1455for documentation purposes and do not provide any useful implementation code.
1456You may instead wish to subclass one of the `built-in resource providers`_.
1459Built-in Resource Providers
1462``pkg_resources`` includes several provider classes that are automatically used
1463where appropriate.  Their inheritance tree looks like this::
1465    NullProvider
1466        EggProvider
1467            DefaultProvider
1468                PathMetadata
1469            ZipProvider
1470                EggMetadata
1471        EmptyProvider
1472            FileMetadata
1476    This provider class is just an abstract base that provides for common
1477    provider behaviors (such as running scripts), given a definition for just
1478    a few abstract methods.
1481    This provider class adds in some egg-specific features that are common
1482    to zipped and unzipped eggs.
1485    This provider class is used for unpacked eggs and "plain old Python"
1486    filesystem modules.
1489    This provider class is used for all zipped modules, whether they are eggs
1490    or not.
1493    This provider class always returns answers consistent with a provider that
1494    has no metadata or resources.  ``Distribution`` objects created without
1495    a ``metadata`` argument use an instance of this provider class instead.
1496    Since all ``EmptyProvider`` instances are equivalent, there is no need
1497    to have more than one instance.  ``pkg_resources`` therefore creates a
1498    global instance of this class under the name ``empty_provider``, and you
1499    may use it if you have need of an ``EmptyProvider`` instance.
1501``PathMetadata(path, egg_info)``
1502    Create an ``IResourceProvider`` for a filesystem-based distribution, where
1503    `path` is the filesystem location of the importable modules, and `egg_info`
1504    is the filesystem location of the distribution's metadata directory.
1505    `egg_info` should usually be the ``EGG-INFO`` subdirectory of `path` for an
1506    "unpacked egg", and a ``ProjectName.egg-info`` subdirectory of `path` for
1507    a "development egg".  However, other uses are possible for custom purposes.
1510    Create an ``IResourceProvider`` for a zipfile-based distribution.  The
1511    `zipimporter` should be a ``zipimport.zipimporter`` instance, and may
1512    represent a "basket" (a zipfile containing multiple ".egg" subdirectories)
1513    a specific egg *within* a basket, or a zipfile egg (where the zipfile
1514    itself is a ".egg").  It can also be a combination, such as a zipfile egg
1515    that also contains other eggs.
1518    Create an ``IResourceProvider`` that provides exactly one metadata
1519    resource: ``PKG-INFO``.  The supplied path should be a distutils PKG-INFO
1520    file.  This is basically the same as an ``EmptyProvider``, except that
1521    requests for ``PKG-INFO`` will be answered using the contents of the
1522    designated file.  (This provider is used to wrap ``.egg-info`` files
1523    installed by vendor-supplied system packages.)
1526Utility Functions
1529In addition to its high-level APIs, ``pkg_resources`` also includes several
1530generally-useful utility routines.  These routines are used to implement the
1531high-level APIs, but can also be quite useful by themselves.
1534Parsing Utilities
1538    Parsed a project's version string as defined by PEP 440. The returned
1539    value will be an object that represents the version. These objects may
1540    be compared to each other and sorted. The sorting algorithm is as defined
1541    by PEP 440 with the addition that any version which is not a valid PEP 440
1542    version will be considered less than any valid PEP 440 version and the
1543    invalid versions will continue sorting using the original algorithm.
1545.. _yield_lines():
1548    Yield non-empty/non-comment lines from a string/unicode or a possibly-
1549    nested sequence thereof.  If `strs` is an instance of ``basestring``, it
1550    is split into lines, and each non-blank, non-comment line is yielded after
1551    stripping leading and trailing whitespace.  (Lines whose first non-blank
1552    character is ``#`` are considered comment lines.)
1554    If `strs` is not an instance of ``basestring``, it is iterated over, and
1555    each item is passed recursively to ``yield_lines()``, so that an arbitrarily
1556    nested sequence of strings, or sequences of sequences of strings can be
1557    flattened out to the lines contained therein.  So for example, passing
1558    a file object or a list of strings to ``yield_lines`` will both work.
1559    (Note that between each string in a sequence of strings there is assumed to
1560    be an implicit line break, so lines cannot bridge two strings in a
1561    sequence.)
1563    This routine is used extensively by ``pkg_resources`` to parse metadata
1564    and file formats of various kinds, and most other ``pkg_resources``
1565    parsing functions that yield multiple values will use it to break up their
1566    input.  However, this routine is idempotent, so calling ``yield_lines()``
1567    on the output of another call to ``yield_lines()`` is completely harmless.
1570    Split a string (or possibly-nested iterable thereof), yielding ``(section,
1571    content)`` pairs found using an ``.ini``-like syntax.  Each ``section`` is
1572    a whitespace-stripped version of the section name ("``[section]``")
1573    and each ``content`` is a list of stripped lines excluding blank lines and
1574    comment-only lines.  If there are any non-blank, non-comment lines before
1575    the first section header, they're yielded in a first ``section`` of
1576    ``None``.
1578    This routine uses ``yield_lines()`` as its front end, so you can pass in
1579    anything that ``yield_lines()`` accepts, such as an open text file, string,
1580    or sequence of strings.  ``ValueError`` is raised if a malformed section
1581    header is found (i.e. a line starting with ``[`` but not ending with
1582    ``]``).
1584    Note that this simplistic parser assumes that any line whose first nonblank
1585    character is ``[`` is a section heading, so it can't support .ini format
1586    variations that allow ``[`` as the first nonblank character on other lines.
1589    Return a "safe" form of a project's name, suitable for use in a
1590    ``Requirement`` string, as a distribution name, or a PyPI project name.
1591    All non-alphanumeric runs are condensed to single "-" characters, such that
1592    a name like "The $$$ Tree" becomes "The-Tree".  Note that if you are
1593    generating a filename from this value you should combine it with a call to
1594    ``to_filename()`` so all dashes ("-") are replaced by underscores ("_").
1595    See ``to_filename()``.
1598    This will return the normalized form of any PEP 440 version, if the version
1599    string is not PEP 440 compatible than it is similar to ``safe_name()``
1600    except that spaces in the input become dots, and dots are allowed to exist
1601    in the output.  As with ``safe_name()``, if you are generating a filename
1602    from this you should replace any "-" characters in the output with
1603    underscores.
1606    Return a "safe" form of an extra's name, suitable for use in a requirement
1607    string or a setup script's ``extras_require`` keyword.  This routine is
1608    similar to ``safe_name()`` except that non-alphanumeric runs are replaced
1609    by a single underbar (``_``), and the result is lowercased.
1612    Escape a name or version string so it can be used in a dash-separated
1613    filename (or ``#egg=name-version`` tag) without ambiguity.  You
1614    should only pass in values that were returned by ``safe_name()`` or
1615    ``safe_version()``.
1618Platform Utilities
1622    Return this platform's identifier string.  For Windows, the return value
1623    is ``"win32"``, and for Mac OS X it is a string of the form
1624    ``"macosx-10.4-ppc"``.  All other platforms return the same uname-based
1625    string that the ``distutils.util.get_platform()`` function returns.
1626    This string is the minimum platform version required by distributions built
1627    on the local machine.  (Backward compatibility note: setuptools versions
1628    prior to 0.6b1 called this function ``get_platform()``, and the function is
1629    still available under that name for backward compatibility reasons.)
1631``get_supported_platform()`` (New in 0.6b1)
1632    This is the similar to ``get_build_platform()``, but is the maximum
1633    platform version that the local machine supports.  You will usually want
1634    to use this value as the ``provided`` argument to the
1635    ``compatible_platforms()`` function.
1637``compatible_platforms(provided, required)``
1638    Return true if a distribution built on the `provided` platform may be used
1639    on the `required` platform.  If either platform value is ``None``, it is
1640    considered a wildcard, and the platforms are therefore compatible.
1641    Likewise, if the platform strings are equal, they're also considered
1642    compatible, and ``True`` is returned.  Currently, the only non-equal
1643    platform strings that are considered compatible are Mac OS X platform
1644    strings with the same hardware type (e.g. ``ppc``) and major version
1645    (e.g. ``10``) with the `provided` platform's minor version being less than
1646    or equal to the `required` platform's minor version.
1649    Determine the default cache location for extracting resources from zipped
1650    eggs.  This routine returns the ``PYTHON_EGG_CACHE`` environment variable,
1651    if set.  Otherwise, on Windows, it returns a "Python-Eggs" subdirectory of
1652    the user's "Application Data" directory.  On all other systems, it returns
1653    ``os.path.expanduser("~/.python-eggs")`` if ``PYTHON_EGG_CACHE`` is not
1654    set.
1657PEP 302 Utilities
1661    A deprecated alias for ``pkgutil.get_importer()``
1664File/Path Utilities
1668    Ensure that the parent directory (``os.path.dirname``) of `path` actually
1669    exists, using ``os.makedirs()`` if necessary.
1672    Return a "normalized" version of `path`, such that two paths represent
1673    the same filesystem location if they have equal ``normalized_path()``
1674    values.  Specifically, this is a shortcut for calling ``os.path.realpath``
1675    and ``os.path.normcase`` on `path`.  Unfortunately, on certain platforms
1676    (notably Cygwin and Mac OS X) the ``normcase`` function does not accurately
1677    reflect the platform's case-sensitivity, so there is always the possibility
1678    of two apparently-different paths being equal on such platforms.
1684 * Fix ``resource_listdir('')`` always returning an empty list for zipped eggs.
1687 * Fix package precedence problem where single-version eggs installed in
1688   ``site-packages`` would take precedence over ``.egg`` files (or directories)
1689   installed in ``site-packages``.
1692 * Fix extracted C extensions not having executable permissions under Cygwin.
1694 * Allow ``.egg-link`` files to contain relative paths.
1696 * Fix cache dir defaults on Windows when multiple environment vars are needed
1697   to construct a path.
1700 * Fix "dev" versions being considered newer than release candidates.
1703 * Python 2.5 compatibility fixes.
1706 * Fix a problem with eggs specified directly on ``PYTHONPATH`` on
1707   case-insensitive filesystems possibly not showing up in the default
1708   working set, due to differing normalizations of ``sys.path`` entries.
1711 * Fixed a duplicate path insertion problem on case-insensitive filesystems.
1714 * Split ``get_platform()`` into ``get_supported_platform()`` and
1715   ``get_build_platform()`` to work around a Mac versioning problem that caused
1716   the behavior of ``compatible_platforms()`` to be platform specific.
1718 * Fix entry point parsing when a standalone module name has whitespace
1719   between it and the extras.
1722 * Added ``ExtractionError`` and ``ResourceManager.extraction_error()`` so that
1723   cache permission problems get a more user-friendly explanation of the
1724   problem, and so that programs can catch and handle extraction errors if they
1725   need to.
1728 * Added the ``extras`` attribute to ``Distribution``, the ``find_plugins()``
1729   method to ``WorkingSet``, and the ``__add__()`` and ``__iadd__()`` methods
1730   to ``Environment``.
1732 * ``safe_name()`` now allows dots in project names.
1734 * There is a new ``to_filename()`` function that escapes project names and
1735   versions for safe use in constructing egg filenames from a Distribution
1736   object's metadata.
1738 * Added ``Distribution.clone()`` method, and keyword argument support to other
1739   ``Distribution`` constructors.
1741 * Added the ``DEVELOP_DIST`` precedence, and automatically assign it to
1742   eggs using ``.egg-info`` format.
1745 * Don't raise an error when an invalid (unfinished) distribution is found
1746   unless absolutely necessary.  Warn about skipping invalid/unfinished eggs
1747   when building an Environment.
1749 * Added support for ``.egg-info`` files or directories with version/platform
1750   information embedded in the filename, so that system packagers have the
1751   option of including ``PKG-INFO`` files to indicate the presence of a
1752   system-installed egg, without needing to use ``.egg`` directories, zipfiles,
1753   or ``.pth`` manipulation.
1755 * Changed ``parse_version()`` to remove dashes before pre-release tags, so
1756   that ``0.2-rc1`` is considered an *older* version than ``0.2``, and is equal
1757   to ``0.2rc1``.  The idea that a dash *always* meant a post-release version
1758   was highly non-intuitive to setuptools users and Python developers, who
1759   seem to want to use ``-rc`` version numbers a lot.
1762 * Fixed a problem with ``WorkingSet.resolve()`` that prevented version
1763   conflicts from being detected at runtime.
1765 * Improved runtime conflict warning message to identify a line in the user's
1766   program, rather than flagging the ``warn()`` call in ``pkg_resources``.
1768 * Avoid giving runtime conflict warnings for namespace packages, even if they
1769   were declared by a different package than the one currently being activated.
1771 * Fix path insertion algorithm for case-insensitive filesystems.
1773 * Fixed a problem with nested namespace packages (e.g. ``peak.util``) not
1774   being set as an attribute of their parent package.
1777 * Activated distributions are now inserted in ``sys.path`` (and the working
1778   set) just before the directory that contains them, instead of at the end.
1779   This allows e.g. eggs in ``site-packages`` to override unmanaged modules in
1780   the same location, and allows eggs found earlier on ``sys.path`` to override
1781   ones found later.
1783 * When a distribution is activated, it now checks whether any contained
1784   non-namespace modules have already been imported and issues a warning if
1785   a conflicting module has already been imported.
1787 * Changed dependency processing so that it's breadth-first, allowing a
1788   depender's preferences to override those of a dependee, to prevent conflicts
1789   when a lower version is acceptable to the dependee, but not the depender.
1791 * Fixed a problem extracting zipped files on Windows, when the egg in question
1792   has had changed contents but still has the same version number.
1795 * Fix a bug in ``WorkingSet.resolve()`` that was introduced in 0.6a3.
1798 * Added ``safe_extra()`` parsing utility routine, and use it for Requirement,
1799   EntryPoint, and Distribution objects' extras handling.
1802 * Enhanced performance of ``require()`` and related operations when all
1803   requirements are already in the working set, and enhanced performance of
1804   directory scanning for distributions.
1806 * Fixed some problems using ``pkg_resources`` w/PEP 302 loaders other than
1807   ``zipimport``, and the previously-broken "eager resource" support.
1809 * Fixed ``pkg_resources.resource_exists()`` not working correctly, along with
1810   some other resource API bugs.
1812 * Many API changes and enhancements:
1814   * Added ``EntryPoint``, ``get_entry_map``, ``load_entry_point``, and
1815     ``get_entry_info`` APIs for dynamic plugin discovery.
1817   * ``list_resources`` is now ``resource_listdir`` (and it actually works)
1819   * Resource API functions like ``resource_string()`` that accepted a package
1820     name and resource name, will now also accept a ``Requirement`` object in
1821     place of the package name (to allow access to non-package data files in
1822     an egg).
1824   * ``get_provider()`` will now accept a ``Requirement`` instance or a module
1825     name.  If it is given a ``Requirement``, it will return a corresponding
1826     ``Distribution`` (by calling ``require()`` if a suitable distribution
1827     isn't already in the working set), rather than returning a metadata and
1828     resource provider for a specific module.  (The difference is in how
1829     resource paths are interpreted; supplying a module name means resources
1830     path will be module-relative, rather than relative to the distribution's
1831     root.)
1833   * ``Distribution`` objects now implement the ``IResourceProvider`` and
1834     ``IMetadataProvider`` interfaces, so you don't need to reference the (no
1835     longer available) ``metadata`` attribute to get at these interfaces.
1837   * ``Distribution`` and ``Requirement`` both have a ``project_name``
1838     attribute for the project name they refer to.  (Previously these were
1839     ``name`` and ``distname`` attributes.)
1841   * The ``path`` attribute of ``Distribution`` objects is now ``location``,
1842     because it isn't necessarily a filesystem path (and hasn't been for some
1843     time now).  The ``location`` of ``Distribution`` objects in the filesystem
1844     should always be normalized using ``pkg_resources.normalize_path()``; all
1845     of the setuptools and EasyInstall code that generates distributions from
1846     the filesystem (including ``Distribution.from_filename()``) ensure this
1847     invariant, but if you use a more generic API like ``Distribution()`` or
1848     ``Distribution.from_location()`` you should take care that you don't
1849     create a distribution with an un-normalized filesystem path.
1851   * ``Distribution`` objects now have an ``as_requirement()`` method that
1852     returns a ``Requirement`` for the distribution's project name and version.
1854   * Distribution objects no longer have an ``installed_on()`` method, and the
1855     ``install_on()`` method is now ``activate()`` (but may go away altogether
1856     soon).  The ``depends()`` method has also been renamed to ``requires()``,
1857     and ``InvalidOption`` is now ``UnknownExtra``.
1859   * ``find_distributions()`` now takes an additional argument called ``only``,
1860     that tells it to only yield distributions whose location is the passed-in
1861     path.  (It defaults to False, so that the default behavior is unchanged.)
1863   * ``AvailableDistributions`` is now called ``Environment``, and the
1864     ``get()``, ``__len__()``, and ``__contains__()`` methods were removed,
1865     because they weren't particularly useful.  ``__getitem__()`` no longer
1866     raises ``KeyError``; it just returns an empty list if there are no
1867     distributions for the named project.
1869   * The ``resolve()`` method of ``Environment`` is now a method of
1870     ``WorkingSet`` instead, and the ``best_match()`` method now uses a working
1871     set instead of a path list as its second argument.
1873   * There is a new ``pkg_resources.add_activation_listener()`` API that lets
1874     you register a callback for notifications about distributions added to
1875     ``sys.path`` (including the distributions already on it).  This is
1876     basically a hook for extensible applications and frameworks to be able to
1877     search for plugin metadata in distributions added at runtime.
1880 * Fixed a bug in resource extraction from nested packages in a zipped egg.
1883 * Updated extraction/cache mechanism for zipped resources to avoid inter-
1884   process and inter-thread races during extraction.  The default cache
1885   location can now be set via the ``PYTHON_EGGS_CACHE`` environment variable,
1886   and the default Windows cache is now a ``Python-Eggs`` subdirectory of the
1887   current user's "Application Data" directory, if the ``PYTHON_EGGS_CACHE``
1888   variable isn't set.
1891 * Fix a problem with ``pkg_resources`` being confused by non-existent eggs on
1892   ``sys.path`` (e.g. if a user deletes an egg without removing it from the
1893   ``easy-install.pth`` file).
1895 * Fix a problem with "basket" support in ``pkg_resources``, where egg-finding
1896   never actually went inside ``.egg`` files.
1898 * Made ``pkg_resources`` import the module you request resources from, if it's
1899   not already imported.
1902 * ``pkg_resources.AvailableDistributions.resolve()`` and related methods now
1903   accept an ``installer`` argument: a callable taking one argument, a
1904   ``Requirement`` instance.  The callable must return a ``Distribution``
1905   object, or ``None`` if no distribution is found.  This feature is used by
1906   EasyInstall to resolve dependencies by recursively invoking itself.
1909 * Fix problems with ``resource_listdir()``, ``resource_isdir()`` and resource
1910   directory extraction for zipped eggs.
1913 * Fixed scripts not being able to see a ``__file__`` variable in ``__main__``
1915 * Fixed a problem with ``resource_isdir()`` implementation that was introduced
1916   in 0.4a2.
1919 * Fixed a bug in requirements processing for exact versions (i.e. ``==`` and
1920   ``!=``) when only one condition was included.
1922 * Added ``safe_name()`` and ``safe_version()`` APIs to clean up handling of
1923   arbitrary distribution names and versions found on PyPI.
1926 * ``pkg_resources`` now supports resource directories, not just the resources
1927   in them.  In particular, there are ``resource_listdir()`` and
1928   ``resource_isdir()`` APIs.
1930 * ``pkg_resources`` now supports "egg baskets" -- .egg zipfiles which contain
1931   multiple distributions in subdirectories whose names end with ``.egg``.
1932   Having such a "basket" in a directory on ``sys.path`` is equivalent to
1933   having the individual eggs in that directory, but the contained eggs can
1934   be individually added (or not) to ``sys.path``.  Currently, however, there
1935   is no automated way to create baskets.
1937 * Namespace package manipulation is now protected by the Python import lock.
1940 * Initial release.