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1# Copyright (c) 2018 Google LLC
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
14"""Manages and runs tests from the current working directory.
16This will traverse the current working directory and look for python files that
17contain subclasses of SpirvTest.
19If a class has an @inside_spirv_testsuite decorator, an instance of that
20class will be created and serve as a test case in that testsuite.  The test
21case is then run by the following steps:
23  1. A temporary directory will be created.
24  2. The spirv_args member variable will be inspected and all placeholders in it
25     will be expanded by calling instantiate_for_spirv_args() on placeholders.
26     The transformed list elements are then supplied as arguments to the spirv-*
27     tool under test.
28  3. If the environment member variable exists, its write() method will be
29     invoked.
30  4. All expected_* member variables will be inspected and all placeholders in
31     them will be expanded by calling instantiate_for_expectation() on those
32     placeholders. After placeholder expansion, if the expected_* variable is
33     a list, its element will be joined together with '' to form a single
34     string. These expected_* variables are to be used by the check_*() methods.
35  5. The spirv-* tool will be run with the arguments supplied in spirv_args.
36  6. All check_*() member methods will be called by supplying a TestStatus as
37     argument. Each check_*() method is expected to return a (Success, Message)
38     pair where Success is a boolean indicating success and Message is an error
39     message.
40  7. If any check_*() method fails, the error message is output and the
41     current test case fails.
43If --leave-output was not specified, all temporary files and directories will
44be deleted.
47from __future__ import print_function
49import argparse
50import fnmatch
51import inspect
52import os
53import shutil
54import subprocess
55import sys
56import tempfile
57from collections import defaultdict
58from placeholder import PlaceHolder
64def get_all_variables(instance):
65  """Returns the names of all the variables in instance."""
66  return [v for v in dir(instance) if not callable(getattr(instance, v))]
69def get_all_methods(instance):
70  """Returns the names of all methods in instance."""
71  return [m for m in dir(instance) if callable(getattr(instance, m))]
74def get_all_superclasses(cls):
75  """Returns all superclasses of a given class.
77    Returns:
78      A list of superclasses of the given class. The order guarantees that
79      * A Base class precedes its derived classes, e.g., for "class B(A)", it
80        will be [..., A, B, ...].
81      * When there are multiple base classes, base classes declared first
82        precede those declared later, e.g., for "class C(A, B), it will be
83        [..., A, B, C, ...]
84    """
85  classes = []
86  for superclass in cls.__bases__:
87    for c in get_all_superclasses(superclass):
88      if c not in classes:
89        classes.append(c)
90  for superclass in cls.__bases__:
91    if superclass not in classes:
92      classes.append(superclass)
93  return classes
96def get_all_test_methods(test_class):
97  """Gets all validation methods.
99    Returns:
100      A list of validation methods. The order guarantees that
101      * A method defined in superclass precedes one defined in subclass,
102        e.g., for "class A(B)", methods defined in B precedes those defined
103        in A.
104      * If a subclass has more than one superclass, e.g., "class C(A, B)",
105        then methods defined in A precedes those defined in B.
106    """
107  classes = get_all_superclasses(test_class)
108  classes.append(test_class)
109  all_tests = [
110      m for c in classes for m in get_all_methods(c)
111      if m.startswith(VALIDATE_METHOD_PREFIX)
112  ]
113  unique_tests = []
114  for t in all_tests:
115    if t not in unique_tests:
116      unique_tests.append(t)
117  return unique_tests
120class SpirvTest:
121  """Base class for spirv test cases.
123    Subclasses define test cases' facts (shader source code, spirv command,
124    result validation), which will be used by the TestCase class for running
125    tests. Subclasses should define spirv_args (specifying spirv_tool command
126    arguments), and at least one check_*() method (for result validation) for
127    a full-fledged test case. All check_*() methods should take a TestStatus
128    parameter and return a (Success, Message) pair, in which Success is a
129    boolean indicating success and Message is an error message. The test passes
130    iff all check_*() methods returns true.
132    Often, a test case class will delegate the check_* behaviors by inheriting
133    from other classes.
134    """
136  def name(self):
137    return self.__class__.__name__
140class TestStatus:
141  """A struct for holding run status of a test case."""
143  def __init__(self, test_manager, returncode, stdout, stderr, directory,
144               inputs, input_filenames):
145    self.test_manager = test_manager
146    self.returncode = returncode
147    self.stdout = stdout
148    self.stderr = stderr
149    # temporary directory where the test runs
150    self.directory = directory
151    # List of inputs, as PlaceHolder objects.
152    self.inputs = inputs
153    # the names of input shader files (potentially including paths)
154    self.input_filenames = input_filenames
157class SpirvTestException(Exception):
158  """SpirvTest exception class."""
159  pass
162def inside_spirv_testsuite(testsuite_name):
163  """Decorator for subclasses of SpirvTest.
165    This decorator checks that a class meets the requirements (see below)
166    for a test case class, and then puts the class in a certain testsuite.
167    * The class needs to be a subclass of SpirvTest.
168    * The class needs to have spirv_args defined as a list.
169    * The class needs to define at least one check_*() methods.
170    * All expected_* variables required by check_*() methods can only be
171      of bool, str, or list type.
172    * Python runtime will throw an exception if the expected_* member
173      attributes required by check_*() methods are missing.
174    """
176  def actual_decorator(cls):
177    if not inspect.isclass(cls):
178      raise SpirvTestException('Test case should be a class')
179    if not issubclass(cls, SpirvTest):
180      raise SpirvTestException(
181          'All test cases should be subclasses of SpirvTest')
182    if 'spirv_args' not in get_all_variables(cls):
183      raise SpirvTestException('No spirv_args found in the test case')
184    if not isinstance(cls.spirv_args, list):
185      raise SpirvTestException('spirv_args needs to be a list')
186    if not any(
187        [m.startswith(VALIDATE_METHOD_PREFIX) for m in get_all_methods(cls)]):
188      raise SpirvTestException('No check_*() methods found in the test case')
189    if not all(
190        [isinstance(v, (bool, str, list)) for v in get_all_variables(cls)]):
191      raise SpirvTestException(
192          'expected_* variables are only allowed to be bool, str, or '
193          'list type.')
194    cls.parent_testsuite = testsuite_name
195    return cls
197  return actual_decorator
200class TestManager:
201  """Manages and runs a set of tests."""
203  def __init__(self, executable_path, assembler_path, disassembler_path):
204    self.executable_path = executable_path
205    self.assembler_path = assembler_path
206    self.disassembler_path = disassembler_path
207    self.num_successes = 0
208    self.num_failures = 0
209    self.num_tests = 0
210    self.leave_output = False
211    self.tests = defaultdict(list)
213  def notify_result(self, test_case, success, message):
214    """Call this to notify the manager of the results of a test run."""
215    self.num_successes += 1 if success else 0
216    self.num_failures += 0 if success else 1
217    counter_string = str(self.num_successes + self.num_failures) + '/' + str(
218        self.num_tests)
219    print('%-10s %-40s ' % (counter_string, test_case.test.name()) +
220          ('Passed' if success else '-Failed-'))
221    if not success:
222      print(' '.join(test_case.command))
223      print(message)
225  def add_test(self, testsuite, test):
226    """Add this to the current list of test cases."""
227    self.tests[testsuite].append(TestCase(test, self))
228    self.num_tests += 1
230  def run_tests(self):
231    for suite in self.tests:
232      print('SPIRV tool test suite: "{suite}"'.format(suite=suite))
233      for x in self.tests[suite]:
234        x.runTest()
237class TestCase:
238  """A single test case that runs in its own directory."""
240  def __init__(self, test, test_manager):
241    self.test = test
242    self.test_manager = test_manager
243    self.inputs = []  # inputs, as PlaceHolder objects.
244    self.file_shaders = []  # filenames of shader files.
245    self.stdin_shader = None  # text to be passed to spirv_tool as stdin
247  def setUp(self):
248    """Creates environment and instantiates placeholders for the test case."""
250    self.directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.getcwd())
251    spirv_args = self.test.spirv_args
252    # Instantiate placeholders in spirv_args
253    self.test.spirv_args = [
254        arg.instantiate_for_spirv_args(self)
255        if isinstance(arg, PlaceHolder) else arg for arg in self.test.spirv_args
256    ]
257    # Get all shader files' names
258    self.inputs = [arg for arg in spirv_args if isinstance(arg, PlaceHolder)]
259    self.file_shaders = [arg.filename for arg in self.inputs]
261    if 'environment' in get_all_variables(self.test):
262      self.test.environment.write(self.directory)
264    expectations = [
265        v for v in get_all_variables(self.test)
266        if v.startswith(EXPECTED_BEHAVIOR_PREFIX)
267    ]
268    # Instantiate placeholders in expectations
269    for expectation_name in expectations:
270      expectation = getattr(self.test, expectation_name)
271      if isinstance(expectation, list):
272        expanded_expections = [
273            element.instantiate_for_expectation(self)
274            if isinstance(element, PlaceHolder) else element
275            for element in expectation
276        ]
277        setattr(self.test, expectation_name, expanded_expections)
278      elif isinstance(expectation, PlaceHolder):
279        setattr(self.test, expectation_name,
280                expectation.instantiate_for_expectation(self))
282  def tearDown(self):
283    """Removes the directory if we were not instructed to do otherwise."""
284    if not self.test_manager.leave_output:
285      shutil.rmtree(self.directory)
287  def runTest(self):
288    """Sets up and runs a test, reports any failures and then cleans up."""
289    self.setUp()
290    success = False
291    message = ''
292    try:
293      self.command = [self.test_manager.executable_path]
294      self.command.extend(self.test.spirv_args)
296      process = subprocess.Popen(
297          args=self.command,
298          stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
299          stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
300          stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
301          cwd=self.directory)
302      output = process.communicate(self.stdin_shader)
303      test_status = TestStatus(self.test_manager, process.returncode, output[0],
304                               output[1], self.directory, self.inputs,
305                               self.file_shaders)
306      run_results = [
307          getattr(self.test, test_method)(test_status)
308          for test_method in get_all_test_methods(self.test.__class__)
309      ]
310      success, message = zip(*run_results)
311      success = all(success)
312      message = '\n'.join(message)
313    except Exception as e:
314      success = False
315      message = str(e)
316    self.test_manager.notify_result(
317        self, success,
318        message + '\nSTDOUT:\n%s\nSTDERR:\n%s' % (output[0], output[1]))
319    self.tearDown()
322def main():
323  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
324  parser.add_argument(
325      'spirv_tool',
326      metavar='path/to/spirv_tool',
327      type=str,
328      nargs=1,
329      help='Path to the spirv-* tool under test')
330  parser.add_argument(
331      'spirv_as',
332      metavar='path/to/spirv-as',
333      type=str,
334      nargs=1,
335      help='Path to spirv-as')
336  parser.add_argument(
337      'spirv_dis',
338      metavar='path/to/spirv-dis',
339      type=str,
340      nargs=1,
341      help='Path to spirv-dis')
342  parser.add_argument(
343      '--leave-output',
344      action='store_const',
345      const=1,
346      help='Do not clean up temporary directories')
347  parser.add_argument(
348      '--test-dir', nargs=1, help='Directory to gather the tests from')
349  args = parser.parse_args()
350  default_path = sys.path
351  root_dir = os.getcwd()
352  if args.test_dir:
353    root_dir = args.test_dir[0]
354  manager = TestManager(args.spirv_tool[0], args.spirv_as[0], args.spirv_dis[0])
355  if args.leave_output:
356    manager.leave_output = True
357  for root, _, filenames in os.walk(root_dir):
358    for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.py'):
359      if filename.endswith('nosetest.py'):
360        # Skip nose tests, which are for testing functions of
361        # the test framework.
362        continue
363      sys.path = default_path
364      sys.path.append(root)
365      mod = __import__(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])
366      for _, obj, in inspect.getmembers(mod):
367        if inspect.isclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, 'parent_testsuite'):
368          manager.add_test(obj.parent_testsuite, obj())
369  manager.run_tests()
370  if manager.num_failures > 0:
371    sys.exit(-1)
374if __name__ == '__main__':
375  main()