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1; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=armv7-linux-gnu -O0 %s -o - | FileCheck %s
2; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=thumbv8-linux-gnu -O0 %s -o - | FileCheck %s
3; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=thumbv6m-none-eabi -O0 %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-T1
5; CHECK-T1-NOT: ldrex
6; CHECK-T1-NOT: strex
8define { i8, i1 } @test_cmpxchg_8(i8* %addr, i8 %desired, i8 %new) nounwind {
9; CHECK-LABEL: test_cmpxchg_8:
10; CHECK:     dmb ish
11; CHECK:     uxtb [[DESIRED:r[0-9]+]], [[DESIRED]]
12; CHECK: [[RETRY:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]:
13; CHECK:     ldrexb [[OLD:r[0-9]+]], [r0]
14; CHECK:     cmp [[OLD]], [[DESIRED]]
15; CHECK:     bne [[DONE:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]
16; CHECK:     strexb [[STATUS:r[0-9]+]], r2, [r0]
17; CHECK:     cmp{{(\.w)?}} [[STATUS]], #0
18; CHECK:     bne [[RETRY]]
19; CHECK: [[DONE]]:
20; Materialisation of a boolean is done with sub/clz/lsr
21; CHECK:     uxtb [[CMP1:r[0-9]+]], [[DESIRED]]
22; CHECK:     sub{{(s)?}} [[CMP1]], [[OLD]], [[CMP1]]
23; CHECK:     clz [[CMP2:r[0-9]+]], [[CMP1]]
24; CHECK:     lsr{{(s)?}} {{r[0-9]+}}, [[CMP2]], #5
25; CHECK:     dmb ish
26  %res = cmpxchg i8* %addr, i8 %desired, i8 %new seq_cst monotonic
27  ret { i8, i1 } %res
30define { i16, i1 } @test_cmpxchg_16(i16* %addr, i16 %desired, i16 %new) nounwind {
31; CHECK-LABEL: test_cmpxchg_16:
32; CHECK:     dmb ish
33; CHECK:     uxth [[DESIRED:r[0-9]+]], [[DESIRED]]
34; CHECK: [[RETRY:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]:
35; CHECK:     ldrexh [[OLD:r[0-9]+]], [r0]
36; CHECK:     cmp [[OLD]], [[DESIRED]]
37; CHECK:     bne [[DONE:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]
38; CHECK:     strexh [[STATUS:r[0-9]+]], r2, [r0]
39; CHECK:     cmp{{(\.w)?}} [[STATUS]], #0
40; CHECK:     bne [[RETRY]]
41; CHECK: [[DONE]]:
42; Materialisation of a boolean is done with sub/clz/lsr
43; CHECK:     uxth [[CMP1:r[0-9]+]], [[DESIRED]]
44; CHECK:     sub{{(s)?}} [[CMP1]], [[OLD]], [[CMP1]]
45; CHECK:     clz [[CMP2:r[0-9]+]], [[CMP1]]
46; CHECK:     lsr{{(s)?}} {{r[0-9]+}}, [[CMP2]], #5
47; CHECK:     dmb ish
48  %res = cmpxchg i16* %addr, i16 %desired, i16 %new seq_cst monotonic
49  ret { i16, i1 } %res
52define { i32, i1 } @test_cmpxchg_32(i32* %addr, i32 %desired, i32 %new) nounwind {
53; CHECK-LABEL: test_cmpxchg_32:
54; CHECK:     dmb ish
55; CHECK-NOT:     uxt
56; CHECK: [[RETRY:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]:
57; CHECK:     ldrex [[OLD:r[0-9]+]], [r0]
58; CHECK:     cmp [[OLD]], [[DESIRED]]
59; CHECK:     bne [[DONE:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]
60; CHECK:     strex [[STATUS:r[0-9]+]], r2, [r0]
61; CHECK:     cmp{{(\.w)?}} [[STATUS]], #0
62; CHECK:     bne [[RETRY]]
63; CHECK: [[DONE]]:
64; Materialisation of a boolean is done with sub/clz/lsr
65; CHECK:     sub{{(s)?}} [[CMP1:r[0-9]+]], [[OLD]], [[DESIRED]]
66; CHECK:     clz [[CMP2:r[0-9]+]], [[CMP1]]
67; CHECK:     lsr{{(s)?}} {{r[0-9]+}}, [[CMP2]], #5
68; CHECK:     dmb ish
69  %res = cmpxchg i32* %addr, i32 %desired, i32 %new seq_cst monotonic
70  ret { i32, i1 } %res
73define { i64, i1 } @test_cmpxchg_64(i64* %addr, i64 %desired, i64 %new) nounwind {
74; CHECK-LABEL: test_cmpxchg_64:
75; CHECK:     dmb ish
76; CHECK-NOT: uxt
77; CHECK: [[RETRY:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]:
78; CHECK:     ldrexd [[OLDLO:r[0-9]+]], [[OLDHI:r[0-9]+]], [r0]
79; CHECK:     cmp [[OLDLO]], r6
80; CHECK:     cmpeq [[OLDHI]], r7
81; CHECK:     bne [[DONE:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]
82; CHECK:     strexd [[STATUS:r[0-9]+]], r4, r5, [r0]
83; CHECK:     cmp{{(\.w)?}} [[STATUS]], #0
84; CHECK:     bne [[RETRY]]
85; CHECK: [[DONE]]:
86; CHECK:     dmb ish
87  %res = cmpxchg i64* %addr, i64 %desired, i64 %new seq_cst monotonic
88  ret { i64, i1 } %res
91define { i64, i1 } @test_nontrivial_args(i64* %addr, i64 %desired, i64 %new) {
92; CHECK-LABEL: test_nontrivial_args:
93; CHECK:     dmb ish
94; CHECK-NOT: uxt
95; CHECK: [[RETRY:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]:
96; CHECK:     ldrexd [[OLDLO:r[0-9]+]], [[OLDHI:r[0-9]+]], [r0]
97; CHECK:     cmp [[OLDLO]], {{r[0-9]+}}
98; CHECK:     cmpeq [[OLDHI]], {{r[0-9]+}}
99; CHECK:     bne [[DONE:.LBB[0-9]+_[0-9]+]]
100; CHECK:     strexd [[STATUS:r[0-9]+]], {{r[0-9]+}}, {{r[0-9]+}}, [r0]
101; CHECK:     cmp{{(\.w)?}} [[STATUS]], #0
102; CHECK:     bne [[RETRY]]
103; CHECK: [[DONE]]:
104; CHECK:     dmb ish
106  %desired1 = add i64 %desired, 1
107  %new1 = add i64 %new, 1
108  %res = cmpxchg i64* %addr, i64 %desired1, i64 %new1 seq_cst seq_cst
109  ret { i64, i1 } %res
112; The following used to trigger an assertion when creating a spill on thumb2
113; for a physreg with RC==GPRPairRegClass.
114; CHECK-LABEL: test_cmpxchg_spillbug:
115; CHECK: ldrexd
116; CHECK: strexd
117; CHECK: bne
118define void @test_cmpxchg_spillbug() {
119  %v = cmpxchg i64* undef, i64 undef, i64 undef seq_cst seq_cst
120  ret void