1; RUN: opt -S -simplifycfg < %s | FileCheck %s 2 3; We're sign extending an 8-bit value. 4; The switch condition must be in the range [-128, 127], so any cases outside of that range must be dead. 5; Only the first case has a non-zero weight, but that gets eliminated. Note 6; that this shouldn't have been the case in the first place, but the test here 7; ensures that all-zero branch weights are not attached causing problems downstream. 8 9define i1 @repeated_signbits(i8 %condition) { 10; CHECK-LABEL: @repeated_signbits( 11; CHECK: switch i32 12; CHECK-DAG: i32 -128, label %a 13; CHECK-DAG: i32 -1, label %a 14; CHECK-DAG: i32 0, label %a 15; CHECK-DAG: i32 127, label %a 16; CHECK-NEXT: ] 17; CHECK-NOT: , !prof 18; 19entry: 20 %sext = sext i8 %condition to i32 21 switch i32 %sext, label %default [ 22 i32 -2147483648, label %a 23 i32 -129, label %a 24 i32 -128, label %a 25 i32 -1, label %a 26 i32 0, label %a 27 i32 127, label %a 28 i32 128, label %a 29 i32 2147483647, label %a 30 ], !prof !1 31 32a: 33 ret i1 1 34 35default: 36 ret i1 0 37} 38 39!1 = !{!"branch_weights", i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0} 40 41