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1 /* //device/java/android/javax/microedition/khronos/opengles/GL11.java
2 **
3 ** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project
4 **
5 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 **
9 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 **
11 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 ** limitations under the License.
16 */
18 // This source file is automatically generated
20 package javax.microedition.khronos.opengles;
22 public interface GL11 extends GL10 {
23     int GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE                          = 0x84E0;
24     int GL_ADD_SIGNED                              = 0x8574;
25     int GL_ALPHA_SCALE                             = 0x0D1C;
26     int GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC                         = 0x0BC1;
27     int GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF                          = 0x0BC2;
28     int GL_ARRAY_BUFFER                            = 0x8892;
29     int GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING                    = 0x8894;
30     int GL_BLEND_DST                               = 0x0BE0;
31     int GL_BLEND_SRC                               = 0x0BE1;
32     int GL_BUFFER_ACCESS                           = 0x88BB;
33     int GL_BUFFER_SIZE                             = 0x8764;
34     int GL_BUFFER_USAGE                            = 0x8765;
35     int GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE                   = 0x84E1;
36     int GL_CLIP_PLANE0                             = 0x3000;
37     int GL_CLIP_PLANE1                             = 0x3001;
38     int GL_CLIP_PLANE2                             = 0x3002;
39     int GL_CLIP_PLANE3                             = 0x3003;
40     int GL_CLIP_PLANE4                             = 0x3004;
41     int GL_CLIP_PLANE5                             = 0x3005;
42     int GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING              = 0x8898;
43     int GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER                     = 0x8090;
44     int GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE                        = 0x8081;
45     int GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE                      = 0x8083;
46     int GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE                        = 0x8082;
47     int GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE                       = 0x0C22;
48     int GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK                         = 0x0C23;
49     int GL_COMBINE                                 = 0x8570;
50     int GL_COMBINE_ALPHA                           = 0x8572;
51     int GL_COMBINE_RGB                             = 0x8571;
52     int GL_CONSTANT                                = 0x8576;
53     int GL_COORD_REPLACE_OES                       = 0x8862;
54     int GL_CULL_FACE_MODE                          = 0x0B45;
55     int GL_CURRENT_COLOR                           = 0x0B00;
56     int GL_CURRENT_NORMAL                          = 0x0B02;
57     int GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS                  = 0x0B03;
58     int GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE                       = 0x0B73;
59     int GL_DEPTH_FUNC                              = 0x0B74;
60     int GL_DEPTH_RANGE                             = 0x0B70;
61     int GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK                         = 0x0B72;
62     int GL_DOT3_RGB                                = 0x86AE;
63     int GL_DOT3_RGBA                               = 0x86AF;
64     int GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW                            = 0x88E8;
65     int GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER                    = 0x8893;
66     int GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING            = 0x8895;
67     int GL_FRONT_FACE                              = 0x0B46;
68     int GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP                         = 0x8191;
69     int GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT                    = 0x8192;
70     int GL_INTERPOLATE                             = 0x8575;
71     int GL_LINE_WIDTH                              = 0x0B21;
72     int GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE                           = 0x0BF0;
73     int GL_MATRIX_MODE                             = 0x0BA0;
74     int GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES                         = 0x0D32;
75     int GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX                        = 0x0BA6;
77     int GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH                   = 0x0BA3;
78     int GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING             = 0x8897;
79     int GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER                    = 0x808F;
80     int GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE                     = 0x807F;
81     int GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE                       = 0x807E;
82     int GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA                          = 0x8598;
83     int GL_OPERAND0_RGB                            = 0x8590;
84     int GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA                          = 0x8599;
85     int GL_OPERAND1_RGB                            = 0x8591;
86     int GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA                          = 0x859A;
87     int GL_OPERAND2_RGB                            = 0x8592;
88     int GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION              = 0x8129;
89     int GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE               = 0x8128;
90     int GL_POINT_SIZE                              = 0x0B11;
92     int GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES                    = 0x8B9C;
93     int GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_POINTER_OES            = 0x898C;
94     int GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES             = 0x898B;
95     int GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_TYPE_OES               = 0x898A;
96     int GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX                          = 0x8127;
97     int GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN                          = 0x8126;
98     int GL_POINT_SPRITE_OES                        = 0x8861;
99     int GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR                   = 0x8038;
100     int GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS                    = 0x2A00;
101     int GL_PREVIOUS                                = 0x8578;
102     int GL_PRIMARY_COLOR                           = 0x8577;
103     int GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX                       = 0x0BA7;
105     int GL_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH                  = 0x0BA4;
106     int GL_RGB_SCALE                               = 0x8573;
107     int GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS                          = 0x80A8;
108     int GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT                  = 0x80AB;
109     int GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE                   = 0x80AA;
110     int GL_SAMPLES                                 = 0x80A9;
111     int GL_SCISSOR_BOX                             = 0x0C10;
112     int GL_SHADE_MODEL                             = 0x0B54;
113     int GL_SRC0_ALPHA                              = 0x8588;
114     int GL_SRC0_RGB                                = 0x8580;
115     int GL_SRC1_ALPHA                              = 0x8589;
116     int GL_SRC1_RGB                                = 0x8581;
117     int GL_SRC2_ALPHA                              = 0x858A;
118     int GL_SRC2_RGB                                = 0x8582;
119     int GL_STATIC_DRAW                             = 0x88E4;
120     int GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE                     = 0x0B91;
121     int GL_STENCIL_FAIL                            = 0x0B94;
122     int GL_STENCIL_FUNC                            = 0x0B92;
123     int GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL                 = 0x0B95;
124     int GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS                 = 0x0B96;
125     int GL_STENCIL_REF                             = 0x0B97;
126     int GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK                      = 0x0B93;
127     int GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK                       = 0x0B98;
128     int GL_SUBTRACT                                = 0x84E7;
129     int GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D                      = 0x8069;
131     int GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER             = 0x8092;
132     int GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE                = 0x8088;
133     int GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE              = 0x808A;
134     int GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE                = 0x8089;
135     int GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX                          = 0x0BA8;
137     int GL_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH                     = 0x0BA5;
138     int GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING             = 0x8896;
139     int GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER                    = 0x808E;
140     int GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE                       = 0x807A;
141     int GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE                     = 0x807C;
142     int GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE                       = 0x807B;
143     int GL_VIEWPORT                                = 0x0BA2;
144     int GL_WRITE_ONLY                              = 0x88B9;
glGetPointerv(int pname, java.nio.Buffer[] params)146     void glGetPointerv(int pname, java.nio.Buffer[] params);
glBindBuffer( int target, int buffer )147     void glBindBuffer(
148         int target,
149         int buffer
150     );
glBufferData( int target, int size, java.nio.Buffer data, int usage )152     void glBufferData(
153         int target,
154         int size,
155         java.nio.Buffer data,
156         int usage
157     );
glBufferSubData( int target, int offset, int size, java.nio.Buffer data )159     void glBufferSubData(
160         int target,
161         int offset,
162         int size,
163         java.nio.Buffer data
164     );
glClipPlanef( int plane, float[] equation, int offset )166     void glClipPlanef(
167         int plane,
168         float[] equation,
169         int offset
170     );
glClipPlanef( int plane, java.nio.FloatBuffer equation )172     void glClipPlanef(
173         int plane,
174         java.nio.FloatBuffer equation
175     );
glClipPlanex( int plane, int[] equation, int offset )177     void glClipPlanex(
178         int plane,
179         int[] equation,
180         int offset
181     );
glClipPlanex( int plane, java.nio.IntBuffer equation )183     void glClipPlanex(
184         int plane,
185         java.nio.IntBuffer equation
186     );
glColor4ub( byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha )188     void glColor4ub(
189         byte red,
190         byte green,
191         byte blue,
192         byte alpha
193     );
glColorPointer( int size, int type, int stride, int offset )195     void glColorPointer(
196         int size,
197         int type,
198         int stride,
199         int offset
200     );
glDeleteBuffers( int n, int[] buffers, int offset )202     void glDeleteBuffers(
203         int n,
204         int[] buffers,
205         int offset
206     );
glDeleteBuffers( int n, java.nio.IntBuffer buffers )208     void glDeleteBuffers(
209         int n,
210         java.nio.IntBuffer buffers
211     );
glDrawElements( int mode, int count, int type, int offset )213     void glDrawElements(
214         int mode,
215         int count,
216         int type,
217         int offset
218     );
glGenBuffers( int n, int[] buffers, int offset )220     void glGenBuffers(
221         int n,
222         int[] buffers,
223         int offset
224     );
glGenBuffers( int n, java.nio.IntBuffer buffers )226     void glGenBuffers(
227         int n,
228         java.nio.IntBuffer buffers
229     );
glGetBooleanv( int pname, boolean[] params, int offset )231     void glGetBooleanv(
232         int pname,
233         boolean[] params,
234         int offset
235     );
glGetBooleanv( int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )237     void glGetBooleanv(
238         int pname,
239         java.nio.IntBuffer params
240     );
glGetBufferParameteriv( int target, int pname, int[] params, int offset )242     void glGetBufferParameteriv(
243         int target,
244         int pname,
245         int[] params,
246         int offset
247     );
glGetBufferParameteriv( int target, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )249     void glGetBufferParameteriv(
250         int target,
251         int pname,
252         java.nio.IntBuffer params
253     );
glGetClipPlanef( int pname, float[] eqn, int offset )255     void glGetClipPlanef(
256         int pname,
257         float[] eqn,
258         int offset
259     );
glGetClipPlanef( int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer eqn )261     void glGetClipPlanef(
262         int pname,
263         java.nio.FloatBuffer eqn
264     );
glGetClipPlanex( int pname, int[] eqn, int offset )266     void glGetClipPlanex(
267         int pname,
268         int[] eqn,
269         int offset
270     );
glGetClipPlanex( int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer eqn )272     void glGetClipPlanex(
273         int pname,
274         java.nio.IntBuffer eqn
275     );
glGetFixedv( int pname, int[] params, int offset )277     void glGetFixedv(
278         int pname,
279         int[] params,
280         int offset
281     );
glGetFixedv( int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )283     void glGetFixedv(
284         int pname,
285         java.nio.IntBuffer params
286     );
glGetFloatv( int pname, float[] params, int offset )288     void glGetFloatv(
289         int pname,
290         float[] params,
291         int offset
292     );
glGetFloatv( int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params )294     void glGetFloatv(
295         int pname,
296         java.nio.FloatBuffer params
297     );
glGetLightfv( int light, int pname, float[] params, int offset )299     void glGetLightfv(
300         int light,
301         int pname,
302         float[] params,
303         int offset
304     );
glGetLightfv( int light, int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params )306     void glGetLightfv(
307         int light,
308         int pname,
309         java.nio.FloatBuffer params
310     );
glGetLightxv( int light, int pname, int[] params, int offset )312     void glGetLightxv(
313         int light,
314         int pname,
315         int[] params,
316         int offset
317     );
glGetLightxv( int light, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )319     void glGetLightxv(
320         int light,
321         int pname,
322         java.nio.IntBuffer params
323     );
glGetMaterialfv( int face, int pname, float[] params, int offset )325     void glGetMaterialfv(
326         int face,
327         int pname,
328         float[] params,
329         int offset
330     );
glGetMaterialfv( int face, int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params )332     void glGetMaterialfv(
333         int face,
334         int pname,
335         java.nio.FloatBuffer params
336     );
glGetMaterialxv( int face, int pname, int[] params, int offset )338     void glGetMaterialxv(
339         int face,
340         int pname,
341         int[] params,
342         int offset
343     );
glGetMaterialxv( int face, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )345     void glGetMaterialxv(
346         int face,
347         int pname,
348         java.nio.IntBuffer params
349     );
glGetTexEnviv( int env, int pname, int[] params, int offset )351     void glGetTexEnviv(
352         int env,
353         int pname,
354         int[] params,
355         int offset
356     );
glGetTexEnviv( int env, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )358     void glGetTexEnviv(
359         int env,
360         int pname,
361         java.nio.IntBuffer params
362     );
glGetTexEnvxv( int env, int pname, int[] params, int offset )364     void glGetTexEnvxv(
365         int env,
366         int pname,
367         int[] params,
368         int offset
369     );
glGetTexEnvxv( int env, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )371     void glGetTexEnvxv(
372         int env,
373         int pname,
374         java.nio.IntBuffer params
375     );
glGetTexParameterfv( int target, int pname, float[] params, int offset )377     void glGetTexParameterfv(
378         int target,
379         int pname,
380         float[] params,
381         int offset
382     );
glGetTexParameterfv( int target, int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params )384     void glGetTexParameterfv(
385         int target,
386         int pname,
387         java.nio.FloatBuffer params
388     );
glGetTexParameteriv( int target, int pname, int[] params, int offset )390     void glGetTexParameteriv(
391         int target,
392         int pname,
393         int[] params,
394         int offset
395     );
glGetTexParameteriv( int target, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )397     void glGetTexParameteriv(
398         int target,
399         int pname,
400         java.nio.IntBuffer params
401     );
glGetTexParameterxv( int target, int pname, int[] params, int offset )403     void glGetTexParameterxv(
404         int target,
405         int pname,
406         int[] params,
407         int offset
408     );
glGetTexParameterxv( int target, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )410     void glGetTexParameterxv(
411         int target,
412         int pname,
413         java.nio.IntBuffer params
414     );
glIsBuffer( int buffer )416     boolean glIsBuffer(
417         int buffer
418     );
glIsEnabled( int cap )420     boolean glIsEnabled(
421         int cap
422     );
glIsTexture( int texture )424     boolean glIsTexture(
425         int texture
426     );
glNormalPointer( int type, int stride, int offset )428     void glNormalPointer(
429         int type,
430         int stride,
431         int offset
432     );
glPointParameterf( int pname, float param )434     void glPointParameterf(
435         int pname,
436         float param
437     );
glPointParameterfv( int pname, float[] params, int offset )439     void glPointParameterfv(
440         int pname,
441         float[] params,
442         int offset
443     );
glPointParameterfv( int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params )445     void glPointParameterfv(
446         int pname,
447         java.nio.FloatBuffer params
448     );
glPointParameterx( int pname, int param )450     void glPointParameterx(
451         int pname,
452         int param
453     );
glPointParameterxv( int pname, int[] params, int offset )455     void glPointParameterxv(
456         int pname,
457         int[] params,
458         int offset
459     );
glPointParameterxv( int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )461     void glPointParameterxv(
462         int pname,
463         java.nio.IntBuffer params
464     );
glPointSizePointerOES( int type, int stride, java.nio.Buffer pointer )466     void glPointSizePointerOES(
467         int type,
468         int stride,
469         java.nio.Buffer pointer
470     );
glTexCoordPointer( int size, int type, int stride, int offset )472     void glTexCoordPointer(
473         int size,
474         int type,
475         int stride,
476         int offset
477     );
glTexEnvi( int target, int pname, int param )479     void glTexEnvi(
480         int target,
481         int pname,
482         int param
483     );
glTexEnviv( int target, int pname, int[] params, int offset )485     void glTexEnviv(
486         int target,
487         int pname,
488         int[] params,
489         int offset
490     );
glTexEnviv( int target, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )492     void glTexEnviv(
493         int target,
494         int pname,
495         java.nio.IntBuffer params
496     );
glTexParameterfv( int target, int pname, float[] params, int offset )498     void glTexParameterfv(
499         int target,
500         int pname,
501         float[] params,
502         int offset
503     );
glTexParameterfv( int target, int pname, java.nio.FloatBuffer params )505     void glTexParameterfv(
506         int target,
507         int pname,
508         java.nio.FloatBuffer params
509     );
glTexParameteri( int target, int pname, int param )511     void glTexParameteri(
512         int target,
513         int pname,
514         int param
515     );
glTexParameteriv( int target, int pname, int[] params, int offset )517     void glTexParameteriv(
518         int target,
519         int pname,
520         int[] params,
521         int offset
522     );
glTexParameteriv( int target, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )524     void glTexParameteriv(
525         int target,
526         int pname,
527         java.nio.IntBuffer params
528     );
glTexParameterxv( int target, int pname, int[] params, int offset )530     void glTexParameterxv(
531         int target,
532         int pname,
533         int[] params,
534         int offset
535     );
glTexParameterxv( int target, int pname, java.nio.IntBuffer params )537     void glTexParameterxv(
538         int target,
539         int pname,
540         java.nio.IntBuffer params
541     );
glVertexPointer( int size, int type, int stride, int offset )543     void glVertexPointer(
544         int size,
545         int type,
546         int stride,
547         int offset
548     );
550 }