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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2011-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
3  * Not a Contribution
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
20 #ifndef __GR_PRIV_HANDLE_H__
21 #define __GR_PRIV_HANDLE_H__
23 #include <cutils/log.h>
24 #include <hardware/gralloc1.h>
25 #include <hardware/gralloc.h>
26 #ifdef __cplusplus
27 #include <cinttypes>
28 #endif
30 #include <errno.h>
32 #define GRALLOC1_FUNCTION_PERFORM 0x00001000
34 #define DBG_HANDLE false
36 typedef gralloc1_error_t (*GRALLOC1_PFN_PERFORM)(gralloc1_device_t *device, int operation, ...);
38 #define PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(exp) static_cast<const private_handle_t *>(exp)
40 #ifdef __cplusplus
41 struct private_handle_t : public native_handle_t {
42 #else
43 struct private_handle_t {
44         native_handle_t nativeHandle;
45 #endif
46   enum {
47     PRIV_FLAGS_FRAMEBUFFER = 0x00000001,
48     PRIV_FLAGS_USES_ION = 0x00000008,
49     PRIV_FLAGS_NEEDS_FLUSH = 0x00000020,
50     PRIV_FLAGS_INTERNAL_ONLY = 0x00000040,
51     PRIV_FLAGS_NON_CPU_WRITER = 0x00000080,
52     PRIV_FLAGS_CACHED = 0x00000200,
53     PRIV_FLAGS_SECURE_BUFFER = 0x00000400,
54     PRIV_FLAGS_EXTERNAL_ONLY = 0x00002000,
55     PRIV_FLAGS_PROTECTED_BUFFER = 0x00004000,
56     PRIV_FLAGS_VIDEO_ENCODER = 0x00010000,
57     PRIV_FLAGS_CAMERA_WRITE = 0x00020000,
58     PRIV_FLAGS_CAMERA_READ = 0x00040000,
59     PRIV_FLAGS_HW_COMPOSER = 0x00080000,
60     PRIV_FLAGS_HW_TEXTURE = 0x00100000,
61     PRIV_FLAGS_ITU_R_601 = 0x00200000,     // Unused from display
62     PRIV_FLAGS_ITU_R_601_FR = 0x00400000,  // Unused from display
63     PRIV_FLAGS_ITU_R_709 = 0x00800000,     // Unused from display
64     PRIV_FLAGS_SECURE_DISPLAY = 0x01000000,
65     PRIV_FLAGS_TILE_RENDERED = 0x02000000,
66     PRIV_FLAGS_CPU_RENDERED = 0x04000000,
67     PRIV_FLAGS_UBWC_ALIGNED = 0x08000000,
68     PRIV_FLAGS_DISP_CONSUMER = 0x10000000,
69     PRIV_FLAGS_CLIENT_ALLOCATED = 0x20000000,   // Ion buffer allocated outside of gralloc
70   };
72   // file-descriptors dup'd over IPC
73   int fd;
74   int fd_metadata;
76   // values sent over IPC
77   int magic;
78   int flags;
79   int width;        // holds width of the actual buffer allocated
80   int height;       // holds height of the  actual buffer allocated
81   int unaligned_width;   // holds width client asked to allocate
82   int unaligned_height;  // holds height client asked to allocate
83   int format;
84   int buffer_type;
85   unsigned int size;
86   unsigned int offset;
87   unsigned int offset_metadata;
88   uint64_t base                            __attribute__((aligned(8)));
89   uint64_t base_metadata                   __attribute__((aligned(8)));
90   uint64_t gpuaddr                         __attribute__((aligned(8)));
91   uint64_t id                              __attribute__((aligned(8)));
92   gralloc1_producer_usage_t producer_usage __attribute__((aligned(8)));
93   gralloc1_consumer_usage_t consumer_usage __attribute__((aligned(8)));
94   unsigned int layer_count;
95 #ifdef __cplusplus
96   static const int kNumFds = 2;
97   static const int kMagic = 'gmsm';
NumIntsprivate_handle_t99   static inline int NumInts() {
100     return ((sizeof(private_handle_t) - sizeof(native_handle_t)) / sizeof(int))
101         - kNumFds;
102   }
104   private_handle_t(int fd,
105                    int meta_fd,
106                    int flags,
107                    int width,
108                    int height,
109                    int uw,
110                    int uh,
111                    int format,
112                    int buf_type,
113                    unsigned int size,
114                    gralloc1_producer_usage_t prod_usage = GRALLOC1_PRODUCER_USAGE_NONE,
115                    gralloc1_consumer_usage_t cons_usage = GRALLOC1_CONSUMER_USAGE_NONE)
fdprivate_handle_t116       : fd(fd),
117         fd_metadata(meta_fd),
118         magic(kMagic),
119         flags(flags),
120         width(width),
121         height(height),
122         unaligned_width(uw),
123         unaligned_height(uh),
124         format(format),
125         buffer_type(buf_type),
126         size(size),
127         offset(0),
128         offset_metadata(0),
129         base(0),
130         base_metadata(0),
131         gpuaddr(0),
132         id(0),
133         producer_usage(prod_usage),
134         consumer_usage(cons_usage),
135         layer_count(1) {
136     version = static_cast<int>(sizeof(native_handle));
137     numInts = NumInts();
138     numFds = kNumFds;
139   }
141 // Legacy constructor used by some clients
private_handle_tprivate_handle_t142   private_handle_t(int fd, unsigned int size, int usage, int buf_type, int format, int w, int h)
143   : private_handle_t(fd, -1, PRIV_FLAGS_CLIENT_ALLOCATED, w, h, 0, 0, format, buf_type, size,
144                      static_cast<gralloc1_producer_usage_t>(usage),
145                      static_cast<gralloc1_consumer_usage_t>(usage)) {
146   }
~private_handle_tprivate_handle_t148   ~private_handle_t() {
149     magic = 0;
150     ALOGE_IF(DBG_HANDLE, "Deleting buffer handle %p", this);
151   }
validateprivate_handle_t153   static int validate(const native_handle *h) {
154     const private_handle_t *hnd = (const private_handle_t *)h;
155     if (!h || h->version != sizeof(native_handle) || h->numInts != NumInts() ||
156         h->numFds != kNumFds || hnd->magic != kMagic) {
157       ALOGE(
158           "Invalid gralloc handle (at %p): ver(%d/%zu) ints(%d/%d) fds(%d/%d) "
159           "magic(%c%c%c%c/%c%c%c%c)",
160           h, h ? h->version : -1, sizeof(native_handle), h ? h->numInts : -1, NumInts(),
161           h ? h->numFds : -1, kNumFds,
162           hnd ? (((hnd->magic >> 24) & 0xFF) ? ((hnd->magic >> 24) & 0xFF) : '-') : '?',
163           hnd ? (((hnd->magic >> 16) & 0xFF) ? ((hnd->magic >> 16) & 0xFF) : '-') : '?',
164           hnd ? (((hnd->magic >> 8) & 0xFF) ? ((hnd->magic >> 8) & 0xFF) : '-') : '?',
165           hnd ? (((hnd->magic >> 0) & 0xFF) ? ((hnd->magic >> 0) & 0xFF) : '-') : '?',
166           (kMagic >> 24) & 0xFF, (kMagic >> 16) & 0xFF, (kMagic >> 8) & 0xFF, (kMagic >> 0) & 0xFF);
167       return -EINVAL;
168     }
170     return 0;
171   }
Dumpprivate_handle_t172   static void Dump(const private_handle_t *hnd) {
173     ALOGD("handle id:%" PRIu64 " wxh:%dx%d uwxuh:%dx%d size: %d fd:%d fd_meta:%d flags:0x%x "
174           "prod_usage:0x%" PRIx64" cons_usage:0x%" PRIx64 " format:0x%x layer_count: %d",
175           hnd->id, hnd->width, hnd->height, hnd->unaligned_width, hnd->unaligned_height, hnd->size,
176           hnd->fd, hnd->fd_metadata, hnd->flags, hnd->producer_usage, hnd->consumer_usage,
177           hnd->format, hnd->layer_count);
178   }
GetUnalignedWidthprivate_handle_t180   int GetUnalignedWidth() const { return unaligned_width; }
GetUnalignedHeightprivate_handle_t182   int GetUnalignedHeight() const { return unaligned_height; }
GetColorFormatprivate_handle_t184   int GetColorFormat() const { return format; }
GetLayerCountprivate_handle_t186   unsigned int GetLayerCount() const { return layer_count; }
GetStrideprivate_handle_t188   int GetStride() const {
189     // In handle we currently store aligned width after allocation.
190     return width;
191   }
GetConsumerUsageprivate_handle_t193   gralloc1_consumer_usage_t GetConsumerUsage() const { return consumer_usage; }
GetProducerUsageprivate_handle_t195   gralloc1_producer_usage_t GetProducerUsage() const { return producer_usage; }
GetBackingstoreprivate_handle_t197   uint64_t GetBackingstore() const { return id; }
198 #endif
199 };
201 #endif  // __GR_PRIV_HANDLE_H__