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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <stdarg.h>
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <string.h>
21 #include <errno.h>
23 #define LOG_TAG "Netd"
25 #include <log/log.h>
27 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
28 #include <android-base/strings.h>
29 #include <netutils/ifc.h>
30 #include <sysutils/NetlinkEvent.h>
31 #include "Controllers.h"
32 #include "NetlinkHandler.h"
33 #include "NetlinkManager.h"
34 #include "SockDiag.h"
36 #include <charconv>
38 #define BINDER_RETRY(exp)                                                       \
39     ({                                                                          \
40         bool res = true;                                                        \
41         for (int attempt = 0; /*nop*/; ++attempt) {                             \
42             auto _rc = (exp);                                                   \
43             if (_rc.exceptionCode() == binder::Status::EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED && \
44                 attempt < RETRY_ATTEMPTS) {                                     \
45                 usleep(RETRY_INTERVAL_MICRO_S);                                 \
46             } else {                                                            \
47                 res = _rc.isOk();                                               \
48                 break;                                                          \
49             }                                                                   \
50         }                                                                       \
51         res;                                                                    \
52     })
54 #define LOG_EVENT_FUNC(retry, func, ...)                                                    \
55     do {                                                                                    \
56         const auto listenerMap = gCtls->eventReporter.getNetdUnsolicitedEventListenerMap(); \
57         for (auto& listener : listenerMap) {                                                \
58             auto entry = gUnsolicitedLog.newEntry().function(#func).args(__VA_ARGS__);      \
59             if (retry(listener.first->func(__VA_ARGS__))) {                                 \
60                 gUnsolicitedLog.log(entry.withAutomaticDuration());                         \
61             }                                                                               \
62         }                                                                                   \
63     } while (0)
65 namespace android {
66 namespace net {
68 constexpr int RETRY_ATTEMPTS = 2;
69 constexpr int RETRY_INTERVAL_MICRO_S = 100000;
NetlinkHandler(NetlinkManager * nm,int listenerSocket,int format)71 NetlinkHandler::NetlinkHandler(NetlinkManager *nm, int listenerSocket,
72                                int format) :
73                         NetlinkListener(listenerSocket, format) {
74     mNm = nm;
75 }
~NetlinkHandler()77 NetlinkHandler::~NetlinkHandler() {
78 }
start()80 int NetlinkHandler::start() {
81     return this->startListener();
82 }
stop()84 int NetlinkHandler::stop() {
85     return this->stopListener();
86 }
parseIfIndex(const char * ifIndex)88 static long parseIfIndex(const char* ifIndex) {
89     if (ifIndex == nullptr) {
90         return 0;
91     }
92     long ifaceIndex = strtol(ifIndex, nullptr, 10);
93     // strtol returns 0 on error, which is fine because 0 is not a valid ifindex.
94     if (errno == ERANGE && (ifaceIndex == LONG_MAX || ifaceIndex == LONG_MIN)) {
95         return 0;
96     }
97     return ifaceIndex;
98 }
onEvent(NetlinkEvent * evt)100 void NetlinkHandler::onEvent(NetlinkEvent *evt) {
101     const char *subsys = evt->getSubsystem();
102     if (!subsys) {
103         ALOGW("No subsystem found in netlink event");
104         return;
105     }
107     if (!strcmp(subsys, "net")) {
108         NetlinkEvent::Action action = evt->getAction();
109         const char *iface = evt->findParam("INTERFACE");
110         if ((action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kAdd) ||
111             (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kLinkUp) ||
112             (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kLinkDown)) {
113             const char *ifIndex = evt->findParam("IFINDEX");
114             long ifaceIndex = parseIfIndex(ifIndex);
115             if (ifaceIndex) {
116                 gCtls->trafficCtrl.addInterface(iface, ifaceIndex);
117             } else {
118                 ALOGE("invalid interface index: %s(%s)", iface, ifIndex);
119             }
120         }
122         if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kAdd) {
123             notifyInterfaceAdded(iface);
124         } else if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kRemove) {
125             notifyInterfaceRemoved(iface);
126         } else if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kChange) {
127             evt->dump();
128             notifyInterfaceChanged("nana", true);
129         } else if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kLinkUp) {
130             notifyInterfaceLinkChanged(iface, true);
131         } else if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kLinkDown) {
132             notifyInterfaceLinkChanged(iface, false);
133         } else if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kAddressUpdated ||
134                    action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kAddressRemoved) {
135             const char *address = evt->findParam("ADDRESS");
136             const char *flags = evt->findParam("FLAGS");
137             const char *scope = evt->findParam("SCOPE");
138             const char *ifIndex = evt->findParam("IFINDEX");
139             char addrstr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + strlen("/128")];
140             strlcpy(addrstr, address, sizeof(addrstr));
141             char *slash = strchr(addrstr, '/');
142             if (slash) {
143                 *slash = '\0';
144             }
146             long ifaceIndex = parseIfIndex(ifIndex);
147             if (!ifaceIndex) {
148                 ALOGE("invalid interface index: %s(%s)", iface, ifIndex);
149             }
150             const bool addrUpdated = (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kAddressUpdated);
151             if (addrUpdated) {
152                 gCtls->netCtrl.addInterfaceAddress(ifaceIndex, address);
153             } else {  // action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kAddressRemoved
154                 bool shouldDestroy = gCtls->netCtrl.removeInterfaceAddress(ifaceIndex, address);
155                 if (shouldDestroy) {
156                     SockDiag sd;
157                     if (sd.open()) {
158                         int ret = sd.destroySockets(addrstr);
159                         if (ret < 0) {
160                             ALOGE("Error destroying sockets: %s", strerror(-ret));
161                         }
162                     } else {
163                         ALOGE("Error opening NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG socket: %s", strerror(errno));
164                     }
165                 }
166             }
167             // Note: if this interface was deleted, iface is "" and we don't notify.
168             if (iface && iface[0] && address && flags && scope) {
169                 if (addrUpdated) {
170                     notifyAddressUpdated(address, iface, std::stoi(flags), std::stoi(scope));
171                 } else {
172                     notifyAddressRemoved(address, iface, std::stoi(flags), std::stoi(scope));
173                 }
174             }
175         } else if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kRdnss) {
176             const char *lifetime = evt->findParam("LIFETIME");
177             const char *servers = evt->findParam("SERVERS");
178             if (lifetime && servers) {
179                 notifyInterfaceDnsServers(iface, strtol(lifetime, nullptr, 10),
180                                           android::base::Split(servers, ","));
181             }
182         } else if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kRouteUpdated ||
183                    action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kRouteRemoved) {
184             const char *route = evt->findParam("ROUTE");
185             const char *gateway = evt->findParam("GATEWAY");
186             const char *iface = evt->findParam("INTERFACE");
187             if (route && (gateway || iface)) {
188                 notifyRouteChange((action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kRouteUpdated) ? true : false,
189                                   route, (gateway == nullptr) ? "" : gateway,
190                                   (iface == nullptr) ? "" : iface);
191             }
192         }
194     } else if (!strcmp(subsys, "qlog") || !strcmp(subsys, "xt_quota2")) {
195         const char *alertName = evt->findParam("ALERT_NAME");
196         const char *iface = evt->findParam("INTERFACE");
197         if (alertName && iface) {
198             notifyQuotaLimitReached(alertName, iface);
199         }
201     } else if (!strcmp(subsys, "strict")) {
202         const char *uid = evt->findParam("UID");
203         const char *hex = evt->findParam("HEX");
204         if (uid && hex) {
205             notifyStrictCleartext(strtol(uid, nullptr, 10), hex);
206         }
208     } else if (!strcmp(subsys, "xt_idletimer")) {
209         const char *label = evt->findParam("INTERFACE");
210         const char *state = evt->findParam("STATE");
211         const char *timestamp = evt->findParam("TIME_NS");
212         const char *uid = evt->findParam("UID");
213         if (state) {
214             bool isActive = !strcmp("active", state);
215             int64_t processTimestamp = (timestamp == nullptr) ? 0 : strtoll(timestamp, nullptr, 10);
216             int intLabel;
217             // NMS only accepts interface class activity changes with integer labels, and only ever
218             // creates idletimers with integer labels.
219             if (android::base::ParseInt(label, &intLabel)) {
220                 const long reportedUid =
221                         (uid != nullptr && isActive) ? strtol(uid, nullptr, 10) : -1;
222                 notifyInterfaceClassActivityChanged(intLabel, isActive, processTimestamp,
223                                                     reportedUid);
224             }
225         }
227 #if !LOG_NDEBUG
228     } else if (strcmp(subsys, "platform") && strcmp(subsys, "backlight")) {
229         /* It is not a VSYNC or a backlight event */
230         ALOGV("unexpected event from subsystem %s", subsys);
231 #endif
232     }
233 }
notifyInterfaceAdded(const std::string & ifName)235 void NetlinkHandler::notifyInterfaceAdded(const std::string& ifName) {
236     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onInterfaceAdded, ifName);
237 }
notifyInterfaceRemoved(const std::string & ifName)239 void NetlinkHandler::notifyInterfaceRemoved(const std::string& ifName) {
240     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onInterfaceRemoved, ifName);
241 }
notifyInterfaceChanged(const std::string & ifName,bool up)243 void NetlinkHandler::notifyInterfaceChanged(const std::string& ifName, bool up) {
244     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onInterfaceChanged, ifName, up);
245 }
notifyInterfaceLinkChanged(const std::string & ifName,bool up)247 void NetlinkHandler::notifyInterfaceLinkChanged(const std::string& ifName, bool up) {
248     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onInterfaceLinkStateChanged, ifName, up);
249 }
notifyQuotaLimitReached(const std::string & labelName,const std::string & ifName)251 void NetlinkHandler::notifyQuotaLimitReached(const std::string& labelName,
252                                              const std::string& ifName) {
253     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onQuotaLimitReached, labelName, ifName);
254 }
notifyInterfaceClassActivityChanged(int label,bool isActive,int64_t timestamp,int uid)256 void NetlinkHandler::notifyInterfaceClassActivityChanged(int label, bool isActive,
257                                                          int64_t timestamp, int uid) {
258     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onInterfaceClassActivityChanged, isActive, label, timestamp, uid);
259 }
notifyAddressUpdated(const std::string & addr,const std::string & ifName,int flags,int scope)261 void NetlinkHandler::notifyAddressUpdated(const std::string& addr, const std::string& ifName,
262                                           int flags, int scope) {
263     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onInterfaceAddressUpdated, addr, ifName, flags, scope);
264 }
notifyAddressRemoved(const std::string & addr,const std::string & ifName,int flags,int scope)266 void NetlinkHandler::notifyAddressRemoved(const std::string& addr, const std::string& ifName,
267                                           int flags, int scope) {
268     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onInterfaceAddressRemoved, addr, ifName, flags, scope);
269 }
notifyInterfaceDnsServers(const std::string & ifName,int64_t lifetime,const std::vector<std::string> & servers)271 void NetlinkHandler::notifyInterfaceDnsServers(const std::string& ifName, int64_t lifetime,
272                                                const std::vector<std::string>& servers) {
273     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onInterfaceDnsServerInfo, ifName, lifetime, servers);
274 }
notifyRouteChange(bool updated,const std::string & route,const std::string & gateway,const std::string & ifName)276 void NetlinkHandler::notifyRouteChange(bool updated, const std::string& route,
277                                        const std::string& gateway, const std::string& ifName) {
278     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onRouteChanged, updated, route, gateway, ifName);
279 }
notifyStrictCleartext(uid_t uid,const std::string & hex)281 void NetlinkHandler::notifyStrictCleartext(uid_t uid, const std::string& hex) {
282     LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onStrictCleartextDetected, uid, hex);
283 }
285 }  // namespace net
286 }  // namespace android