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1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
20 #include <errno.h>
21 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <algorithm>
24 #include <limits>
25 #include <map>
26 #include <memory>
27 #include <set>
28 #include <string>
29 #include <vector>
31 #include <base/files/file_path.h>
32 #include <base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h>
33 #include <base/time/time.h>
34 #include <brillo/key_value_store.h>
35 #include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
37 #include "update_engine/common/action.h"
38 #include "update_engine/common/action_processor.h"
39 #include "update_engine/common/constants.h"
40 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/file_descriptor.h"
41 #include "update_engine/update_metadata.pb.h"
43 namespace chromeos_update_engine {
45 namespace utils {
47 // Formats |vec_str| as a string of the form ["<elem1>", "<elem2>"].
48 // Does no escaping, only use this for presentation in error messages.
49 std::string StringVectorToString(const std::vector<std::string>& vec_str);
51 // Calculates the p2p file id from payload hash and size
52 std::string CalculateP2PFileId(const brillo::Blob& payload_hash,
53                                size_t payload_size);
55 // Parse the firmware version from one line of output from the
56 // "mosys" command.
57 std::string ParseECVersion(std::string input_line);
59 // Writes the data passed to path. The file at path will be overwritten if it
60 // exists. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
61 bool WriteFile(const char* path, const void* data, size_t data_len);
63 // Calls write() or pwrite() repeatedly until all count bytes at buf are
64 // written to fd or an error occurs. Returns true on success.
65 bool WriteAll(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count);
66 bool PWriteAll(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count, off_t offset);
68 bool WriteAll(const FileDescriptorPtr& fd, const void* buf, size_t count);
69 bool PWriteAll(const FileDescriptorPtr& fd,
70                const void* buf,
71                size_t count,
72                off_t offset);
74 // Calls read() repeatedly until |count| bytes are read or EOF or EWOULDBLOCK
75 // is reached. Returns whether all read() calls succeeded (including EWOULDBLOCK
76 // as a success case), sets |eof| to whether the eof was reached and sets
77 // |out_bytes_read| to the actual number of bytes read regardless of the return
78 // value.
79 bool ReadAll(
80     int fd, void* buf, size_t count, size_t* out_bytes_read, bool* eof);
82 // Calls pread() repeatedly until count bytes are read, or EOF is reached.
83 // Returns number of bytes read in *bytes_read. Returns true on success.
84 bool PReadAll(
85     int fd, void* buf, size_t count, off_t offset, ssize_t* out_bytes_read);
87 bool PReadAll(const FileDescriptorPtr& fd,
88               void* buf,
89               size_t count,
90               off_t offset,
91               ssize_t* out_bytes_read);
93 // Opens |path| for reading and appends its entire content to the container
94 // pointed to by |out_p|. Returns true upon successfully reading all of the
95 // file's content, false otherwise, in which case the state of the output
96 // container is unknown. ReadFileChunk starts reading the file from |offset|; if
97 // |size| is not -1, only up to |size| bytes are read in.
98 bool ReadFile(const std::string& path, brillo::Blob* out_p);
99 bool ReadFile(const std::string& path, std::string* out_p);
100 bool ReadFileChunk(const std::string& path,
101                    off_t offset,
102                    off_t size,
103                    brillo::Blob* out_p);
105 // Invokes |cmd| in a pipe and appends its stdout to the container pointed to by
106 // |out_p|. Returns true upon successfully reading all of the output, false
107 // otherwise, in which case the state of the output container is unknown.
108 bool ReadPipe(const std::string& cmd, std::string* out_p);
110 // Returns the size of the block device at the file descriptor fd. If an error
111 // occurs, -1 is returned.
112 off_t BlockDevSize(int fd);
114 // Returns the size of the file at path, or the file descriptor fd. If the file
115 // is actually a block device, this function will automatically call
116 // BlockDevSize. If the file doesn't exist or some error occurrs, -1 is
117 // returned.
118 off_t FileSize(const std::string& path);
119 off_t FileSize(int fd);
121 std::string ErrnoNumberAsString(int err);
123 // Returns true if the file exists for sure. Returns false if it doesn't exist,
124 // or an error occurs.
125 bool FileExists(const char* path);
127 // Returns true if |path| exists and is a symbolic link.
128 bool IsSymlink(const char* path);
130 // Try attaching UBI |volume_num|. If there is any error executing required
131 // commands to attach the volume, this function returns false. This function
132 // only returns true if "/dev/ubi%d_0" becomes available in |timeout| seconds.
133 bool TryAttachingUbiVolume(int volume_num, int timeout);
135 // If |base_filename_template| is neither absolute (starts with "/") nor
136 // explicitly relative to the current working directory (starts with "./" or
137 // "../"), then it is prepended the system's temporary directory. On success,
138 // stores the name of the new temporary file in |filename|. If |fd| is
139 // non-null, the file descriptor returned by mkstemp is written to it and
140 // kept open; otherwise, it is closed. The template must end with "XXXXXX".
141 // Returns true on success.
142 bool MakeTempFile(const std::string& base_filename_template,
143                   std::string* filename,
144                   int* fd);
146 // Splits the partition device name into the block device name and partition
147 // number. For example, "/dev/sda3" will be split into {"/dev/sda", 3} and
148 // "/dev/mmcblk0p2" into {"/dev/mmcblk0", 2}
149 // Returns false when malformed device name is passed in.
150 // If both output parameters are omitted (null), can be used
151 // just to test the validity of the device name. Note that the function
152 // simply checks if the device name looks like a valid device, no other
153 // checks are performed (i.e. it doesn't check if the device actually exists).
154 bool SplitPartitionName(const std::string& partition_name,
155                         std::string* out_disk_name,
156                         int* out_partition_num);
158 // Builds a partition device name from the block device name and partition
159 // number. For example:
160 // {"/dev/sda", 1} => "/dev/sda1"
161 // {"/dev/mmcblk2", 12} => "/dev/mmcblk2p12"
162 // Returns empty string when invalid parameters are passed in
163 std::string MakePartitionName(const std::string& disk_name, int partition_num);
165 // Similar to "MakePartitionName" but returns a name that is suitable for
166 // mounting. On NAND system we can write to "/dev/ubiX_0", which is what
167 // MakePartitionName returns, but we cannot mount that device. To mount, we
168 // have to use "/dev/ubiblockX_0" for rootfs. Stateful and OEM partitions are
169 // mountable with "/dev/ubiX_0". The input is a partition device such as
170 // /dev/sda3. Return empty string on error.
171 std::string MakePartitionNameForMount(const std::string& part_name);
173 // Set the read-only attribute on the block device |device| to the value passed
174 // in |read_only|. Return whether the operation succeeded.
175 bool SetBlockDeviceReadOnly(const std::string& device, bool read_only);
177 // Synchronously mount or unmount a filesystem. Return true on success.
178 // When mounting, it will attempt to mount the device as the passed filesystem
179 // type |type|, with the passed |flags| options. If |type| is empty, "ext2",
180 // "ext3", "ext4" and "squashfs" will be tried.
181 bool MountFilesystem(const std::string& device,
182                      const std::string& mountpoint,
183                      unsigned long flags,  // NOLINT(runtime/int)
184                      const std::string& type,
185                      const std::string& fs_mount_options);
186 bool UnmountFilesystem(const std::string& mountpoint);
188 // Return whether the passed |mountpoint| path is a directory where a filesystem
189 // is mounted. Due to detection mechanism limitations, when used on directories
190 // where another part of the tree was bind mounted returns true only if bind
191 // mounted on top of a different filesystem (not inside the same filesystem).
192 bool IsMountpoint(const std::string& mountpoint);
194 // Returns a human-readable string with the file format based on magic constants
195 // on the header of the file.
196 std::string GetFileFormat(const std::string& path);
198 // Returns the string representation of the given UTC time.
199 // such as "11/14/2011 14:05:30 GMT".
200 std::string ToString(const base::Time utc_time);
202 // Returns true or false depending on the value of b.
203 std::string ToString(bool b);
205 // Returns a string representation of the given enum.
206 std::string ToString(DownloadSource source);
208 // Returns a string representation of the given enum.
209 std::string ToString(PayloadType payload_type);
211 // Fuzzes an integer |value| randomly in the range:
212 // [value - range / 2, value + range - range / 2]
213 int FuzzInt(int value, unsigned int range);
215 // Log a string in hex to LOG(INFO). Useful for debugging.
216 void HexDumpArray(const uint8_t* const arr, const size_t length);
HexDumpString(const std::string & str)217 inline void HexDumpString(const std::string& str) {
218   HexDumpArray(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str.data()), str.size());
219 }
HexDumpVector(const brillo::Blob & vect)220 inline void HexDumpVector(const brillo::Blob& vect) {
221   HexDumpArray(vect.data(), vect.size());
222 }
224 template <typename T>
VectorIndexOf(const std::vector<T> & vect,const T & value,typename std::vector<T>::size_type * out_index)225 bool VectorIndexOf(const std::vector<T>& vect,
226                    const T& value,
227                    typename std::vector<T>::size_type* out_index) {
228   typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it =
229       std::find(vect.begin(), vect.end(), value);
230   if (it == vect.end()) {
231     return false;
232   } else {
233     *out_index = it - vect.begin();
234     return true;
235   }
236 }
238 // Return the total number of blocks in the passed |extents| collection.
239 template <class T>
BlocksInExtents(const T & extents)240 uint64_t BlocksInExtents(const T& extents) {
241   uint64_t sum = 0;
242   for (const auto& ext : extents) {
243     sum += ext.num_blocks();
244   }
245   return sum;
246 }
248 // Converts seconds into human readable notation including days, hours, minutes
249 // and seconds. For example, 185 will yield 3m5s, 4300 will yield 1h11m40s, and
250 // 360000 will yield 4d4h0m0s.  Zero padding not applied. Seconds are always
251 // shown in the result.
252 std::string FormatSecs(unsigned secs);
254 // Converts a TimeDelta into human readable notation including days, hours,
255 // minutes, seconds and fractions of a second down to microsecond granularity,
256 // as necessary; for example, an output of 5d2h0m15.053s means that the input
257 // time was precise to the milliseconds only. Zero padding not applied, except
258 // for fractions. Seconds are always shown, but fractions thereof are only shown
259 // when applicable. If |delta| is negative, the output will have a leading '-'
260 // followed by the absolute duration.
261 std::string FormatTimeDelta(base::TimeDelta delta);
263 // This method transforms the given error code to be suitable for UMA and
264 // for error classification purposes by removing the higher order bits and
265 // aggregating error codes beyond the enum range, etc. This method is
266 // idempotent, i.e. if called with a value previously returned by this method,
267 // it'll return the same value again.
268 ErrorCode GetBaseErrorCode(ErrorCode code);
270 // Converts |time| to an Omaha InstallDate which is defined as "the
271 // number of PST8PDT calendar weeks since Jan 1st 2007 0:00 PST, times
272 // seven" with PST8PDT defined as "Pacific Time" (e.g. UTC-07:00 if
273 // daylight savings is observed and UTC-08:00 otherwise.)
274 //
275 // If the passed in |time| variable is before Monday January 1st 2007
276 // 0:00 PST, False is returned and the value returned in
277 // |out_num_days| is undefined. Otherwise the number of PST8PDT
278 // calendar weeks since that date times seven is returned in
279 // |out_num_days| and the function returns True.
280 //
281 // (NOTE: This function does not currently take daylight savings time
282 // into account so the result may up to one hour off. This is because
283 // the glibc date and timezone routines depend on the TZ environment
284 // variable and changing environment variables is not thread-safe.
285 bool ConvertToOmahaInstallDate(base::Time time, int* out_num_days);
287 // Look for the minor version value in the passed |store| and set
288 // |minor_version| to that value. Return whether the value was found and valid.
289 bool GetMinorVersion(const brillo::KeyValueStore& store,
290                      uint32_t* minor_version);
292 // This function reads the specified data in |extents| into |out_data|. The
293 // extents are read from the file at |path|. |out_data_size| is the size of
294 // |out_data|. Returns false if the number of bytes to read given in
295 // |extents| does not equal |out_data_size|.
296 bool ReadExtents(const std::string& path,
297                  const std::vector<Extent>& extents,
298                  brillo::Blob* out_data,
299                  ssize_t out_data_size,
300                  size_t block_size);
302 // Read the current boot identifier and store it in |boot_id|. This identifier
303 // is constants during the same boot of the kernel and is regenerated after
304 // reboot. Returns whether it succeeded getting the boot_id.
305 bool GetBootId(std::string* boot_id);
307 // Divide |x| by |y| and round up to the nearest integer.
DivRoundUp(uint64_t x,uint64_t y)308 constexpr uint64_t DivRoundUp(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {
309   return (x + y - 1) / y;
310 }
312 // Round |x| up to be a multiple of |y|.
RoundUp(uint64_t x,uint64_t y)313 constexpr uint64_t RoundUp(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) {
314   return DivRoundUp(x, y) * y;
315 }
317 // Returns the integer value of the first section of |version|. E.g. for
318 //  "10575.39." returns 10575. Returns 0 if |version| is empty, returns -1 if
319 // first section of |version| is invalid (e.g. not a number).
320 int VersionPrefix(const std::string& version);
322 // Parses a string in the form high.low, where high and low are 16 bit unsigned
323 // integers. If there is more than 1 dot, or if either of the two parts are
324 // not valid 16 bit unsigned numbers, then 0xffff is returned for both.
325 void ParseRollbackKeyVersion(const std::string& raw_version,
326                              uint16_t* high_version,
327                              uint16_t* low_version);
329 }  // namespace utils
331 // Utility class to close a file descriptor
332 class ScopedFdCloser {
333  public:
ScopedFdCloser(int * fd)334   explicit ScopedFdCloser(int* fd) : fd_(fd) {}
~ScopedFdCloser()335   ~ScopedFdCloser() {
336     if (should_close_ && fd_ && (*fd_ >= 0) && !IGNORE_EINTR(close(*fd_)))
337       *fd_ = -1;
338   }
set_should_close(bool should_close)339   void set_should_close(bool should_close) { should_close_ = should_close; }
341  private:
342   int* fd_;
343   bool should_close_ = true;
345 };
347 // Utility class to delete a file when it goes out of scope.
348 class ScopedPathUnlinker {
349  public:
ScopedPathUnlinker(const std::string & path)350   explicit ScopedPathUnlinker(const std::string& path)
351       : path_(path), should_remove_(true) {}
~ScopedPathUnlinker()352   ~ScopedPathUnlinker() {
353     if (should_remove_ && unlink(path_.c_str()) < 0) {
354       PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to unlink path " << path_;
355     }
356   }
set_should_remove(bool should_remove)357   void set_should_remove(bool should_remove) { should_remove_ = should_remove; }
359  private:
360   const std::string path_;
361   bool should_remove_;
362   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedPathUnlinker);
363 };
365 // A little object to call ActionComplete on the ActionProcessor when
366 // it's destructed.
367 class ScopedActionCompleter {
368  public:
ScopedActionCompleter(ActionProcessor * processor,AbstractAction * action)369   explicit ScopedActionCompleter(ActionProcessor* processor,
370                                  AbstractAction* action)
371       : processor_(processor),
372         action_(action),
373         code_(ErrorCode::kError),
374         should_complete_(true) {
375     CHECK(processor_);
376   }
~ScopedActionCompleter()377   ~ScopedActionCompleter() {
378     if (should_complete_)
379       processor_->ActionComplete(action_, code_);
380   }
set_code(ErrorCode code)381   void set_code(ErrorCode code) { code_ = code; }
set_should_complete(bool should_complete)382   void set_should_complete(bool should_complete) {
383     should_complete_ = should_complete;
384   }
get_code()385   ErrorCode get_code() const { return code_; }
387  private:
388   ActionProcessor* processor_;
389   AbstractAction* action_;
390   ErrorCode code_;
391   bool should_complete_;
392   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedActionCompleter);
393 };
395 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine
397 #define TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE_ERRNO(_x)                              \
398   do {                                                               \
399     bool _success = static_cast<bool>(_x);                           \
400     if (!_success) {                                                 \
401       std::string _msg =                                             \
402           chromeos_update_engine::utils::ErrnoNumberAsString(errno); \
403       LOG(ERROR) << #_x " failed: " << _msg;                         \
404       return false;                                                  \
405     }                                                                \
406   } while (0)
408 #define TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(_x)          \
409   do {                                     \
410     bool _success = static_cast<bool>(_x); \
411     if (!_success) {                       \
412       LOG(ERROR) << #_x " failed.";        \
413       return false;                        \
414     }                                      \
415   } while (0)
417 #define TEST_AND_RETURN_ERRNO(_x)                                    \
418   do {                                                               \
419     bool _success = static_cast<bool>(_x);                           \
420     if (!_success) {                                                 \
421       std::string _msg =                                             \
422           chromeos_update_engine::utils::ErrnoNumberAsString(errno); \
423       LOG(ERROR) << #_x " failed: " << _msg;                         \
424       return;                                                        \
425     }                                                                \
426   } while (0)
428 #define TEST_AND_RETURN(_x)                \
429   do {                                     \
430     bool _success = static_cast<bool>(_x); \
431     if (!_success) {                       \
432       LOG(ERROR) << #_x " failed.";        \
433       return;                              \
434     }                                      \
435   } while (0)
437 #define TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE_ERRCODE(_x)      \
438   do {                                         \
439     errcode_t _error = (_x);                   \
440     if (_error) {                              \
441       errno = _error;                          \
442       LOG(ERROR) << #_x " failed: " << _error; \
443       return false;                            \
444     }                                          \
445   } while (0)