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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17"""Collect the source paths from dependency information."""
19from __future__ import absolute_import
21import glob
22import logging
23import os
24import re
26from aidegen import constant
27from aidegen.lib import errors
28from aidegen.lib import common_util
29from aidegen.lib.common_util import COLORED_INFO
30from atest import atest_utils
31from atest import constants
33# Parse package name from the package declaration line of a java.
34# Group matches "foo.bar" of line "package foo.bar;" or "package foo.bar"
35_PACKAGE_RE = re.compile(r'\s*package\s+(?P<package>[^(;|\s)]+)\s*', re.I)
37_ANDROID_SUPPORT_PATH_KEYWORD = 'prebuilts/sdk/current/'
38_JAR = '.jar'
40_JARJAR_RULES_FILE = 'jarjar-rules.txt'
41_JAVA = '.java'
42_KOTLIN = '.kt'
44_KEY_INSTALLED = 'installed'
45_KEY_JARJAR_RULES = 'jarjar_rules'
46_KEY_JARS = 'jars'
47_KEY_PATH = 'path'
48_KEY_SRCS = 'srcs'
49_KEY_TESTS = 'tests'
50_SRCJAR = '.srcjar'
51_AAPT2_DIR = 'out/target/common/obj/APPS/%s_intermediates/aapt2'
52_AAPT2_SRCJAR = 'out/target/common/obj/APPS/%s_intermediates/aapt2.srcjar'
54    # The java files under this directory have to be ignored because it will
55    # cause duplicated classes by libcore/ojluni/src/main/java.
56    'libcore/ojluni/src/lambda/java'
60    'You choose "--skip-build". Skip building jar and module might increase '
61    'the risk of the absence of some jar or R/AIDL/logtags java files and '
62    'cause the red lines to appear in IDE tool.')
65def multi_projects_locate_source(projects, verbose, depth, ide_name,
66                                 skip_build=True):
67    """Locate the paths of dependent source folders and jar files with projects.
69    Args:
70        projects: A list of ProjectInfo instances. Information of a project such
71                  as project relative path, project real path, project
72                  dependencies.
73        verbose: A boolean, if true displays full build output.
74        depth: An integer shows the depth of module dependency referenced by
75               source. Zero means the max module depth.
76        ide_name: A string stands for the IDE name, default is IntelliJ.
77        skip_build: A boolean default to true, if true skip building jar and
78                    srcjar files, otherwise build them.
79    """
80    if skip_build:
81        print('\n{} {}\n'.format(COLORED_INFO('Warning:'), _SKIP_BUILD_WARN))
82    for project in projects:
83        locate_source(project, verbose, depth, ide_name, build=not skip_build)
86def locate_source(project, verbose, depth, ide_name, build=True):
87    """Locate the paths of dependent source folders and jar files.
89    Try to reference source folder path as dependent module unless the
90    dependent module should be referenced to a jar file, such as modules have
91    jars and jarjar_rules parameter.
92    For example:
93        Module: asm-6.0
94            java_import {
95                name: 'asm-6.0',
96                host_supported: true,
97                jars: ['asm-6.0.jar'],
98            }
99        Module: bouncycastle
100            java_library {
101                name: 'bouncycastle',
102                ...
103                target: {
104                    android: {
105                        jarjar_rules: 'jarjar-rules.txt',
106                    },
107                },
108            }
110    Args:
111        project: A ProjectInfo instance. Information of a project such as
112                 project relative path, project real path, project dependencies.
113        verbose: A boolean, if true displays full build output.
114        depth: An integer shows the depth of module dependency referenced by
115               source. Zero means the max module depth.
116        ide_name: A string stands for the IDE name, default is IntelliJ.
117        build: A boolean default to true, if true skip building jar and srcjar
118               files, otherwise build them.
120    Example usage:
121        project.source_path = locate_source(project, verbose, False)
122        E.g.
123            project.source_path = {
124                'source_folder_path': ['path/to/source/folder1',
125                                       'path/to/source/folder2', ...],
126                'test_folder_path': ['path/to/test/folder', ...],
127                'jar_path': ['path/to/jar/file1', 'path/to/jar/file2', ...]
128            }
129    """
130    if not hasattr(project, 'dep_modules') or not project.dep_modules:
131        raise errors.EmptyModuleDependencyError(
132            'Dependent modules dictionary is empty.')
133    dependencies = project.source_path
134    rebuild_targets = set()
135    for module_name, module_data in project.dep_modules.items():
136        module = _generate_moduledata(module_name, module_data, ide_name,
137                                      project.project_relative_path, depth)
138        module.locate_sources_path()
139        dependencies['source_folder_path'].update(module.src_dirs)
140        dependencies['test_folder_path'].update(module.test_dirs)
141        _append_jars_as_dependencies(dependencies, module)
142        if module.build_targets:
143            rebuild_targets |= module.build_targets
144    if rebuild_targets:
145        if build:
146            _build_dependencies(verbose, rebuild_targets)
147            locate_source(project, verbose, depth, ide_name, build=False)
148        else:
149            logging.warning('Jar files or modules build failed:\n\t%s.',
150                            '\n\t'.join(rebuild_targets))
153def _build_dependencies(verbose, rebuild_targets):
154    """Build the jar or srcjar files of the modules if it don't exist.
156    Args:
157        verbose: A boolean, if true displays full build output.
158        rebuild_targets: A list of jar or srcjar files which do not exist.
159    """
160    logging.info(('Ready to build the jar or srcjar files.'))
161    targets = ['-k']
162    targets.extend(list(rebuild_targets))
163    if not atest_utils.build(targets, verbose, _DIS_ROBO_BUILD_ENV_VAR):
164        message = ('Build failed!\n{}\nAIDEGen will proceed but dependency '
165                   'correctness is not guaranteed if not all targets being '
166                   'built successfully.'.format('\n'.join(targets)))
167        print('\n{} {}\n'.format(COLORED_INFO('Warning:'), message))
170def _generate_moduledata(module_name, module_data, ide_name, project_relpath,
171                         depth):
172    """Generate a module class to collect dependencies in IntelliJ or Eclipse.
174    Args:
175        module_name: Name of the module.
176        module_data: A dictionary holding a module information.
177        ide_name: A string stands for the IDE name.
178        project_relpath: A string stands for the project's relative path.
179        depth: An integer shows the depth of module dependency referenced by
180               source. Zero means the max module depth.
182    Returns:
183        A ModuleData class.
184    """
185    if ide_name == constant.IDE_ECLIPSE:
186        return EclipseModuleData(module_name, module_data, project_relpath)
187    return ModuleData(module_name, module_data, depth)
190def _append_jars_as_dependencies(dependent_data, module):
191    """Add given module's jar files into dependent_data as dependencies.
193    Args:
194        dependent_data: A dictionary contains the dependent source paths and
195                        jar files.
196        module: A ModuleData instance.
197    """
198    if module.jar_files:
199        dependent_data['jar_path'].update(module.jar_files)
200        for jar in list(module.jar_files):
201            dependent_data['jar_module_path'].update({jar: module.module_path})
202    # Collecting the jar files of default core modules as dependencies.
203    if constant.KEY_DEP in module.module_data:
204        dependent_data['jar_path'].update([
205            x for x in module.module_data[constant.KEY_DEP]
206            if common_util.is_target(x, _TARGET_LIBS)
207        ])
210class ModuleData():
211    """ModuleData class.
213    Attributes:
214        All following relative paths stand for the path relative to the android
215        repo root.
217        module_path: A string of the relative path to the module.
218        src_dirs: A set to keep the unique source folder relative paths.
219        test_dirs: A set to keep the unique test folder relative paths.
220        jar_files: A set to keep the unique jar file relative paths.
221        referenced_by_jar: A boolean to check if the module is referenced by a
222                           jar file.
223        build_targets: A set to keep the unique build target jar or srcjar file
224                       relative paths which are ready to be rebuld.
225        missing_jars: A set to keep the jar file relative paths if it doesn't
226                      exist.
227        specific_soong_path: A string of the relative path to the module's
228                             intermediates folder under out/.
229    """
231    def __init__(self, module_name, module_data, depth):
232        """Initialize ModuleData.
234        Args:
235            module_name: Name of the module.
236            module_data: A dictionary holding a module information.
237            depth: An integer shows the depth of module dependency referenced by
238                   source. Zero means the max module depth.
239            For example:
240                {
241                    'class': ['APPS'],
242                    'path': ['path/to/the/module'],
243                    'depth': 0,
244                    'dependencies': ['bouncycastle', 'ims-common'],
245                    'srcs': [
246                        'path/to/the/module/src/com/android/test.java',
247                        'path/to/the/module/src/com/google/test.java',
248                        'out/soong/.intermediates/path/to/the/module/test/src/
249                         com/android/test.srcjar'
250                    ],
251                    'installed': ['out/target/product/generic_x86_64/
252                                   system/framework/framework.jar'],
253                    'jars': ['settings.jar'],
254                    'jarjar_rules': ['jarjar-rules.txt']
255                }
256        """
257        assert module_name, 'Module name can\'t be null.'
258        assert module_data, 'Module data of %s can\'t be null.' % module_name
259        self.module_name = module_name
260        self.module_data = module_data
261        self._init_module_path()
262        self._init_module_depth(depth)
263        self.src_dirs = set()
264        self.test_dirs = set()
265        self.jar_files = set()
266        self.referenced_by_jar = False
267        self.build_targets = set()
268        self.missing_jars = set()
269        self.specific_soong_path = os.path.join(
270            'out/soong/.intermediates', self.module_path, self.module_name)
272    def _is_app_module(self):
273        """Check if the current module's class is APPS"""
274        return self._check_key('class') and 'APPS' in self.module_data['class']
276    def _is_target_module(self):
277        """Check if the current module is a target module.
279        A target module is the target project or a module under the
280        target project and it's module depth is 0.
281        For example: aidegen Settings framework
282            The target projects are Settings and framework so they are also
283            target modules. And the dependent module SettingsUnitTests's path
284            is packages/apps/Settings/tests/unit so it also a target module.
285        """
286        return self.module_depth == 0
288    def _is_module_in_apps(self):
289        """Check if the current module is under packages/apps."""
290        _apps_path = os.path.join('packages', 'apps')
291        return self.module_path.startswith(_apps_path)
293    def _collect_r_srcs_paths(self):
294        """Collect the source folder of R.java.
296        For modules under packages/apps, check if exists an intermediates
297        directory which contains R.java. If it does not exist, build the
298        aapt2.srcjar of the module to generate. Build system will finally copy
299        the R.java from a intermediates directory to the central R directory
300        after building successfully. So set the central R directory
301        out/target/common/R as a default source folder in IntelliJ.
302        """
303        if (self._is_app_module() and self._is_target_module() and
304                self._is_module_in_apps()):
305            # The directory contains R.java for apps in packages/apps.
306            r_src_dir = _AAPT2_DIR % self.module_name
307            if not os.path.exists(common_util.get_abs_path(r_src_dir)):
308                self.build_targets.add(_AAPT2_SRCJAR % self.module_name)
309            # In case the central R folder been deleted, uses the intermediate
310            # folder as the dependency to R.java.
311            self.src_dirs.add(r_src_dir)
312        # Add the central R as a default source folder.
313        self.src_dirs.add('out/target/common/R')
315    def _init_module_path(self):
316        """Inintialize self.module_path."""
317        self.module_path = (self.module_data[_KEY_PATH][0]
318                            if _KEY_PATH in self.module_data
319                            and self.module_data[_KEY_PATH] else '')
321    def _init_module_depth(self, depth):
322        """Inintialize module depth's settings.
324        Set the module's depth from module info when user have -d parameter.
325        Set the -d value from user input, default to 0.
327        Args:
328            depth: the depth to be set.
329        """
330        self.module_depth = (int(self.module_data[constant.KEY_DEPTH])
331                             if depth else 0)
332        self.depth_by_source = depth
334    def _is_android_supported_module(self):
335        """Determine if this is an Android supported module."""
336        return self.module_path.startswith(_ANDROID_SUPPORT_PATH_KEYWORD)
338    def _check_jarjar_rules_exist(self):
339        """Check if jarjar rules exist."""
340        return (_KEY_JARJAR_RULES in self.module_data and
341                self.module_data[_KEY_JARJAR_RULES][0] == _JARJAR_RULES_FILE)
343    def _check_jars_exist(self):
344        """Check if jars exist."""
345        return _KEY_JARS in self.module_data and self.module_data[_KEY_JARS]
347    def _collect_srcs_paths(self):
348        """Collect source folder paths in src_dirs from module_data['srcs']."""
349        if self._check_key(_KEY_SRCS):
350            scanned_dirs = set()
351            for src_item in self.module_data[_KEY_SRCS]:
352                src_dir = None
353                src_item = os.path.relpath(src_item)
354                if src_item.endswith(_SRCJAR):
355                    self._append_jar_from_installed(self.specific_soong_path)
356                elif common_util.is_target(src_item, _TARGET_FILES):
357                    # Only scan one java file in each source directories.
358                    src_item_dir = os.path.dirname(src_item)
359                    if src_item_dir not in scanned_dirs:
360                        scanned_dirs.add(src_item_dir)
361                        src_dir = self._get_source_folder(src_item)
362                else:
363                    # To record what files except java and srcjar in the srcs.
364                    logging.debug('%s is not in parsing scope.', src_item)
365                if src_dir:
366                    self._add_to_source_or_test_dirs(src_dir)
368    def _check_key(self, key):
369        """Check if key is in self.module_data and not empty.
371        Args:
372            key: the key to be checked.
373        """
374        return key in self.module_data and self.module_data[key]
376    def _add_to_source_or_test_dirs(self, src_dir):
377        """Add folder to source or test directories.
379        Args:
380            src_dir: the directory to be added.
381        """
382        if not any(path in src_dir for path in _IGNORE_DIRS):
383            # Build the module if the source path not exists. The java is
384            # normally generated for AIDL or logtags file.
385            if not os.path.exists(common_util.get_abs_path(src_dir)):
386                self.build_targets.add(self.module_name)
387            if self._is_test_module(src_dir):
388                self.test_dirs.add(src_dir)
389            else:
390                self.src_dirs.add(src_dir)
392    @staticmethod
393    def _is_test_module(src_dir):
394        """Check if the module path is a test module path.
396        Args:
397            src_dir: the directory to be checked.
399        Returns:
400            True if module path is a test module path, otherwise False.
401        """
402        return _KEY_TESTS in src_dir.split(os.sep)
404    # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
405    @staticmethod
406    def _get_source_folder(java_file):
407        """Parsing a java to get the package name to filter out source path.
409        There are 3 steps to get the source path from a java.
410        1. Parsing a java to get package name.
411           For example:
412               The java_file is:path/to/the/module/src/main/java/com/android/
413                                first.java
414               The package name of java_file is com.android.
415        2. Transfer package name to package path:
416           For example:
417               The package path of com.android is com/android.
418        3. Remove the package path and file name from the java path.
419           For example:
420               The path after removing package path and file name is
421               path/to/the/module/src/main/java.
422        As a result, path/to/the/module/src/main/java is the source path parsed
423        from path/to/the/module/src/main/java/com/android/first.java.
425        Returns:
426            source_folder: A string of path to source folder(e.g. src/main/java)
427                           or none when it failed to get package name.
428        """
429        abs_java_path = common_util.get_abs_path(java_file)
430        if os.path.exists(abs_java_path):
431            with open(abs_java_path) as data:
432                for line in data.read().splitlines():
433                    match = _PACKAGE_RE.match(line)
434                    if match:
435                        package_name = match.group('package')
436                        package_path = package_name.replace(os.extsep, os.sep)
437                        source_folder, _, _ = java_file.rpartition(package_path)
438                        return source_folder.strip(os.sep)
440    def _append_jar_file(self, jar_path):
441        """Append a path to the jar file into self.jar_files if it's exists.
443        Args:
444            jar_path: A path supposed to be a jar file.
446        Returns:
447            Boolean: True if jar_path is an existing jar file.
448        """
449        if common_util.is_target(jar_path, _TARGET_LIBS):
450            self.referenced_by_jar = True
451            if os.path.isfile(common_util.get_abs_path(jar_path)):
452                self.jar_files.add(jar_path)
453            else:
454                self.missing_jars.add(jar_path)
455            return True
457    def _append_jar_from_installed(self, specific_dir=None):
458        """Append a jar file's path to the list of jar_files with matching
459        path_prefix.
461        There might be more than one jar in "installed" parameter and only the
462        first jar file is returned. If specific_dir is set, the jar file must be
463        under the specific directory or its sub-directory.
465        Args:
466            specific_dir: A string of path.
467        """
468        if (_KEY_INSTALLED in self.module_data
469                and self.module_data[_KEY_INSTALLED]):
470            for jar in self.module_data[_KEY_INSTALLED]:
471                if specific_dir and not jar.startswith(specific_dir):
472                    continue
473                if self._append_jar_file(jar):
474                    break
476    def _set_jars_jarfile(self):
477        """Append prebuilt jars of module into self.jar_files.
479        Some modules' sources are prebuilt jar files instead of source java
480        files. The jar files can be imported into IntelliJ as a dependency
481        directly. There is only jar file name in self.module_data['jars'], it
482        has to be combined with self.module_data['path'] to append into
483        self.jar_files.
484        For example:
485        'asm-6.0': {
486            'jars': [
487                'asm-6.0.jar'
488            ],
489            'path': [
490                'prebuilts/misc/common/asm'
491            ],
492        },
493        Path to the jar file is prebuilts/misc/common/asm/asm-6.0.jar.
494        """
495        if _KEY_JARS in self.module_data and self.module_data[_KEY_JARS]:
496            for jar_name in self.module_data[_KEY_JARS]:
497                if self._check_key(_KEY_INSTALLED):
498                    self._append_jar_from_installed()
499                else:
500                    jar_path = os.path.join(self.module_path, jar_name)
501                    jar_abs = common_util.get_abs_path(jar_path)
502                    if not os.path.isfile(
503                            jar_abs) and jar_name.endswith('prebuilt.jar'):
504                        rel_path = self._get_jar_path_from_prebuilts(jar_name)
505                        if rel_path:
506                            jar_path = rel_path
507                    self._append_jar_file(jar_path)
509    @staticmethod
510    def _get_jar_path_from_prebuilts(jar_name):
511        """Get prebuilt jar file from prebuilts folder.
513        If the prebuilt jar file we get from method _set_jars_jarfile() does not
514        exist, we should search the prebuilt jar file in prebuilts folder.
515        For example:
516        'platformprotos': {
517            'jars': [
518                'platformprotos-prebuilt.jar'
519            ],
520            'path': [
521                'frameworks/base'
522            ],
523        },
524        We get an incorrect path: 'frameworks/base/platformprotos-prebuilt.jar'
525        If the file does not exist, we should search the file name from
526        prebuilts folder. If we can get the correct path from 'prebuilts', we
527        can replace it with the incorrect path.
529        Args:
530            jar_name: The prebuilt jar file name.
532        Return:
533            A relative prebuilt jar file path if found, otherwise None.
534        """
535        rel_path = ''
536        search = os.sep.join(
537            [constant.ANDROID_ROOT_PATH, 'prebuilts/**', jar_name])
538        results = glob.glob(search, recursive=True)
539        if results:
540            jar_abs = results[0]
541            rel_path = os.path.relpath(
542                jar_abs, os.environ.get(constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, os.sep))
543        return rel_path
545    def locate_sources_path(self):
546        """Locate source folders' paths or jar files."""
547        if self.module_depth > self.depth_by_source:
548            self._append_jar_from_installed(self.specific_soong_path)
549        else:
550            if self._is_android_supported_module():
551                self._append_jar_from_installed()
552            elif self._check_jarjar_rules_exist():
553                self._append_jar_from_installed(self.specific_soong_path)
554            elif self._check_jars_exist():
555                self._set_jars_jarfile()
556            self._collect_srcs_paths()
557            # If there is no source/tests folder of the module, reference the
558            # module by jar.
559            if not self.src_dirs and not self.test_dirs:
560                self._append_jar_from_installed()
561            self._collect_r_srcs_paths()
562        if self.referenced_by_jar and self.missing_jars:
563            self.build_targets |= self.missing_jars
566class EclipseModuleData(ModuleData):
567    """Deal with modules data for Eclipse
569    Only project target modules use source folder type and the other ones use
570    jar as their source. We'll combine both to establish the whole project's
571    dependencies. If the source folder used to build dependency jar file exists
572    in Android, we should provide the jar file path as <linkedResource> item in
573    source data.
574    """
576    def __init__(self, module_name, module_data, project_relpath):
577        """Initialize EclipseModuleData.
579        Only project target modules apply source folder type, so set the depth
580        of module referenced by source to 0.
582        Args:
583            module_name: String type, name of the module.
584            module_data: A dictionary contains a module information.
585            project_relpath: A string stands for the project's relative path.
586        """
587        super().__init__(module_name, module_data, depth=0)
588        self.is_project = common_util.is_project_path_relative_module(
589            module_data, project_relpath)
591    def locate_sources_path(self):
592        """Locate source folders' paths or jar files.
594        Only collect source folders for the project modules and collect jar
595        files for the other dependent modules.
596        """
597        if self.is_project:
598            self._locate_project_source_path()
599        else:
600            self._locate_jar_path()
601        if self.referenced_by_jar and self.missing_jars:
602            self.build_targets |= self.missing_jars
604    def _locate_project_source_path(self):
605        """Locate the source folder paths of the project module.
607        A project module is the target modules or paths that users key in
608        aidegen command. Collecting the source folders is necessary for
609        developers to edit code. And also collect the central R folder for the
610        dependency of resources.
611        """
612        self._collect_srcs_paths()
613        self._collect_r_srcs_paths()
615    def _locate_jar_path(self):
616        """Locate the jar path of the module.
618        Use jar files for dependency modules for Eclipse. Collect the jar file
619        path with different cases.
620        """
621        if self._check_jarjar_rules_exist():
622            self._append_jar_from_installed(self.specific_soong_path)
623        elif self._check_jars_exist():
624            self._set_jars_jarfile()
625        else:
626            self._append_jar_from_installed()