1;; @file 2; Interrupt Redirection Template 3; 4; Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> 5; 6; This program and the accompanying materials 7; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions 8; of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The 9; full text of the license may be found at 10; http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php 11; 12; THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, 13; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. 14; 15;; 16 17text SEGMENT 18 19;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20; Procedure: InterruptRedirectionTemplate: Redirects interrupts 0x68-0x6F 21; 22; Input: None 23; 24; Output: None 25; 26; Prototype: VOID 27; InterruptRedirectionTemplate ( 28; VOID 29; ); 30; 31; Saves: None 32; 33; Modified: None 34; 35; Description: Contains the code that is copied into low memory (below 640K). 36; This code reflects interrupts 0x68-0x6f to interrupts 0x08-0x0f. 37; This template must be copied into low memory, and the IDT entries 38; 0x68-0x6F must be point to the low memory copy of this code. Each 39; entry is 4 bytes long, so IDT entries 0x68-0x6F can be easily 40; computed. 41; 42;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 44InterruptRedirectionTemplate PROC 45 int 08h 46 DB 0cfh ; IRET 47 nop 48 int 09h 49 DB 0cfh ; IRET 50 nop 51 int 0ah 52 DB 0cfh ; IRET 53 nop 54 int 0bh 55 DB 0cfh ; IRET 56 nop 57 int 0ch 58 DB 0cfh ; IRET 59 nop 60 int 0dh 61 DB 0cfh ; IRET 62 nop 63 int 0eh 64 DB 0cfh ; IRET 65 nop 66 int 0fh 67 DB 0cfh ; IRET 68 nop 69InterruptRedirectionTemplate ENDP 70 71END