1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
16 #include "testBase.h"
17 #include "harness/typeWrappers.h"
18 #include "harness/testHarness.h"
19 #include "harness/conversions.h"
21 const char *test_kernels[] = { "__kernel void kernelA(__global uint *dst)\n"
22 "{\n"
23 "\n"
24 " dst[get_global_id(0)]*=3;\n"
25 "\n"
26 "}\n"
27 "__kernel void kernelB(__global uint *dst)\n"
28 "{\n"
29 "\n"
30 " dst[get_global_id(0)]++;\n"
31 "\n"
32 "}\n" };
34 #define TEST_SIZE 512
35 #define MAX_DEVICES 32
36 #define MAX_QUEUES 1000
test_device_set(size_t deviceCount,size_t queueCount,cl_device_id * devices,int num_elements)38 int test_device_set(size_t deviceCount, size_t queueCount, cl_device_id *devices, int num_elements)
39 {
40 int error;
41 clContextWrapper context;
42 clProgramWrapper program;
43 clKernelWrapper kernels[2];
44 clMemWrapper stream;
45 clCommandQueueWrapper queues[MAX_QUEUES];
46 size_t threads[1], localThreads[1];
47 cl_uint data[TEST_SIZE];
48 cl_uint outputData[TEST_SIZE];
49 cl_uint expectedResults[TEST_SIZE];
50 cl_uint expectedResultsOneDevice[MAX_DEVICES][TEST_SIZE];
51 size_t i;
53 memset(queues, 0, sizeof(queues));
55 RandomSeed seed( gRandomSeed );
57 if (deviceCount > MAX_DEVICES) {
58 log_error("Number of devices in set (%ld) is greater than the number for which the test was written (%d).", deviceCount, MAX_DEVICES);
59 return -1;
60 }
62 if (queueCount > MAX_QUEUES) {
63 log_error("Number of queues (%ld) is greater than the number for which the test was written (%d).", queueCount, MAX_QUEUES);
64 return -1;
65 }
67 log_info("Testing with %ld queues on %ld devices, %ld kernel executions.\n", queueCount, deviceCount, queueCount*num_elements/TEST_SIZE);
69 for (i=0; i<deviceCount; i++) {
70 char deviceName[4096] = "";
71 error = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(deviceName), deviceName, NULL);
72 test_error(error, "clGetDeviceInfo CL_DEVICE_NAME failed");
73 log_info("Device %ld is \"%s\".\n", i, deviceName);
74 }
76 /* Create a context */
77 context = clCreateContext( NULL, (cl_uint)deviceCount, devices, notify_callback, NULL, &error );
78 test_error( error, "Unable to create testing context" );
80 /* Create our kernels (they all have the same arguments so we don't need multiple ones for each device) */
81 if( create_single_kernel_helper( context, &program, &kernels[0], 1, test_kernels, "kernelA" ) != 0 )
82 {
83 return -1;
84 }
86 kernels[1] = clCreateKernel(program, "kernelB", &error);
87 test_error(error, "clCreateKernel failed");
90 /* Now create I/O streams */
91 for( i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++ )
92 data[i] = genrand_int32(seed);
94 stream = clCreateBuffer(context, (cl_mem_flags)(CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR),
95 sizeof(cl_uint) * TEST_SIZE, data, &error);
96 test_error(error, "Unable to create test array");
98 // Update the expected results
99 for( i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++ ) {
100 expectedResults[i] = data[i];
101 for (size_t j=0; j<deviceCount; j++)
102 expectedResultsOneDevice[j][i] = data[i];
103 }
106 // Set the arguments
107 error = clSetKernelArg( kernels[0], 0, sizeof( stream ), &stream);
108 test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
109 error = clSetKernelArg( kernels[1], 0, sizeof( stream ), &stream);
110 test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel arguments" );
112 /* Run the test */
113 threads[0] = (size_t)TEST_SIZE;
115 error = get_max_common_work_group_size( context, kernels[0], threads[0], &localThreads[ 0 ] );
116 test_error( error, "Unable to calc work group size" );
118 /* Create work queues */
119 for( i = 0; i < queueCount; i++ )
120 {
121 queues[i] = clCreateCommandQueue( context, devices[ i % deviceCount ], 0, &error );
122 if (error != CL_SUCCESS || queues[i] == NULL) {
123 log_info("Could not create queue[%d].\n", (int)i);
124 queueCount = i;
125 break;
126 }
127 }
128 log_info("Testing with %d queues.\n", (int)queueCount);
130 /* Enqueue executions */
131 for( int z = 0; z<num_elements/TEST_SIZE; z++) {
132 for( i = 0; i < queueCount; i++ )
133 {
134 // Randomly choose a kernel to execute.
135 int kernel_selection = (int)get_random_float(0, 2, seed);
136 error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queues[ i ], kernels[ kernel_selection ], 1, NULL, threads, localThreads, 0, NULL, NULL );
137 test_error( error, "Kernel execution failed" );
139 // Update the expected results
140 for( int j = 0; j < TEST_SIZE; j++ ) {
141 expectedResults[j] = (kernel_selection) ? expectedResults[j]+1 : expectedResults[j]*3;
142 expectedResultsOneDevice[i % deviceCount][j] = (kernel_selection) ? expectedResultsOneDevice[i % deviceCount][j]+1 : expectedResultsOneDevice[i % deviceCount][j]*3;
143 }
145 // Force the queue to finish so the next one will be in sync
146 error = clFinish(queues[i]);
147 test_error( error, "clFinish failed");
148 }
149 }
151 /* Read results */
152 int errors = 0;
153 for (int q = 0; q<(int)queueCount; q++) {
154 error = clEnqueueReadBuffer( queues[ 0 ], stream, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_int)*TEST_SIZE, (char *)outputData, 0, NULL, NULL );
155 test_error( error, "Unable to get result data set" );
157 int errorsThisTime = 0;
158 /* Verify all of the data now */
159 for( i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++ )
160 {
161 if( expectedResults[ i ] != outputData[ i ] )
162 {
163 log_error( "ERROR: Sample data did not verify for queue %d on device %ld (sample %d, expected %d, got %d)\n",
164 q, q % deviceCount, (int)i, expectedResults[ i ], outputData[ i ] );
165 for (size_t j=0; j<deviceCount; j++) {
166 if (expectedResultsOneDevice[j][i] == outputData[i])
167 log_info("Sample consistent with only device %ld having modified the data.\n", j);
168 }
169 errorsThisTime++;
170 break;
171 }
172 }
173 if (errorsThisTime)
174 errors++;
175 }
177 /* All done now! */
178 if (errors)
179 return -1;
180 return 0;
181 }
test_two_devices(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,int num_elements)183 int test_two_devices(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
184 {
185 cl_platform_id platform;
186 cl_device_id devices[2];
187 int err;
188 cl_uint numDevices;
190 err = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform, NULL);
191 test_error( err, "Unable to get platform" );
193 /* Get some devices */
194 err = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 2, devices, &numDevices );
195 test_error( err, "Unable to get 2 devices" );
197 if( numDevices < 2 )
198 {
199 log_info( "WARNING: two device test unable to get two devices via CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL (got %d devices). Skipping test...\n", (int)numDevices );
200 return 0;
201 }
202 else if (numDevices > 2)
203 {
204 log_info("Note: got %d devices, using just the first two.\n", (int)numDevices);
205 }
207 /* Run test */
208 return test_device_set( 2, 2, devices, num_elements );
209 }
test_max_devices(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,int num_elements)211 int test_max_devices(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
212 {
213 cl_platform_id platform;
214 cl_device_id devices[MAX_DEVICES];
215 cl_uint deviceCount;
216 int err;
218 err = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform, NULL);
219 test_error( err, "Unable to get platform" );
221 /* Get some devices */
222 err = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, MAX_DEVICES, devices, &deviceCount );
223 test_error( err, "Unable to get multiple devices" );
225 log_info("Testing with %d devices.", deviceCount);
227 /* Run test */
228 return test_device_set( deviceCount, deviceCount, devices, num_elements );
229 }
test_hundred_queues(cl_device_id device,cl_context contextIgnore,cl_command_queue queueIgnore,int num_elements)231 int test_hundred_queues(cl_device_id device, cl_context contextIgnore, cl_command_queue queueIgnore, int num_elements)
232 {
233 return test_device_set( 1, 100, &device, num_elements );
234 }