1--- 2layout: default 3title: Accepting new projects 4parent: Getting started 5nav_order: 1 6permalink: /getting-started/accepting-new-projects/ 7--- 8 9# Accepting New Projects 10 11To be accepted to OSS-Fuzz, an open-source project must 12have a significant user base and/or be critical to the global IT infrastructure. 13 14To submit a new project, do the following: 15 161. [Create a pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/) 17with a new `projects/<project_name>/project.yaml` file 18([example](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/tree/master/projects/libarchive/project.yaml)). 19 **Note:** `project_name` can only contain alphanumeric characters, 20 underscores(_) or dashes(-). 212. In the file, provide the following information: 22 - Your project's homepage. 23 - An email address for the engineering contact to be CCed on new issues, satisfying the following: 24 - The address belongs to an established project committer (according to VCS logs). 25 If the address isn't you, or if the address differs from VCS, we'll require an informal 26 email verification. 27 - The address is associated with a Google account 28 ([why?]({{ site.baseurl }}/faq/#why-do-you-require-a-google-account-for-authentication)). 29 If you use an alternate email address 30 [linked to a Google Account](https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/176347?hl=en), 31 you'll only get access to [filed bugs in the issue tracker](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/list), not to the [ClusterFuzz]({{ site.baseurl }}/further-reading/clusterfuzz) 32 dashboard. This is due to appengine API limitations. 333. Once your project is accepted, configure it by following the 34 [New Project Guide]({{ site.baseurl }}/getting-started/new-project-guide/). 35