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1"""Package Install Manager for Python.
3This is currently a MacOSX-only strawman implementation.
4Despite other rumours the name stands for "Packman IMPlementation".
6Tools to allow easy installation of packages. The idea is that there is
7an online XML database per (platform, python-version) containing packages
8known to work with that combination. This module contains tools for getting
9and parsing the database, testing whether packages are installed, computing
10dependencies and installing packages.
12There is a minimal main program that works as a command line tool, but the
13intention is that the end user will use this through a GUI.
16from warnings import warnpy3k
17warnpy3k("In 3.x, the pimp module is removed.", stacklevel=2)
19import sys
20import os
21import subprocess
22import urllib
23import urllib2
24import urlparse
25import plistlib
26import distutils.util
27import distutils.sysconfig
28import hashlib
29import tarfile
30import tempfile
31import shutil
32import time
34__all__ = ["PimpPreferences", "PimpDatabase", "PimpPackage", "main",
35    "getDefaultDatabase", "PIMP_VERSION", "main"]
37_scriptExc_NotInstalled = "pimp._scriptExc_NotInstalled"
38_scriptExc_OldInstalled = "pimp._scriptExc_OldInstalled"
39_scriptExc_BadInstalled = "pimp._scriptExc_BadInstalled"
45# Flavors:
46# source: setup-based package
47# binary: tar (or other) archive created with setup.py bdist.
48# installer: something that can be opened
49DEFAULT_FLAVORORDER=['source', 'binary', 'installer']
55def getDefaultDatabase(experimental=False):
56    if experimental:
57        status = "exp"
58    else:
59        status = "prod"
61    major, minor, micro, state, extra = sys.version_info
62    pyvers = '%d.%d' % (major, minor)
63    if micro == 0 and state != 'final':
64        pyvers = pyvers + '%s%d' % (state, extra)
66    longplatform = distutils.util.get_platform()
67    osname, release, machine = longplatform.split('-')
68    # For some platforms we may want to differentiate between
69    # installation types
70    if osname == 'darwin':
71        if sys.prefix.startswith('/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework'):
72            osname = 'darwin_apple'
73        elif sys.prefix.startswith('/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework'):
74            osname = 'darwin_macpython'
75        # Otherwise we don't know...
76    # Now we try various URLs by playing with the release string.
77    # We remove numbers off the end until we find a match.
78    rel = release
79    while True:
80        url = DEFAULT_PIMPDATABASE_FMT % (PIMP_VERSION, status, pyvers, osname, rel, machine)
81        try:
82            urllib2.urlopen(url)
83        except urllib2.HTTPError, arg:
84            pass
85        else:
86            break
87        if not rel:
88            # We're out of version numbers to try. Use the
89            # full release number, this will give a reasonable
90            # error message later
91            url = DEFAULT_PIMPDATABASE_FMT % (PIMP_VERSION, status, pyvers, osname, release, machine)
92            break
93        idx = rel.rfind('.')
94        if idx < 0:
95            rel = ''
96        else:
97            rel = rel[:idx]
98    return url
100def _cmd(output, dir, *cmditems):
101    """Internal routine to run a shell command in a given directory."""
103    cmd = ("cd \"%s\"; " % dir) + " ".join(cmditems)
104    if output:
105        output.write("+ %s\n" % cmd)
106    if NO_EXECUTE:
107        return 0
108    child = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
109                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
110    child.stdin.close()
111    while 1:
112        line = child.stdout.readline()
113        if not line:
114            break
115        if output:
116            output.write(line)
117    return child.wait()
119class PimpDownloader:
120    """Abstract base class - Downloader for archives"""
122    def __init__(self, argument,
123            dir="",
124            watcher=None):
125        self.argument = argument
126        self._dir = dir
127        self._watcher = watcher
129    def download(self, url, filename, output=None):
130        return None
132    def update(self, str):
133        if self._watcher:
134            return self._watcher.update(str)
135        return True
137class PimpCurlDownloader(PimpDownloader):
139    def download(self, url, filename, output=None):
140        self.update("Downloading %s..." % url)
141        exitstatus = _cmd(output, self._dir,
142                    "curl",
143                    "--output", filename,
144                    url)
145        self.update("Downloading %s: finished" % url)
146        return (not exitstatus)
148class PimpUrllibDownloader(PimpDownloader):
150    def download(self, url, filename, output=None):
151        output = open(filename, 'wb')
152        self.update("Downloading %s: opening connection" % url)
153        keepgoing = True
154        download = urllib2.urlopen(url)
155        if 'content-length' in download.headers:
156            length = long(download.headers['content-length'])
157        else:
158            length = -1
160        data = download.read(4096) #read 4K at a time
161        dlsize = 0
162        lasttime = 0
163        while keepgoing:
164            dlsize = dlsize + len(data)
165            if len(data) == 0:
166                #this is our exit condition
167                break
168            output.write(data)
169            if int(time.time()) != lasttime:
170                # Update at most once per second
171                lasttime = int(time.time())
172                if length == -1:
173                    keepgoing = self.update("Downloading %s: %d bytes..." % (url, dlsize))
174                else:
175                    keepgoing = self.update("Downloading %s: %d%% (%d bytes)..." % (url, int(100.0*dlsize/length), dlsize))
176            data = download.read(4096)
177        if keepgoing:
178            self.update("Downloading %s: finished" % url)
179        return keepgoing
181class PimpUnpacker:
182    """Abstract base class - Unpacker for archives"""
184    _can_rename = False
186    def __init__(self, argument,
187            dir="",
188            renames=[],
189            watcher=None):
190        self.argument = argument
191        if renames and not self._can_rename:
192            raise RuntimeError, "This unpacker cannot rename files"
193        self._dir = dir
194        self._renames = renames
195        self._watcher = watcher
197    def unpack(self, archive, output=None, package=None):
198        return None
200    def update(self, str):
201        if self._watcher:
202            return self._watcher.update(str)
203        return True
205class PimpCommandUnpacker(PimpUnpacker):
206    """Unpack archives by calling a Unix utility"""
208    _can_rename = False
210    def unpack(self, archive, output=None, package=None):
211        cmd = self.argument % archive
212        if _cmd(output, self._dir, cmd):
213            return "unpack command failed"
215class PimpTarUnpacker(PimpUnpacker):
216    """Unpack tarfiles using the builtin tarfile module"""
218    _can_rename = True
220    def unpack(self, archive, output=None, package=None):
221        tf = tarfile.open(archive, "r")
222        members = tf.getmembers()
223        skip = []
224        if self._renames:
225            for member in members:
226                for oldprefix, newprefix in self._renames:
227                    if oldprefix[:len(self._dir)] == self._dir:
228                        oldprefix2 = oldprefix[len(self._dir):]
229                    else:
230                        oldprefix2 = None
231                    if member.name[:len(oldprefix)] == oldprefix:
232                        if newprefix is None:
233                            skip.append(member)
234                            #print 'SKIP', member.name
235                        else:
236                            member.name = newprefix + member.name[len(oldprefix):]
237                            print '    ', member.name
238                        break
239                    elif oldprefix2 and member.name[:len(oldprefix2)] == oldprefix2:
240                        if newprefix is None:
241                            skip.append(member)
242                            #print 'SKIP', member.name
243                        else:
244                            member.name = newprefix + member.name[len(oldprefix2):]
245                            #print '    ', member.name
246                        break
247                else:
248                    skip.append(member)
249                    #print '????', member.name
250        for member in members:
251            if member in skip:
252                self.update("Skipping %s" % member.name)
253                continue
254            self.update("Extracting %s" % member.name)
255            tf.extract(member, self._dir)
256        if skip:
257            names = [member.name for member in skip if member.name[-1] != '/']
258            if package:
259                names = package.filterExpectedSkips(names)
260            if names:
261                return "Not all files were unpacked: %s" % " ".join(names)
264    (".tar.Z", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
265    (".taz", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
266    (".tar.gz", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
267    (".tgz", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
268    (".tar.bz", PimpTarUnpacker, None),
269    (".zip", PimpCommandUnpacker, "unzip \"%s\""),
272class PimpPreferences:
273    """Container for per-user preferences, such as the database to use
274    and where to install packages."""
276    def __init__(self,
277            flavorOrder=None,
278            downloadDir=None,
279            buildDir=None,
280            installDir=None,
281            pimpDatabase=None):
282        if not flavorOrder:
283            flavorOrder = DEFAULT_FLAVORORDER
284        if not downloadDir:
285            downloadDir = DEFAULT_DOWNLOADDIR
286        if not buildDir:
287            buildDir = DEFAULT_BUILDDIR
288        if not pimpDatabase:
289            pimpDatabase = getDefaultDatabase()
290        self.setInstallDir(installDir)
291        self.flavorOrder = flavorOrder
292        self.downloadDir = downloadDir
293        self.buildDir = buildDir
294        self.pimpDatabase = pimpDatabase
295        self.watcher = None
297    def setWatcher(self, watcher):
298        self.watcher = watcher
300    def setInstallDir(self, installDir=None):
301        if installDir:
302            # Installing to non-standard location.
303            self.installLocations = [
304                ('--install-lib', installDir),
305                ('--install-headers', None),
306                ('--install-scripts', None),
307                ('--install-data', None)]
308        else:
309            installDir = DEFAULT_INSTALLDIR
310            self.installLocations = []
311        self.installDir = installDir
313    def isUserInstall(self):
314        return self.installDir != DEFAULT_INSTALLDIR
316    def check(self):
317        """Check that the preferences make sense: directories exist and are
318        writable, the install directory is on sys.path, etc."""
320        rv = ""
321        RWX_OK = os.R_OK|os.W_OK|os.X_OK
322        if not os.path.exists(self.downloadDir):
323            rv += "Warning: Download directory \"%s\" does not exist\n" % self.downloadDir
324        elif not os.access(self.downloadDir, RWX_OK):
325            rv += "Warning: Download directory \"%s\" is not writable or not readable\n" % self.downloadDir
326        if not os.path.exists(self.buildDir):
327            rv += "Warning: Build directory \"%s\" does not exist\n" % self.buildDir
328        elif not os.access(self.buildDir, RWX_OK):
329            rv += "Warning: Build directory \"%s\" is not writable or not readable\n" % self.buildDir
330        if not os.path.exists(self.installDir):
331            rv += "Warning: Install directory \"%s\" does not exist\n" % self.installDir
332        elif not os.access(self.installDir, RWX_OK):
333            rv += "Warning: Install directory \"%s\" is not writable or not readable\n" % self.installDir
334        else:
335            installDir = os.path.realpath(self.installDir)
336            for p in sys.path:
337                try:
338                    realpath = os.path.realpath(p)
339                except:
340                    pass
341                if installDir == realpath:
342                    break
343            else:
344                rv += "Warning: Install directory \"%s\" is not on sys.path\n" % self.installDir
345        return rv
347    def compareFlavors(self, left, right):
348        """Compare two flavor strings. This is part of your preferences
349        because whether the user prefers installing from source or binary is."""
350        if left in self.flavorOrder:
351            if right in self.flavorOrder:
352                return cmp(self.flavorOrder.index(left), self.flavorOrder.index(right))
353            return -1
354        if right in self.flavorOrder:
355            return 1
356        return cmp(left, right)
358class PimpDatabase:
359    """Class representing a pimp database. It can actually contain
360    information from multiple databases through inclusion, but the
361    toplevel database is considered the master, as its maintainer is
362    "responsible" for the contents."""
364    def __init__(self, prefs):
365        self._packages = []
366        self.preferences = prefs
367        self._url = ""
368        self._urllist = []
369        self._version = ""
370        self._maintainer = ""
371        self._description = ""
373    # Accessor functions
374    def url(self): return self._url
375    def version(self): return self._version
376    def maintainer(self): return self._maintainer
377    def description(self): return self._description
379    def close(self):
380        """Clean up"""
381        self._packages = []
382        self.preferences = None
384    def appendURL(self, url, included=0):
385        """Append packages from the database with the given URL.
386        Only the first database should specify included=0, so the
387        global information (maintainer, description) get stored."""
389        if url in self._urllist:
390            return
391        self._urllist.append(url)
392        fp = urllib2.urlopen(url).fp
393        plistdata = plistlib.Plist.fromFile(fp)
394        # Test here for Pimp version, etc
395        if included:
396            version = plistdata.get('Version')
397            if version and version > self._version:
398                sys.stderr.write("Warning: included database %s is for pimp version %s\n" %
399                    (url, version))
400        else:
401            self._version = plistdata.get('Version')
402            if not self._version:
403                sys.stderr.write("Warning: database has no Version information\n")
404            elif self._version > PIMP_VERSION:
405                sys.stderr.write("Warning: database version %s newer than pimp version %s\n"
406                    % (self._version, PIMP_VERSION))
407            self._maintainer = plistdata.get('Maintainer', '')
408            self._description = plistdata.get('Description', '').strip()
409            self._url = url
410        self._appendPackages(plistdata['Packages'], url)
411        others = plistdata.get('Include', [])
412        for o in others:
413            o = urllib.basejoin(url, o)
414            self.appendURL(o, included=1)
416    def _appendPackages(self, packages, url):
417        """Given a list of dictionaries containing package
418        descriptions create the PimpPackage objects and append them
419        to our internal storage."""
421        for p in packages:
422            p = dict(p)
423            if 'Download-URL' in p:
424                p['Download-URL'] = urllib.basejoin(url, p['Download-URL'])
425            flavor = p.get('Flavor')
426            if flavor == 'source':
427                pkg = PimpPackage_source(self, p)
428            elif flavor == 'binary':
429                pkg = PimpPackage_binary(self, p)
430            elif flavor == 'installer':
431                pkg = PimpPackage_installer(self, p)
432            elif flavor == 'hidden':
433                pkg = PimpPackage_installer(self, p)
434            else:
435                pkg = PimpPackage(self, dict(p))
436            self._packages.append(pkg)
438    def list(self):
439        """Return a list of all PimpPackage objects in the database."""
441        return self._packages
443    def listnames(self):
444        """Return a list of names of all packages in the database."""
446        rv = []
447        for pkg in self._packages:
448            rv.append(pkg.fullname())
449        rv.sort()
450        return rv
452    def dump(self, pathOrFile):
453        """Dump the contents of the database to an XML .plist file.
455        The file can be passed as either a file object or a pathname.
456        All data, including included databases, is dumped."""
458        packages = []
459        for pkg in self._packages:
460            packages.append(pkg.dump())
461        plistdata = {
462            'Version': self._version,
463            'Maintainer': self._maintainer,
464            'Description': self._description,
465            'Packages': packages
466            }
467        plist = plistlib.Plist(**plistdata)
468        plist.write(pathOrFile)
470    def find(self, ident):
471        """Find a package. The package can be specified by name
472        or as a dictionary with name, version and flavor entries.
474        Only name is obligatory. If there are multiple matches the
475        best one (higher version number, flavors ordered according to
476        users' preference) is returned."""
478        if type(ident) == str:
479            # Remove ( and ) for pseudo-packages
480            if ident[0] == '(' and ident[-1] == ')':
481                ident = ident[1:-1]
482            # Split into name-version-flavor
483            fields = ident.split('-')
484            if len(fields) < 1 or len(fields) > 3:
485                return None
486            name = fields[0]
487            if len(fields) > 1:
488                version = fields[1]
489            else:
490                version = None
491            if len(fields) > 2:
492                flavor = fields[2]
493            else:
494                flavor = None
495        else:
496            name = ident['Name']
497            version = ident.get('Version')
498            flavor = ident.get('Flavor')
499        found = None
500        for p in self._packages:
501            if name == p.name() and \
502                    (not version or version == p.version()) and \
503                    (not flavor or flavor == p.flavor()):
504                if not found or found < p:
505                    found = p
506        return found
509    "Name",
510    "Version",
511    "Flavor",
512    "Description",
513    "Home-page",
514    "Download-URL",
515    "Install-test",
516    "Install-command",
517    "Pre-install-command",
518    "Post-install-command",
519    "Prerequisites",
520    "MD5Sum",
521    "User-install-skips",
522    "Systemwide-only",
525class PimpPackage:
526    """Class representing a single package."""
528    def __init__(self, db, plistdata):
529        self._db = db
530        name = plistdata["Name"]
531        for k in plistdata.keys():
532            if not k in ALLOWED_KEYS:
533                sys.stderr.write("Warning: %s: unknown key %s\n" % (name, k))
534        self._dict = plistdata
536    def __getitem__(self, key):
537        return self._dict[key]
539    def name(self): return self._dict['Name']
540    def version(self): return self._dict.get('Version')
541    def flavor(self): return self._dict.get('Flavor')
542    def description(self): return self._dict['Description'].strip()
543    def shortdescription(self): return self.description().splitlines()[0]
544    def homepage(self): return self._dict.get('Home-page')
545    def downloadURL(self): return self._dict.get('Download-URL')
546    def systemwideOnly(self): return self._dict.get('Systemwide-only')
548    def fullname(self):
549        """Return the full name "name-version-flavor" of a package.
551        If the package is a pseudo-package, something that cannot be
552        installed through pimp, return the name in (parentheses)."""
554        rv = self._dict['Name']
555        if 'Version' in self._dict:
556            rv = rv + '-%s' % self._dict['Version']
557        if 'Flavor' in self._dict:
558            rv = rv + '-%s' % self._dict['Flavor']
559        if self._dict.get('Flavor') == 'hidden':
560            # Pseudo-package, show in parentheses
561            rv = '(%s)' % rv
562        return rv
564    def dump(self):
565        """Return a dict object containing the information on the package."""
566        return self._dict
568    def __cmp__(self, other):
569        """Compare two packages, where the "better" package sorts lower."""
571        if not isinstance(other, PimpPackage):
572            return cmp(id(self), id(other))
573        if self.name() != other.name():
574            return cmp(self.name(), other.name())
575        if self.version() != other.version():
576            return -cmp(self.version(), other.version())
577        return self._db.preferences.compareFlavors(self.flavor(), other.flavor())
579    def installed(self):
580        """Test wheter the package is installed.
582        Returns two values: a status indicator which is one of
583        "yes", "no", "old" (an older version is installed) or "bad"
584        (something went wrong during the install test) and a human
585        readable string which may contain more details."""
587        namespace = {
588            "NotInstalled": _scriptExc_NotInstalled,
589            "OldInstalled": _scriptExc_OldInstalled,
590            "BadInstalled": _scriptExc_BadInstalled,
591            "os": os,
592            "sys": sys,
593            }
594        installTest = self._dict['Install-test'].strip() + '\n'
595        try:
596            exec installTest in namespace
597        except ImportError, arg:
598            return "no", str(arg)
599        except _scriptExc_NotInstalled, arg:
600            return "no", str(arg)
601        except _scriptExc_OldInstalled, arg:
602            return "old", str(arg)
603        except _scriptExc_BadInstalled, arg:
604            return "bad", str(arg)
605        except:
606            sys.stderr.write("-------------------------------------\n")
607            sys.stderr.write("---- %s: install test got exception\n" % self.fullname())
608            sys.stderr.write("---- source:\n")
609            sys.stderr.write(installTest)
610            sys.stderr.write("---- exception:\n")
611            import traceback
612            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
613            if self._db._maintainer:
614                sys.stderr.write("---- Please copy this and mail to %s\n" % self._db._maintainer)
615            sys.stderr.write("-------------------------------------\n")
616            return "bad", "Package install test got exception"
617        return "yes", ""
619    def prerequisites(self):
620        """Return a list of prerequisites for this package.
622        The list contains 2-tuples, of which the first item is either
623        a PimpPackage object or None, and the second is a descriptive
624        string. The first item can be None if this package depends on
625        something that isn't pimp-installable, in which case the descriptive
626        string should tell the user what to do."""
628        rv = []
629        if not self._dict.get('Download-URL'):
630            # For pseudo-packages that are already installed we don't
631            # return an error message
632            status, _  = self.installed()
633            if status == "yes":
634                return []
635            return [(None,
636                "Package %s cannot be installed automatically, see the description" %
637                    self.fullname())]
638        if self.systemwideOnly() and self._db.preferences.isUserInstall():
639            return [(None,
640                "Package %s can only be installed system-wide" %
641                    self.fullname())]
642        if not self._dict.get('Prerequisites'):
643            return []
644        for item in self._dict['Prerequisites']:
645            if type(item) == str:
646                pkg = None
647                descr = str(item)
648            else:
649                name = item['Name']
650                if 'Version' in item:
651                    name = name + '-' + item['Version']
652                if 'Flavor' in item:
653                    name = name + '-' + item['Flavor']
654                pkg = self._db.find(name)
655                if not pkg:
656                    descr = "Requires unknown %s"%name
657                else:
658                    descr = pkg.shortdescription()
659            rv.append((pkg, descr))
660        return rv
663    def downloadPackageOnly(self, output=None):
664        """Download a single package, if needed.
666        An MD5 signature is used to determine whether download is needed,
667        and to test that we actually downloaded what we expected.
668        If output is given it is a file-like object that will receive a log
669        of what happens.
671        If anything unforeseen happened the method returns an error message
672        string.
673        """
675        scheme, loc, path, query, frag = urlparse.urlsplit(self._dict['Download-URL'])
676        path = urllib.url2pathname(path)
677        filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
678        self.archiveFilename = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.downloadDir, filename)
679        if not self._archiveOK():
680            if scheme == 'manual':
681                return "Please download package manually and save as %s" % self.archiveFilename
682            downloader = PimpUrllibDownloader(None, self._db.preferences.downloadDir,
683                watcher=self._db.preferences.watcher)
684            if not downloader.download(self._dict['Download-URL'],
685                    self.archiveFilename, output):
686                return "download command failed"
687        if not os.path.exists(self.archiveFilename) and not NO_EXECUTE:
688            return "archive not found after download"
689        if not self._archiveOK():
690            return "archive does not have correct MD5 checksum"
692    def _archiveOK(self):
693        """Test an archive. It should exist and the MD5 checksum should be correct."""
695        if not os.path.exists(self.archiveFilename):
696            return 0
697        if not self._dict.get('MD5Sum'):
698            sys.stderr.write("Warning: no MD5Sum for %s\n" % self.fullname())
699            return 1
700        data = open(self.archiveFilename, 'rb').read()
701        checksum = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
702        return checksum == self._dict['MD5Sum']
704    def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
705        """Unpack a downloaded package archive."""
707        filename = os.path.split(self.archiveFilename)[1]
708        for ext, unpackerClass, arg in ARCHIVE_FORMATS:
709            if filename[-len(ext):] == ext:
710                break
711        else:
712            return "unknown extension for archive file: %s" % filename
713        self.basename = filename[:-len(ext)]
714        unpacker = unpackerClass(arg, dir=self._db.preferences.buildDir,
715                watcher=self._db.preferences.watcher)
716        rv = unpacker.unpack(self.archiveFilename, output=output)
717        if rv:
718            return rv
720    def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
721        """Default install method, to be overridden by subclasses"""
722        return "%s: This package needs to be installed manually (no support for flavor=\"%s\")" \
723            % (self.fullname(), self._dict.get(flavor, ""))
725    def installSinglePackage(self, output=None):
726        """Download, unpack and install a single package.
728        If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
729        will receive a log of what happened."""
731        if not self._dict.get('Download-URL'):
732            return "%s: This package needs to be installed manually (no Download-URL field)" % self.fullname()
733        msg = self.downloadPackageOnly(output)
734        if msg:
735            return "%s: download: %s" % (self.fullname(), msg)
737        msg = self.unpackPackageOnly(output)
738        if msg:
739            return "%s: unpack: %s" % (self.fullname(), msg)
741        return self.installPackageOnly(output)
743    def beforeInstall(self):
744        """Bookkeeping before installation: remember what we have in site-packages"""
745        self._old_contents = os.listdir(self._db.preferences.installDir)
747    def afterInstall(self):
748        """Bookkeeping after installation: interpret any new .pth files that have
749        appeared"""
751        new_contents = os.listdir(self._db.preferences.installDir)
752        for fn in new_contents:
753            if fn in self._old_contents:
754                continue
755            if fn[-4:] != '.pth':
756                continue
757            fullname = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.installDir, fn)
758            f = open(fullname)
759            for line in f.readlines():
760                if not line:
761                    continue
762                if line[0] == '#':
763                    continue
764                if line[:6] == 'import':
765                    exec line
766                    continue
767                if line[-1] == '\n':
768                    line = line[:-1]
769                if not os.path.isabs(line):
770                    line = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.installDir, line)
771                line = os.path.realpath(line)
772                if not line in sys.path:
773                    sys.path.append(line)
775    def filterExpectedSkips(self, names):
776        """Return a list that contains only unpexpected skips"""
777        if not self._db.preferences.isUserInstall():
778            return names
779        expected_skips = self._dict.get('User-install-skips')
780        if not expected_skips:
781            return names
782        newnames = []
783        for name in names:
784            for skip in expected_skips:
785                if name[:len(skip)] == skip:
786                    break
787            else:
788                newnames.append(name)
789        return newnames
791class PimpPackage_binary(PimpPackage):
793    def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
794        """We don't unpack binary packages until installing"""
795        pass
797    def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
798        """Install a single source package.
800        If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
801        will receive a log of what happened."""
803        if 'Install-command' in self._dict:
804            return "%s: Binary package cannot have Install-command" % self.fullname()
806        if 'Pre-install-command' in self._dict:
807            if _cmd(output, '/tmp', self._dict['Pre-install-command']):
808                return "pre-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
809                    (self.fullname(), self._dict['Pre-install-command'])
811        self.beforeInstall()
813        # Install by unpacking
814        filename = os.path.split(self.archiveFilename)[1]
815        for ext, unpackerClass, arg in ARCHIVE_FORMATS:
816            if filename[-len(ext):] == ext:
817                break
818        else:
819            return "%s: unknown extension for archive file: %s" % (self.fullname(), filename)
820        self.basename = filename[:-len(ext)]
822        install_renames = []
823        for k, newloc in self._db.preferences.installLocations:
824            if not newloc:
825                continue
826            if k == "--install-lib":
827                oldloc = DEFAULT_INSTALLDIR
828            else:
829                return "%s: Don't know installLocation %s" % (self.fullname(), k)
830            install_renames.append((oldloc, newloc))
832        unpacker = unpackerClass(arg, dir="/", renames=install_renames)
833        rv = unpacker.unpack(self.archiveFilename, output=output, package=self)
834        if rv:
835            return rv
837        self.afterInstall()
839        if 'Post-install-command' in self._dict:
840            if _cmd(output, '/tmp', self._dict['Post-install-command']):
841                return "%s: post-install: running \"%s\" failed" % \
842                    (self.fullname(), self._dict['Post-install-command'])
844        return None
847class PimpPackage_source(PimpPackage):
849    def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
850        """Unpack a source package and check that setup.py exists"""
851        PimpPackage.unpackPackageOnly(self, output)
852        # Test that a setup script has been create
853        self._buildDirname = os.path.join(self._db.preferences.buildDir, self.basename)
854        setupname = os.path.join(self._buildDirname, "setup.py")
855        if not os.path.exists(setupname) and not NO_EXECUTE:
856            return "no setup.py found after unpack of archive"
858    def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
859        """Install a single source package.
861        If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
862        will receive a log of what happened."""
864        if 'Pre-install-command' in self._dict:
865            if _cmd(output, self._buildDirname, self._dict['Pre-install-command']):
866                return "pre-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
867                    (self.fullname(), self._dict['Pre-install-command'])
869        self.beforeInstall()
870        installcmd = self._dict.get('Install-command')
871        if installcmd and self._install_renames:
872            return "Package has install-command and can only be installed to standard location"
873        # This is the "bit-bucket" for installations: everything we don't
874        # want. After installation we check that it is actually empty
875        unwanted_install_dir = None
876        if not installcmd:
877            extra_args = ""
878            for k, v in self._db.preferences.installLocations:
879                if not v:
880                    # We don't want these files installed. Send them
881                    # to the bit-bucket.
882                    if not unwanted_install_dir:
883                        unwanted_install_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
884                    v = unwanted_install_dir
885                extra_args = extra_args + " %s \"%s\"" % (k, v)
886            installcmd = '"%s" setup.py install %s' % (sys.executable, extra_args)
887        if _cmd(output, self._buildDirname, installcmd):
888            return "install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
889                (self.fullname(), installcmd)
890        if unwanted_install_dir and os.path.exists(unwanted_install_dir):
891            unwanted_files = os.listdir(unwanted_install_dir)
892            if unwanted_files:
893                rv = "Warning: some files were not installed: %s" % " ".join(unwanted_files)
894            else:
895                rv = None
896            shutil.rmtree(unwanted_install_dir)
897            return rv
899        self.afterInstall()
901        if 'Post-install-command' in self._dict:
902            if _cmd(output, self._buildDirname, self._dict['Post-install-command']):
903                return "post-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
904                    (self.fullname(), self._dict['Post-install-command'])
905        return None
907class PimpPackage_installer(PimpPackage):
909    def unpackPackageOnly(self, output=None):
910        """We don't unpack dmg packages until installing"""
911        pass
913    def installPackageOnly(self, output=None):
914        """Install a single source package.
916        If output is given it should be a file-like object and it
917        will receive a log of what happened."""
919        if 'Post-install-command' in self._dict:
920            return "%s: Installer package cannot have Post-install-command" % self.fullname()
922        if 'Pre-install-command' in self._dict:
923            if _cmd(output, '/tmp', self._dict['Pre-install-command']):
924                return "pre-install %s: running \"%s\" failed" % \
925                    (self.fullname(), self._dict['Pre-install-command'])
927        self.beforeInstall()
929        installcmd = self._dict.get('Install-command')
930        if installcmd:
931            if '%' in installcmd:
932                installcmd = installcmd % self.archiveFilename
933        else:
934            installcmd = 'open \"%s\"' % self.archiveFilename
935        if _cmd(output, "/tmp", installcmd):
936            return '%s: install command failed (use verbose for details)' % self.fullname()
937        return '%s: downloaded and opened. Install manually and restart Package Manager' % self.archiveFilename
939class PimpInstaller:
940    """Installer engine: computes dependencies and installs
941    packages in the right order."""
943    def __init__(self, db):
944        self._todo = []
945        self._db = db
946        self._curtodo = []
947        self._curmessages = []
949    def __contains__(self, package):
950        return package in self._todo
952    def _addPackages(self, packages):
953        for package in packages:
954            if not package in self._todo:
955                self._todo.append(package)
957    def _prepareInstall(self, package, force=0, recursive=1):
958        """Internal routine, recursive engine for prepareInstall.
960        Test whether the package is installed and (if not installed
961        or if force==1) prepend it to the temporary todo list and
962        call ourselves recursively on all prerequisites."""
964        if not force:
965            status, message = package.installed()
966            if status == "yes":
967                return
968        if package in self._todo or package in self._curtodo:
969            return
970        self._curtodo.insert(0, package)
971        if not recursive:
972            return
973        prereqs = package.prerequisites()
974        for pkg, descr in prereqs:
975            if pkg:
976                self._prepareInstall(pkg, False, recursive)
977            else:
978                self._curmessages.append("Problem with dependency: %s" % descr)
980    def prepareInstall(self, package, force=0, recursive=1):
981        """Prepare installation of a package.
983        If the package is already installed and force is false nothing
984        is done. If recursive is true prerequisites are installed first.
986        Returns a list of packages (to be passed to install) and a list
987        of messages of any problems encountered.
988        """
990        self._curtodo = []
991        self._curmessages = []
992        self._prepareInstall(package, force, recursive)
993        rv = self._curtodo, self._curmessages
994        self._curtodo = []
995        self._curmessages = []
996        return rv
998    def install(self, packages, output):
999        """Install a list of packages."""
1001        self._addPackages(packages)
1002        status = []
1003        for pkg in self._todo:
1004            msg = pkg.installSinglePackage(output)
1005            if msg:
1006                status.append(msg)
1007        return status
1011def _run(mode, verbose, force, args, prefargs, watcher):
1012    """Engine for the main program"""
1014    prefs = PimpPreferences(**prefargs)
1015    if watcher:
1016        prefs.setWatcher(watcher)
1017    rv = prefs.check()
1018    if rv:
1019        sys.stdout.write(rv)
1020    db = PimpDatabase(prefs)
1021    db.appendURL(prefs.pimpDatabase)
1023    if mode == 'dump':
1024        db.dump(sys.stdout)
1025    elif mode =='list':
1026        if not args:
1027            args = db.listnames()
1028        print "%-20.20s\t%s" % ("Package", "Description")
1029        print
1030        for pkgname in args:
1031            pkg = db.find(pkgname)
1032            if pkg:
1033                description = pkg.shortdescription()
1034                pkgname = pkg.fullname()
1035            else:
1036                description = 'Error: no such package'
1037            print "%-20.20s\t%s" % (pkgname, description)
1038            if verbose:
1039                print "\tHome page:\t", pkg.homepage()
1040                try:
1041                    print "\tDownload URL:\t", pkg.downloadURL()
1042                except KeyError:
1043                    pass
1044                description = pkg.description()
1045                description = '\n\t\t\t\t\t'.join(description.splitlines())
1046                print "\tDescription:\t%s" % description
1047    elif mode =='status':
1048        if not args:
1049            args = db.listnames()
1050            print "%-20.20s\t%s\t%s" % ("Package", "Installed", "Message")
1051            print
1052        for pkgname in args:
1053            pkg = db.find(pkgname)
1054            if pkg:
1055                status, msg = pkg.installed()
1056                pkgname = pkg.fullname()
1057            else:
1058                status = 'error'
1059                msg = 'No such package'
1060            print "%-20.20s\t%-9.9s\t%s" % (pkgname, status, msg)
1061            if verbose and status == "no":
1062                prereq = pkg.prerequisites()
1063                for pkg, msg in prereq:
1064                    if not pkg:
1065                        pkg = ''
1066                    else:
1067                        pkg = pkg.fullname()
1068                    print "%-20.20s\tRequirement: %s %s" % ("", pkg, msg)
1069    elif mode == 'install':
1070        if not args:
1071            print 'Please specify packages to install'
1072            sys.exit(1)
1073        inst = PimpInstaller(db)
1074        for pkgname in args:
1075            pkg = db.find(pkgname)
1076            if not pkg:
1077                print '%s: No such package' % pkgname
1078                continue
1079            list, messages = inst.prepareInstall(pkg, force)
1080            if messages and not force:
1081                print "%s: Not installed:" % pkgname
1082                for m in messages:
1083                    print "\t", m
1084            else:
1085                if verbose:
1086                    output = sys.stdout
1087                else:
1088                    output = None
1089                messages = inst.install(list, output)
1090                if messages:
1091                    print "%s: Not installed:" % pkgname
1092                    for m in messages:
1093                        print "\t", m
1095def main():
1096    """Minimal commandline tool to drive pimp."""
1098    import getopt
1099    def _help():
1100        print "Usage: pimp [options] -s [package ...]  List installed status"
1101        print "       pimp [options] -l [package ...]  Show package information"
1102        print "       pimp [options] -i package ...    Install packages"
1103        print "       pimp -d                          Dump database to stdout"
1104        print "       pimp -V                          Print version number"
1105        print "Options:"
1106        print "       -v     Verbose"
1107        print "       -f     Force installation"
1108        print "       -D dir Set destination directory"
1109        print "              (default: %s)" % DEFAULT_INSTALLDIR
1110        print "       -u url URL for database"
1111        sys.exit(1)
1113    class _Watcher:
1114        def update(self, msg):
1115            sys.stderr.write(msg + '\r')
1116            return 1
1118    try:
1119        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "slifvdD:Vu:")
1120    except getopt.GetoptError:
1121        _help()
1122    if not opts and not args:
1123        _help()
1124    mode = None
1125    force = 0
1126    verbose = 0
1127    prefargs = {}
1128    watcher = None
1129    for o, a in opts:
1130        if o == '-s':
1131            if mode:
1132                _help()
1133            mode = 'status'
1134        if o == '-l':
1135            if mode:
1136                _help()
1137            mode = 'list'
1138        if o == '-d':
1139            if mode:
1140                _help()
1141            mode = 'dump'
1142        if o == '-V':
1143            if mode:
1144                _help()
1145            mode = 'version'
1146        if o == '-i':
1147            mode = 'install'
1148        if o == '-f':
1149            force = 1
1150        if o == '-v':
1151            verbose = 1
1152            watcher = _Watcher()
1153        if o == '-D':
1154            prefargs['installDir'] = a
1155        if o == '-u':
1156            prefargs['pimpDatabase'] = a
1157    if not mode:
1158        _help()
1159    if mode == 'version':
1160        print 'Pimp version %s; module name is %s' % (PIMP_VERSION, __name__)
1161    else:
1162        _run(mode, verbose, force, args, prefargs, watcher)
1164# Finally, try to update ourselves to a newer version.
1165# If the end-user updates pimp through pimp the new version
1166# will be called pimp_update and live in site-packages
1167# or somewhere similar
1168if __name__ != 'pimp_update':
1169    try:
1170        import pimp_update
1171    except ImportError:
1172        pass
1173    else:
1174        if pimp_update.PIMP_VERSION <= PIMP_VERSION:
1175            import warnings
1176            warnings.warn("pimp_update is version %s, not newer than pimp version %s" %
1177                (pimp_update.PIMP_VERSION, PIMP_VERSION))
1178        else:
1179            from pimp_update import *
1181if __name__ == '__main__':
1182    main()