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1language: c
2dist: xenial
4# To cache doc-building dependencies and C compiler output.
6  - pip
7  - ccache
8  - directories:
9    - $HOME/multissl
12  global:
13    - OPENSSL=1.1.1d
14    - OPENSSL_DIR="$HOME/multissl/openssl/${OPENSSL}"
15    - PATH="${OPENSSL_DIR}/bin:$PATH"
16    - CFLAGS="-I${OPENSSL_DIR}/include"
17    - LDFLAGS="-L${OPENSSL_DIR}/lib"
18    # Set rpath with env var instead of -Wl,-rpath linker flag
19    # OpenSSL ignores LDFLAGS when linking bin/openssl
20    - LD_RUN_PATH="${OPENSSL_DIR}/lib"
23  only:
24    - master
25    - /^\d\.\d$/
26    - buildbot-custom
29  fast_finish: true
30  allow_failures:
31    - env: OPTIONAL=true
32  include:
33    - name: "CPython tests"
34      os: linux
35      language: c
36      compiler: clang
37      # gcc also works, but to keep the # of concurrent builds down, we use one C
38      # compiler here and the other to run the coverage build. Clang is preferred
39      # in this instance for its better error messages.
40      env: TESTING=cpython
41      addons:
42        apt:
43          packages:
44            - gdb
45            - xvfb
46    - name: "Documentation build"
47      os: linux
48      language: python
49      # Build the docs against a stable version of Python so code bugs don't hold up doc-related PRs.
50      python: 3.6
51      env: TESTING=docs
52      before_script:
53        - cd Doc
54        # Sphinx is pinned so that new versions that introduce new warnings won't suddenly cause build failures.
55        # (Updating the version is fine as long as no warnings are raised by doing so.)
56        # The theme used by the docs is stored separately, so we need to install that as well.
57        - python -m pip install sphinx==1.8.2 blurb python-docs-theme
58      script:
59        - make check suspicious html SPHINXOPTS="-q -W -j4"
60    - name: "Documentation tests"
61      os: linux
62      language: c
63      compiler: clang
64      env: TESTING=doctest
65      addons:
66        apt:
67          packages:
68            - xvfb
69      before_script:
70        - ./configure
71        - make -j4
72        - make -C Doc/ PYTHON=../python venv
73      script:
74        xvfb-run make -C Doc/ PYTHON=../python SPHINXOPTS="-q -W -j4" doctest
75    - name: "Test code coverage (Python)"
76      os: linux
77      language: c
78      compiler: gcc
79      env: OPTIONAL=true
80      addons:
81        apt:
82          packages:
83            - xvfb
84      before_script:
85        - ./configure
86        - make -j4
87        # Need a venv that can parse covered code.
88        - ./python -m venv venv
89        - ./venv/bin/python -m pip install -U coverage
90        - ./venv/bin/python -m test.pythoninfo
91      script:
92        # Skip tests that re-run the entire test suite.
93        - xvfb-run ./venv/bin/python -m coverage run --branch --pylib -m test --fail-env-changed -uall,-cpu -x test_multiprocessing_fork -x test_multiprocessing_forkserver -x test_multiprocessing_spawn -x test_concurrent_futures || true
94      after_script:  # Probably should be after_success once test suite updated to run under coverage.py.
95        # Make the `coverage` command available to Codecov w/ a version of Python that can parse all source files.
96        - source ./venv/bin/activate
97        - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
98    - name: "Test code coverage (C)"
99      os: linux
100      language: c
101      compiler: gcc
102      env: OPTIONAL=true
103      addons:
104        apt:
105          packages:
106            - lcov
107            - xvfb
108      before_script:
109        - ./configure
110      script:
111        - xvfb-run make -j4 coverage-report
112      after_script:  # Probably should be after_success once test suite updated to run under coverage.py.
113        - make pythoninfo
114        - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
118  - set -e
119  - |
120      # Check short-circuit conditions
121      if [[ "${TESTING}" != "docs" && "${TESTING}" != "doctest" ]]
122      then
123        if [[ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]]
124        then
125          echo "Not a PR, doing full build."
126        else
127          # Pull requests are slightly complicated because $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE
128          # may include more changes than desired if the history is convoluted.
129          # Instead, explicitly fetch the base branch and compare against the
130          # merge-base commit.
131          git fetch -q origin +refs/heads/$TRAVIS_BRANCH
132          changes=$(git diff --name-only HEAD $(git merge-base HEAD FETCH_HEAD))
133          echo "Files changed:"
134          echo "$changes"
135          if ! echo "$changes" | grep -qvE '(\.rst$)|(^Doc)|(^Misc)'
136          then
137            echo "Only docs were updated, stopping build process."
138            exit
139          fi
140        fi
141      fi
144  - |
145      # Install OpenSSL as necessary
146      # Note: doctest needs OpenSSL
147      if [[ "${TESTING}" != "docs" ]]
148      then
149        # clang complains about unused-parameter a lot, redirect stderr
150        python3 Tools/ssl/multissltests.py --steps=library \
151            --base-directory ${HOME}/multissl \
152            --openssl ${OPENSSL} >/dev/null 2>&1
153      fi
154  - openssl version
156# Travis provides only 2 cores, so don't overdo the parallelism and waste memory.
158  # -Og is much faster than -O0
159  - CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Og" ./configure --with-pydebug
160  - make -j4 regen-all
161  - changes=`git status --porcelain`
162  - |
163      # Check for changes in regenerated files
164      if ! test -z "$changes"
165      then
166        echo "Generated files not up to date"
167        echo "$changes"
168        exit 1
169      fi
170  - make -j4
171  - make pythoninfo
174  # Using the built Python as patchcheck.py is built around the idea of using
175  # a checkout-build of CPython to know things like what base branch the changes
176  # should be compared against.
177  # Only run on Linux as the check only needs to be run once.
178  - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then ./python Tools/scripts/patchcheck.py --travis $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST; fi
179  # Check that all symbols exported by libpython start with "Py" or "_Py"
180  - make smelly
181  # `-r -w` implicitly provided through `make buildbottest`.
182  - |
183    if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
184      XVFB_RUN=xvfb-run;
185    fi
186    $XVFB_RUN make buildbottest TESTOPTS="-j4 -uall,-cpu"
188  email: false
189  irc:
190    channels:
191      # This is set to a secure variable to prevent forks from notifying the
192      # IRC channel whenever they fail a build. This can be removed when travis
193      # implements https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/1094.
194      # The actual value here is: irc.freenode.net#python-dev
195      - secure: "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"
196    on_success: change
197    on_failure: always
198    skip_join: true
199  webhooks:
200    urls:
201      # For the same reasons as above for IRC, we encrypt the webhook address
202      # for Zulip.  The actual value is:
203      # https://python.zulipchat.com/api/v1/external/travis?api_key=<api-key-redacted>&stream=core%2Ftest+runs
204      - secure: "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"
205    on_success: change
206    on_failure: always